Voter I.D. law supresses the vote...that is why they had record vote turnout in Wisconsin, right?

G5000 is 100% correct on all of has nothing to do with impersonation/ voter fraud at the polls....but you all have been DUPED....

There is an underlying reason for the Federal gvt to want us all to carry "PAPERS" like the Nazi's had to....
Last edited: excellent point...they have voter I.D. in Wisconsin....and it supressed voters...right? Er....what? What was that you say? There was record voter turn out....? Really? Even with Voter I.D.....? Really?
I saw that moron, Neil Cavuto take this line. So I ask you 2aguy, do you believe there is no voter suppression, only because the numbers were higher than before? Do you believe it is possible to suppress votes with one demographic while building up another? What about keeping down the numbers of people who wanted to vote? Would voter suppression be considered a myth, simply because numbers are up?

Let us say the youth is up in pure numbers, and percentage wise. Now let us say that 20% of the youth who wanted to vote in record numbers than ever before (not saying this is true), were prevented from voting. We have 80% of the potential youth vote breaking all records. Would you deny the youth vote had been suppressed?

There is no voter suppression....their is cheating by the democrats...if you want to vote get a free I.D....they will even come to your house to get the i.d. to you....

How did the conversation evolve into this last post of yours? Good thing you are anonymous. I'd be calling adult services or social services to do an mental evaluation on you, if I knew who you were. I would do this because -- if I did not (and could), my conscience would not allow me to sleep tonight
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Im sure any regulation can be justified... I just thought the Republicans were about loosening the grip of government and this issue seems to be a flip flop on their core principle. Interesting...
"You just thought"

My ass, you saw an opportunity to troll & jumped
what does that mean? excellent point...they have voter I.D. in Wisconsin....and it supressed voters...right? Er....what? What was that you say? There was record voter turn out....? Really? Even with Voter I.D.....? Really?

Never mind........

Another democrat lie put to the truth, the facts and reality......which are never the friend of leftwing/regressives......

Record Wisconsin Turnout Destroys Liberal Argument Voter ID Laws Disenfranchise Voters

Senators Ted Cruz and Bernie Sanders were able to net big victories this week when they won the Wisconsin presidential primaries for their respective parties, but there was also another big winner of Tuesday night's contests: Voter Identification laws.

Based on reports from the ground in Wisconsin, Tuesday's primary elections pulled in record turnout and the most voter participation since the 1970s.

Wisconsin saw a record breaking voter turnout for the spring primary elections.

Election organizers say this is the largest turnout for a primary race in Wisconsin since 1972. Throughout the state the voter turnout was about 47.5%. In Dane County the estimated turnout was about 66%.

Organizers estimated a 40% turn out before the race started, but Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell says right away they knew they would exceed that estimate.

"Even by one in the afternoon there were places that had 50% turnout already. The state average was predicted at 40% so we were clearly early on out performing those state estimates. We ended up almost closing in on 70 percent turnout which is just unheard of in April," McDonell says.

But wait, what's this?

Across the state, poll workers are reporting larger-than-usual turnouts and long lines at some locales. Though this is the first major election under Wisconsin's voter ID law, there have been few reports of problems at polling places.
And this?

Despite changes in voter ID and registration laws, election organizers say besides slowing down the poll lines, the new rules hardly had an impact on election night.

"A lot of that had to do with just the fact that the fact that you have to show id is that it takes more time. There's nothing you can do about that. It's an extra step for the poll workers," Government Accountability Board Director and General Counsel Kevin Kennedy says.

"That's actually a good sign because that tells us that very few people had problems with photo ID," Kennedy says.
Liberals have been demagoguing for years about how Voter I.D. laws disenfranchise voters. The 2016 Wisconsin presidential primary once again exposed their argument as completely false.

So....left wing regressives.......please Shut the F**k up about voter I.D. will just have to find another way to cheat....

I guess it being the first primary in forever to still be undecided when it got to WI has nothing to do with it. Duh
Real question is.... Why can't we vote from our smartphones yet?
Or online (sans the phone). Didn't that actually begin somewhere? Just seems with all the clever hackers out there that the entire system would be so vulnerable to cheating.
If it's secure enough for us to manage our bank and investment accounts online then it should be plenty secure to vote. Let's just not hire the same people who made the Obamacare website to do it :)
Real question is.... Why can't we vote from our smartphones yet?
Or online (sans the phone). Didn't that actually begin somewhere? Just seems with all the clever hackers out there that the entire system would be so vulnerable to cheating.
If it's secure enough for us to manage our bank and investment accounts online then it should be plenty secure to vote. Let's just not hire the same people who made the Obamacare website to do it :)
Your banking and investments are yours to lose or mismanage to your heart's desire. The day on line voting becomes the norm (and it will probably come), it's all over. Very few people would trust the results. Security on the web would have to change enormously for any intelligent person to trust on line voting results
Real question is.... Why can't we vote from our smartphones yet?
Or online (sans the phone). Didn't that actually begin somewhere? Just seems with all the clever hackers out there that the entire system would be so vulnerable to cheating.
If it's secure enough for us to manage our bank and investment accounts online then it should be plenty secure to vote. Let's just not hire the same people who made the Obamacare website to do it :)
Your banking and investments are yours to lose or mismanage to your heart's desire. The day on line voting becomes the norm (and it will probably come), it's all over. Very few people would trust the results. Security on the web would have to change enormously for any intelligent person to trust on line voting results
Good points, however, I still think it is doable... Many security and failsafes that would need to be put in place but if done right I believe it would enormously effect turn out
What probably suppressed the vote in our primary was that, due to costs, the Republicans had only one voting spot in our county. Our county is larger than Rhode Island and to get to the polling place from the northern most town in our county is over a 90 minute drive. The largest town in our county is 50 miles from where they had the polling place. I'll bet that suppressed the vote big time.

Why do you think elections are held on Tuesday? Monday was for travel, and it is not held on the first of the month because that is when bills are paid.
You may be digging too deep on this one... I think it is a pretty transparent political issue. Many of the innercity poor who do not have drivers licenses would likely vote for Democrats or candidates that that support increasing welfare benefits. This is why Republicans want to tighten the regulations and Dems want to loosen. This issue is very much politicized, so common sense left the building a while ago.
What better way to get the populace to go along with a plan to make everyone carry identity papers than by masking it as a voting security issue?

The fact Voter ID does not achieve its stated purpose makes it very suspect and suggests an entirely different motive behind it.

Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

Another liberal with reading comprehension problems!

You have to have a photo ID to vote!

Do I need a photo ID in order to vote on Election Day?

Each voter is required to identify himself or herself by giving his or her name and address to a commissioner; and by presenting a Louisiana driver's license, a Louisiana special identification card or other generally recognized picture identification card that contains the name and signature of the applicant or completing an Identification Affidavit if no photo identification is available. A voter without photo ID is subject to challenge by law.

You may obtain a free Louisiana special identification card by presenting your voter information card to the Office of Motor Vehicles.

Voting on Election Day
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Im sure any regulation can be justified... I just thought the Republicans were about loosening the grip of government and this issue seems to be a flip flop on their core principle. Interesting...

proving who you are before voting is a core principal of anyone with a modicum of common sense.

would you do away with IDs for food stamps and welfare? how about drivers licenses?
I honestly don't care about this issue at all. It is a political game at this point. It makes sense to verify identity when voting, but I'm not gonna fight too hard one way or the other as both sides have valid points. I say leave it up to the communities to decide how they do it.
With the GOP's REAL ID Act, the federal government usurped states rights about what kind of identity papers you must carry.

I don't recall any right wing "news" outlets bitching and screaming about states rights being run roughshod.

I guess they only care about states rights when it suits them.

No, it did not!

It says that in order to be able to fly, you have to have a valid ID and some state's IDs were easily counterfeited and not very well documented in the first place.

You are such a confused liberal! When do you earn that GED I am sure you are working so hard to receive?
Good points, however, I still think it is doable... Many security and failsafes that would need to be put in place but if done right I believe it would enormously effect turn out
Do you believe more turnout is a good thing, and if so, why?
I actually think that "people" as a whole are uninformed idiots. They only get a fraction of the information, much of which is skewed by misrepresentation from our officials and media. They take this manipulated information and distort it even further through gossip and the "telephone" effect. So the short answer is "No" I don't necessarily think that more turn out is a good thing. I do think that better informed voters would definitely help. I also think that an online system can help educate voters along with making the process more efficient.

It's why the mail room crew doesn't make policy decisions for a business. The major stuff is left to the executives and department heads who are supposed to be experts and have a better understanding of the big picture.
they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

They had to reach in their wallet and show a I.D.

We should just tattoo their I.D. on their forehead.
THAT'S NEXT, be CAREFUL what you wish for..... bear513!

funny, when your leaders (obozo, plugs, hildebeast, crazy Bernie) are talking about putting micro chips in each of us. Why not tattoo our foreheads, or maybe brand us like the sheep that you want us to be.
What probably supressed the vote in our primary was that, due to costs, the Republicans had only one voting spot in our county. Our county is larger than Rhode Island and to get to the polling place from the northern most town in our county is over a 90 minute drive. The largest town in our county is 50 miles from where they had the polling place. I'll bet that supressed the vote big time.

tough shit, in the early days people had to travel on horseback for a day or two to vote. You chose where you live, deal with it.
Touchy. Must be one of the Republicans who decided to make half the people in the county drive over an hour to vote. I'll bet YOU didn't have to drive that far, if you bothered to vote at all.

my precinct is about 5 miles from my house. I live near a city. If I lived in the woods I would have to drive 50 miles or more. No one forced you to live where you do.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Caused Major Problems at the Polls Last Night

They had to reach in their wallet and show a I.D.

We should just tattoo their I.D. on their forehead.
THAT'S NEXT, be CAREFUL what you wish for..... bear513!

funny, when your leaders (obozo, plugs, hildebeast, crazy Bernie) are talking about putting micro chips in each of us. Why not tattoo our foreheads, or maybe brand us like the sheep that you want us to be.
LINK! LINK! LINKY PLEASE, to support YOUR BOGUS claim....
What better way to get the populace to go along with a plan to make everyone carry identity papers than by masking it as a voting security issue?

The fact Voter ID does not achieve its stated purpose makes it very suspect and suggests an entirely different motive behind it.

Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

Another liberal with reading comprehension problems!

You have to have a photo ID to vote!

Do I need a photo ID in order to vote on Election Day?

Each voter is required to identify himself or herself by giving his or her name and address to a commissioner; and by presenting a Louisiana driver's license, a Louisiana special identification card or other generally recognized picture identification card that contains the name and signature of the applicant or completing an Identification Affidavit if no photo identification is available. A voter without photo ID is subject to challenge by law.

You may obtain a free Louisiana special identification card by presenting your voter information card to the Office of Motor Vehicles.

Voting on Election Day
me thinks you may be the one with reading comprehension problems....

Redfish said:


and g5000 said, NOT TO REGISTER to vote:

Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

So G5000 was responding to the part about registering to vote, and needing ID to do such, which was a FALSE claim by redfish....if he is from the big easy.
Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids. After all, don't we all have a right to travel? Why limit the population?

"Then let's do away with driver's licenses and state ids." That's a petulant response.

I remember in the 1970s when we conservatives used to point out that in Communist Russia you needed three forms of government papers to travel across that country. It was a point of pride we could travel anywhere in America without any ID at all.

We have surrendered a great many of our liberties and freedoms in the name of "security". The modern pseudo-conservative is a fearful, terrified person who jumps at every shadow and sees a need for ever-increasing government control over our lives. They don't want anyone to make a move until after being examined under a searchlight at the point of a gun.

It's time to start rolling this shit back. Way past time. It is time to walk upright and fearless again, like men.

Now, I cannot think of any other way to prove someone is over 18 without an ID so they can buy alcohol. There just isn't any other way.

That does not mean there is no way to tell if someone is eligible to vote without an ID. That's why it is an apples and oranges fallacy to say idiotic things like, "I need an ID to buy beer, therefore I should need an ID to vote".

We voted for two centuries without ID. The voting process is made secure long before the day you show up to actually vote. It is secured though the registration process, and if in-person fraud is occurring, I can absolutely guarantee it is because of holes in the registration process, NOT because of a lack of Voter ID.

The rubes demonstrate their total ignorance of the electoral process when they insist our problems are due to a lack of Voter ID.

Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

Another liberal with reading comprehension problems!

You have to have a photo ID to vote!

Do I need a photo ID in order to vote on Election Day?

Each voter is required to identify himself or herself by giving his or her name and address to a commissioner; and by presenting a Louisiana driver's license, a Louisiana special identification card or other generally recognized picture identification card that contains the name and signature of the applicant or completing an Identification Affidavit if no photo identification is available. A voter without photo ID is subject to challenge by law.

You may obtain a free Louisiana special identification card by presenting your voter information card to the Office of Motor Vehicles.

Voting on Election Day
me thinks you may be the one with reading comprehension problems....

Redfish said:


and g5000 said, NOT TO REGISTER to vote:

Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

So G5000 was responding to the part about registering to vote, and needing ID to do such, which was a FALSE claim by redfish....if he is from the big easy.

The only way to do that is by registering by mail! Then you MUST show your ID to vote, so the lack of a requirement to register is no longer the driving force, now is it? Anyone can register to vote, that way even if they are an illegal alien. They still won't be able to vote if they do not have a valid ID.

BTW, you seem to have a very large nose that you keep sticking into other people's conversations. Do that too often in the real world and someone will break it for you!

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