Violent tranny teen thrown in jail, libs throw tantrums

This poor child is insane not transgendered. He identifies as female, and his attacks are the worst on women.

"The youth has an extensive history of violence, including targeting female staff at several programs as well as other girls in the programs," DCF said.

According to DCF, this included: stabbing a female peer with a fork; four assaults or threats on female staffers as well as an assault on a female peer resident at the Bridgeport Detention Center; and 10 assaults and several attempted assaults on staffers at the Solnit Psychiatric Center.

This is Norman Bates in a dress. This isn't a transgendered child. This is a child who is criminally insane with a propensity to violence against women.
I wouldn't necessarily agree - its obvious there is something serious wrong with her though, given that she has suffered rape and abuse for years. Poor kid.
How can you be placed in prison without being charged with a crime?

Is it a violation of a 16-year-old's rights to place her in a prison with adult inmates even though she has not been charged with any crime?
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