Voter fraud in Connecticut

No, the problem is; you refuse to believe anything you don't WANT to believe.

I promise you, it's not just about this. It's your personality, it is your lack of character. What you WANT dominates your life in every phase of it.

Now go stomp your feet and tell Dad you want the car keys

No, the problem is we refuse to believe anything we're told without EVIDENCE. 30 years of Republican lies about the Clintons have made everyone with a brain suspicious of any kind of criminal allegations made about Democrats with no evidence.

Have you ever fact checked ANY claims Republicans have ever made????? What do you do when you find out Republicans have lied to you?

If all of what Democrats have told you are lies, why did FOX pay out $875 million dollars for LYING????

Why did Sydney Powell say no one should have believed her claims about a stolen election?

Rudy Guliani has admitted in a public courtroom, that he lied about the two election workers in Pennsylvannia, and that he made everything up. What was your reaction to that?

Why are all of the lawyers involved now pleading guilty to what amounts to "treason" against the Constition?
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Very true.

But we have motivated millions of people who normally wouldn't bother to vote. And thousands who usually couldn't give a shit less to keep an eye, and report, on shenanigans by your Useful Idiots.

I just want you to remember this --

Trump, knowing he was going to lose the election, kept telling everyone that the election was rigged against him, for months before the election - to lay the foundation for his later attempt to overthrow the results.

But as usual with Trump's brazen and very open schemes to cheat people, he was very public about it, He said the election would likely be decided by the Courts, and Trump was confident he would win because he appointed so many judges, and especially the 3 SC Judges, who "owed him", would find in his favour.

Having been warned that the 2020 results in their state may end up being litigated in court, Secretaries of State throughout the USA, went to extra lengths to ensure their election results would withstand both recounts and court scrutiny. The result was certified to have been the most honest and fair American election, in history.

Bill Barr ordered the FBI to track down every credible report of fraud or manipulation of the results, and the FBI dutifully went in and tracked down and laid over 200 charges of illegal voting activities - but none of the charges laid involved any significant number of votes. Just random Republicans voting on behalf of dead relatives.

Everyone involved in the election made sure that there was no question of the result, and how you arrived at them. Trump brought in an election oversight group from Europe to verify the conduct of the election and everyone gave it an outstanding report for honesty and fairness. No state wanted the shame of having their results overturned in court.

So your lies about "shenanigans" are just same bullshit, different day. You have no evidence because there was no "theft" of anything.
I know all I have is accusations. You think you 100% know the "truth" because said "truth" is what fits your worldview.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 more pointing back at YOU. 67 Court cases, not a shred of evidence to support YOUR accusations.

All of the people who told you the election was stolen, are now admitting they lied. But still you believe. All of their "evidence" either didn't happen, or they lied about it.

This is just like Obama's birth certificate. Trump told you he lied about it, but you still think Obama was born in Kenya. Why????? Trump admits his lies, the courts told you he lies, FOX admits their lies, and still you believe the lie.

You really can fool some of the people, all of the time.
Trump, knowing he was going to lose the election,
You are one stupid human being.

The reason, the one and only reason that people were so upset is that it wasn't even close. It was supposed to OMB in a landslide.

You are too stupid to communicate with.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 more pointing back at YOU. 67 Court cases, not a shred of evidence to support YOUR accusations.

All of the people who told you the election was stolen, are now admitting they lied. But still you believe. All of their "evidence" either didn't happen, or they lied about it.

This is just like Obama's birth certificate. Trump told you he lied about it, but you still think Obama was born in Kenya. Why????? Trump admits his lies, the courts told you he lies, FOX admits their lies, and still you believe the lie.

You really can fool some of the people, all of the time.
Who changed their mind, where, when
The Wisconsin Supreme Court looked at evidence, and found that there was enough cheating to cast that state's result in doubt.

Funny how you coincidence theorists always ignore that one.
link the decision and I'll be happy to look at it.
Here's what I think. I think he should be allowed to run for president. The only way you racists are going to learn is by losing. At some point you will understand that trumps racist policies will no longer be tolerated.
Why am I a racist? That statement makes you a bigot. You think like a bigot, forming an opinion without any facts.

Sadly the Democrat party is the Bigot party
You're sitting on a Park Bench and you see a Man walk into a house with a gun in his hand. You hear a shot fired shortly afterward and see that same man walk out with a still-smoking gun in his hand.

The Cops later find another man, shot to death in that house.

Is what you saw 'evidence' or speculation?
That would be circumstantial evidence but evidence, nonetheless. The problem I have is that there's no actual convincing circumstantial evidence. I've seen all these things appear on this board. From 2200 mules or whatever it's called to " this statistician is claiming this, to Dominion was done by Chavez." Most if not all have a perfectly reasonable explanation. Most if not all appeared in court. All of them were rejected.

So, it's more like I'm sitting on a park bench and hear a gunshot a guy is dead on the street. I see 20 people running and I'm claiming I know one of those 20 people did it with just that information.

It's actually worse. Since as I said all of the people who actually claimed voter fraud have admitted they lied, been sanctioned or refuse to support the claims in court.

So, in actuality it's. I'm sitting on a park bench, I hear a gunshot, I see 20 people running and a guy is dead. Now I claim I know one of the 20 people killed that guy. When the police look at this guy though he has 15 people saying he was just walking by.
It might be that the 1 person is right, but in order to believe that you have to disregard the testimony of 15 other people.
Why am I a racist? That statement makes you a bigot. You think like a bigot, forming an opinion without any facts.

Sadly the Democrat party is the Bigot party
I have all the facts I need and I'm not a Democrat.
If you think I'm a bigot that's your problem.
I don't give a fuck what you or anyone else thinks of me.
That would be circumstantial evidence but evidence, nonetheless. The problem I have is that there's no actual convincing circumstantial evidence. I've seen all these things appear on this board. From 2200 mules or whatever it's called to " this statistician is claiming this, to Dominion was done by Chavez." Most if not all have a perfectly reasonable explanation. Most if not all appeared in court. All of them were rejected.

So, it's more like I'm sitting on a park bench and hear a gunshot a guy is dead on the street. I see 20 people running and I'm claiming I know one of those 20 people did it with just that information.

It's actually worse. Since as I said all of the people who actually claimed voter fraud have admitted they lied, been sanctioned or refuse to support the claims in court.

So, in actuality it's. I'm sitting on a park bench, I hear a gunshot, I see 20 people running and a guy is dead. Now I claim I know one of the 20 people killed that guy. When the police look at this guy though he has 15 people saying he was just walking by.
It might be that the 1 person is right, but in order to believe that you have to disregard the testimony of 15 other people.
In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.
In normal circumstances it's the people who make the claim that need to provide the source for that claim. But since I'm not afraid of some work.

So, it's not so much it's being ignored, it's that the person who did it was not acting as a judge and was actually found in contempt by a judge who was serving as one.

Google indeed is my friend. Less sure it's yours.
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Democrats doing exactly what Republicans have accused them of doing yet they deny it. And here we are with judicial proof.
I can show you at least half a dozen Republican examples of voter fraud, if you wish. Including in the 2020 election.

Including a congressional election that had to be done over because of Republican fraud.

Congratulations. You found ONE Democrat cheating!
In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth. Denialism is an essentially irrational action that withholds the validation of a historical experience or event when a person refuses to accept an empirically verifiable reality.
Sure. Is your point that I'm in denial?

Feel free to cite whatever evidence circumstantial or otherwise that you have of widespread voter fraud. Go ahead. Many have tried. Maybe you'll succeed.

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