Virginia Allows Felons Right to Vote, Serve on Jury and Hold Office

No, you stupid cow, this is because all of these "rural" states are becoming more and more urbanized, as the population grows, and the economy is no longer centred and build on agriculture. And urban, educated voters are deserting the Republican Party of Donald Trump because it's a party built on hate and dividing Americans.

Trump is not helping middle class voters, who are now paying more in taxes than the wealthiest Americans, many of whose employees are being funded with food stamps, and earned income credits, and other taxpayer funded income supports, while stockholders receive record dividends.

The latest numbers show that not only are the rich getting richer under Donald Trump. They're getting richer, faster, under Donald Trump.

"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights.

Democrats point to the laws in other countries like Canada, Denmark and Israel that allow most convicted criminals even those who are serving prison sentences the right to vote. Democrats also are saying the law banning prisoners the right to vote disenfranchises African Americans the most who make up 40 percent of felons in the United States. In a Huffington Post interview, The Sentencing Project calls the law into question and says, “This is a fundamental question of democracy”.

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections."

Ironic. The white power structure of the old racism set up these laws to keep a despised class from voting against the security of their white power. Now here you come waddling in, aiming to do the same thing.

"The white power structure of the old racism..."

Why waste so many words, when that means 'the Democrat Party'?

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

What's odd to me is the refusal of the right to even acknowledge systemic racist exists, and to refuse to have ANY kind of discussion around it.

I looked at crime statistics which said that blacks commit 20% of all crimes, and yet they make up far more than 20% of the prison population. Then you look at studies which say that blacks are more likely than whites to be jailed for similar crimes. Behaviour in young white males that draws warnings from police, results in charges for young blacks, and charges for whites are more likely to draw suspended sentences, fines and probation than jail. Sentences for blacks are more likely to draw jail than probation. At ever step in the judicial process, blacks are treated more harshly than whites.

When we have seen the lengths that Republicans have gone to in recent years to gerrymander districts to ensure a Republican Congress, the voter suppression of "exact match", and changing address requirements for Native Americans - all classic voter suppression techniques, is it such a stretch to think that somebody within the halls of power isn't suggesting that jailing blacks eliminates that Democratic voter for life?
Ironic. The white power structure of the old racism set up these laws to keep a despised class from voting against the security of their white power. Now here you come waddling in, aiming to do the same thing.

"The white power structure of the old racism..."

Why waste so many words, when that means 'the Democrat Party'?

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

I don't see "sides". It's just classically bad argument fraught with ideological inconsistency and intellectual myopia.
and that's a lot of words to say people have chosen a side for XYZ reasons, to me. :)

There is no "side" in pointing out erroneous logic. In this case, "having it both ways". It's simply invalid argument, regardless what the point was supposed to be.

That's what I do here. That's why they pay me the big bucks -- to state the obvious. I'd be out of a job if these knuckledraggers could actually think.
"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights.

Democrats point to the laws in other countries like Canada, Denmark and Israel that allow most convicted criminals even those who are serving prison sentences the right to vote. Democrats also are saying the law banning prisoners the right to vote disenfranchises African Americans the most who make up 40 percent of felons in the United States. In a Huffington Post interview, The Sentencing Project calls the law into question and says, “This is a fundamental question of democracy”.

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections."

Ironic. The white power structure of the old racism set up these laws to keep a despised class from voting against the security of their white power. Now here you come waddling in, aiming to do the same thing.

"The white power structure of the old racism..."

Why waste so many words, when that means 'the Democrat Party'?

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

What's odd to me is the refusal of the right to even acknowledge systemic racist exists, and to refuse to have ANY kind of discussion around it.

I looked at crime statistics which said that blacks commit 20% of all crimes, and yet they make up far more than 20% of the prison population. Then you look at studies which say that blacks are more likely than whites to be jailed for similar crimes. Behaviour in young white males that draws warnings from police, results in charges for young blacks, and charges for whites are more likely to draw suspended sentences, fines and probation than jail. Sentences for blacks are more likely to draw jail than probation. At ever step in the judicial process, blacks are treated more harshly than whites.

When we have seen the lengths that Republicans have gone to in recent years to gerrymander districts to ensure a Republican Congress, the voter suppression of "exact match", and changing address requirements for Native Americans - all classic voter suppression techniques, is it such a stretch to think that somebody within the halls of power isn't suggesting that jailing blacks eliminates that Democratic voter for life?

Indeed, as spelled out in post 40 that was the whole intent of these Jim Crow laws in the first place. Now the OP is whining because he's losing that restriction. And of course when I say "he" I mean "a state three thousand miles away from him that he can't distinguish from California because he spends all his time spewing spleen about states and districts three thousand miles away".

You are absolutely correct about the resistance to have any discussion about such histories. I got exactly the same thing when I posted a study about Lynching in America, the Tulsa Race Riots and the Red Summer. They immediately want you to shut up, which speaks volumes about self-identification.
"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights.

Democrats point to the laws in other countries like Canada, Denmark and Israel that allow most convicted criminals even those who are serving prison sentences the right to vote. Democrats also are saying the law banning prisoners the right to vote disenfranchises African Americans the most who make up 40 percent of felons in the United States. In a Huffington Post interview, The Sentencing Project calls the law into question and says, “This is a fundamental question of democracy”.

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections."

Ironic. The white power structure of the old racism set up these laws to keep a despised class from voting against the security of their white power. Now here you come waddling in, aiming to do the same thing.

"The white power structure of the old racism..."

Why waste so many words, when that means 'the Democrat Party'?

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.

Bill 'the rapist' Clinton, your candidate twice, has been a racist his entire life.

Number one, "rapists" are not in play here anywhere but your desperate attempt to change the topic yet again is noted with alacrity. Number two, Bull Clinton, who also is not in play here and thus constitutes yet another such desperate red herring attempt, has never been "my candidate" for anything.

You however have always been a fucking liar, as you just proved. It goes with the rest of the dishonest diarrhea you plop on this board as if you just swallowed a 55-gallon drum of Ex-Lax. Take your mendacious bullshit and cram it back up the bovine intestine whence it came. Ain't nobody buying your disingenuous crapola. Ain't never been nobody ever did. You're a failure. Face it.

When they choke on the truth, the knee-jerk reactions from jerks like Stinky, is vulgarity.

Seems to be a tell they can't hide.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons
You do realize that most states allow felons to vote, right? Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina...

No, you don't know that. Because you are ignorant.
Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina...
This is true, but it is only available to felons who have been fully discharged from their sentence, including confinement, parole, supervision, and/or probation, or if they are granted a pardon.

A felon must have have proof that he/she completed his/her punishment to register.

I can't tell from the Virginia law if they are doing the same.

"The white power structure of the old racism..."

Why waste so many words, when that means 'the Democrat Party'?

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

I don't see "sides". It's just classically bad argument fraught with ideological inconsistency and intellectual myopia.
and that's a lot of words to say people have chosen a side for XYZ reasons, to me. :)

There is no "side" in pointing out erroneous logic. In this case, "having it both ways". It's simply invalid argument, regardless what the point was supposed to be.

That's what I do here. That's why they pay me the big bucks -- to state the obvious. I'd be out of a job if these knuckledraggers could actually think.
you don't state the obvious in as much as you make common traits extreme values and then bitch at those who don't come along for the ride.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons

Good. You seem to have forgot that your own link describes felons who have served their sentences. You also forgot how to spell "Virginia". Finally it's ironic that you'd plop "KKK" in your title when the whole point had been undoing vestiges of Jim Crow laws --- which is what permanently removing civil rights WAS.
That was also an effort to deny black folks the right to keep and bear arms.

Any state willing to restore voting rights to felons should also be willing to restore gun rights. Otherwise, why the FUCK are these people walking the streets?

"Currently jailed felons are only allowed to vote in Maine and Vermont. Democrats would like to change state laws so all currently jailed inmates even those with felony records can vote including those out on parole and awaiting release from prison. With 5.8 million convicts that is a lot of votes. Democrats also know that 80 percent of all felons polled would vote democrat so now we can see the reason behind the push for prisoner rights.

Democrats point to the laws in other countries like Canada, Denmark and Israel that allow most convicted criminals even those who are serving prison sentences the right to vote. Democrats also are saying the law banning prisoners the right to vote disenfranchises African Americans the most who make up 40 percent of felons in the United States. In a Huffington Post interview, The Sentencing Project calls the law into question and says, “This is a fundamental question of democracy”.

Victim rights advocates call the push by democrats “insulting” and a “slap in the face to all victims of crime”. This issue will not be decided in time for this election, but democrats say they will continue to fight for a prisoner’s right to vote in all local and national elections."

Ironic. The white power structure of the old racism set up these laws to keep a despised class from voting against the security of their white power. Now here you come waddling in, aiming to do the same thing.

"The white power structure of the old racism..."

Why waste so many words, when that means 'the Democrat Party'?

1.The Democrat Party is the ‘win at any cost’ party. They thrived not on just using slavery, but perfecting it. Even after the Republican Party pried their slaves away, they used every advantage to continue the oppression.

In Congress, the Democrats blocked every anti-lynching bill that came up.

They are very good at perverting the legal system to their wishes: Democrats filibustered attempts to give women the right to vote.

2. Give credit where due, they learned how to convince the folks they used as slaves, that they had changed, and would right the wrongs they had committed……but the only thing they have done for the folks who still have the least wealth, is ban one particular word from conversation.

Lyndon Johnson succeeded in creating a classed society based on skin color….but it isn’t one they adhere to:
“That means Republicans in the Senate now have four African-American senior staff members and Democrats have one. Not a single black woman serves on the senior staff of any of the 48 Democratic senators. Not a single African-American serves as chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or communications director for any of the 48 Democratic senators.” KING: Senate Republicans continue to blow away their Democratic counterparts with hirings of new black staff members

Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

What's odd to me is the refusal of the right to even acknowledge systemic racist exists, and to refuse to have ANY kind of discussion around it.

I looked at crime statistics which said that blacks commit 20% of all crimes, and yet they make up far more than 20% of the prison population. Then you look at studies which say that blacks are more likely than whites to be jailed for similar crimes. Behaviour in young white males that draws warnings from police, results in charges for young blacks, and charges for whites are more likely to draw suspended sentences, fines and probation than jail. Sentences for blacks are more likely to draw jail than probation. At ever step in the judicial process, blacks are treated more harshly than whites.

When we have seen the lengths that Republicans have gone to in recent years to gerrymander districts to ensure a Republican Congress, the voter suppression of "exact match", and changing address requirements for Native Americans - all classic voter suppression techniques, is it such a stretch to think that somebody within the halls of power isn't suggesting that jailing blacks eliminates that Democratic voter for life?
would seem idiotic to say i won't acknowledge it when i plainly said it's there but not ALL OF IT is racism.

who's being extreme here? and i mean by old school definition, not your new rendition.
Jeezzzzz.....Stinky is smelling up the place......and he clearly needs this remedial:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

Quite a cult, that Democrat Party, huh?
Ironic irony is ironical. In this episode, the same voices continuously yammering on and on about "b-but but nobody who was a slave oppressed by segregationists is alive today" then want to turn around and blubber "b-but but everybody who was a segregationist oppressing black people is alive today!"

Classic stupidity.
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

I don't see "sides". It's just classically bad argument fraught with ideological inconsistency and intellectual myopia.
and that's a lot of words to say people have chosen a side for XYZ reasons, to me. :)

There is no "side" in pointing out erroneous logic. In this case, "having it both ways". It's simply invalid argument, regardless what the point was supposed to be.

That's what I do here. That's why they pay me the big bucks -- to state the obvious. I'd be out of a job if these knuckledraggers could actually think.
you don't state the obvious in as much as you make common traits extreme values and then bitch at those who don't come along for the ride.

WTF does that mean?
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons
You do realize that most states allow felons to vote, right? Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina...

No, you don't know that. Because you are ignorant.
Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina...
This is true, but it is only available to felons who have been fully discharged from their sentence, including confinement, parole, supervision, and/or probation, or if they are granted a pardon.

A felon must have have proof that he/she completed his/her punishment to register.

I can't tell from the Virginia law if they are doing the same.

It will apply to any felon who "completed his or her sentence and all other requirements" like parole or probation, as of April 22, the office said. The governor also plans to issue additional monthly orders to grant voting rights to future released felons.

Virginia's Governor Just Gave 206,000 People The Right To Vote
and it falls to us all in that we share that "human" trait on all sides of the spectrum in some form or another. we put it aside for ourselves and those "like minded" then hammer the other side for doing it.

just odd, to me.

I don't see "sides". It's just classically bad argument fraught with ideological inconsistency and intellectual myopia.
and that's a lot of words to say people have chosen a side for XYZ reasons, to me. :)

There is no "side" in pointing out erroneous logic. In this case, "having it both ways". It's simply invalid argument, regardless what the point was supposed to be.

That's what I do here. That's why they pay me the big bucks -- to state the obvious. I'd be out of a job if these knuckledraggers could actually think.
you don't state the obvious in as much as you make common traits extreme values and then bitch at those who don't come along for the ride.

WTF does that mean?
Jeezzzzz.....Stinky is smelling up the place......and he clearly needs this remedial:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

Quite a cult, that Democrat Party, huh?

While you were assuming your customary :lalala: yoga posture I've already schooled you on how Slavery preceded all political parties by literally centuries (1); how the KKK (and its bigger longer successor) were founded by people with no political affiliations (2); how tree ornaments have zero to do with freaking political parties and how Bernie Sanders has never had a party affiliation (3); how Jim Crow was instituted by local politics, not national (4) .... but let us focus on (6) since this is a new turd:

It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

This is an interesting stretch inasmuch as (a) Jewish people lean Democratic over Republican by a margin of 70 to 22 and have been courted by that party since the Populist and Progressive movements of the turn of the 19th>20th century; (b) Louis Farrakhan has as much to do with the DP as David Duke has to do with the RP, with the exception that Duke actually calls himself a Republican; and (c) a quick jaunt over to Wiki for a list of Cabinet members held in contempt of Congress gives us, in chronological order oldest first:
--- All of which means....................................... what? That you're a moron who can't think her way out of the paper bag of Ass - sociation fallacies?

--- See what I mean about what a fucking liar you are?

(/COMPLETELY offtopic)
Last edited:
Jeezzzzz.....Stinky is smelling up the place......and he clearly needs this remedial:

1. The Democrats are, and have always been, the party of slavery, segregation, and second-class citizenship, the party that stood in schoolhouse doors to block black school children….until Republicans sent in the 101st airborne

2. It is the party of Jefferson Davis, the KKK, Planned Parenthood, concentration camps for American citizens, and restrictions on free speech.

3. It is the party of Mao ornaments on the White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.

4. The Democrat Party is the oldest racist organization in America, the trail of tears, the author of Jim Crow and the bigotry of low expectations, filibustered against women getting the vote and killed every anti-lynching bill to get to Congress

5. The Democrat Party is the number one funder of the Islamic Revolution in Tehran….to the tune of $100 billion to the Ayatollahs….and gave Hezbollah the go-ahead to sell cocaine in America.

6. It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

7. It is the party that admits its future depends on flooding the country with illegal aliens, and telling them to vote.

8. It is the party that couldn't suck up to the Castro Brothers enough, and treats the Bill of Rights like a Chinese menu..

9. The Democrats got us into the Civil War…Jefferson Davis .... Woodrow Wilson, WWI….FDR, WWII……Truman, Korean War….VietNam, JFK and LBJ…..yet they want to weaken our military.

10. The Democrats are the party that looks at the mayhem their gun laws have produced in Chicago, ……and this is their model for the nation.

11. I should mention that the Democrat Party was used as a model by Adolph Hitler and the Nazi Party….another ‘feather’ in the party’s cap?

12. The Democrat Party is now running on full-blown anti-white racism.

Quite a cult, that Democrat Party, huh?

While you were assuming your customary :lalala: yoga posture I've already schooled you on how Slavery preceded all political parties by literally centuries (1); how the KKK (and its bigger longer successor) were founded by people with no political affiliations (2); how tree ornaments have zero to do with freaking political parties and how Bernie Sanders has never had a party affiliation (3); how Jim Crow was instituted by local politics, not national (4) .... but let us focus on (6) since this is a new turd:

It is the party of anti-Semitism and Louis Farrakhan, and of the first Cabinet member ever to be held in contempt of Congress.

This is an interesting stretch inasmuch as (a) Jewish people lean Democratic over Republican by a margin of 70 to 22 and have been courted by that party since the Populist and Progressive movements of the turn of the 19th>20th century; (b) Louis Farrakhan has as much to do with the DP as David Duke has to do with the RP, with the exception that Duke actually calls himself a Republican; and (c) a quick jaunt over to Wiki for a list of Cabinet members held in contempt of Congress gives us, in chronological order oldest first:
--- All of which means....................................... what? That you're a moron who can't think her way out of the paper bag of Ass - sociation fallacies?

--- See what I mean about what a fucking liar you are?

“Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite

  • At least seven House Democrats are known to have direct ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • A photo shows Barack Obama smiling with Farrakhan at a Congressional Black Caucus meeting in 2005
…Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite and racist who has called Jews “satanic” and said white people “deserve to die.”

California Reps. Maxine Waters and Barbara Lee, Illinois Rep. Danny Davis, Indiana Rep. Andre Carson, Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, New York Rep. Gregory Meeks and Texas Rep. Al Green have all attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos, videos and witness accounts of the meetings reviewed by The Daily Caller News Foundation.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC), repeatedly attended meetings with Farrakhan while in Congress, according to photos and videos reviewed by TheDCNF and Farrakhan’s own statements.


Seven House Democrats Have Direct Ties To Notorious Anti-Semite [VIDEO]

It appears that your upbringing doesn't allow you to eschew the vulgarity, huh?

Especially when you are being eviscerated.....

Would you please stand down-wind......
Restored all civil rights? Can they get guns now?
He’s not that crazy or is he.
They should be able to. The end of ones sentence ought to be the end of any social restrictions. The current archaic method renders legions of infractions life sentences. That flies in the face of prohibition against cruel, and unusual punishment.

Also raises the question, what then was the point of serving in prison? Either one has "paid one's debt to society", or one has not. Can't have it both ways.

Pogo Predicts: the very next post will try to have it both ways.
The 22,205 felons will now have the right to vote, serve on a jury, and run for public office.

Any tax paying Americans left in the electricity free rust State will be exiting soon.

Gov. Northam says he's restored civil rights to 22K felons
You do realize that most states allow felons to vote, right? Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina...

No, you don't know that. Because you are ignorant.
Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, North and South Carolina...
This is true, but it is only available to felons who have been fully discharged from their sentence, including confinement, parole, supervision, and/or probation, or if they are granted a pardon.

A felon must have have proof that he/she completed his/her punishment to register.

I can't tell from the Virginia law if they are doing the same.

It will apply to any felon who "completed his or her sentence and all other requirements" like parole or probation, as of April 22, the office said. The governor also plans to issue additional monthly orders to grant voting rights to future released felons.

Virginia's Governor Just Gave 206,000 People The Right To Vote
76.6% of felons released will be arrested within 5 years.
Restored all civil rights? Can they get guns now?
He’s not that crazy or is he.
They should be able to. The end of ones sentence ought to be the end of any social restrictions. The current archaic method renders legions of infractions life sentences. That flies in the face of prohibition against cruel, and unusual punishment.

Also raises the question, what then was the point of serving in prison? Either one has "paid one's debt to society", or one has not. Can't have it both ways.
Sure, let felons have their guns.

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