Vietnam "hero" John Kerry --- "The notion of a reset is more important than ever before..."--In a Fashion Reminiscent of JinJuss Conn (Genghis Khan)

With who? Didn't you ever grow up? There is no war. Maybe, you'll win the next election, but not with an asshole, out for himself.
Apparently with you. Do we need a "reset" like he says?
Well, that won't get you far.
What? The reset won't get me far? It will get me nowhere but to fucking commie hell on earth.
I just don't believe in this reset BS. So you do, big deal. Ride your horse and spread the alarm, Paul Revere. I think I'll go have a sammich.

LOL, no matter HOW much hard evidence you see all you've got is "Nuh-Uh".
No hard evidence other than quotes of people that do not control this country and never have. The people that post and re-post this crap are just nut balls repeating hysterical fears, absorbed and overblown by paranoid minds that post on the internet. Hard to believe, you guys have room on you plate for entertaining this crap for more than 2 minutes. You need a new hobby, maybe something that gets you out of the house to move you around and see that in your vicinity life is as it was yesterday and the foreign boogeyman is not actually rocking your world.

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