Vladimir Putin Didn't Save The World. The World, Me And John Kerry Did. Right?

Feb 1, 2013

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Think Kerry will put himself in for a medal?
If Obama has saved the world from a nuclear catastraphe, then I can only assume that Joe Biden has finally ended slavery and found a cure for the common cold.
God works in mysterious ways. ;)

Glad to see a catastrophe averted, no matter, the chain of missteps that got us here. :)
would any of the members here take claim that they invented the internet, therefore saving world peace?
"And the Seventh Angel poured forth his bowl and a loud voice from the throne inside the Temple called out 'There! It is done!"

Unlike the Titanic's captain Edward Smith, Comrade Barack knows precisely where the iceberg will be while he sails his ship of state to that very same location. We have seen our Munich moment and like the residents of London and Paris, chosen to dance in the streets until the wee hours, blissfully ignorant or the chain of events it set in motion.

The right and its intuitive instinctive response to aggression has been paralyzed by the presence of a commander in chief that chooses to lie incessantly displaying subterfuge, vacillation and a total weakness of character. In a moment of national crisis this CNC can only be counted on to be found either on the golf course or humping Reggie Love up in the Lincoln bedroom.

This "Fundamental Transformation Of America" Comrade Barack spoke about has its footings and foundation in Obama's high treason from within.

Nothing ever occurs in a vacuum. In 1938 the Japanese were stunned at how graciously accommodating the Western Democracies were with Hitler and decided to seize that moment to gain their desired rightful place in Asian politics and its economy.Its axiomatic that "Weakness always begets aggression."
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my cat just took a crap. Hail to my cat, she just saved the world from being hit by a 7 mile wide meteor!!
Mark Levin's radio show was in a commercial break so I switched over to radio Lib Randi Rhodes

She said she was in awe of what Obama accomplished with regard to Syria admitting they had chemical weapons,agreeing to accept the international control of them and agreeing to not producing any more....

What a crock of shit....

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

Think Kerry will put himself in for a medal?

Of course. And then he'll throw it over the White House fence, go before the senate and declare our boys baby killers ..again.

Tonight's speech should be very interesting. Putin has saved the world from World War Three.
Now, who do you all think will take credit for stopping a borderline Middle East Blowout that had the potential of using nuclear weapons?
Anyone want to take a guess who will be taking credit tonight, after 9:pM?

:lmao: :lmao: :rofl:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVs6l4H2Omw]Pelosi: Russian Proposal on Syria 'Victory' - YouTube[/ame]
If Obama has saved the world from a nuclear catastraphe, then I can only assume that Joe Biden has finally ended slavery and found a cure for the common cold.

Not to mention that Biden wil celebrate by stepping outside and firing his shotgun into the air. :doubt:
It is a mistake to think that President Putin pulled the world back from World War III because he's being altruistic. He has another plan. He hates little o obama way too much and way to personally to be throwing obama a lifeline. obama may have grabbed this lifeline way too quickly. Probably because he was again driven by his ego and could not pass up the chance to say he is responsible and it was his use of force that saved the day. President Putin has a plan for this lifeline to become a noose to hang obama's ego. Putin doesn't want WWIII. He does want to destroy obama completely. Partly because obama is so stupid, he can.
It is a mistake to think that President Putin pulled the world back from World War III because he's being altruistic. He has another plan. He hates little o obama way too much and way to personally to be throwing obama a lifeline. obama may have grabbed this lifeline way too quickly. Probably because he was again driven by his ego and could not pass up the chance to say he is responsible and it was his use of force that saved the day. President Putin has a plan for this lifeline to become a noose to hang obama's ego. Putin doesn't want WWIII. He does want to destroy obama completely. Partly because obama is so stupid, he can.

Barry is doing a fine job of destroying himself without Putin's assistance. I swear, I have never, in my lifetime, seen a Chief Executive as ineffectual as Barry is.
so when Biden shoots a tree and it falls in the forest, does it make a sound? or does he just keep shooting at trees for no apparent reason.

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