"Violence is the language of the unheard"

He refused to commit to a peaceful transfer of power. Can you think of that ever happening before?

Yeah, I can. January 20, 2017. From then on, the Democratic Party chose to launch a scurrilous investigation against Trump about his supposed collusion with the Russian government. They spent the better part of four years looking for ways to remove him from office. There was NEVER a peaceful transfer of power then, and sadly, there won't be one now.

The die is cast.

I don't agree with that at all. Trump was sworn in. Obama left office. All the processes were followed. Obama's team transitioned with Trump's team. Nothing - nothing like what Trump is doing with Biden's team.

Investigation Trump was not scurrilous. Was there a political aspect to it? Of course. There almost always IS in these investigations, but that doesn't mean there wasn't merit. It was determined the Russians were engaging in activities in an attempt to influence not just our election, but elections in other western countries. It is also factual that multiple people in Trump's campaign, and he and his family, had meetings and connections with Russian officials. And they lied about it. That merits at least an investigation. IF you TRULY think investigations and impeachments represent a "unpeaceful transfer of power" then surely you would agree then that the Republican investigation of Clinton also represent an "unpeaceful" transfer of power right?

I don't agree that either of those were not peaceful transfers of power, they were simply politics and other presidents have also faced hostile politics and investigations from the opposition.

Nothing - nothing was like what we have been seeing in recent months.
what did you expect to happen when you call people names for four yrs and refuse a transparent election???

Who called who names? I can give you a list of the names I have had to put up with for the past four years.

The election was perfectly transparent, just as transparent as 2016.
you call this transparent??

Were there observers in there?


That is sufficient.

In fact...weren't a number of them also videos through surveillance cameras through out the process? I don't know if that is standard procedure but some at least were.
you cant observe when youre 50 ft away which is many, of the claims,,
I also note that you have had no criticism whatsoever of the people who incited violence for their own personal gain Trump and his minions.

YES I DID! Read the OP again. If you can make it past the first sentence, you will see I condemned it all. I am not some hopeless partisan who cheers for one side or another like fans do at a ball game. Nothing so childish. When it comes to the fate of my country, I would rather not play games at all.
I note your automatic denigration of one of the victims of police violence.

Don't get me started. Do you want to talk about that? Start another thread. I have tweets from the niece of his victim saying he should have been shot more than 7 times for what he did to her aunt. There is evidence now out there to that effect showing just how much of a thug Blake was. Your side lied profusely about it and stirred up riots and resentment for months.

Yes, you. You have no credibility whatsoever in the context of this thread. This kind of behavior is not unique to one side or the other. They were and are both guilty of toying with people's emotions. What we saw today and over the past year is the result.

I will speak no more of it.
Don't get me started. Do you want to talk about that? Start another thread. I have tweets from the niece of his victim saying he should have been shot more than 7 times for what he did to her aunt. There is evidence now out there to that effect showing just how much of a thug Blake was. Your side lied profusely about it and stirred up riots and resentment for months.

Yes, you.

I will speak no more of it.

Probably a good thing, because you'd just look stupid.

Was Jacob Blake a saint? Probably not. Who among us are? Who among us would want the police to be able to inflict death on us for the worst thing we ever did?
I don't necessarily think so. I do think that when a situation reaches a point of violence, it's a wake up call. These things don't happen in a vacuum.

That's it. I'm hoping the Establishment will finally start taking us seriously, now that they know we mean business and are not quite as averse to fighting back as they assumed.
If you support what happened today...you were a hypocrite when you were upset that thugs were storming the Wal*Marts during the summer.
No you stupid bitch. We told you to stop supporting that shit or it would come back on you. You wouldn’t do it. The hypocrisy is all on you. We told you to stop.

You prove my point, thanks cletus.
I don't necessarily think so. I do think that when a situation reaches a point of violence, it's a wake up call. These things don't happen in a vacuum.

That's it. I'm hoping the Establishment will finally start taking us seriously, now that they know we mean business and are not quite as averse to fighting back as they assumed.

That's problematic. What's "the Establishment" exactly? And who is "us"? Should everyone with a political grievance resort to violence?

I do not think they should take you seriously because you will use violence - as in give in to your demands if that is what it is. But I think there are angry, hurting people on all sides...and I think there is a lot of inflammatory disinformation out there driving things as well. Our elected officials and two oversized parties need to take it seriously.
Should everyone with a political grievance resort to violence?

No. And I wish some people, like JoeB131 and Dragonlady could see that.

I don't give a damn about Trump's ego. I can't stand egotism. But his egotism is irrelevant.

His egotism is irrelevant...but the actions he engages in are and if they are driven by ego over what is good for the country, that is problematic.
But I think there are angry, hurting people on all sides...and I think there is a lot of inflammatory disinformation out there driving things as well. Our elected officials and two oversized parties need to take it seriously.

If I die tonight, this statement will let me die with a smile on my face.

(No, I'm not going to die. It was a very bad attempt at flattery.)
But right now, I am very sad and brokenhearted. I feel as if this Republic breathed its last today. And both sides contributed to her demise.

Yes, your tendency towards hysterics and melodrama are noted.

The reality.... this is a bad moment, and the people responsible for it were on your side for pretending Trump was fit for office.

You had a lot of chances to stop him, you never did, and today was the result.
but the actions he engages in are and if they are driven by ego over what is good for the country, that is problematic.

I will agree if that is indeed proven to be the case. But as of now, there isn't any evidence to prove his ego drove him to spur this atrocity.
Where have you been?

I will have to teach you the art of gif on this board one day.

Also, I have been... away. From this, from the rancor that I saw unfold today.

If you are trying to insult me, get on with it, and go.
but the actions he engages in are and if they are driven by ego over what is good for the country, that is problematic.

I will agree if that is indeed proven to be the case. But as of now, there isn't any evidence to prove his ego drove him to spur this atrocity.
Where have you been?

I will have to teach you the art of gif on this board one day.

Also, I have been... away. From this, from the rancor that I saw unfold today.

If you are trying to insult me, get on with it, and go.
I wish you or somebody would.

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