Voter fraud lie was cooked up long before 2020 trump loss

There's a lot to pick over on this little thread (so far, little).
Anyway, let's pick just a few and comment accordingly on them. K?

"We predicted it you fucking idiot hoax believer"
I often am curious if other Trump Supporters are proud to have an avataree like 'Hang" be part of their group? To be sort of a spokesperson? A thought leader? To act as a representative of their interests here?
I wonder if some of the thinking Trump Supporters are secretly saying to themselves......"Sheeeesh! I wish that guy was on the Left. I wish he would just go away. He make all of us Trump Supporters look bad.".

I say that simply out of curiosity as I don't know what thinking Trump Supporters think. But, I suspect the thinking ones really do think that.
No disrespect intended towards Hang On Sloopy.

I knew we could be in trouble the day he said "the only way I lose is if they rig the election" on the campaign trail, after he saw the polls that showed him losing. .........You knew the rubes were going to buy into it, as always.

Folks here, should pay attention to Mac's insights. He offers a tractionful perspective. IMHO

ps.....the friggin' Emmys were against him too?? Jezus H. Christ!

Yep, the fix was in. I'm amazed how many Americans are okay with our elections being stolen.
And, me too....I'm amazed.
I'm amazed how often the good poster Lenny Partiv comes on to this gossipboard and whines and hissyfits over "a stolen election".
There seems to be no self-awareness.
After all, he loudly, frequently, insistently....claimed the Cyber Ninjas were gonna be the oak-stake to the heart of the fraud. All would be revealed and Dems and Lefties and Progressives and Joe and Jill Biden......were all gonna be paraded naked through the streets and burned in the square. Or something like that. But.......

But....... the Ninjas showed Lenny (and the rest of us) how wrong he was.
Instead, the Ninjas showed us that somehow, someway, somebody .......gave Trump MORE votes than he legally got.
Those damn Ninjas. You can buy 'em........but they won't stay bought.

And then, remember Lenny's geographically challenged claim that Everett County Michigan would be proven to have been the canary-in-the-coalmine and would show us how big, wide, and insidious the Dominion voting-machine scandal would be.
But poor Lenny.
Poor Lenny didn't know that Michigan doesn't even have an "Everett County".
My avatar felt sorry for poor Lenny. That had to be embarrassing. the way, those machines worked just fine in both Antrim, and the mythical Everett County (the county where it is always sunny, 72 degrees, the mothers are all good-lookin', and all the kids above average.)

Including Trump's Justice Department, Trump's DHS, Trump's Attorney General, Trump's Supreme Court, Trump-appointed judges, several Republican lawmakers, Republican state and local election officials, state Supreme Courts and Republican State Attorneys General, all of whom disagree with you about this.

And to drive that nail just a little deeper, I have read on this gossipboard comments that all of the states' election officials were in on the "steal".
Which surprised me. After all, I know a number of them in my state.....actually, at my precinct on November 3rd last year, I knew every single worker there. And so it came as a surprise when Lenny Partiv, and other MAGAHats here, claimed those nice earnest retired ladies were really sabotaging America. Who knew?

And it gets worse.
Per some MAGAHats on this venue with all of the officials in my state in on "the Steal", well, that means that all those clerks (83 county clerks, 280 city clerks, 1,240 township clerks in 1,603 voting jurisdicitons (and then multiply that by all of the election day workers, in addition to the clerks).....well, that is a friggin' lot of folks. And that's just one state. Clearly, hundreds of thousand, if not a million or more, government election officials were in on "the Steal".

And clearly, they are a tight knit none have ratted out any of the others. Which is surprising. After all you'd think there'd be a pissed off Republican worker, or Democratic worker, who didn't like how their particular precinct came out....and then go running to the FBI with their complaint. At least go to the FBI. And not Rudy Giuliani or Krakenpot Powell?

the court system should have allowed the wrong to be righted. They didn't, so patriotic protestors took to the streets of DC on January 6.
A good Lenny. Give it up. Your "patriotic protestors" ---a goodly number of them, beat the crap out of police officers who just came to work that day to do their job. To fulfill the oath they had raised their hands to and promised. But Lenny's patriots......thought stomping the hell out of a man trying to support his family was a good thing to do.
Lenny, give it up. You are making your avatar look silly. Look foolish.
And to drive that nail just a little deeper, I have read on this gossipboard comments that all of the states' election officials were in on the "steal".

Which surprised me. After all, I know a number of them in my state.....actually, at my precinct on November 3rd last year, I knew every single worker there. And so it came as a surprise when Lenny Partiv, and other MAGAHats here, claimed those nice earnest retired ladies were really sabotaging America. Who knew?

And it gets worse.
Per some MAGAHats on this venue with all of the officials in my state in on "the Steal", well, that means that all those clerks (83 county clerks, 280 city clerks, 1,240 township clerks in 1,603 voting jurisdicitons (and then multiply that by all of the election day workers, in addition to the clerks).....well, that is a friggin' lot of folks. And that's just one state. Clearly, hundreds of thousand, if not a million or more, government election officials were in on "the Steal".

And clearly, they are a tight knit none have ratted out any of the others. Which is surprising. After all you'd think there'd be a pissed off Republican worker, or Democratic worker, who didn't like how their particular precinct came out....and then go running to the FBI with their complaint. At least go to the FBI. And not Rudy Giuliani or Krakenpot Powell?

It's the conspiratorial/victimization mindset. If your loss is big enough, no conspiracy is too big. So yes, thousands of Americans, including many high-profile Americans with a great deal to lose, have to be "in" on this. Even those Trump himself appointed. If a person is insistent on playing the victim, size doesn't matter.

To say "there's no talking to these people" is a terrible understatement because of the damaged being caused. It's almost like one of those B-grade sci fi movies in which many people are infected with some mysterious, otherworldly virus that turns them into zombies. We can only hope the virus wears off at some point.
We knew Covid would cause a massive ballot fraud with mail ins and fakes

We knew this would happen by May. Where you been

You believed the Russia hoax right?
You did? And you didn't go to the FBI or your Sec. of State about what you knew? Better yet, you didn't warn the Trump campaign? The White House? Homeland Security? Did you warn Rudy, William Barr?

Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.
We knew Covid would cause a massive ballot fraud with mail ins and fakes

We knew this would happen by May. Where you been

You believed the Russia hoax right?

You knew???
With intellectual giants like you in the GOP why didnt you know there was no voter fraud?

Perhaps you might like to think before you post bullshit like that.
It's the conspiratorial/victimization mindset. If your loss is big enough, no conspiracy is too big. So yes, thousands of Americans, including many high-profile Americans with a great deal to lose, have to be "in" on this. Even those Trump himself appointed. If a person is insistent on playing the victim, size doesn't matter.

To say "there's no talking to these people" is a terrible understatement because of the damaged being caused. It's almost like one of those B-grade sci fi movies in which many people are infected with some mysterious, otherworldly virus that turns them into zombies. We can only hope the virus wears off at some point.

^^^This from a guy who bought the "Steele Dossier" hook, line, and sinker.
If this forum were at all consistent and unbiased in the way it does things, this thread would have been placed in the conspiracy theory section by now.
Trump was told by his own people including Bill Barr in April of 2020 that he would lose the election unless he made major changes in his attitude.

He was of course incapable of that so it was a foregone conclusion that he would lose

Claiming fraud was his only hope
And another lie. It's all you know.

Why won't you call out your cult leader for killing thousands with this lie?

Let's be honest.........................

The laziest among us both physically and mentally lean left.

The laziest among us are attracted to victim roles. The left markets victim roles, always.

Without victimization and the MSM the left controls the Democracks DO NOT EXIST.

The laziest among us soak-in MSM propaganda quite easily as truth, right after an episode of Oprah, because they're too lazy to think underneath what others tell them. In other terms, they're dependent.

When ballots are solicited the targeted audience are the laziest among us. Ballots were solicited because.....


Victimization, you're too sick or risk getting sick if you vote in person, better they bring COVID to your house.

Sure, Democrats have this victimization idea EVERY VOTE MUST COUNT. The reality of it is, the easier it is to vote the more likely those who make poor choices are going to make poor choices & vote Democrooks.

The dumber a society the more people vote Demoicrats. Sure leftists believe this is a good thing because "every vote must count" which is code for the easier it is to vote the greater we're controlled by the Demonicrots. Proof is in the pudding as they say, they supported a man with a used-car salesman mentality for POTUS, a career politician when it was clear he's incapable and in deep cognitive decline. They're so dumbed down they supported The Giggler for VP, who even they rejected until they didn't. Sheep are equally capable.

If they can the left will feature smart-phone voting with pop-ups to remind them to support anyone but the orange-man. Look at who supports the left, who are their base?

A. Youth, unwise & easily manipulated, it begins with left-indoctrination in our schools. They have this idea of utopia where money grows on trees, everything is fair and they demonstrate a love for socialism because.....................

They're stupid & UNEDUCATED.

B. Blacks, somehow they miss the party of slavery still fucks with them and they soak that shit in, why?

C. Single women, be honest, other than blacks who loves victimization more than single women?

D. Govt. employees including teachers. A group that doesn't have to or know how to produce anything tangible leans Democrat, and they can't even explain why.

Let's be honest...

The states with the highest average IQs are all Blue.

The states with the lowest average IQs are all Red.

I won't even bother to compare the percent of people with higher education in Red vs. Blue states.
Back in 2016 Trump said that if Hillary won the election it would be because the election was 'rigged'.

Apparently he had the BIG LIE already prepared and ready to go back in 2016.

Porting it to 2020 just came naturally.

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