Vietnam "hero" John Kerry --- "The notion of a reset is more important than ever before..."--In a Fashion Reminiscent of JinJuss Conn (Genghis Khan)

With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

Like it or not the entire World ( leaders) are talking about a "reset". They're coming for everything you twit.
From Davos.....

" As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being. "

Not to derail the thread, but I still get a laugh when he did this in 2004. The guy shit on our troops and supposedly threw his Purple Hearts over the White House fence back in the day, but here he salutes. What a phony.

No, he threw SOMEBODY ELSES metals at the white house.
Build Back Better

White 6
What do you think they mean? Whatever could the UN mean and why is Biden and everyone else endorsing it? Jack off.


HomeAll EventsThe 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development post-Covid 19: Building back better for a greener and more just world.


It's for your safety,
We only want to protect you.
Now bend over.

PS: That makes all the sense in the world; those other people are just stupid, and you should hate them anyway.


After 4 years of open borders under Biden, we'll never see a Populist or a Republican ever again.
This election was for all the marbles and could be game, set, match!

And this is one major reason why the Dimm's went full court press fraud with mail-in ballots and rigged computers this election and are playing a game of 'come and catch me'.
It's jailbreak, baby!
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.



“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said.
“This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”
That one phrase from Trudeau, “an opportunity for a reset” is what really got tongues wagging and keyboards clicking. It’s proof he’s havingCanada join “The Great Reset.”
Of course, it doesn’t help that Trudeau also invoked the name of a major United Nations program aimed at reshaping the economy, through environmental means, to embrace socialism.
“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Trudeau said.

I would want the tin hat concession, but it is too late. The brain damage of many on the right has progressed to where they cannot function and tin hats will not reverse the damage, only therapy and mood stabilizing drugs can help now.

You're an idiot. They are telling you what they are up to but you're too afraid to embrace the truth.

Build. Back Better.

Remember that phrase, it's going to haunt you.
Wow. Gonna be haunted. :eek: Oooow, spooky. Pull your sheets up tight under you chin and try not to pee the bed.

Son I am very comfy with your abject stupidity.
As I am comfortable with your blind ignorance and hysterical conspiracy BS, kid.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

No, the war is between the USA, and chinese stooges. Such as yourself.
Let me know when they get here. You are proof that most of the money put into prisons and law enforcement should have been put into asylums and mental health.

No, I am the canary in the coal mine. My counsel has always been to let the courts deal with it. But when the very courts themselves are corrupt there is no other option. I don't want violence. I abhor violence. My personal philosophy is "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". But when the incompetent force violence upon you, then you END them.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.
Apparently with you. Do we need a "reset" like he says?
Well, that won't get you far.
What? The reset won't get me far? It will get me nowhere but to fucking commie hell on earth.
I just don't believe in this reset BS. So you do, big deal. Ride your horse and spread the alarm, Paul Revere. I think I'll go have a sammich.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.



“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said.
“This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”
That one phrase from Trudeau, “an opportunity for a reset” is what really got tongues wagging and keyboards clicking. It’s proof he’s havingCanada join “The Great Reset.”
Of course, it doesn’t help that Trudeau also invoked the name of a major United Nations program aimed at reshaping the economy, through environmental means, to embrace socialism.
“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Trudeau said.

I would want the tin hat concession, but it is too late. The brain damage of many on the right has progressed to where they cannot function and tin hats will not reverse the damage, only therapy and mood stabilizing drugs can help now.

You're an idiot. They are telling you what they are up to but you're too afraid to embrace the truth.

Build. Back Better.

Remember that phrase, it's going to haunt you.

It's ironic. They deposed a true builder in Trump and replaced him with a globalist con artist.
Trump: "true Builder"? The man is a lying fuck.
Trump is the first president in awhile who tried to build something other than bigger government. I realize he spent like crazy, but he made government less intrusive rather than the other way around. "Building" for a president should be about something other than growing more government.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

Like it or not the entire World ( leaders) are talking about a "reset". They're coming for everything you twit.
From Davos.....

" As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being. "

Not to derail the thread, but I still get a laugh when he did this in 2004. The guy shit on our troops and supposedly threw his Purple Hearts over the White House fence back in the day, but here he salutes. What a phony.

I am glad he went and glad he served, but since then, he has tended to be a doofus.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

Like it or not the entire World ( leaders) are talking about a "reset". They're coming for everything you twit.
From Davos.....

" As we enter a unique window of opportunity to shape the recovery, this initiative will offer insights to help inform all those determining the future state of global relations, the direction of national economies, the priorities of societies, the nature of business models and the management of a global commons. Drawing from the vision and vast expertise of the leaders engaged across the Forum’s communities, the Great Reset initiative has a set of dimensions to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being. "

Not to derail the thread, but I still get a laugh when he did this in 2004. The guy shit on our troops and supposedly threw his Purple Hearts over the White House fence back in the day, but here he salutes. What a phony.

No, he threw SOMEBODY ELSES metals at the white house.

Is that the skinny of that story? Throwing somebody else's, is a pitiful statement if it that is what he did. Not quite as bad as wearing or touting medals not awarded, but going in the same direction, as just another way to use a medal awarded in good faith for a political statement to draw attention. He could have refused the medal and even documented refusing it on his OER, if he had no respect for it.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.



“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said.
“This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”
That one phrase from Trudeau, “an opportunity for a reset” is what really got tongues wagging and keyboards clicking. It’s proof he’s havingCanada join “The Great Reset.”
Of course, it doesn’t help that Trudeau also invoked the name of a major United Nations program aimed at reshaping the economy, through environmental means, to embrace socialism.
“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Trudeau said.

I would want the tin hat concession, but it is too late. The brain damage of many on the right has progressed to where they cannot function and tin hats will not reverse the damage, only therapy and mood stabilizing drugs can help now.
Everyone on the right is crazy, but you guys are fine with a corrupt guy with brain damage who did not campaign getting more votes than Obama? Nothing fishy there, especially considering the beating they took in the House? I think you overestimate the popularity of authoritarian collectivism. No harm in looking for the truth.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

No, the war is between the USA, and chinese stooges. Such as yourself.
Let me know when they get here. You are proof that most of the money put into prisons and law enforcement should have been put into asylums and mental health.

No, I am the canary in the coal mine. My counsel has always been to let the courts deal with it. But when the very courts themselves are corrupt there is no other option. I don't want violence. I abhor violence. My personal philosophy is "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". But when the incompetent force violence upon you, then you END them.
Guess I'll wait until I see the violence and who is attempting to do it.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.



“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said.
“This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”
That one phrase from Trudeau, “an opportunity for a reset” is what really got tongues wagging and keyboards clicking. It’s proof he’s havingCanada join “The Great Reset.”
Of course, it doesn’t help that Trudeau also invoked the name of a major United Nations program aimed at reshaping the economy, through environmental means, to embrace socialism.
“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Trudeau said.

I would want the tin hat concession, but it is too late. The brain damage of many on the right has progressed to where they cannot function and tin hats will not reverse the damage, only therapy and mood stabilizing drugs can help now.

You're an idiot. They are telling you what they are up to but you're too afraid to embrace the truth.

Build. Back Better.

Remember that phrase, it's going to haunt you.

It's ironic. They deposed a true builder in Trump and replaced him with a globalist con artist.
Trump: "true Builder"? The man is a lying fuck.
Trump is the first president in awhile who tried to build something other than bigger government. I realize he spent like crazy, but he made government less intrusive rather than the other way around. "Building" for a president should be about something other than growing more government.
Only building I saw was him building power with the intention to keep it, with or without the support of the electorate, like wanting to be Americas first autocratic ruler by power. Though I did see him build 400 miles of wall, with money misappropriated from the military.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.



“This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a reset,” Trudeau said.
“This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts to reimagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.”
That one phrase from Trudeau, “an opportunity for a reset” is what really got tongues wagging and keyboards clicking. It’s proof he’s havingCanada join “The Great Reset.”
Of course, it doesn’t help that Trudeau also invoked the name of a major United Nations program aimed at reshaping the economy, through environmental means, to embrace socialism.
“Building back better means getting support to the most vulnerable while maintaining our momentum on reaching the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” Trudeau said.

I would want the tin hat concession, but it is too late. The brain damage of many on the right has progressed to where they cannot function and tin hats will not reverse the damage, only therapy and mood stabilizing drugs can help now.

You're an idiot. They are telling you what they are up to but you're too afraid to embrace the truth.

Build. Back Better.

Remember that phrase, it's going to haunt you.

It's ironic. They deposed a true builder in Trump and replaced him with a globalist con artist.
Trump: "true Builder"? The man is a lying fuck.
Trump is the first president in awhile who tried to build something other than bigger government. I realize he spent like crazy, but he made government less intrusive rather than the other way around. "Building" for a president should be about something other than growing more government.
Only building I saw was him building power with the intention to keep it, with or without the support of the electorate, like wanting to be Americas first autocratic ruler by power. Though I did see him build 400 miles of wall, with money misappropriated from the military.
I know right, border security, horrible. Geez.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.
Apparently with you. Do we need a "reset" like he says?
Well, that won't get you far.
What? The reset won't get me far? It will get me nowhere but to fucking commie hell on earth.
I just don't believe in this reset BS. So you do, big deal. Ride your horse and spread the alarm, Paul Revere. I think I'll go have a sammich.
Fine. Go have your sammich. Git me a sammich while you're at it. Just don't got pushing this reset shit, lest you make yourself a clear enemy. Deal?
A pogrom, holocaust, witch hunt, ethnic cleansing, etc.. are all the same as the "great reset" the left denies they are working towards. All just tools in the bag of totalitarian regimes looking to destroy any capacity for dissent & as a rallying point for their most fervent devotees.
We stop them now or it gets exponentially harder down the road
The Globalists have had a long time to perfect their goals. In our nation they came up with social justice as the dagger to the heart of the country. Social Justice used in a way to do us in. And we see it. Very few create the massive innovations needed to keep us competitive with tens of millions of jobs as industrials and tech giants. We have permanently now use draconian quota standards that hires bums with the good men and women thus reducing the great people needed to create and fix problems with our best tech and other things. The Boeing 737, the NASA SLS the NASA Star liner and more tech programs are there to see for us all with massive issues. And tha tis just Boeing.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

No, the war is between the USA, and chinese stooges. Such as yourself.
Let me know when they get here. You are proof that most of the money put into prisons and law enforcement should have been put into asylums and mental health.

No, I am the canary in the coal mine. My counsel has always been to let the courts deal with it. But when the very courts themselves are corrupt there is no other option. I don't want violence. I abhor violence. My personal philosophy is "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". But when the incompetent force violence upon you, then you END them.
Guess I'll wait until I see the violence and who is attempting to do it.

You blind brah?

With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.
Apparently with you. Do we need a "reset" like he says?
Well, that won't get you far.
What? The reset won't get me far? It will get me nowhere but to fucking commie hell on earth.
I just don't believe in this reset BS. So you do, big deal. Ride your horse and spread the alarm, Paul Revere. I think I'll go have a sammich.
Fine. Go have your sammich. Git me a sammich while you're at it. Just don't got pushing this reset shit, lest you make yourself a clear enemy. Deal?
Never believed in it and don't have the button in my pocket. Don't think anybody does.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.

No, the war is between the USA, and chinese stooges. Such as yourself.
Let me know when they get here. You are proof that most of the money put into prisons and law enforcement should have been put into asylums and mental health.

No, I am the canary in the coal mine. My counsel has always been to let the courts deal with it. But when the very courts themselves are corrupt there is no other option. I don't want violence. I abhor violence. My personal philosophy is "violence is the last refuge of the incompetent". But when the incompetent force violence upon you, then you END them.
Guess I'll wait until I see the violence and who is attempting to do it.

You blind brah?

Portland is a long way from Tennessee. If that is the kind of activity they favor in a section of that city, it is up to the mayor and the Governor and the people of that state. I have never been there and doubt if I would like it there. Do you live there? Do you live in one of the cities or even in one of the few states that had BLM violence? I doubt. This is the internet. Lots of keyboard warriors wanting to be a rabble-rouser. Means little in the big scheme of things. Should have seen the 60s. This is small time trouble. Calm yourself. The sky isn't falling.
With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.
Apparently with you. Do we need a "reset" like he says?
Well, that won't get you far.
What? The reset won't get me far? It will get me nowhere but to fucking commie hell on earth.
I just don't believe in this reset BS. So you do, big deal. Ride your horse and spread the alarm, Paul Revere. I think I'll go have a sammich.

LOL, no matter HOW much hard evidence you see all you've got is "Nuh-Uh".

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