Voter fraud in Connecticut

And that it happened here makes any argument that it 'never happens" moot.

Again, you don't need national actions, just national coordination in the right places.

And a justice system reliant on the system, and thus incapable of countering the system.
And yet there's no sign of national coordination. In fact there are signs that all claims of voter fraud were spurious.

Namely, guilty pleas, settlements running in the hundreds of millions, retractions, failure to produce discovery when asked in court, not to mention people who were arguing in court FOR voter fraud admitting they aren't aware of such fraud when asked point blank by a judge.

Is it possible? Sure, everything is possible if you are aren't interested in considering likelihood. Hell who knows, pigs might someday be able to fly.

In the real world, you consider likelihood when making assumptions.
And yet there's no sign of national coordination. In fact there are signs that all claims of voter fraud were spurious.

Namely, guilty pleas, settlements running in the hundreds of millions, retractions, failure to produce discovery when asked in court, not to mention people who were arguing in court FOR voter fraud admitting they aren't aware of such fraud when asked point blank by a judge.

Is it possible? Sure, everything is possible if you are aren't interested in considering likelihood. Hell who knows, pigs might someday be able to fly.

In the real world, you consider likelihood when making assumptions.

Yes, because people breaking the law always do it out in the open, and never try to cover up said law breaking....

You probably still believe OJ didn't kill Nicole.
You dismiss the one case here to ignore any others.

It's amazing the logical twister games progs like you play to ignore reality.

I do not dismiss this case, I highlight this case as to what can happen when you have actual evidence.
Apparently you haven't been listening to Abrams much. Are you aware of his criticism of Republicans efforts to purge urban voters from the voter registration rolls?

He did, today, on his XM radio show.
Democrats cheat in elections a judge with some balls called it. And that fat cow needs to shut her lying lie hole
Now we have legal precedence that it happens. Lawyers can use it.
Not for nothing. Nobody ever said it never happened nor is this a precedent. In fact there are thousands of instances of voter fraud.

The question was and is, was there voter fraud to a sufficient extend to alter the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The answer to that was and is a resounding no.
Not for nothing. Nobody ever said it never happened nor is this a precedent. In fact there are thousands of instances of voter fraud.

The question was and is, was there voter fraud to a sufficient extend to alter the outcome of the 2020 presidential election. The answer to that was and is a resounding no.
They know this, of course but can’t be honest about it.
Yes, because people breaking the law always do it out in the open, and never try to cover up said law breaking....

You probably still believe OJ didn't kill Nicole.
No, I'm saying that in order to commit voter fraud on the scale you are suggesting you are forced to rely entirely on assumptions because no actual evidence was ever produced.

And those claims of voter fraud that were uttered ended in sanctions for those people or admissions to the spurious nature of the accusations.

You are simply assuming it happened and that Democrats did it, without ever resolving the how and why you believe it.
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Democrats cheat in elections a judge with some balls called it. And that fat cow needs to shut her lying lie hole

One rogue doesn't define democrats. On the whole, you have no evidence to support that claim.

Republicans implemented 'Interstate Crosscheck' which, Kris Kobach, in cooperation with 29 red states, purged some 1.1million mostly blacks from the voter registration rolls.

When that program was shut down by a federal judge, Republicans switched to a method called 'voter caging' where they send a post card to anyone who missed the last election, design it to look like junk mail, and if they fail to return it, the voter is purged. Republicans know that statistically the stats are much higher in poorer neighborhoods to return the cards.

Kemp did this in GA, and took some 300k off the voter registration rolls. Stacey Abrams sued over this, it was wrong, she was right, though the republican judge voted in Kemp's favor. Kemp only won by 50k votes. Not only that, he was Secretary of State in GA when he was running for gov, and the SoS controls the voting apparatus, a conflict of interest.

But this kind of shit is typical with republicans, plus gerrymandering across the nation. Restricting ballot access, eliminating voting ahead of time, refusing to make ballot day a holiday, and on and on and on. You guys are HYPOCRITES.

  1. Voter Caging in Georgia: It’s true that Brian Kemp, while serving as Georgia’s Secretary of State, was accused of improperly purging over 300,000 voters from the rolls1. This process, often referred to as ‘voter caging’, involved sending a postcard to voters who did not vote in the prior election. If the postcard was not returned, the voter’s registration was purged1.
  2. Stacey Abrams’ Lawsuit: Stacey Abrams and her organization, Fair Fight Action, did file a lawsuit against Kemp, alleging that Georgia’s election practices were discriminatory and unconstitutional2. However, a federal judge ruled in favor of the state on all remaining issues in the lawsuit2.
  3. Kemp’s Victory Margin: Kemp won the 2018 Georgia gubernatorial election by a narrow margin. However, the exact number of votes by which he won is not mentioned in the sources I found. (BING AI)
  4. Conflict of Interest: Kemp served as Georgia’s Secretary of State while running for governor, a position that oversees elections. Critics argued that this presented a conflict of interest3456. Despite calls for his resignation to avoid this conflict, Kemp did not step down from his position until after the election56.

  1. Interstate Crosscheck: The Interstate Voter Registration Crosscheck Program, commonly referred to as Crosscheck, was a database in the United States which aggregated voter registration records from multiple states to identify voters who may have registered or voted in two or more states1. It was developed in 2005 by Kansas Secretary of State Ron Thornburgh in conjunction with Iowa, Missouri, and Nebraska1. Under then-Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the program expanded rapidly from thirteen states in 2010 to a peak of 29 states in 20141.
  2. Purging of Voters: Crosscheck was accused of facilitating unlawful purges of voters in a racially discriminatory manner1. According to a Rolling Stone analysis of data obtained from states participating in Interstate Crosscheck, as many as 1.1 million names were purged from voter rolls before the 2016 election2. However, it’s important to note that Crosscheck considered two voter registrations potential duplicates if they matched on first name, last name, and full date of birth1. This led to a high rate of false positives1.
  3. Racial Bias: Reports suggest that Crosscheck tagged a significant number of Latinx voters, Asian Americans, and Black voters in Crosscheck states for removal from the rolls3. However, it’s important to note that these allegations have been subject to significant controversy and debate.
Here are some of the techniques that have been associated with Republican voter suppression:

  1. Gerrymandering: This involves manipulating the boundaries of an electoral constituency to favor one party or class1.
  2. Voter ID Requirements & Intimidation: Some states have strict voter ID laws that can make it difficult for certain groups, such as the elderly, students, and minorities, to vote1. There have also been instances of voter intimidation at polling places1.
  3. Undermining Election Security & Disinformation: Spreading false information about the voting process or election security can discourage people from voting1.
  4. Polling Place Closures & Roll Purges: Closing polling places or purging voter rolls can make it more difficult for people to vote1. This can disproportionately affect certain groups, such as minorities and the elderly1.
  5. Limiting Mail-In Voting: Some states have introduced bills to limit mail-in voting23.
  6. Shortening Early Voting: Some states have introduced bills to shorten the early voting period23.
  7. Eliminating Automatic and Same-Day Voter Registration: Some states have introduced bills to eliminate automatic and same-day voter registration23.
  8. Curbing the Use of Ballot Drop Boxes: Some states have introduced bills to curb the use of ballot drop boxes23.
  9. Allowing for Increased Purging of Voter Rolls: Some states have introduced bills to allow for increased purging of voter rolls23.
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No, I'm saying that in order to commit voter fraud on the scale you are suggesting you are forced to rely entirely on assumptions because no actual evidence was ever produced.

And those claims of voter fraud that were uttered ended in sanctions for those people or admissions to there spurious nature.

You are simply assuming it happened and that Democrats did it, without ever resolving the how and why you believe it.

Kind of like your side assumes women can have penises?

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