Virginia Allows Felons Right to Vote, Serve on Jury and Hold Office


Check it out OP ----- your own state (regardless which one it is) allows ex-felons to vote too. Yet here you are whining about Virginia catching up three thousand miles away, with no explanation as to why ex-felons should have lost their rights in the first place.

Kinda stupid, doncha think?
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

Good. You seem to have forgot that your own link describes felons who have served their sentences. You also forgot how to spell "Virginia". Finally it's ironic that you'd plop "KKK" in your title when the whole point had been undoing vestiges of Jim Crow laws --- which is what permanently removing civil rights WAS.
Stand by for the OP to say it was all satire.

Check it out OP ----- your own state (regardless which one it is) allows ex-felons to vote too. Yet here you are whining about Virginia catching up three thousand miles away, with no explanation as to why ex-felons should have lost their rights in the first place.

Kinda stupid, doncha think?
it started off that KKKALIFORNIA had done this. the subject line got altered after he read the article.

Check it out OP ----- your own state (regardless which one it is) allows ex-felons to vote too. Yet here you are whining about Virginia catching up three thousand miles away, with no explanation as to why ex-felons should have lost their rights in the first place.

Kinda stupid, doncha think?
it started off that KKKALIFORNIA had done this. the subject line got altered after he read the article.

I know. That's when I clicked in here. Well at least he knows how to write a fake headline.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.
a felon is a felon. while i agree once they've done their time, it should at a minimum be open for discussion which rights are returned to them. but all this race shit is just race shit and nothing to really do with the topic; just your personal agenda and own hate.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.

Easy fix, don't become a felon.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons
Who have completed their sentences.......what's wrong with that?
depends on the rights to be returned. if you commit a felony with a gun, sorry. you don't get that right back. at a minimum you could be able to apply for it but once you've abused something enough to go to jail for it, it doesn't come right back when jail is over.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.
a felon is a felon. while i agree once they've done their time, it should at a minimum be open for discussion which rights are returned to them. but all this race shit is just race shit and nothing to really do with the topic; just your personal agenda and own hate.

The "race shit" is how these draconian laws got passed in the first place. Virginia undid one.

Nowhere in the Constitution is it suggested that felons lose civil rights. In fact that document goes out of its way to guarantee those rights to everybody. These bullshit felon laws were trying to skirt around that guarantee.

Check it out OP ----- your own state (regardless which one it is) allows ex-felons to vote too. Yet here you are whining about Virginia catching up three thousand miles away, with no explanation as to why ex-felons should have lost their rights in the first place.

Kinda stupid, doncha think?

stupidity is their badge of honor, these derps DNFC.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.
a felon is a felon. while i agree once they've done their time, it should at a minimum be open for discussion which rights are returned to them. but all this race shit is just race shit and nothing to really do with the topic; just your personal agenda and own hate.

No it's not. In fact, until recently, I had no idea that felons lost their rights. My area of law is corporate/commerical and real estate. I avoided criminal and litigation, including family law, although I had clients were worked in these fields, but generally I did their corporation and commercial work because they had no one on staff to do it. Until all of this information started coming out about "for profit" prisons and the effects on incarcertation and minimum sentencing, and the horrific abuses and bribery cases around these contracts became public, I had no idea even of potential for abuse in these contracts with the operators of these facilities.

Last but not least, stop project "anger", "hate" and other emotions onto a dispassionate discussion of the ways in which the Judicial System has been perverted into a vehicle for voter suppression of non-white voters. And stop pretending this isn't a factor in the 10 fold increase in non-white federal prisoners since 1980.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.
a felon is a felon. while i agree once they've done their time, it should at a minimum be open for discussion which rights are returned to them. but all this race shit is just race shit and nothing to really do with the topic; just your personal agenda and own hate.

No it's not. In fact, until recently, I had no idea that felons lost their rights. My area of law is corporate/commerical and real estate. I avoided criminal and litigation, including family law, although I had clients were worked in these fields, but generally I did their corporation and commercial work because they had no one on staff to do it. Until all of this information started coming out about "for profit" prisons and the effects on incarcertation and minimum sentencing, and the horrific abuses and bribery cases around these contracts became public, I had no idea even of potential for abuse in these contracts with the operators of these facilities.

Last but not least, stop project "anger", "hate" and other emotions onto a dispassionate discussion of the ways in which the Judicial System has been perverted into a vehicle for voter suppression of non-white voters. And stop pretending this isn't a factor in the 10 fold increase in non-white federal prisoners since 1980.

Let's remind all who are your 'birds of a feather:'

"Jail survey: 7 in 10 felons register as Democrats
....most convicts register Democratic, a key reason in why liberal lawmakers and governors are eager for them to get back into the voting booth after their release.

... in some states, felons register Democratic by more than six-to-one. In New York, for example, 61.5 percent of convicts are Democrats, just 9 percent Republican. They also cited a study that found 73 percent of convicts who turn out for presidential elections would vote Democrat.

the following Democrat-to-Republican breakdown in felon party registration patterns:

– New York: 61.5 percent register Democratic, 9 percent register Republican

– New Mexico: 51.9 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican

– North Carolina: 54.6 percent Democratic, 10.2 percent Republican"
White House threatens to veto House energy bill
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

A felony conviction should not affect a citizen's voting rights. Republicans have used these statutes to systematically strip non-white citizens of the right to vote. The justice system has been shown time and time again to be racially biased against non-white defendants. When a sentence is served, a citizen should then be allowed to vote.
a felon is a felon. while i agree once they've done their time, it should at a minimum be open for discussion which rights are returned to them. but all this race shit is just race shit and nothing to really do with the topic; just your personal agenda and own hate.

No it's not. In fact, until recently, I had no idea that felons lost their rights. My area of law is corporate/commerical and real estate. I avoided criminal and litigation, including family law, although I had clients were worked in these fields, but generally I did their corporation and commercial work because they had no one on staff to do it. Until all of this information started coming out about "for profit" prisons and the effects on incarcertation and minimum sentencing, and the horrific abuses and bribery cases around these contracts became public, I had no idea even of potential for abuse in these contracts with the operators of these facilities.

Last but not least, stop project "anger", "hate" and other emotions onto a dispassionate discussion of the ways in which the Judicial System has been perverted into a vehicle for voter suppression of non-white voters. And stop pretending this isn't a factor in the 10 fold increase in non-white federal prisoners since 1980.

Related to for-profit prisoning and the warped idea of stripping felons of their rights was the practice of using prisoners as in effect slave labor, which began immediately after Slavery was abolished, as a way around that inconvenience. These archaic felon laws were one of the ways the intent of the Thirteenth Amendment got circumvented. All they had to do was arrest and convict black people and voilà, free labor force just like they had before.

>> Common codes included vagrancy laws that criminalized African Americans’ lack of employment or permanent residence. Inability to pay fees for vagrancy crimes resulted in imprisonment, during which prisoners labored in the very same wage-free positions held by slaves less than two years prior.[17] Other "crimes" punishable by imprisonment (and subsequent slave labor) as per Black Codes included unlawful assembly, interracial relationships, violation of slave-like labor contracts, possession of firearms, making or selling liquor, selling agricultural produce without written permission from an employer, and practicing any occupation other than servant or farmer without holding a judge-ordered license.[18][17] Additionally, orphaned minors and minors removed from their homes by the state were apprenticed by courts to employers until the age of 21.[18] Minors apprenticed under Black Codes were authorized to be forced into labor against their will, and apprentice relationships closely resembled those of master and slave in terms of discipline and involuntary labor.[18] By 1866, nearly all southern states had enacted individual sets of Black Codes.[16] The widespread enforcement of Black Code laws effectively used the 13th amendment's exception of penal labor to reinvent the chattel slavery economy and society to comply with federal law.

Prison Labor in the Reconstruction Era (1866–1877)
Between 1866 and 1869, Alabama, Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, and Florida became the first states in the U.S. to lease out convicts.[7] Previously responsible for the housing and feeding of the new prison labor force, the states developed a convict leasing system as a means to rid penitentiaries of the responsibility to care for the incarcerated population.[19] State governments maximized profits by putting the responsibility on the lessee to provide food, clothing, shelter, and medical care for the prisoners. Convict labor strayed from small-scale plantation and share crop harvesting and moved toward work in the private sector. States leased out convicts to private businesses that utilized the low-cost labor to run enterprises such as coal mines, railroads, and logging companies.[20] Private lessees were permitted to use prisoner labor with very little oversight. The result was extremely poor conditions. Inadequacy of necessities like food, water, and shelter, was often exacerbated by unsafe labor practices and inhuman discipline.[21] Nevertheless, the convict lease system prompted the southern economy's return from devastation as the (cheap) labor supply returned to southern capitalism. << --- Wiki: Prison Labor post-Thirteenth Amendment

And taking their voting rights away was a handy way to keep them second-class citizens permanently.

OP seems to be all nostalgic for that world.

By the way where is the OP? Seems to have run away. Last seen running off to the side wailing "Abandon thread Abandon thread!"
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