Vietnam War and question for the boomer generation

After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
fuck off commie lover.
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
You and i finally agree that if John Kennedy didnt put boots on the ground to support France's imperialism of Viet Nam, Ho Chi Min would of worked with the US and not the Communists.

After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
fuck off commie lover.
Better to kill millions to keep them from being commie?

Turned out they were better off without us or the French
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
fuck off commie lover.
Better to kill millions to keep them from being commie?

Turned out they were better off without us or the French
Thank John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson for all those deaths....
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
fuck off commie lover.
Better to kill millions to keep them from being commie?

Turned out they were better off without us or the French
Thank John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson for all those deaths....
I blame Truman

He should have backed Vietnam independence after WWII. Instead, he helped the French reestablish their colonial empire.
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
fuck off commie lover.
Better to kill millions to keep them from being commie?

Turned out they were better off without us or the French
Thank John Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson for all those deaths....
I blame Truman

He should have backed Vietnam independence after WWII. Instead, he helped the French reestablish their colonial empire.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
the south had only a little of North Vietnam occupying territory, the Viet Cong were destroyed and the military was confident in it's abilities.
You can’t destroy guerilla forces. They just disappear into the brush looking for an opportunity. The Viet Cong were not going away....especially with the US forces out of the way.

Same goes for the Taliban
look you moron the Viet Cong destroyed themselves in the TET offensive. If you want to be taken seriously learn a few real facts.

Took a licking but never disappeared
If they were so destroyed and there was no threat from the North......Why did S Vietnam fall like a cheap folding table?

They were provided the best equipment, supplies and training
But they were an inept force
Again you fucking Moron SV fell to an external Invasion not to any insurgency. And even with out supplies spare parts or air support the South fought for a month against that Invasion, we are done until or unless you learn some real facts not your make believe bullshit.
One month after we propped them up for ten years
The South was not going to survive unless we continued to feed rage beast and do their fighting
You finally got something right. The South never had the will to fight and after a decade of US murdering and destroying the South, they were done.

We never should have been there. Ike fucked up by supporting the imperialist French and not Ho Chi Minh. However, US foreign policy has always supported western imperialism and does so today.

The domino theory was bogus bull shit made up by the warmongers in the Pentagon. They too continue their warmongering today with their constant propaganda for more war.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks. No Vietnamese Should Have Been Allowed to Come to America.

The Vietnamese are not Asian. They are an inferior subspecies, the Asian version of Neanderthals. Far back in history, they were driven into the jungle by evolved Asians because of their criminality.
Empty Set

( )
Jane Fonda gave material and propaganda aid to the enemy during time of war and was a blatant traitor and should have been executed for her crimes against our Nation.

The blatant traitors were those who lied to the public about the purpose of the war and our prospects of winning. The give us 100,000 more boys and we will wrap it up by Christmas.
They killed millions, Fonda killed nobody and saved lives by turning the public against the war.
Her outright lies and propaganda unjustly turned many alleged Americans against American soldiers and one Vietnam veteran still commits suicide every 22 minutes. Thanks Jane you scum sucking bitch!

You can‘t be serious
Vietnam Veterans kill themselves because of Jane Fonda?

They kill themselves because American leaders sold them out and put them in a conflict they could not win. They killed a lot of people but could not win.
Of course American leaders sold them out right along with the South Vietnamese. The only reason the war was so protracted and is sometimes seen as a loss is because American leaders refused to let us win it.

No you were not going to “win it”
You would have been tied up in Vietnam for decades suffering extended guerilla warfare
Actually we had won it till democrats sold out the South Vietnam Government in 74 and 75.
I know...the old, Give us a hundred thousand more boys and we will wrap this up by Christmas

Victory is just around the corner
Wrong the South Vietnamesee proved in 72 they could win against the North with out US combat troops. in 75 the democrats had cut their supplies off and reneged on the deal for artillery and air support, the North was just probing the line in force and when they realized the state of the souths units and no US air support they sent 25 divisions against the 12 of South Vietnam.

The North had kept the fight up for 25 years. They were not about to quit.
They did not quit while the mighty US forces were there, why would they quit after they left?
Look moron the south successfully stopped the North Vietnamese in a major campaign in72 and would have done the same in 75

You said it yourself
The North had 25 Divisions, the South had 12.
The South was in a Defensive perimeter around Saigon, the North had the rest.
Their days were numbered.

The US didnt care as long as we got our asses out of there
The public didn’t care either
wrong with our airpower and artillery we coud stop the north with the south providing the armor ad Infantry.

We had our AirPower, artillery AND hundreds of thousands of troops on the ground for seven years and it didn’t stop them.

We have 60,000 dead to prove it
Actually it did stop them and it helped wipe out the viet cong, Or perhaps you can list for us the times the NV took territory while the US was there?
That is what was wrong about the US strategy in Vietnam
It was never about territory and body counts. It was about the hearts and minds of the people.
Western occupiers were never welcome. As long as the French or US was there, you were going to face resistance.
After 72 South Vietnam was stable.
How could they be “stable” with so many N Vietnamese troops occupying Southern territory?

They were stable to allow US troops to withdraw
the south had only a little of North Vietnam occupying territory, the Viet Cong were destroyed and the military was confident in it's abilities.
You can’t destroy guerilla forces. They just disappear into the brush looking for an opportunity. The Viet Cong were not going away....especially with the US forces out of the way.

Same goes for the Taliban
look you moron the Viet Cong destroyed themselves in the TET offensive. If you want to be taken seriously learn a few real facts.

Took a licking but never disappeared
If they were so destroyed and there was no threat from the North......Why did S Vietnam fall like a cheap folding table?

They were provided the best equipment, supplies and training
But they were an inept force
Again you fucking Moron SV fell to an external Invasion not to any insurgency. And even with out supplies spare parts or air support the South fought for a month against that Invasion, we are done until or unless you learn some real facts not your make believe bullshit.
One month after we propped them up for ten years
The South was not going to survive unless we continued to feed rage beast and do their fighting
You finally got something right. The South never had the will to fight and after a decade of US murdering and destroying the South, they were done.

We never should have been there. Ike fucked up by supporting the imperialist French and not Ho Chi Minh. However, US foreign policy has always supported western imperialism and does so today.

The domino theory was bogus bull shit made up by the warmongers in the Pentagon. They too continue their warmongering today with their constant propaganda for more war.
The Boat People Were Chickenhawks. No Vietnamese Should Have Been Allowed to Come to America.

The Vietnamese are not Asian. They are an inferior subspecies, the Asian version of Neanderthals. Far back in history, they were driven into the jungle by evolved Asians because of their criminality.

Please go somewhere else
Whiteys Hating Whitey

I hope America never goes where you are, slumming with savages.

At the multicultie campfire, the marshmallows are white.
There was not one good reason for the US to be involved in Vietnam, It was a unforgivable that the politicians kept us there for so long. Every politician that kept supporting the war should be taken out and shot
I can agree with this, Ho Chi Mein only went communist to fund his war. But once we were in it we were in it to win it.

During WWII, France abandoned Vietnam and left them to the Japanese. Vietnam was left to fight the Japanese invaders by themselves.

After the war, Ho Chi Minh went to the western powers begging for independence claiming they had earned it. The western powers basically laughed and said......You Gooks are incapable of running your own country.

The US along with the rest of the western powers returned Vietnam to the Colonial French.

That decision led to 25 years of war and millions of deaths
That decision by the US government to support imperialism in Vietnam is but one example, albeit the most murderous, of American foreign policy since shortly after the founding.

The US today is the foremost imperialist power on the planet. It is a warrior nation for the benefit of the ultra rich.
It was a unforgivable that the politicians kept us there for so long. Every politician that kept supporting the war should be taken out and shot

Yet when it comes to placing the blame, conservatives blame Jane Fonda
The leadership of South Vietnam were Catholics that had been installed by the French who were predominately Catholics themselves.
President Kennedy our first Catholic president was a close friend of Archbishop Hannon who visited the White House many times.
Some people think, including me, that Pres. Kennedy was directed by the Vatican/Pope during his numerous meetings with the Archbishop, to help their fellow Catholics in South Vietnam.
Its never been proven that's why the U.S. got involved in Vietnam.
But it sounds reasonable to me. ... :cool:
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The leadership of South Vietnam were Catholics that had been installed by the French who were predominately Catholics themselves.
President Kennedy our first Catholic president was a close friend of Archbishop Hannon who visited the White House many times.
Some people think, including me, that Pres. Kennedy was directed by the Vatican/Pope during his numerous meetings with the Archbishop, to help their fellow Catholics in South Vietnam.
Its never been proven that's why the U.S. got involved in Vietnam.
But it sounds reasonable to me. ... :cool:
Interesting never heard that before.
It was a unforgivable that the politicians kept us there for so long. Every politician that kept supporting the war should be taken out and shot

Yet when it comes to placing the blame, conservatives blame Jane Fonda
She told the truth about the war. but her PR man let her do it from the seat of a North Vietnamese Anti-aircraft gun, That destroyed her message.
Fifty thousand young guys (many enslaved via the draft) died needlessly in that fucking useless fiasco. It made me ashamed to be an American.

I escaped it by joining the Navy.

And Jane Fonda remains a hero of mine for doing what she did.

50 years later, History shows Jane Fonda was correct.

US Vietnam policy was a disaster

So are you in favor of razing the Vietnam War Memorial in Washington DC down?

If America was wrong, why should the men who served be honored?

That's the same argument you libs have with the Civil War monuments- that because the rebels' policy was wrong, they need cancelled.
After WWII, there were calls from around the world that imperialism should be put to rest and countries should all have their own representation. Viet Nam, with Ho Chi Min had begged the UN and United States to have his country be free of the French imperialism rule. But the French who were devastated by the war, didnt want to relinquish their rule of the gooks of Viet Nam, and the UN and Truman agreed with France. So Ho Chi, went to war with the French, and we all know how that ended....

Thank the French and Democrats for always getting US fucked....
We had a choice between a free Vietnam or a return to French Colonialism
We chose the French

Cost millions of lives
Free? You must be friggin kidding! Under oppressive Communist colonialism rather than as a republic? Those that weren't slaughtered out of hand or sent to "re-education" camps? You must be a mental health poster boy.
Lets see
The choice that killing millions of Vietnamese to keep them from becoming Communist?

How can that make sense?
How does allowing the Communists to massacre them make them more "free"?
Guess what?
50 years of hindsight showed the Communists did not massacre them. Vietnam stabilized after 35 years of nonstop war and now has a robust economy. They are better off now than they were under the French or Diem and his corrupt regime
They do now have a booming economy, but they only did it by abandoning their so called socialist principles. After murdering millions of people, they threw it all away and adopted a free market economy demonstrating they are the materialistic imperialist pigs. If they had any sense of honor they would go back to their centralized command economy and go hungry.
They didn’t murder millions of people, the Colonial French and Americans did.......all to save them from Communism

They turned out just fine
That's a lie. They did indeed murder millions. Men. Women. Children. Infants. And quite often treated them to torture and rape before allowing them to die. The VC were terrorists on a scale to make the most blood-thirsty Arab drool. But they are your besties. Sez a lot about you.
Show your math
fuck off you drooling retard, the Viet Cong murdered anyone that did not do as they told them to do. usually torturing them and raping and killing their wife and children. And after TET the Viet Cong were actually North Vietnamese regulars. After they invaded and conquered South Vietnam they rounded up all officers all police all Government and school employees and either murdered them out right or put them in concentration camps to "reeducate" them. It was so bad that hundreds of thousands tried to flee going into Cambodia trying to get to Thailand or putting to sea in rickety small craft.

Read it and weep

Despite speculation that the victorious North Vietnamese would, in President Nixon's words, "massacre the civilians there [South Vietnam] by the millions," there is a widespread consensus that no mass executions took place.

However, in our attempt to keep Vietnam from turning Communist, millions of civilians were killed
Ya they just killed thousands imprisoned thousands more and caused hundreds of thousands to flee in terror risking life and limb.
Doesn’t justify the Millions that were killed unnecessarily in a senseless war that was none of our business
fuck off commie lover.

How old are you?

Socialist Republic of Vietnam

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