Voltaire defined Trump and his MAGA followers hundreds of years ago.


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2009
Voltaire defined Trump and his MAGA followers hundreds of years ago.


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Voltaire defined Trump and his MAGA followers hundreds of years ago.
He’s describing you leftwing lunatics.

You all believe in absurdities like “transgenderism”.

That men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.

That killing an unborn baby isn’t murder.

That open borders is a good thing.

That war with Russia is a good thing.

You people are insane.
It's normal cult behavior for cultists to manufacture an alternate reality, and then use that alternate reality to declare that everyone outside of their cult is abnormal.

Good luck with that.
It's normal cult behavior for cultists to manufacture an alternate reality, and then use that alternate reality to declare that everyone outside of their cult is abnormal.
sounds like Democrats to me.
It's normal cult behavior for cultists to manufacture an alternate reality, and then use that alternate reality to declare that everyone outside of their cult is abnormal.

Good luck with that.
What did I post that was untrue?
What did I post that was untrue?
All of it. That's rather obvious.

You all believe in absurdities like “transgenderism”.

Lunatic statement, given that transgender people exist, thus proving my points about your alternate reality.

That men should be allowed to compete in women’s sports.

Nope. And it's a case-by-case thing with transwomen, which is the sensible person's position.

That killing an unborn baby isn’t murder.

Us being truthful, and you being a shameless liar. Pro-lifers don't think abortion is murder. They lie about that so they have an excuse to be hateful control freak sickos.

That open borders is a good thing.

That's you lying outright about reality, making you look dishonest and cowardly. If you can't debate what we actually say, just admit it. Don't lie outright about our positions. That just earns you a deeper pit in Hell.

That war with Russia is a good thing.

Again, that's you lying outright about reality.

See you in November. We can't wait to keep reaming you over all of those issues.
All of it. That's rather obvious.

Lunatic statement, given that transgender people exist, thus proving my points about your alternate reality.

Nope. And it's a case-by-case thing with transwomen, which is the sensible person's position.

Us being truthful, and you being a shameless liar. Pro-lifers don't think abortion is murder. They lie about that so they have an excuse to be hateful control freak sickos.

That's you lying outright about reality, making you look dishonest and cowardly. If you can't debate what we actually say, just admit it. Don't lie outright about our positions. That just earns you a deeper pit in Hell.

Again, that's you lying outright about reality.

See you in November. We can't wait to keep reaming you over all of those issues.
^^ more incoherent lunacy from these lefties.

I never claimed people who believe in transgenderism don’t exist.
You then go on to actually prove my point and say that allowing men in women’s sports is “sensible”.

No you are claiming pro-lifers don’t believe abortion is murder? This is seriously your argument? LOL.

Kamala Harris and other Dems say all the time that illegal immigrants aren’t illegal and shouldn’t be prosecuted or kicked out.

You all support the proxy war with Russia, and keep saying Putin must be stopped at all costs, which includes sending troops there eventually.
Project 2025 that he supported before he did not? :)

That he is young enough to be President?

That he will withdraw support from Ukraine?
P25 isn’t his platform, another myth the left has to lie about. He has his own stated platform.

He is younger than Biden whom you all supported and said age wasn’t an issue. Next.

Yes he supports stopping the insane war getting Ukrainians killed. The fact you find this “absurd” is proof you warmongers only want a prolonged war with millions dead.

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