Cuccinelli refuses to call McAuliffe after Virginia loss

unless he has by this point, this is the type of class the right has. They are petty children. Man up, you lost.

I have always thought it pretty disingenuous ( there is that word again ) to call and congratulate an opponent's win, especially if you may have had reason to believe the win was based upon fraud or other nefarious methods.

It is refreshing to see a politician not caving to PC....


If anyone should call anyone, the decent and logical thing would be for the winner showing grace and magnanimity and call the one who lost.

wtf? :cuckoo:

Then all of wingnut world would be calling it gloating. :lol: you are too precious
It's between those two. He doesn't HAVE to call. Aside from that I have no way of knowing if he did or did not call.


I have always thought it pretty disingenuous ( there is that word again ) to call and congratulate an opponent's win, especially if you may have had reason to believe the win was based upon fraud or other nefarious methods.

It is refreshing to see a politician not caving to PC....


If anyone should call anyone, the decent and logical thing would be for the winner showing grace and magnanimity and call the one who lost.

because thats not how the game in played. Politics is a dirty sport and you guys using the excuse of " lying and whatever" isnt a valid reason to not follow tradition. You are pathetic losers who dont even get the irony here. You cnat even follow through with simple manners and yet you want to complain about the destruction of Americas morals. Try not to be a hypocrite to hard guys, you might throw out a hip and we all know how you feel about obamacare.
Go team go! The TP gets beaten to a pulp yet again, and maybe the GOP leadership will grow some balls and spank the little twirps
In my youth, when my team and then a generation later, when my kids' team scored a victory, then and now, we were the first to congratulate the other team (only gloating liberal Democrats would call them losers).

It was the decent thing then and it still should be the decent thing, but unfortunately, the liberal losers in life decided that all teams, all individuals and all participants in all endeavors must be given the identical same recognition as the winner, just for participating.

Applauding those who lost and rewarding participation as winning should be an addendum to Einstein's definition of insanity.
In my youth, when my team and then a generation later, when my kids' team scored a victory, then and now, we were the first to congratulate the other team (only gloating liberal Democrats would call them losers).

It was the decent thing then and it still should be the decent thing, but unfortunately, the liberal losers in life decided that all teams, all individuals and all participants in all endeavors must be given the identical same recognition as the winner, just for participating.

Applauding those who lost and rewarding participation as winning should be an addendum to Einstein's definition of insanity.

im sure you did....
In my youth, when my team and then a generation later, when my kids' team scored a victory, then and now, we were the first to congratulate the other team (only gloating liberal Democrats would call them losers).

It was the decent thing then and it still should be the decent thing, but unfortunately, the liberal losers in life decided that all teams, all individuals and all participants in all endeavors must be given the identical same recognition as the winner, just for participating.

Applauding those who lost and rewarding participation as winning should be an addendum to Einstein's definition of insanity.

im sure you did....

OK, so you don't believe me. Fine.
In my youth, when my team and then a generation later, when my kids' team scored a victory, then and now, we were the first to congratulate the other team (only gloating liberal Democrats would call them losers).

It was the decent thing then and it still should be the decent thing, but unfortunately, the liberal losers in life decided that all teams, all individuals and all participants in all endeavors must be given the identical same recognition as the winner, just for participating.

Applauding those who lost and rewarding participation as winning should be an addendum to Einstein's definition of insanity.

im sure you did....

OK, so you don't believe me. Fine.

nope..i dont.
Massive numbers of anti-Kookynelly voting by single women. Gee, wonder why.

The single ladies held their noses and voted for Terry McAwful over the Bedroom Policeman who wants to reimpose the 1950s on everyone.

Let this be a lesson, social conservatives: Live socially conservative lives all you want and leave those who aren't attracted to that lifestyle alone.

and the vast majorities of those women are black.
gee, I wonder why :lol:

No, they're not. You're wrong and racist in one sentence. Typical conservative.
Go team go! The TP gets beaten to a pulp yet again, and maybe the GOP leadership will grow some balls and spank the little twirps

I bet you're going to run out and join the Tea Party right now with all this talk of receiving spankings.
Massive numbers of anti-Kookynelly voting by single women. Gee, wonder why.

The single ladies held their noses and voted for Terry McAwful over the Bedroom Policeman who wants to reimpose the 1950s on everyone.

Let this be a lesson, social conservatives: Live socially conservative lives all you want and leave those who aren't attracted to that lifestyle alone.

and the vast majorities of those women are black.
gee, I wonder why :lol:

Uh, no, not even close.
he should have called him by the next morning. RW is right ( yea, I said it) take the high road.

I have always thought it pretty disingenuous ( there is that word again ) to call and congratulate an opponent's win, especially if you may have had reason to believe the win was based upon fraud or other nefarious methods.

It is refreshing to see a politician not caving to PC....


If anyone should call anyone, the decent and logical thing would be for the winner showing grace and magnanimity and call the one who lost.

because thats not how the game in played. Politics is a dirty sport and you guys using the excuse of " lying and whatever" isnt a valid reason to not follow tradition. You are pathetic losers who dont even get the irony here. You cnat even follow through with simple manners and yet you want to complain about the destruction of Americas morals. Try not to be a hypocrite to hard guys, you might throw out a hip and we all know how you feel about obamacare.

Cuccinelli gave a concession speech the night of the election.

As you can imagine, the mood at the Cuccinelli party wasn't too cheery. During his concession speech, The Cooch said "though I'm obviously disappointed in tonight's outcome...I am immensely proud of the campaign we ran." His nine-minute speech mostly focused on how he was immensely outspent by McAuliffe's campaign and how awful Obamacare is, etc.

"Tonight you sent a message to the President of the United States," Cooch said to his supporters, "that you believe that Virginia understands that Obamacare is a failure and that you want to be in charge of your healthcare and not the government."
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Ken Cuccinelli Has No Plans To Call Terry McAuliffe: Report

Hours removed from a tight defeat in the 2013 Virginia governor's race, Ken Cuccinelli (R) appears to have no plans to congratulate his rival.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that according to two sources close to Cuccinelli's campaign, he has yet to call Terry McAuliffe and will keep things that way. Tuesday's election saw McAuliffe win by less than 55,000 votes.


You are being too kind. Cuccinelli is just a 'ho for the Tea Baggers.

If anyone should call anyone, the decent and logical thing would be for the winner showing grace and magnanimity and call the one who lost.

because thats not how the game in played. Politics is a dirty sport and you guys using the excuse of " lying and whatever" isnt a valid reason to not follow tradition. You are pathetic losers who dont even get the irony here. You cnat even follow through with simple manners and yet you want to complain about the destruction of Americas morals. Try not to be a hypocrite to hard guys, you might throw out a hip and we all know how you feel about obamacare.

Cuccinelli gave a concession speech the night of the election.

He was pretty bitter, I wouldn't call that a concession speech. He was absolutely terrible.

If anyone should call anyone, the decent and logical thing would be for the winner showing grace and magnanimity and call the one who lost.

because thats not how the game in played. Politics is a dirty sport and you guys using the excuse of " lying and whatever" isnt a valid reason to not follow tradition. You are pathetic losers who dont even get the irony here. You cnat even follow through with simple manners and yet you want to complain about the destruction of Americas morals. Try not to be a hypocrite to hard guys, you might throw out a hip and we all know how you feel about obamacare.

Cuccinelli gave a concession speech the night of the election.

Watch: Ken Cuccinelli's Concession Speech: DCist

As you can imagine, the mood at the Cuccinelli party wasn't too cheery. During his concession speech, The Cooch said "though I'm obviously disappointed in tonight's outcome...I am immensely proud of the campaign we ran." His nine-minute speech mostly focused on how he was immensely outspent by McAuliffe's campaign and how awful Obamacare is, etc.

"Tonight you sent a message to the President of the United States," Cooch said to his supporters, "that you believe that Virginia understands that Obamacare is a failure and that you want to be in charge of your healthcare and not the government."
But thats not what we are talking about is it? No its not.
Ken Cuccinelli Has No Plans To Call Terry McAuliffe: Report

Hours removed from a tight defeat in the 2013 Virginia governor's race, Ken Cuccinelli (R) appears to have no plans to congratulate his rival.

The Washington Post reported Wednesday that according to two sources close to Cuccinelli's campaign, he has yet to call Terry McAuliffe and will keep things that way. Tuesday's election saw McAuliffe win by less than 55,000 votes.


If I suspected any monkey business going on at the ballot box, I wouldn't be calling McAuliffe either. Yeah, I said it. Until Cuccinelli clears that little bit up, he should keep quiet.
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