Vietnam Veteran Ex-Senator Tells Donald Trump How To Silence Bone Spur Doubters

Trump supporters don't care that he's a cowardly and spineless draft dodger.

I guess they are no different than Bill Clinton voters, right? You voted for Clinton, didn't you?
How is that relevant to the question of Trump dissing a war hero's service?

And I voted for Poppy, but WJC in 96 because Dole was useless ... and the end of the Reagan era was when they picked W over Forbes over ..... abortion.
What is wrong, you pile of dog excrement?
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
It seems you think the only people that serve their country are the ones you want.
Take a step back and stop choking on the mushroom head of tRumps phallus.
Ass hole

Bone spur? Hypocrite lefties used to spit on Vietnam Vets, now they quote them.
What is wrong, you pile of dog excrement?
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
It seems you think the only people that serve their country are the ones you want.
Take a step back and stop choking on the mushroom head of tRumps phallus.
Ass hole

Bone spur? Hypocrite lefties used to spit on Vietnam Vets, now they quote them.
Bob Kerrey is now a leftist?
Trump supporters don't care that he's a cowardly and spineless draft dodger.

I guess they are no different than Bill Clinton voters, right? You voted for Clinton, didn't you?
How is that relevant to the question of Trump dissing a war hero's service?

If you didn't have a problem with Clinton dodging the draft don't criticize Trump for it. I thought that point was more than obvious.
What does this have to do with dissing McCain?
Trump supporters don't care that he's a cowardly and spineless draft dodger.

I guess they are no different than Bill Clinton voters, right? You voted for Clinton, didn't you?
How is that relevant to the question of Trump dissing a war hero's service?

If you didn't have a problem with Clinton dodging the draft don't criticize Trump for it. I thought that point was more than obvious.
What does this have to do with dissing McCain?

When did I say it did? I responded to a very specific comment and it wasn't to you, was it?
Bro, your asshat comment was this:
Lakhota said:
Trump supporters don't care that he's a cowardly and spineless draft dodger.
Click to expand...
I guess they are no different than Bill Clinton voters, right? You voted for Clinton, didn't you?

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Even assuming WJC and Trump supporters don't care about draft dodging, how is that relevant to Bob Kerrey telling people to stop pissing on the grave of a vet, and war hero?
Trump supporters don't care that he's a cowardly and spineless draft dodger.

I guess they are no different than Bill Clinton voters, right? You voted for Clinton, didn't you?

I know you're addressing someone else but no I voted for Bush and Dole. I did have an issue with clinton and his deferrments.

I actually voted for Bill and I don't have a problem with it.

I hated him at the time and had voted for Bush before and I was a republican at that time. Why I voted for Dole I can't remember if at that time I just voted straight party or not.
What is wrong, you pile of dog excrement?
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
It seems you think the only people that serve their country are the ones you want.
Take a step back and stop choking on the mushroom head of tRumps phallus.
Ass hole

Bone spur? Hypocrite lefties used to spit on Vietnam Vets, now they quote them.
Bob Kerrey is now a leftist?

Wasn't he always a leftist?
What is wrong, you pile of dog excrement?
You have no idea what the hell you are talking about.
It seems you think the only people that serve their country are the ones you want.
Take a step back and stop choking on the mushroom head of tRumps phallus.
Ass hole

Bone spur? Hypocrite lefties used to spit on Vietnam Vets, now they quote them.
Bob Kerrey is now a leftist?

Wasn't he always a leftist?
I never thought so. But the point of Kerry's comments shouldn't have been commented upon as being political ... one way or the other.
And his daddy bought his dumb ass into Penn. I love how Cohen admitted to sending threats to all of trumps schools so they wouldn’t reveal his grades or sat scores .
Funny. I would like to see them too.

I wanted to see some of Barrack Hussain Obama's grades, nationality listed on his college application, and that Communist thesis he wrote.
Even if this has a previous thread. To bad, its so worth looking at and looking into more.
tRump asked over and over to see records of President Obama concerning his birth certificate and then his college grades.
Let see if tRump has the balls to show his medical records concerning his "bone spurs." Then he can produce his grades from his "college" years.

Former Sen. Bob Kerrey (D-Neb.) demanded that President Donald Trump present the nation with X-rays of his feet to prove once and for all the bone spurs in his heels he claimed for a medical exemption from the Vietnam War draft.

Kerrey, a former Navy SEAL who lost part of his right leg during the war, said on Wednesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360°” that “you don’t grow out of bone spurs.” If Trump had them in the 1960s, Kerrey said, he’d still have them now (unless he underwent surgery, which Trump has never mentioned).
Vietnam Veteran Ex-Senator Tells Donald Trump How To Silence Bone Spur Doubters | HuffPost
Perhaps that will be his next lie. Surgery.

From the link YOU provided --

Some hero you got there, scumbag

For former Senator Bob Kerrey, that nightmare never goes away. He knows that one night 32 years ago in Vietnam, he and his squad of NavySEALs killed nearly a score of unarmed civilians, mainly women and children....... led by the young Kerrey
The fact is, bone spurs mean dick for a deferment. He was in ROTC for 4 years, he had any number of legal ways out. But...

Trump himself has never served in the military. Selective Service records obtained from the National Archives by The Smoking Gun in 2011 reveal the following history of his draft eligibility:

Donald Trump became eligible for the draft on his 18th birthday (14 June 1964) and registered with the Selective Service System 10 days later. He received the first of four 2-S (college) deferments on 28 July 1964.

Trump received his second college deferment on 14 December 1965.

Trump’s previous deferment expired and he was reclassified 1-A (available for military service) on 22 November 1966. His 2-S deferment was renewed on 13 December.

No record.

Trump received his fourth and final college deferment on 16 January 1968. After graduating from Wharton, he was reclassified 1-A on 9 July 1968. Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination (with a result listed only as “DISQ”) on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency) on 15 October 1968.

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the 1-Y classification stemmed from Trump’s having bone spurs in both heels:

So fucktards, the army doctors classified him 1-Y. End of your lying shitmouth babbling./
The fact is, bone spurs mean dick for a deferment. He was in ROTC for 4 years, he had any number of legal ways out. But...

Trump himself has never served in the military. Selective Service records obtained from the National Archives by The Smoking Gun in 2011 reveal the following history of his draft eligibility:

Donald Trump became eligible for the draft on his 18th birthday (14 June 1964) and registered with the Selective Service System 10 days later. He received the first of four 2-S (college) deferments on 28 July 1964.

Trump received his second college deferment on 14 December 1965.

Trump’s previous deferment expired and he was reclassified 1-A (available for military service) on 22 November 1966. His 2-S deferment was renewed on 13 December.

No record.

Trump received his fourth and final college deferment on 16 January 1968. After graduating from Wharton, he was reclassified 1-A on 9 July 1968. Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination (with a result listed only as “DISQ”) on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency) on 15 October 1968.

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the 1-Y classification stemmed from Trump’s having bone spurs in both heels:

So fucktards, the army doctors classified him 1-Y. End of your lying shitmouth babbling./
"According to a statement from the Trump campaign". BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

Fuck you ;numb nutz.
The lazy stupid lying pile of dogshit dodged the draft.
You and your so-called patriotic fucking stupid shit.
You rank right with him. a lying fuck dard.

The fact is, bone spurs mean dick for a deferment. He was in ROTC for 4 years, he had any number of legal ways out. But...

Trump himself has never served in the military. Selective Service records obtained from the National Archives by The Smoking Gun in 2011 reveal the following history of his draft eligibility:

Donald Trump became eligible for the draft on his 18th birthday (14 June 1964) and registered with the Selective Service System 10 days later. He received the first of four 2-S (college) deferments on 28 July 1964.

Trump received his second college deferment on 14 December 1965.

Trump’s previous deferment expired and he was reclassified 1-A (available for military service) on 22 November 1966. His 2-S deferment was renewed on 13 December.

No record.

Trump received his fourth and final college deferment on 16 January 1968. After graduating from Wharton, he was reclassified 1-A on 9 July 1968. Trump underwent an Armed Forces physical examination (with a result listed only as “DISQ”) on 19 September 1968 and was reclassified 1-Y (qualified for service only in time of war or national emergency) on 15 October 1968.

According to a statement from the Trump campaign, the 1-Y classification stemmed from Trump’s having bone spurs in both heels:

So fucktards, the army doctors classified him 1-Y. End of your lying shitmouth babbling./

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