Voter I.D. law supresses the vote...that is why they had record vote turnout in Wisconsin, right?

I already made you look dumber than needed.
But you won't read other posts so go fact check things yourself
Lazy ass.

It seems that your kind are the stupidest of all.
You believe all the rhetoric given you rather than seek the truth.
Keep up your stupid ways.

But no ID at gun shows or on line to buy a gun.

Getting a photo I.D. is not difficult it's simply a question of do you want to do it.
Repeating the same stupid claim over and over does not make it any less stupid.

But it does show us that the poster is really, really stupid........which is helpful.....
Only stupid one here is you two different posters have debunked your idiot claim yet you triple and quadruple down on it continue to post the same idiocy if you wish I have better things to do than continue reading it.
These are stats from gunshows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No, you apparently didnt read the post.
Only federally licensed gun sellers run background checks.
Not everyone selling firearms at the gunshow.

1. Federally licensed gun sellers are required to run background checks. But not all sellers are required to be licensed. Some of those unlicensed sellers sell at gun shows.
2. It’s not clear how many sellers are licensed and how many are not. Some studies are out of date.
3. Experts warn that the phrase "gun show loophole" is imprecise at best. But people do buy guns without having to undergo background checks.

[VIDEO]PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'
Do you need anymore help.
Try finding the facts.

It certainly is not.
Look it up.

what part do you think is incorrect?

You just confirmed what HE said. So, why are you arguing?

If you buy a gun from an individual at a gun show, in a parking lot, or in your backyard, there is no ID or background check. No one has ever said otherwise.
No, you apparently didnt read the post.
Only federally licensed gun sellers run background checks.
Not everyone selling firearms at the gunshow.

1. Federally licensed gun sellers are required to run background checks. But not all sellers are required to be licensed. Some of those unlicensed sellers sell at gun shows.
2. It’s not clear how many sellers are licensed and how many are not. Some studies are out of date.
3. Experts warn that the phrase "gun show loophole" is imprecise at best. But people do buy guns without having to undergo background checks.

[VIDEO]PolitiFact Sheet: 3 things to know about the 'gun show loophole'
Do you need anymore help.
Try finding the facts.

It certainly is not.
Look it up.

It is 100% correct. Sure, if you buy a gun from a guy in the parking lot at a gun show there is no background check. Same as if you buy one from your neighbor or from a gang member on the side of the street. Those transactions will never be subject to control.

what part do you think is incorrect?

You just confirmed what HE said. So, why are you arguing?

Ok, Go back and read his posts. He said Federally licensed gun sellers do the back ground check. But, if you buy from a private seller, the private seller is not required to do the check, just as the private seller wouldn't do the check if you bought it from him in his living room. Same thing you posted.

You're arguing about nothing and making yourself look like a pedantic fool. Stop.
I already made you look dumber than needed.
But you won't read other posts so go fact check things yourself
Lazy ass.

It seems that your kind are the stupidest of all.
You believe all the rhetoric given you rather than seek the truth.
Keep up your stupid ways.

But no ID at gun shows or on line to buy a gun.
Repeating the same stupid claim over and over does not make it any less stupid.

But it does show us that the poster is really, really stupid........which is helpful.....
Only stupid one here is you two different posters have debunked your idiot claim yet you triple and quadruple down on it continue to post the same idiocy if you wish I have better things to do than continue reading it.

You will forgive me for assuming you're talking to yourself in the mirror when you say you "Already made you look dumber than needed."
Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

Another liberal with reading comprehension problems!

You have to have a photo ID to vote!

Do I need a photo ID in order to vote on Election Day?

Each voter is required to identify himself or herself by giving his or her name and address to a commissioner; and by presenting a Louisiana driver's license, a Louisiana special identification card or other generally recognized picture identification card that contains the name and signature of the applicant or completing an Identification Affidavit if no photo identification is available. A voter without photo ID is subject to challenge by law.

You may obtain a free Louisiana special identification card by presenting your voter information card to the Office of Motor Vehicles.

Voting on Election Day
me thinks you may be the one with reading comprehension problems....

Redfish said:


and g5000 said, NOT TO REGISTER to vote:

Your location says "The Big Easy". New Orleans?

All you need to provide in Louisiana when you register to vote is the last four digits of your SSN.

Voter Registration in Louisiana |

Register to vote by mail by completing the Louisiana Voter Registration Application (Form 100) and mailing it to the applicable address listed on the form.

You must include the last 4 digits of your Social Security number if you don't have a driver's license or ID card.

So G5000 was responding to the part about registering to vote, and needing ID to do such, which was a FALSE claim by redfish....if he is from the big easy.

The only way to do that is by registering by mail! Then you MUST show your ID to vote, so the lack of a requirement to register is no longer the driving force, now is it? Anyone can register to vote, that way even if they are an illegal alien. They still won't be able to vote if they do not have a valid ID.

BTW, you seem to have a very large nose that you keep sticking into other people's conversations. Do that too often in the real world and someone will break it for you!
Though I differ with you Admiral,
most of the time you seem like a reasonable man...

This gvt issued photo id at the polls is a scam....and here is why I think such:

Why leave people's names on the voter registration rolls, if they are not eligible to vote? Why not vet them, when they are registering to vote, as to whether they are eligible to vote? Why put their names on the roster without this vetting? Why? And when someone dies, and are issued a death certificate by the State, why doesn't the State remove the dead person from the voter roll? And if the person is an illegal, this can be checked in the vetting process even without an ID, by seeing through e-verify and other methods, as to their citizenship status....

It makes no sense, none, zero, not keep the voter rolls as clean and accurate as possible....their names should not be on the voter roll saying they are eligible to vote in the first place...

but having their names on the voter roll, allows all of these people, including the dead ones, to vote via absentee ballot....and if some politico is an insider, he can get those lists of voters and who has not voted in years or ever, and gather those names of hundreds or thousands of dead and illegal and not eligible voters and figure out an absentee ballot scheme to commit voter fraud.

Individuals do not impersonate another person at the polls to vote, because the risk of doing such is HUGE...the person in front of them, could be the neighbor of the person they are trying to vote in the place of, the worker person taking their name, could be the sister of the person they are trying to use the name of, the person behind them could be the wife or brother of the person they are trying to just rarely if ever happens, the risk of committing a felony is too high....

And as far as having a govt ID, illegals HAVE THEM, most all States allow illegals to get drivers licenses and other gvt issued ID's and have for more than 2 decades now in heavily populated hispanic States....

So who are these voter fraud people this measure is trying to stop? no one....IT IS A FARCE, A SHAM to make us THINK it is doing something, when it truly isn't doing anything to stop the voter fraud, THAT ACTUALLY DOES OCCUR....

so please ask yourself, why would they do that? Why would they make us think this measure is stopping something, something that never or very rarely occurs, while the insider voter fraud with lists of names of dead people etc, to vote via absentee ballot is simply easy peasy and ignored?

Something is just not 'right' with this measure....

especially when it does stop or in the least give them hurdles to jump over, citizens, who have lived their entire lives without ever owning a car or driving, so a life lived without a govt issued photo id...

And then you have Republican official operatives and governors STATING that the gvt issued voter id at the polls is to STOP DEMOCRATS from voting and is done to hand elections to Republicans....

I'm sorry you can't see what is going on right before your very eyes...

I can't see it because your entire viewpoint is based on an overactive imagination.

If sometime tries to vote for someone else, you are worried about somebody knowing them, So what? The person attempting to vote just walks out. Who is going to stop them? The odds of that happening are astronomical.

Those states with driver's licenses for illegals also mark them as not being valid because they are illegals.

You really are trying to talk out of your ass on this topic, like liberals have a tendency to do.
There is nearly zero voter fraud.

Republicans have been busy the last 5 years passing voter suppression laws that target Democrat demographics. Because Republicans can't win without cheating.

So they cheat.

That makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

Then, why isn't a Dem agenda to ensure that the person voting is the person they are claiming to be?
In person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. The most common types of fraud are achieved through fraudulent absentee ballot voting, and by poll workers altering ballots, neither of which can be prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

The Democratic agenda is not to enable fraud. That's a completely bullshit straw man fallacy invented by, and parroted by, retards.

The Democratic agenda is to ensure no eligible voter is disenfranchised, and they have very good reasons to be on guard against such a thing as there is a long history of disenfranchisement of minorities in America that is still fresh in the memories of Americans who experienced it first-hand.

Republicans used to be the guardians of civil rights, but they have abandoned that ethic.

Which dem voters do not have IDs? everyone on welfare has one, everyone on food stamps has one, everyone with a job has one, everyone collecting SS or SDI has one, everyone who drives has one. What class of dem voters, specifically, do not have any form of ID?
the illegals.
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

Then, why isn't a Dem agenda to ensure that the person voting is the person they are claiming to be?
In person voter fraud is as rare as hen's teeth. The most common types of fraud are achieved through fraudulent absentee ballot voting, and by poll workers altering ballots, neither of which can be prevented or stopped by Voter ID.

The Democratic agenda is not to enable fraud. That's a completely bullshit straw man fallacy invented by, and parroted by, retards.

The Democratic agenda is to ensure no eligible voter is disenfranchised, and they have very good reasons to be on guard against such a thing as there is a long history of disenfranchisement of minorities in America that is still fresh in the memories of Americans who experienced it first-hand.

Republicans used to be the guardians of civil rights, but they have abandoned that ethic.

Which dem voters do not have IDs? everyone on welfare has one, everyone on food stamps has one, everyone with a job has one, everyone collecting SS or SDI has one, everyone who drives has one. What class of dem voters, specifically, do not have any form of ID?
the illegals.

correct, notice that all the libs left the thread rather than try to answer the question?
Whoa whoa whoa Republicans, you are all about small government and no regulation... why the push to increase the government regulations with voting? That should be a Dem agenda!

you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Whoa are you suggesting that many of the poor people you hate do not get welfare or food stamps?

they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
you need an ID to get your welfare and food stamps, why not use the same one to vote?

the whole dem/lib narrative on ID's is bullshit.
Whoa are you suggesting that many of the poor people you hate do not get welfare or food stamps?

they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
Whoa are you suggesting that many of the poor people you hate do not get welfare or food stamps?

they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
they do, that's my point.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion
GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republican presidential candidate

Washington (CNN)A Wisconsin Republican congressman confirmed Democratic critics' claims Tuesday when he pointed to the state's new voter ID laws as a reason the Republican candidate will be competitive there in the general election.

The candid assessment by Rep. Glenn Grothman, who supports Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president, came during an interview with Milwaukee news station TMJ4 at the Cruz campaign's victory rally Tuesday night.
Asked by reporter Charles Benson why Cruz would be able to turn a reliably Democratic state like Wisconsin red, Grothman said: "Well, I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up. And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well."

GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republicans -

When the defendants start pleading guilty, the case is closed.

Totally true: Republicans are more competitive when illegal aliens and dead people can't vote.
Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

What risk is there when ID isn't required?
GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republican presidential candidate

Washington (CNN)A Wisconsin Republican congressman confirmed Democratic critics' claims Tuesday when he pointed to the state's new voter ID laws as a reason the Republican candidate will be competitive there in the general election.

The candid assessment by Rep. Glenn Grothman, who supports Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president, came during an interview with Milwaukee news station TMJ4 at the Cruz campaign's victory rally Tuesday night.
Asked by reporter Charles Benson why Cruz would be able to turn a reliably Democratic state like Wisconsin red, Grothman said: "Well, I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up. And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well."

GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republicans -

When the defendants start pleading guilty, the case is closed. will make a difference twit....the democrats can't cheat as sure did catch him......

Jiggering the rules to favor one party over another IS cheating.

Designing the rules so neither party is favored isn't cheating, moron.
Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

What risk is there when ID isn't required?
We talking about gun sales or votes?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

What risk is there when ID isn't required?
We talking about gun sales or votes?
Votes, obviously.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

What risk is there when ID isn't required?
We talking about gun sales or votes?
Votes, obviously.
ohh sorry, got confused ;-) If I were here illegally knowing that only legal citizens can vote then why would I go vote? And how would their vote even be counted if they can't verify who they are? I honestly don't know how the process works in detail but I doubt any yahoo can walk up write down a name with no verification of who they are and then have that count as a vote, Is that what you claim is happening? I thought the issue was about making people have a photo ID which is only one form of verification and one that a percentage of inner city poor don't have... Also, I don't really care much about this issue because it is a bunch of political squabbling IMO.
GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republican presidential candidate

Washington (CNN)A Wisconsin Republican congressman confirmed Democratic critics' claims Tuesday when he pointed to the state's new voter ID laws as a reason the Republican candidate will be competitive there in the general election.

The candid assessment by Rep. Glenn Grothman, who supports Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president, came during an interview with Milwaukee news station TMJ4 at the Cruz campaign's victory rally Tuesday night.
Asked by reporter Charles Benson why Cruz would be able to turn a reliably Democratic state like Wisconsin red, Grothman said: "Well, I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up. And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well."

GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republicans -

When the defendants start pleading guilty, the case is closed. will make a difference twit....the democrats can't cheat as sure did catch him......

Jiggering the rules to favor one party over another IS cheating.
Until you just pointed this out, I was not aware that only democrats had to show ID with voter ID laws.
You are right, thats not fair at all. If one party has to show, then all parties should be required to do the same.
But no ID at gun shows or on line to buy a gun.

Getting a photo I.D. is not difficult it's simply a question of do you want to do it.
Repeating the same stupid claim over and over does not make it any less stupid.

But it does show us that the poster is really, really stupid........which is helpful.....
I have to say that the one that thinks its so hard to get an ID would be the stupid one. How do people like this function at all?

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