Violinists Are Hot


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
My number one favorite movie of all time is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

So I'm watching this Danish Orchestra play the iconic theme from that film. Then, right at 2 minutes and 12 seconds, one of the hottest women I have ever seen is on screen for about five seconds.

I keep rewinding the video! :kissykissy2:

Check it out:


This violin player when on to win twenty-seven Grammy far. :) :) :)

God bless you and Alison always!!!

Holly (a fan of her for 25 years)

She doesn't even play the violin in that video!

Charlie Daniels came down to Gitmo on his own dime and played for us troops. Pretty cool.

Johnny Cash did, too. With his wife and daughters. And the man in black walked all around the base and visited with all of us like regular folk. An incredibly humble man. I was a fan before then, but even moreso after that. I will never forget him.
The violin is quite a lovely instrument, but the French horn is my favorite. I would go to symphony everyday if I could. It’s one of humankind’s most beautiful achievements.
Here she is again, 8:50 to 8:54 A 9:49 you can see she is first violin. Atta girl!

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I wonder if my wife would be okay with moving to Denmark...
This violin player when on to win twenty-seven Grammy far. :) :) :)

God bless you and Alison always!!!

Holly (a fan of her for 25 years)

She doesn't even play the violin in that video!

True. I only decided to share that video of her because it shows her at her beginning. :) :) :)

God bless you and Alison always!!!

Holly (a fan of her for 25 years now)
The link in the OP does not work any more.

Here's a new one. The most beautiful and talented Gunvor is at 2:04.


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