Voter I.D. law supresses the vote...that is why they had record vote turnout in Wisconsin, right? excellent point...they have voter I.D. in Wisconsin....and it supressed voters...right? Er....what? What was that you say? There was record voter turn out....? Really? Even with Voter I.D.....? Really?
I think there may be an entirely different motive for our government wanting us all to carry identity papers. It makes it easier to control a population's movements.

After all, Voter ID does not stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur. And when something does not achieve what it is claimed to achieve, then it must have a different purpose, right? If something doesn't achieve what it is claimed to achieve, then any sane person who wants as little government intervention in our lives as possible would abandon the project, wouldn't they?

QED, Voter ID has some other purpose. And since you sometimes attempt to give the impression you don't like the federal government, I find it veeeeeeery curious you are a stooge for the government movement to get us all to carry identity papers.

See: REAL ID Act of 2005.
You may be digging too deep on this one... I think it is a pretty transparent political issue. Many of the innercity poor who do not have drivers licenses would likely vote for Democrats or candidates that that support increasing welfare benefits. This is why Republicans want to tighten the regulations and Dems want to loosen. This issue is very much politicized, so common sense left the building a while ago.
What better way to get the populace to go along with a plan to make everyone carry identity papers than by masking it as a voting security issue?

The fact Voter ID does not achieve its stated purpose makes it very suspect and suggests an entirely different motive behind it.

Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

It's more reasonable than the insult filled rants you're putting out. We lived for 100 years without any form of gun control. We've lived with gun control measures for the last 50 years. Things change. Usually, like with voter ID, the change is for the better.
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Im sure any regulation can be justified... I just thought the Republicans were about loosening the grip of government and this issue seems to be a flip flop on their core principle. Interesting...

proving who you are before voting is a core principal of anyone with a modicum of common sense.

would you do away with IDs for food stamps and welfare? how about drivers licenses?
I honestly don't care about this issue at all. It is a political game at this point. It makes sense to verify identity when voting, but I'm not gonna fight too hard one way or the other as both sides have valid points. I say leave it up to the communities to decide how they do it.
With the GOP's REAL ID Act, the federal government usurped states rights about what kind of identity papers you must carry.

I don't recall any right wing "news" outlets bitching and screaming about states rights being run roughshod.

I guess they only care about states rights when it suits them.
I think there may be an entirely different motive for our government wanting us all to carry identity papers. It makes it easier to control a population's movements.

After all, Voter ID does not stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur. And when something does not achieve what it is claimed to achieve, then it must have a different purpose, right? If something doesn't achieve what it is claimed to achieve, then any sane person who wants as little government intervention in our lives as possible would abandon the project, wouldn't they?

QED, Voter ID has some other purpose. And since you sometimes attempt to give the impression you don't like the federal government, I find it veeeeeeery curious you are a stooge for the government movement to get us all to carry identity papers.

See: REAL ID Act of 2005.
You may be digging too deep on this one... I think it is a pretty transparent political issue. Many of the innercity poor who do not have drivers licenses would likely vote for Democrats or candidates that that support increasing welfare benefits. This is why Republicans want to tighten the regulations and Dems want to loosen. This issue is very much politicized, so common sense left the building a while ago.
What better way to get the populace to go along with a plan to make everyone carry identity papers than by masking it as a voting security issue?

The fact Voter ID does not achieve its stated purpose makes it very suspect and suggests an entirely different motive behind it.

Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

It's more reasonable than the insult filled rants you're putting out. We lived for 100 years without any form of gun control. We've lived with gun control measures for the last 50 years. Things change. Usually, like with voter ID, the change is for the better.
I take you are assuming I am anti-gun.

Nope! :D

But I can make a case that gun control has achieved its goals, while you can't make a case Voter ID has.
You may be digging too deep on this one... I think it is a pretty transparent political issue. Many of the innercity poor who do not have drivers licenses would likely vote for Democrats or candidates that that support increasing welfare benefits. This is why Republicans want to tighten the regulations and Dems want to loosen. This issue is very much politicized, so common sense left the building a while ago.
What better way to get the populace to go along with a plan to make everyone carry identity papers than by masking it as a voting security issue?

The fact Voter ID does not achieve its stated purpose makes it very suspect and suggests an entirely different motive behind it.

Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

It's more reasonable than the insult filled rants you're putting out. We lived for 100 years without any form of gun control. We've lived with gun control measures for the last 50 years. Things change. Usually, like with voter ID, the change is for the better.
I take you are assuming I am anti-gun.

Nope! :D

But I can make a case that gun control has achieved its goals, while you can't make a case Voter ID has.

I didn't assume anything about you. I merely pointed out that just because something has been done one way in the past doesn't mean change isn't appropriate or necessary. Frankly, you're tilting at windmills and my lunch break is over. Adieu.
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

Then, why isn't a Dem agenda to ensure that the person voting is the person they are claiming to be?
In person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. The most common types of fraud are achieved through fraudulent absentee ballot voting, and by poll workers altering ballots, neither of which can be prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

The Democratic agenda is not to enable fraud. That's a completely bullshit straw man fallacy invented by, and parroted by, retards.

The Democratic agenda is to ensure no eligible voter is disenfranchised, and they have very good reasons to be on guard against such a thing as there is a long history of disenfranchisement of minorities in America that is still fresh in the memories of Americans who experienced it first-hand.

Republicans used to be the guardians of civil rights, but they have abandoned that ethic. I am one of the few old school conservative Republicans who still believes we need to be ever vigilant against insidious attempts to deny the right to vote to ANY American.
I'd actually so that requiring a voter ID doesn't disenfranchise many voters at all.

In the beginning of the Voter ID movement, there was plenty of evidence people were being disenfranchised, which is why the courts halted Voter ID in several states until the people could acquire the necessary identity papers.

And now a great deal of taxpayer and citizen money has been spent getting identity papers into everyone's pockets. For what? It hasn't stopped the kinds of voter fraud which occur.

So a massive waste of money which has not achieved the stated purpose.

Most of data I've seen indicates that people without a valid ID are more likely to be in the lowest portions of our economy. These portions are typically the least likely to show up and vote, which makes sense. You really think a guy making $25k a year and is worrying about housing payments, utilities, and food, is going to take time off from his one or two jobs to vote?

Yes, he is going to vote! I find it mind boggling you are okay with such a person having obstacles placed in his path. You are CONFIRMING the point of Voter ID is to disenfranchise such people, as you just admitted there are such people without valid ID.

As for someone of that economic stature having difficulty finding the time to vote, that is precisely why Democrats strive to make voting easier while Republicans resist such efforts.

More voting machines in a precinct, more days to vote, keeping the polls open for longer hours. The efforts to oppose these things are blatant attempts to keep certain people from voting.
If you are actually opposed to the more REALISTIC barriers to voting in this country, you really wouldn't focus on something that affects such a minority of people. You know what the real barriers to voting are, which apply to everybody...things like not being automatically registered to vote (seriously, if you are citizen of the US why this isn't done automatically remains a mystery to me), or not having a public holiday (as it is in some other countries) to allow people the time to actually vote, or maybe doing a better job tracking citizens so that they don't have to change their paperwork every time they move. These are the barriers to voting that prevent most people from voting...not lack of an ID.
Whoa are you suggesting that many of the poor people you hate do not get welfare or food stamps?

they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

They had to reach in their wallet and show a I.D.

We should just tattoo their I.D. on their forehead.
THAT'S NEXT, be CAREFUL what you wish for..... bear513!
they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

They had to reach in their wallet and show a I.D.

We should just tattoo their I.D. on their forehead.
THAT'S NEXT, be CAREFUL what you wish for..... bear513!

It its ever suggested it will be by the Progressive in that party calling themselves, Democrat party
What probably supressed the vote in our primary was that, due to costs, the Republicans had only one voting spot in our county. Our county is larger than Rhode Island and to get to the polling place from the northern most town in our county is over a 90 minute drive. The largest town in our county is 50 miles from where they had the polling place. I'll bet that supressed the vote big time.

tough shit, in the early days people had to travel on horseback for a day or two to vote. You chose where you live, deal with it.
Touchy. Must be one of the Republicans who decided to make half the people in the county drive over an hour to vote. I'll bet YOU didn't have to drive that far, if you bothered to vote at all.
Whoa are you suggesting that many of the poor people you hate do not get welfare or food stamps?

they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

The ID laws created the long lines? The ID laws caused people to have to travel to vote?

red herring.
No. Travelling to vote supressed the vote more where I live, because the Republican party is apparently broke. excellent point...they have voter I.D. in Wisconsin....and it supressed voters...right? Er....what? What was that you say? There was record voter turn out....? Really? Even with Voter I.D.....? Really?
I saw that moron, Neil Cavuto take this line. So I ask you 2aguy, do you believe there is no voter suppression, only because the numbers were higher than before? Do you believe it is possible to suppress votes with one demographic while building up another? What about keeping down the numbers of people who wanted to vote? Would voter suppression be considered a myth, simply because numbers are up?

Let us say the youth is up in pure numbers, and percentage wise. Now let us say that 20% of the youth who wanted to vote in record numbers than ever before (not saying this is true), were prevented from voting. We have 80% of the potential youth vote breaking all records. Would you deny the youth vote had been suppressed?

There is no voter suppression....their is cheating by the democrats...if you want to vote get a free I.D....they will even come to your house to get the i.d. to you....
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Im sure any regulation can be justified... I just thought the Republicans were about loosening the grip of government and this issue seems to be a flip flop on their core principle. Interesting...

How is that...showing an I.D. to affirm you are who you say you are and you get to vote for is that outside of what the government should be doing? excellent point...they have voter I.D. in Wisconsin....and it supressed voters...right? Er....what? What was that you say? There was record voter turn out....? Really? Even with Voter I.D.....? Really?
I saw that moron, Neil Cavuto take this line. So I ask you 2aguy, do you believe there is no voter suppression, only because the numbers were higher than before? Do you believe it is possible to suppress votes with one demographic while building up another? What about keeping down the numbers of people who wanted to vote? Would voter suppression be considered a myth, simply because numbers are up?

Let us say the youth is up in pure numbers, and percentage wise. Now let us say that 20% of the youth who wanted to vote in record numbers than ever before (not saying this is true), were prevented from voting. We have 80% of the potential youth vote breaking all records. Would you deny the youth vote had been suppressed? would be a myth.......record numbers on both sides, Republican and democrat are voting in Wisconsin....voter suppression is a myth created by the democrats, who actually practised voter suppression against attack Republicans who are trying to protect the vote...
Real question is.... Why can't we vote from our smartphones yet?
Or online (sans the phone). Didn't that actually begin somewhere? Just seems with all the clever hackers out there that the entire system would be so vulnerable to cheating.
What probably supressed the vote in our primary was that, due to costs, the Republicans had only one voting spot in our county. Our county is larger than Rhode Island and to get to the polling place from the northern most town in our county is over a 90 minute drive. The largest town in our county is 50 miles from where they had the polling place. I'll bet that supressed the vote big time.

Yeah....but that isn't the myth...the myth is that republicans are suppressing democrat votes...not that they are suppressing their own votes......
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Im sure any regulation can be justified... I just thought the Republicans were about loosening the grip of government and this issue seems to be a flip flop on their core principle. Interesting...
"You just thought"

My ass, you saw an opportunity to troll & jumped excellent point...they have voter I.D. in Wisconsin....and it supressed voters...right? Er....what? What was that you say? There was record voter turn out....? Really? Even with Voter I.D.....? Really?
I think there may be an entirely different motive for our government wanting us all to carry identity papers. It makes it easier to control a population's movements.

After all, Voter ID does not stop the most common types of voter fraud which occur. And when something does not achieve what it is claimed to achieve, then it must have a different purpose, right? If something doesn't achieve what it is claimed to achieve, then any sane person who wants as little government intervention in our lives as possible would abandon the project, wouldn't they?

QED, Voter ID has some other purpose. And since you sometimes attempt to give the impression you don't like the federal government, I find it veeeeeeery curious you are a stooge for the government movement to get us all to carry identity papers.

See: REAL ID Act of 2005.
You may be digging too deep on this one... I think it is a pretty transparent political issue. Many of the innercity poor who do not have drivers licenses would likely vote for Democrats or candidates that that support increasing welfare benefits. This is why Republicans want to tighten the regulations and Dems want to loosen. This issue is very much politicized, so common sense left the building a while ago.
What better way to get the populace to go along with a plan to make everyone carry identity papers than by masking it as a voting security issue?

The fact Voter ID does not achieve its stated purpose makes it very suspect and suggests an entirely different motive behind it.

Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

Yeah.....making sure you are John Q. Citizen voting for John Q. Citizen is not even close to being in the Soviet Union.......the holy land of left wingers/regressives......please...a little perspective would be nice...
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

Then, why isn't a Dem agenda to ensure that the person voting is the person they are claiming to be?
In person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. The most common types of fraud are achieved through fraudulent absentee ballot voting, and by poll workers altering ballots, neither of which can be prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

The Democratic agenda is not to enable fraud. That's a completely bullshit straw man fallacy invented by, and parroted by, retards.

The Democratic agenda is to ensure no eligible voter is disenfranchised, and they have very good reasons to be on guard against such a thing as there is a long history of disenfranchisement of minorities in America that is still fresh in the memories of Americans who experienced it first-hand.

Republicans used to be the guardians of civil rights, but they have abandoned that ethic. I am one of the few old school conservative Republicans who still believes we need to be ever vigilant against insidious attempts to deny the right to vote to ANY American.
I'd actually so that requiring a voter ID doesn't disenfranchise many voters at all.

In the beginning of the Voter ID movement, there was plenty of evidence people were being disenfranchised, which is why the courts halted Voter ID in several states until the people could acquire the necessary identity papers.

And now a great deal of taxpayer and citizen money has been spent getting identity papers into everyone's pockets. For what? It hasn't stopped the kinds of voter fraud which occur.

So a massive waste of money which has not achieved the stated purpose.

Most of data I've seen indicates that people without a valid ID are more likely to be in the lowest portions of our economy. These portions are typically the least likely to show up and vote, which makes sense. You really think a guy making $25k a year and is worrying about housing payments, utilities, and food, is going to take time off from his one or two jobs to vote?

Yes, he is going to vote! I find it mind boggling you are okay with such a person having obstacles placed in his path. You are CONFIRMING the point of Voter ID is to disenfranchise such people, as you just admitted there are such people without valid ID.

As for someone of that economic stature having difficulty finding the time to vote, that is precisely why Democrats strive to make voting easier while Republicans resist such efforts.

More voting machines in a precinct, more days to vote, keeping the polls open for longer hours. The efforts to oppose these things are blatant attempts to keep certain people from voting.

No...the courts in some states halted voter i.d. laws because they were democrat judges working in their role to protect the party....
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

They had to reach in their wallet and show a I.D.

We should just tattoo their I.D. on their forehead.
THAT'S NEXT, be CAREFUL what you wish for..... bear513!

It its ever suggested it will be by the Progressive in that party calling themselves, Democrat party
NOPE! It is all coming from Republicans!

ALSO Stephanie and REDFISH

A govt issued photo ID is NOT REQUIRED o receive Food Stamps and Welfare...

I DO NOT KNOW WHY you all on the Right Wing keep repeating that LIE?

Is a photo ID required when applying for welfare, including food stamps? -

Is a photo ID required when applying for welfare, including food stamps?

Mike Voorheis

The short answer is no, although it certainly makes things easier.

There are numerous other ways to verify identity and claim welfare and food stamps.

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