Virginia...seriously? Terry McAuliffe?


Gold Member
Sep 13, 2013
This is astonishing to those of us who know the Clinton crime-syndicate for what it was and apparently still is. Law school trained hyenas who are experts on every kind of emotional manipulation known to political advertising.....amoral sociopaths who become multi-millionaires posing as champions for the poor. Still, Terry McAuliffe? :lol:

I reckon in the Commonwealth, shit don't stink anymore. McAuliffe is an embezzler, a bag man, a parasite conduit to the checking accounts of democrat fellow-travelers around the world...including the chinese communists he steered into pouring money into Clinton's 1996 campaign....clearly illegal, clearly treason......and let's not forget his scam and Global Crossing. Virginia...what have you done to youselves?


He hauled in $34.4 million in campaign contributions, roughly $14 million more than Cuccinelli, including $8.1 million in the final month.

Turnout was expected to be low -- 40 percent was the figure both sides were using. And both candidates were mustering their campaign organizations to find every last supporter. The negative tilt of the campaigns turned many voters off

McAuliffe narrowly defeats Cuccinelli in Virginia, ObamaCare troubles loom over vote | Fox News
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I reckon in the Commonwealth, shit don't stink anymore.

Shit still stinks here. One stunk more than the other.

:lol: You'll get higher taxes and fees, thousands will be put on your medicade....wait until the bill comes due on that. And of course Hillary will use Virgina as a politcal base for another run at the WH because Terry does what he's told to do by the Clintons. Other than that you'll rarely see him.....he doesn't know anything about running a state and has zero in common with Virginians....carpetbagger, dirtbag, absentee.
People are sick of right wing ideology.

Which is why a majority of citizens supported right wing idealogy of the tea party and libertarians over McAuliffe.

A split vote and the GOP establishment refusing to fund the campaign like previous races can cause problems like this.
"a majority of citizens supported right wing idealogy of the tea party and libertarians over McAuliffe"

Libertarians and Dems don't support the right wing ideology of the TeaPs is the correct way to phrase it.

And good non-TeaP GOP candidate, and the GOP would have won handily.
The democrat party pulled out all the stops. They ran a stealth so-called "libertarian" candidate who was associated with the Obama administration to syphon votes and they had the sodomites hysterical and the baby killer proponents ranting in the streets. McAuliffe should have won by double digits but he narrowly squeaked by. He had no coattails so it shows that the democrat base is now officially limited to hysterical sodomites and bloody baby killers.
The democrat party pulled out all the stops. They ran a stealth so-called "libertarian" candidate who was associated with the Obama administration to syphon votes and they had the sodomites hysterical and the baby killer proponents ranting in the streets. McAuliffe should have won by double digits but he narrowly squeaked by. He had no coattails so it shows that the democrat base is now officially limited to hysterical sodomites and bloody baby killers.
People hate you right wingers.
whitehall is corrected in implying the reason the pubs lost was that they ran a TeaP candidate.

The GOP should have won handily.
Nobody said the GOP in Virginia was overly bright in their choices of candidates.

Same goes for the constituency, though, if the new guy is what they're willing to settle for.

Oh well... their choice.

Coming from Illinois, with its time-honored massively-corrupt Chicago Democratic Machine, us Illini can't look down too harshly on the Virginians for this one.
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The democrat party pulled out all the stops. They ran a stealth so-called "libertarian" candidate who was associated with the Obama administration to syphon votes and they had the sodomites hysterical and the baby killer proponents ranting in the streets. McAuliffe should have won by double digits but he narrowly squeaked by. He had no coattails so it shows that the democrat base is now officially limited to hysterical sodomites and bloody baby killers.
People hate you right wingers.

Keep the fuck out of my threads then, asswipe. :eusa_eh:
whitehall is corrected in implying the reason the pubs lost was that they ran a TeaP candidate.

The GOP should have won handily.

We Tea Party need to divest ourselves of the GOP...they're little more than Rats in drag. The DNC is quickly wearing out it's welcome amongst liberals with money.....Obama stink will hang over your party for a decade.... by the time he's impeached it will be you bloodsucking Rats calling for a 3rd party or the end of the Electoral College again. You created the welfare state that's voting for you....when the debt overwhelms us all, it's you who they'll come looking to kill...not us.:doubt:
Nobody said the GOP in Virginia was overly bright in their choices of candidates.

Same goes for the constituency, though, if the new guy is what they're willing to settle for.

Oh well... their choice.

Only 40% bothered to vote and if Barry's lies about the ACA had been known before the absentee ballots were cast, Terry would have pissed away $34M for nothing. I agree it's their choice but not the "oh well"....every battle lost is a battle lost.
Oldest trick in the political book indeed.

Surprise: Obama Bundler Bankrolling Libertarian in VA Governor's Race

Nov. 05, 2013

It's one of the oldest tricks in the book: backing a third candidate in order to beat the main competition. This time, this tactic is being used in the Virginia gubernatorial race by Democrats who are heavily backing "Libertarian" candidate Robert Sarvis in an effort to pull votes away from Republican Ken Cuccinelli. Meredith Jessup at The Blaze has all of the dirty details.

A major Democratic Party benefactor and Obama campaign bundler helped pay for professional petition circulators responsible for getting Virginia Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Robert C. Sarvis on the ballot — a move that could split conservative votes in a tight race.

Campaign finance records show the Libertarian Booster PAC has made the largest independent contribution to Sarvis’ campaign, helping to pay for professional petition circulators who collected signatures necessary to get Sarvis’ name on Tuesday’s statewide ballot.

Austin, Texas, software billionaire Joe Liemandt is the Libertarian Booster PAC’s major benefactor. He’s also a top bundler for President Barack Obama. This revelation comes as Virginia voters head to the polls Tuesday in an election where some observers say the third-party gubernatorial candidate could be a spoiler for Republican Ken Cuccinelli.

Naturally, Sarvis' campaign won't explain the backing and refused to discuss whether he was recruited by Democrats to upset the race in Democrat Terry McAuliffe's favor.

Surprise: Obama Bundler Bankrolling Libertarian in VA Governor's Race - Katie Pavlich

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