Violent Pro Trump Fascists Storming New York City

Wow................................supposed adults on this board are taking sides as to which is worse. "Well, your guys are violent, so it justifies our guys kicking ass".

"Well, we wouldn't have to be violent if you thugs didn't attack"

"YOUR side has the thugs"

"No, it's all YOUR side with the thugs, ours are just trying to defend".

Hey..................I've got an idea, instead of acting like third graders on the playground, how about we act like adults and denounce violence from either side as wrong. Not some tit for tat game where score is kept and one side has to win, but rather start acting like adults and recognizing where wrong is being done, not justify the wrong done by your side by bringing up wrongs on the other.

This nation has devolved into a bunch of crybabies, on BOTH sides. How about manning up and denouncing those who are wrong, while looking for where compromise can be had? It's what rational adults do.
More about the Proud Boys

Meet the Proud Boys, the pro-men, anti-masturbation enemy of 'antifa'

How are new members initiated into the Proud Boys?

To join the Proud Boys, would-be members must go through a four-degree initiation process. The first requires publicly outing oneself as a Proud Boy. The second involves taking a beating from other members until the aspiring Proud Boy can name five kinds of breakfast cereal. This initiation degree also requires a vow to abstain from masturbation. To complete the third degree, the new member must get a Proud Boy tattoo.

The fourth and final degree was added much later by McInnes and is a clear step away from the prankishness of the other rites. It hints at the right-wing bent that the hyperpartisan culture in Trump’s America has served to amplify. The fourth initiation requires that a prospective Proud Boy serve the “cause,” as McInnes suggested, by engaging in a physical brawl with members of “antifa,” the loose-knit far-left and anarchist anti-fascist movement.

But they are not violent LOL
More about the Proud Boys

Meet the Proud Boys, the pro-men, anti-masturbation enemy of 'antifa'

How are new members initiated into the Proud Boys?

To join the Proud Boys, would-be members must go through a four-degree initiation process. The first requires publicly outing oneself as a Proud Boy. The second involves taking a beating from other members until the aspiring Proud Boy can name five kinds of breakfast cereal. This initiation degree also requires a vow to abstain from masturbation. To complete the third degree, the new member must get a Proud Boy tattoo.

The fourth and final degree was added much later by McInnes and is a clear step away from the prankishness of the other rites. It hints at the right-wing bent that the hyperpartisan culture in Trump’s America has served to amplify. The fourth initiation requires that a prospective Proud Boy serve the “cause,” as McInnes suggested, by engaging in a physical brawl with members of “antifa,” the loose-knit far-left and anarchist anti-fascist movement.

But they are not violent LOL
I would join if they didn't require a tattoo.
More about the Proud Boys

Meet the Proud Boys, the pro-men, anti-masturbation enemy of 'antifa'

How are new members initiated into the Proud Boys?

To join the Proud Boys, would-be members must go through a four-degree initiation process. The first requires publicly outing oneself as a Proud Boy. The second involves taking a beating from other members until the aspiring Proud Boy can name five kinds of breakfast cereal. This initiation degree also requires a vow to abstain from masturbation. To complete the third degree, the new member must get a Proud Boy tattoo.

The fourth and final degree was added much later by McInnes and is a clear step away from the prankishness of the other rites. It hints at the right-wing bent that the hyperpartisan culture in Trump’s America has served to amplify. The fourth initiation requires that a prospective Proud Boy serve the “cause,” as McInnes suggested, by engaging in a physical brawl with members of “antifa,” the loose-knit far-left and anarchist anti-fascist movement.

But they are not violent LOL
I would join if they didn't require a tattoo.

I can believe that. You seem to be the type that doesn't think for themselves and is more comfortable in blind followership.

You know, at one time I thought it would be neat to be part of a motorcycle group, so when the opportunity came to join up, I did. We got permission from the Banditos (primary bike gang here in Amarillo), and started up the club.

I never had a more miserable year in my life than the year I was part of a club. They tell you when to meet up, you have to go on mandatory rides, and it's just a mess. They tried to run my life more than the military did. Then, one day, the Banditos decided that they didn't want to support our charter anymore, so we turned in our patches and dissolved. I told myself that I would NEVER join another group that ran my life like the MC tried to do.

The Proud Boys sound like they have even more rules than a biker club does.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"

The problem with Black Lives Matter is that the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as they do Black suspects per year.
Blacks people murder more than twice as many White people as White people murder Black people per year.
Less than 1% of police shooting are cases of murder.
The problem is the Press fuels interracial hatred to help get out the vote for the Democratic Party
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"

The problem with Black Lives Matter is that the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as they do Black suspects per year.
Blacks people murder more than twice as many White people as White people murder Black people per year.
Less than 1% of police shooting are cases of murder.
The problem is the Press fuels interracial hatred to help get out the vote for the Democratic Party

How about looking at the problem, without trying to justify it by saying what the wrongs are the other side has done. Can't we just denounce ALL violence, no matter who does it, rather than justify it by saying the other side does it too?

IMHO, the real "winners" are those that recognize problems no matter what side they are on, and try to fix them.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Self defense? You’re a fucking clown.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"

The problem with Black Lives Matter is that the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as they do Black suspects per year.
Blacks people murder more than twice as many White people as White people murder Black people per year.
Less than 1% of police shooting are cases of murder.
The problem is the Press fuels interracial hatred to help get out the vote for the Democratic Party

How about looking at the problem, without trying to justify it by saying what the wrongs are the other side has done. Can't we just denounce ALL violence, no matter who does it, rather than justify it by saying the other side does it too?

IMHO, the real "winners" are those that recognize problems no matter what side they are on, and try to fix them.
The point is that the Press fuels racial tensions on purpose.
Can't we just denounce ALL violence, no matter who does it, rather than justify it by saying the other side does it too?
Not saying you haven't, but can you point to a post where you actually condemned the terrorist organization Antifa?

When anyone does something stupid like causing a riot, I'm against it.

BLM fucked up IMHO when they started to loot and burn cars because they were frustrated. I also think that those white supremacists are wrong as well. I don't condone violence in any form.

The best protest? Happened a few years back when some black kids got locked up for no reason. Black people flowed into town, did their protest PEACEFULLY, and picked up after themselves when they left.

And can't justify violence on one side by saying the other side started it. That is what children say, not adults.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
So after reading what happened you are revealed to be a fucking liar.
Good on the Proud Boys. I hope much more success for them.
Thank you for the sensitive and thoughtful comment. As always you display saint like tolerance and compassion while raising the level of intellectual discourse to new heights
Be honest. You were happy to see antifa beating up a 74 year old man in Portland weren't you. How dare he choose to have a personal destination.

Too bad, really too bad, there wasn't a whole big bunch of Proud Boys around.

:iagree: :up:
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"

The problem with Black Lives Matter is that the Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as they do Black suspects per year.
Blacks people murder more than twice as many White people as White people murder Black people per year.
Less than 1% of police shooting are cases of murder.
The problem is the Press fuels interracial hatred to help get out the vote for the Democratic Party

How about looking at the problem, without trying to justify it by saying what the wrongs are the other side has done. Can't we just denounce ALL violence, no matter who does it, rather than justify it by saying the other side does it too?

IMHO, the real "winners" are those that recognize problems no matter what side they are on, and try to fix them.
The problem is ANTIFA, there, problem recognized.
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
That article is nothing but fake news.

In realityland, 3 ANTIFA scumbags assaulted and robbed a man wearing a MAGA hat. After being subdued by heros who could have just looked the other way rather than risking bodily harm by confronting the violent robbers, the 3 Antifa scum were arrested and charged with assault and robbery.
Last edited:
Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan
Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim proto-fascist group — pummeled anti-fascist protesters outside a Proud Boys event at a New York Republican club.

By Christopher Mathias

NEW YORK — Minutes after an event at a Manhattan Republican club meant to celebrate violence against leftists, attendees belonging to a proto-fascist, pro-Trump street gang reportedly pummeled three people on the sidewalk in Manhattan’s Upper East Side while shouting homophobic slurs.

Footage posted online by video journalist Sandi Bachom shows a group of men who appear to be Proud Boys — a misogynistic and anti-Muslim fraternity known for committing acts of political violence across the country — kicking and punching three apparent anti-fascist protesters as they lay prone on the sidewalk.

Pro-Trump Gang Seen In Footage Assaulting Anti-Fascist Protesters In Manhattan | HuffPost

There have been other discussions here about this group but they are long dormant. Now this gang of thugs -who had a hand in the Charlottesville North Carolina riot and other disturbances around the country- is back in the news and the new is not good.

I am tired of the conservatives bleating about how those of us on the left are the violent ones. And don't bother to bring up Antifa or Black Lives Matter because there is a glaring difference. These groups exist for purposes of self defense. Any violence that they have engaged in has been for that purpose, or perpetrated by fringe elements within their ranks.

The Proud Boys exist for the purpose of committing crimes of hate and violence against others who they simply disapprove of. This shit has got to stop.

I give it 24 hours before Trump tweets something about "very fine people on all sides"
Got to understand some people have hobbies.
"Both Bachom and Horse told HuffPost they believed the altercation began when three anti-fascist protesters knocked a red “Make America Great Again” hat off a Proud Boy member’s head."

That. Antifa is trying to provoke them into violence so they can play the victim/martyr. The white nationalist/racist slant is coming from the MSM or the far left, don't believe a word they say anymore.

The proud boys movement allows any man to join their organization as long as they're a proud western chauvinist. Race, religion, or even sexual orientation is irrelevant. The left loves to paint them as white supremacist, but that's the typical leftist attempts to smear conservative and libertarian groups...

Some people just need a group to hang with.
Good on the Proud Boys. I hope much more success for them.
Thank you for the sensitive and thoughtful comment. As always you display saint like tolerance and compassion while raising the level of intellectual discourse to new heights
Be honest. You were happy to see antifa beating up a 74 year old man in Portland weren't you. How dare he choose to have a personal destination.

Too bad, really too bad, there wasn't a whole big bunch of Proud Boys around.
Kent Houser drove thru a crowd of people, a provocative act.

by contrast, the proud boys... 'McInnes claimed on Instagram that the event would feature a recreation of the 1960 assassination of Japanese socialist leader Inejiro Asanuma. Video of Asanuma’s gruesome on-stage slaying during a speech, which was carried out by a nationalist teenager stabbing him with a traditional sword, is a popular clip on far-right internet forums. McInnes arrived at the event brandishing a sword, in apparent reference to Asanuma’s murder.'

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