"Violence is the language of the unheard"

No matter Seattle or D.C. what has been happening is wrong and it is time for us adults say no more!

I will always support our right to protest, but it stops short of violence.
youre past comments on this forum says different,,,

youve done nothing but defend the riots over the last yr,,,

now go ahead and delete my comments,,,,

a link is a string of numbers and letters that takes you to an internet page,,,

Don't be obtuse. You know exactly what she means.
I wasnt being obtuse,, I was being an asshole because she knows exactly what I'm talking about,,,

Easy to prove. Provide one like where I supported violence or rioting.
No matter Seattle or D.C. what has been happening is wrong and it is time for us adults say no more!

I will always support our right to protest, but it stops short of violence.

Protest in a peaceful way is fine but many times lately the fringes have taken their right to protest to far and today and the assault on Capitol Hill make me say this enough is enough!
would have been easier to allow the proper audits when time wasnt an issue,,,

Enough with the Newsmax nonsense!

Republicans in those Key States have made it clear Trump lost Arizona and Georgia, so you do not need any more audit!

You will not accept any result unless it help Trump win!
if it was so cut and clear then why the refusals for a proper audit???

that would be easier than what happened today and what will come,,,

What will come?

Trump is now hated by the GOP and his base will be purged!

You don’t want anything but Trump being announced the winner and now the Senate will make Biden President and the failed insurrection did nothing but make sure Trumpism died today!

They represent a significant number of people who's voices can't just be buried. Somehow both parties have to come to terms with that and find a way to work with it, to address their concerns or this will happen again. And maybe the next populist will be more competent.
the two parties need to understand they are the problem,,,
I actually agree.

Found a link yet?
It might be. But uncalled for violence is still wrong.

I have every right to justify the violence I saw with those words spoken by Martin Luther King, but at least I know the context behind them, I read the lecture in which that quote was made. He was urging nonviolence, but also acknowledging the pain of those committing violence. He knew the difference and pointed it out. He never intended for his words to be used as an excuse to commit atrocious behavior.

I won't be using one of the most influential figures in American history to justify this behavior. And some of you shouldn't either. I don't care what it is you feel. If your feelings lead you to commit violence and destruction, you are a victim of passion and ignorance. You have succumbed to the basest tendencies of humankind.

God gave you a brain. Use it. We claim to be the most intelligent species walking the face of this earth, but we seem to be prone to base instincts and colossal acts of stupidity. Like riots and storming our nation's seat of power.

However, for those of you on your high horse today condemning the violence in the capitol, please do me a favor and swiftly dismount. For six months we watched as rioters burned down businesses and engaged in high acts of violence against men and peacekeepers alike, but you remained silent. You said nothing. You tried to justify the behavior by understanding their feelings and motivations.

You sat idly by. In my book, silence is complicity. I will tell you straight up that what these people did in DC today was unacceptable. I laud the peaceful protests and condemn the violence. But for those of you who did not condemn the riots engaged in by Antifa and BLM, you have no right to condemn anyone for the same behavior you sat by and watched. Until you do, you are a hypocrite. You are employing a double standard.

At least I am smart enough to condemn violence of any kind, committed by anyone, not just by people I disagree with.

In short, get off my lawn. Cut your own damn grass first.

You can get right down off your high horse too, Mr. Righteous Indignation. There is absolutely no comparison between what happened today and what happened this past summer.

The violence today came as a result of the President of the United States and members of his Administration lying to the American people about Trump's loss of the Presidential election. Because they false portray the election of Joe Biden being the result of election fraud, and dishonesty by the Democratic Party. This is an absolutely and total lie. These people are being wilfuly lied to, mislead and deceived by the President and Republicans members of the House and Senate.

What happened last summer came as the result of years of violent murders of unarmed people - many of them in broad daylight, on the streets of your nation, and the failure of governments at all levels to deal with these murders. The violence that happened last summer came after professional athletes were castigated for "taking a knee", and other peaceful forms of protest.

To compare a bunch of misguided thugs who attacked the capital in defense of Trump's election, to people who have watched police kill shoot and kill 1000 people per year for the past five years, and not one of those police officers went to jail for these crimes, shows how desperate you are to justify what Trump and his thugs did today.

Yeah, you condemned today's violence, but you did not once condemn Donald Trump for causing it, or for the lies that are the foundation of this violence. Nor have you condemned the police violence that lead to the voilence this summer.
No matter Seattle or D.C. what has been happening is wrong and it is time for us adults say no more!

I will always support our right to protest, but it stops short of violence.

Protest in a peaceful way is fine but many times lately the fringes have taken their right to protest to far and today and the assault on Capitol Hill make me say this enough is enough!
would have been easier to allow the proper audits when time wasnt an issue,,,

Enough with the Newsmax nonsense!

Republicans in those Key States have made it clear Trump lost Arizona and Georgia, so you do not need any more audit!

You will not accept any result unless it help Trump win!
if it was so cut and clear then why the refusals for a proper audit???

that would be easier than what happened today and what will come,,,

What will come?

Trump is now hated by the GOP and his base will be purged!

You don’t want anything but Trump being announced the winner and now the Senate will make Biden President and the failed insurrection did nothing but make sure Trumpism died today!

They represent a significant number of people who's voices can't just be buried. Somehow both parties have to come to terms with that and find a way to work with it, to address their concerns or this will happen again. And maybe the next populist will be more competent.
the two parties need to understand they are the problem,,,
I actually agree.

Found a link yet?
you know what I'm talking about,, dont play koi with me,,,
You sat idly by. In my book, silence is complicity. I will tell you straight up that what these people did in DC today was unacceptable. I laud the peaceful protests and condemn the violence. But for those of you who did not condemn the riots engaged in by Antifa and BLM, you have no right to condemn anyone for the same behavior you sat by and watched. Until you do, you are a hypocrite. You are employing a double standard.

BLM and Antifa were protesting the unlawful murder of black citizens for years peacefully... and got no answer.

This terrorist attack on our Capitol is an attack on the constitution.

Sorry you can't see the difference.
No matter Seattle or D.C. what has been happening is wrong and it is time for us adults say no more!

I will always support our right to protest, but it stops short of violence.

Protest in a peaceful way is fine but many times lately the fringes have taken their right to protest to far and today and the assault on Capitol Hill make me say this enough is enough!
would have been easier to allow the proper audits when time wasnt an issue,,,

Enough with the Newsmax nonsense!

Republicans in those Key States have made it clear Trump lost Arizona and Georgia, so you do not need any more audit!

You will not accept any result unless it help Trump win!
if it was so cut and clear then why the refusals for a proper audit???

that would be easier than what happened today and what will come,,,

What will come?

Trump is now hated by the GOP and his base will be purged!

You don’t want anything but Trump being announced the winner and now the Senate will make Biden President and the failed insurrection did nothing but make sure Trumpism died today!

They represent a significant number of people who's voices can't just be buried. Somehow both parties have to come to terms with that and find a way to work with it, to address their concerns or this will happen again. And maybe the next populist will be more competent.

I apologize Coyote but after today I can no longer show sympathy for their concerns and maybe you will listen but I can no longer listen to their pleas ... I truly do apologize...
You can get right down off your high horse too, Mr. Righteous Indignation. There is absolutely no comparison between what happened today and what happened this past summer.

No, not in your narrow mind. Violence is violence. Whether on a capital city or a nation's capital. Politicians on both sides are playing a high stakes game, and appear to be losing control.

How about we make a little deal? I'll own my end, you own yours.
No matter Seattle or D.C. what has been happening is wrong and it is time for us adults say no more!

I will always support our right to protest, but it stops short of violence.

Protest in a peaceful way is fine but many times lately the fringes have taken their right to protest to far and today and the assault on Capitol Hill make me say this enough is enough!
would have been easier to allow the proper audits when time wasnt an issue,,,

Enough with the Newsmax nonsense!

Republicans in those Key States have made it clear Trump lost Arizona and Georgia, so you do not need any more audit!

You will not accept any result unless it help Trump win!
if it was so cut and clear then why the refusals for a proper audit???

that would be easier than what happened today and what will come,,,

What will come?

Trump is now hated by the GOP and his base will be purged!

You don’t want anything but Trump being announced the winner and now the Senate will make Biden President and the failed insurrection did nothing but make sure Trumpism died today!

They represent a significant number of people who's voices can't just be buried. Somehow both parties have to come to terms with that and find a way to work with it, to address their concerns or this will happen again. And maybe the next populist will be more competent.
the two parties need to understand they are the problem,,,

That is the most cogent thing I have seen someone post today. Precisely.
It might be. But uncalled for violence is still wrong.

I have every right to justify the violence I saw with those words spoken by Martin Luther King, but at least I know the context behind them, I read the lecture in which that quote was made. He was urging nonviolence, but also acknowledging the pain of those committing violence. He knew the difference and pointed it out. He never intended for his words to be used as an excuse to commit atrocious behavior.

I won't be using one of the most influential figures in American history to justify this behavior. And some of you shouldn't either. I don't care what it is you feel. If your feelings lead you to commit violence and destruction, you are a victim of passion and ignorance. You have succumbed to the basest tendencies of humankind.

God gave you a brain. Use it. We claim to be the most intelligent species walking the face of this earth, but we seem to be prone to base instincts and colossal acts of stupidity. Like riots and storming our nation's seat of power.

However, for those of you on your high horse today condemning the violence in the capitol, please do me a favor and swiftly dismount. For six months we watched as rioters burned down businesses and engaged in high acts of violence against men and peacekeepers alike, but you remained silent. You said nothing. You tried to justify the behavior by understanding their feelings and motivations.

You sat idly by. In my book, silence is complicity. I will tell you straight up that what these people did in DC today was unacceptable. I laud the peaceful protests and condemn the violence. But for those of you who did not condemn the riots engaged in by Antifa and BLM, you have no right to condemn anyone for the same behavior you sat by and watched. Until you do, you are a hypocrite. You are employing a double standard.

At least I am smart enough to condemn violence of any kind, committed by anyone, not just by people I disagree with.

In short, get off my lawn. Cut your own damn grass first.

Well said.
This is the President of the United States. There is no leader of the left in that position who I can think of that has done something like this. Please think about it.

I have thought about it. I spent the better part of 15 years thinking about it. It is what molded me into what I am today, philosophically speaking. This nation is hopelessly paralyzed by polarization. It appears to be terminal. Everyone who ever graced the halls of our congress over the past 12 years is responsible for this. Nobody made an effort to bring this nation together. This is the result. And it breaks my heart.

But if I recall, the Tea Party movement was a peaceful effort by conservatives to be heard by their elected officials. They were largely ignored. What other recourse did they have? To stew in silence? I understand the sentiment, but I don't condone the behavior.

But as you wanted, no whatabout-isms.
The violence today came as a result of the President of the United States and members of his Administration lying to the American people about Trump's loss of the Presidential election.

True. All the violence, left and right, came about by the act of our leaders toying with the emotions of the citizenry for their own political gain. Lying about Jacob Blake to enrage a certain demographic, or exciting a rancor over the election. None of them are faultless. Not even the people you worship.
He refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Can you think of that ever happening before?

Yeah, I can. January 20, 2017. From then on, the Democratic Party chose to launch a scurrilous investigation against Trump about his supposed collusion with the Russian government. They spent the better part of four years looking for ways to remove him from office. There was NEVER a peaceful transfer of power. Not then, and sadly, there won't be now.

The die is cast.
True. All the violence, left and right, came about by the act of our leaders toying with the emotions of the citizenry for their own political gain. Lying about Jacob Blake to enrage a certain demographic, or exciting a rancor over the election. None of them are faultless. Not even the people you worship.

Except nobody lied about Jacob Blake. They didn't have to "lie", we all got to see exactly what happened on videotape from two different angles. The only difference is how you interpreted what you saw.

Most Democrats would have liked very much for the BLM demonstrations not to have happened. They really didn't help Democrats at the polls.
Violence is not the answer yet the left said nary a peep for a year as violence, murder, rape, destruction of property raged in the cities and did nothing to quell the disorder. And now, they become holier than thou. Those tears fall on deaf ears.
He maintained this refusal to commit and fueled it with claims of rigging, fraud, etc that he maintains still - and built upon his base's anger and sense of being wronged with this.

And yet, from where I'm standing, he spent the last two months presenting evidence in court in five states. The courts refused to listen. They arbitrarily decided his case had no merits even though he had reams of evidence ready to present. Even the SCOTUS was not interested.

Imagine how someone on my end of the spectrum feels when nobody they voted for bothers to listen to them or their interests. Compound that with the other end who are effectively trying to suppress their interests. Imagine having no other options. Fill the shoes of one who feels they have been betrayed by their government.
True. All the violence, left and right, came about by the act of our leaders toying with the emotions of the citizenry for their own political gain. Lying about Jacob Blake to enrage a certain demographic, or exciting a rancor over the election. None of them are faultless. Not even the people you worship.

Except nobody lied about Jacob Blake. They didn't have to "lie", we all got to see exactly what happened on videotape from two different angles. The only difference is how you interpreted what you saw.

Most Democrats would have liked very much for the BLM demonstrations not to have happened. They really didn't help Democrats at the polls.
yeah we saw a man accused of rape fight with cops and pull a knife on them while trying to kidnap children,,,
He refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Can you think of that ever happening before?

Yeah, I can. January 20, 2017. From then on, the Democratic Party chose to launch a scurrilous investigation against Trump about his supposed collusion with the Russian government. They spent the better part of four years looking for ways to remove him from office. There was NEVER a peaceful transfer of power then, and sadly, there won't be one now.

The die is cast.

I don't agree with that at all. Trump was sworn in. Obama left office. All the processes were followed. Obama's team transitioned with Trump's team. Nothing - nothing like what Trump is doing with Biden's team.

Investigating Trump was not scurrilous. Was there a political aspect to it? Of course. There almost always IS in these investigations, but that doesn't mean there wasn't merit. It was determined the Russians were engaging in activities in an attempt to influence not just our election, but elections in other western countries. It is also factual that multiple people in Trump's campaign, and he and his family, had meetings and connections with Russian officials. And they lied about it. That merits at least an investigation. IF you TRULY think investigations and impeachments represent a "unpeaceful transfer of power" then surely you would agree then that the Republican investigation of Clinton also represent an "unpeaceful" transfer of power right?

I don't agree that either of those were not peaceful transfers of power, they were simply politics and other presidents have also faced hostile politics and investigations from the opposition.

Nothing - nothing was like what we have been seeing in recent months.
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He refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Can you think of that ever happening before?

Yeah, I can. January 20, 2017. From then on, the Democratic Party chose to launch a scurrilous investigation against Trump about his supposed collusion with the Russian government. They spent the better part of four years looking for ways to remove him from office. There was NEVER a peaceful transfer of power then, and sadly, there won't be one now.

The die is cast.

I don't agree with that at all. Trump was sworn in. Obama left office. All the processes were followed. Obama's team transitioned with Trump's team. Nothing - nothing like what Trump is doing with Biden's team.

Investigation Trump was not scurrilous. Was there a political aspect to it? Of course. There almost always IS in these investigations, but that doesn't mean there wasn't merit. It was determined the Russians were engaging in activities in an attempt to influence not just our election, but elections in other western countries. It is also factual that multiple people in Trump's campaign, and he and his family, had meetings and connections with Russian officials. And they lied about it. That merits at least an investigation. IF you TRULY think investigations and impeachments represent a "unpeaceful transfer of power" then surely you would agree then that the Republican investigation of Clinton also represent an "unpeaceful" transfer of power right?

I don't agree that either of those were not peaceful transfers of power, they were simply politics and other presidents have also faced hostile politics and investigations from the opposition.

Nothing - nothing was like what we have been seeing in recent months.
what did you expect to happen when you call people names for four yrs and refuse a transparent election???
Yeah, I can. January 20, 2017. From then on, the Democratic Party chose to launch a scurrilous investigation against Trump about his supposed collusion with the Russian government. They spent the better part of four years looking for ways to remove him from office. There was NEVER a peaceful transfer of power then, and sadly, there won't be one now.

The die is cast.

You know, you'd have a lot more credibility if you separated the good of the nation from the Ego of Donald J. Trump.

Every president has had to deal with investigations.... it comes with the territory. Bush had Plame, Clinton had Whitewater/Lewinsky, Reagan had Iran Contra, Nixon had Watergate.

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