Voter I.D. law supresses the vote...that is why they had record vote turnout in Wisconsin, right?

Then why were people turned away?

Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
since they cant ask, because to do so would be profiling and racist, there is no way they can get caught. Might be the safest place for them on election day.
GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republican presidential candidate

Washington (CNN)A Wisconsin Republican congressman confirmed Democratic critics' claims Tuesday when he pointed to the state's new voter ID laws as a reason the Republican candidate will be competitive there in the general election.

The candid assessment by Rep. Glenn Grothman, who supports Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president, came during an interview with Milwaukee news station TMJ4 at the Cruz campaign's victory rally Tuesday night.
Asked by reporter Charles Benson why Cruz would be able to turn a reliably Democratic state like Wisconsin red, Grothman said: "Well, I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up. And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well."

GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republicans -

When the defendants start pleading guilty, the case is closed. will make a difference twit....the democrats can't cheat as sure did catch him......

Jiggering the rules to favor one party over another IS cheating.
Until you just pointed this out, I was not aware that only democrats had to show ID with voter ID laws.
You are right, thats not fair at all. If one party has to show, then all parties should be required to do the same.

When did photo id's become a requirement? How were we able to have elections before that?
GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republican presidential candidate

Washington (CNN)A Wisconsin Republican congressman confirmed Democratic critics' claims Tuesday when he pointed to the state's new voter ID laws as a reason the Republican candidate will be competitive there in the general election.

The candid assessment by Rep. Glenn Grothman, who supports Texas Sen. Ted Cruz for president, came during an interview with Milwaukee news station TMJ4 at the Cruz campaign's victory rally Tuesday night.
Asked by reporter Charles Benson why Cruz would be able to turn a reliably Democratic state like Wisconsin red, Grothman said: "Well, I think Hillary Clinton is about the weakest candidate the Democrats have ever put up. And now we have photo ID, and I think photo ID is going to make a little bit of a difference as well."

GOP congressman: Voter ID law will help Republicans -

When the defendants start pleading guilty, the case is closed. will make a difference twit....the democrats can't cheat as sure did catch him......

Jiggering the rules to favor one party over another IS cheating.
Until you just pointed this out, I was not aware that only democrats had to show ID with voter ID laws.
You are right, thats not fair at all. If one party has to show, then all parties should be required to do the same.

When did photo id's become a requirement? How were we able to have elections before that?

When did photo id become a requirement?How were we able to drive before?

When did photo id become a requirement? How were we able to drink before?

When did photo id become a requirement? How were we able to bank before?

When did photo I'd become a requirement? How were we able to get married before?

When did photo id become a requirement? How were we able to purchase cigarettes before?

When did photo id. become a requirement?..............
Who was turned away and where? Did they show up with an ID? were they on the voter rolls? Did they fail to register?

remember, you don't get on the voter rolls without showing some form of ID. What, exactly, is wrong with showing the same one at the polling place?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?

Do you actually think any illegal is worried about being deported? With Obama in charge, the chances of that are less than zero.
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?
If I were in THIS country illegally I would consider voting less of a risk than gathering in large groups demanding rights for my illegal ass.
But, maybe thats just my thinking.

nor is it suppressing youR dumb asses. You don't care enough to go get an ID to do the most important thing you can in this country. Then DON'T VOTE, sit down and shut up

the libertards just want to nit pick.., "i thought you repubs want smaller government".., how the hell is getting a voter ID going to make any part of government larger ??

nor is it suppressing youR dumb asses. You don't care enough to go get an ID to do the most important thing you can in this country. Then DON'T VOTE, sit down and shut up

the libertards just want to nit pick.., "i thought you repubs want smaller government".., how the hell is getting a voter ID going to make any part of government larger ??

They want us to believe that passing any law makes government larger. Therefor, to be in favor of smaller government means you are against laws. That shows the fundamental idiocy of leftists.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?
If I were in THIS country illegally I would consider voting less of a risk than gathering in large groups demanding rights for my illegal ass.
But, maybe thats just my thinking.
How does an illegal walk into a voting booth and get their vote counted?

nor is it suppressing youR dumb asses. You don't care enough to go get an ID to do the most important thing you can in this country. Then DON'T VOTE, sit down and shut up

the libertards just want to nit pick.., "i thought you repubs want smaller government".., how the hell is getting a voter ID going to make any part of government larger ??

lol, that's what happens when they only know talking points. makes them look foolish

nor is it suppressing youR dumb asses. You don't care enough to go get an ID to do the most important thing you can in this country. Then DON'T VOTE, sit down and shut up

the libertards just want to nit pick.., "i thought you repubs want smaller government".., how the hell is getting a voter ID going to make any part of government larger ??

They want us to believe that passing any law makes government larger. Therefor, to be in favor of smaller government means you are against laws. That shows the fundamental idiocy of leftists.
brainwashed ....and that is what will bring us down along with this "entitlement" mentality the citizens have in this day and age
and so this comes out and lookie: daddy Dicktator is dreaming of FORCING mandatory voting on us all. It's people like him feeding all this nonsense and he's not doing it for We the Peoples best interest. I can't believe they put in the person who hates everything about us and our country
Obama Criticizes Difficulty of Voting in U.S.: ‘Australia Has Got Mandatory Voting’
By Staff | April 8, 2016 | 4:52 PM EDT

( - Speaking at the University of Chicago Law School yesterday, President Barack Obama criticized what he described as the difficulty of voting in the United States of America.

all of it here
Obama Criticizes Difficulty of Voting in U.S.: ‘Australia Has Got Mandatory Voting’
and so this comes out and lookie: daddy Dicktator is dreaming of FORCING mandatory voting on us all. It's people like him feeding all this nonsense and he's not doing it for We the Peoples best interest. I can't believe they put in the person who hates everything about us and our country
Obama Criticizes Difficulty of Voting in U.S.: ‘Australia Has Got Mandatory Voting’
By Staff | April 8, 2016 | 4:52 PM EDT

( - Speaking at the University of Chicago Law School yesterday, President Barack Obama criticized what he described as the difficulty of voting in the United States of America.

all of it here
Obama Criticizes Difficulty of Voting in U.S.: ‘Australia Has Got Mandatory Voting’
Not to worry... he's outta here, on January 20, 2017...
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?
If I were in THIS country illegally I would consider voting less of a risk than gathering in large groups demanding rights for my illegal ass.
But, maybe thats just my thinking.
How does an illegal walk into a voting booth and get their vote counted?

You should try it for yourself , go swim the Rio Grande and try to vote in Mexico's next presidential election.

are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

What risk is there when ID isn't required?
We talking about gun sales or votes?
Votes, obviously.
ohh sorry, got confused ;-) If I were here illegally knowing that only legal citizens can vote then why would I go vote? And how would their vote even be counted if they can't verify who they are? I honestly don't know how the process works in detail but I doubt any yahoo can walk up write down a name with no verification of who they are and then have that count as a vote, Is that what you claim is happening? I thought the issue was about making people have a photo ID which is only one form of verification and one that a percentage of inner city poor don't have... Also, I don't really care much about this issue because it is a bunch of political squabbling IMO.

Translation~ I never voted before , I am ignorant to politics and couldn't even tell you what a democrat or republican is .
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?
If I were in THIS country illegally I would consider voting less of a risk than gathering in large groups demanding rights for my illegal ass.
But, maybe thats just my thinking.
How does an illegal walk into a voting booth and get their vote counted?
He registers to vote online, and then goes to vote.
actually, in Maryland you end up on the voter rolls when you get your drivers license.
and since you cant ask for ID, the fact that the license for the vile illegals says not for federal use, has little bearing on their ability to vote illegally.
I seriously doubt a bunch of illegals are lining up to vote. Why would they even risk it?
are you really that stupid?
gee, lets guess, Hmmmm,, if one certain candidate wins, their illegal asses are going to be kicked back across the border and they lose the free ride they have here?
I guess I am that stupid... I see why they have a vested interest in the election but I don't see why they would take the risk to go illegally vote. Not a real threat in my opinion

So, if they get caught, what are they going to do to them? Roll the ballot paper up and stick them in the eye? You know damn well they won't bother deporting them.
If you were in a country illegally would you really risk it or would you stay under the radar?

Illegals are NOT scared of anything! Why should they be? Obama's regimes has laid out a welcome mat at the border, saying "Come on in! We won't bother doing anything to stop you and we'll prosecute anyone who does!"
Republicans want to suppress the vote of those who vote Democratic
The fact that Republicans had a high turnout does nothing to refute that

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