Voter ID terrifies Democrats

see not a shred of real evidence to back their partisan claims

The Cutting Edge News

Why do you keep lying?

I destroyed that pages ago.

Those were illegals who were registered voters.

Gee, you think maybe that could mean the registration process is broken? Maybe they should fix THAT!

A voter ID would not prevent that.
Why not fix both?

Oh, yeah -- because you're not serious about stopping voter fraud.
Fail. You did not respond to the challenge. Not even close.

You asked for democrats promoting citizenship for illegals, I gave you the notorious Cedillo - who is a leader in the movement to open the borders.

You asked about dems hostile to America, I gave you the top dog(shit) of the dim party, fucknuts Torres.

You were stupid and got exposed.

You gave me a single website. Show me the fucking legislation he sponsored that would give citizenship to illegals. me a campaign speech of his where he said he wouyld do that. You must think yiou are talking to one of your simpleton nutter pals.

Even if the "notorious" cedillo did that, which he did not......ONE guy does not make the grade.

I didn't ask for Dems hostile to America. Are you dehydrated or something?

Exposed? You are funny.
I am not vehemently opposed to these voter ID long as they aren't too restrictive and they should have a "grandfather" clause. If you've been voting for years and years, you shouldn't have to suddenly show a state issued ID in order to vote.

For me there is no acceptable ratio for disenfranchisement.

93-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Who Cleaned State Capitol For 30 Years Denied Voter ID

96-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Denied Voter ID Because She Didn’t Have Her Marriage License

91-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Can't Vote Because She Can't Stand In Line For Hours

Tennessee Agency Charges 86-Year Old Veteran An Unconstitutional Poll Tax To Obtain Voter ID

So, what is the acceptable ratio of disenfranchised voters to the non-existent instances of fraud that would have been prevented with an ID? Can anyone provide a single incident to counter these instances of voters being disenfranchised by the more restrictive states?

States like Texas that will allow a concealed carry permit as a form of ID, but not a student ID. Interesting that...

Probably because universities don't require citizenship to attend or even residency.

You need to show ID to drive, buy booze, sometimes to buy cigarettes, and you don't think that voting is as important as that?
Fail. You did not respond to the challenge. Not even close.

You asked for democrats promoting citizenship for illegals, I gave you the notorious Cedillo - who is a leader in the movement to open the borders.

You asked about dems hostile to America, I gave you the top dog(shit) of the dim party, fucknuts Torres.

You were stupid and got exposed.

You gave me a single website. Show me the fucking legislation he sponsored that would give citizenship to illegals. me a campaign speech of his where he said he wouyld do that. You must think yiou are talking to one of your simpleton nutter pals.

Even if the "notorious" cedillo did that, which he did not......ONE guy does not make the grade.

I didn't ask for Dems hostile to America. Are you dehydrated or something?

Exposed? You are funny.

unless of course it's one Republican or conservative saying something stupid, then libtards are all over it like white on rice claiming it is part and parcel of how ALL Repubs/conservatives think.
The only thing which does not hold water is the assumption such voter fraud which only voter ID could fix is even occurring.

Come on man.. every time there's a Dem loss there's voter fraud and we have to count them until we get it right! Just ask Al Franken.

Or Joe Miller of Alaska.

Or Al Gore. :eusa_shhh:

Joe Miller was not a Dem and had won the Rep primary fair and square.
It was the other Rep (can't remember her name) that lost the primary but chose to run a write in campaign.
You gave me a single website. Show me the fucking legislation he sponsored that would give citizenship to illegals. me a campaign speech of his where he said he wouyld do that. You must think yiou are talking to one of your simpleton nutter pals.

Even if the "notorious" cedillo did that, which he did not......ONE guy does not make the grade.

I didn't ask for Dems hostile to America. Are you dehydrated or something?

Exposed? You are funny.

Partisanship is one thing, full retardation is another;

{"The future of California's economy depends on the ability of these students to graduate, to perform well and to contribute. This creates an opportunity," Assemblyman Gil Cedillo, a Democrat from Los Angeles who sponsored the 2012 measure, told ABC News affiliate KABC-TV.

Dream Act supporters have said they also will push for illegal immigrants to become eligible for driver licenses, a next move in a bid for full U.S. citizenship for illegal immigrants. }

California 'Dream Act' Will Help Cover College Costs for Illegal Immigrants - ABC News

{Still, immigration advocates said the Democratic gains had brought new energy to a cause that seemed to flag after a round of demonstrations in the spring were followed by disappointing results in legislation and voter registration drives that fell short of goals.

The election “shows what we have been saying all along, that the anti-immigrant, enforcement-only rhetoric to motivate conservative voters was not reflecting where the majority of Americans are on this issue,” said Angela Sembrano, director of the Central American Resource Center in Los Angeles, one of the groups that helped organize large pro-immigrant marches in the spring.

Ms. Sembrano and other protest leaders said that, in the afterglow of election night, they would refrain from detailing what they will ask of Democrats until they meet with the new leadership in the coming weeks. But Chung-Wha Hong, executive director the New York Immigration Coalition, said the goal would still be “legalization for as many people as possible.”}

Democratic Victory Raises Spirits of Those Favoring Citizenship for Illegal Aliens - New York Times
Since the democrat assholes make us pass a test, background check & have photo ID to carry a gun. Then perhaps we should do the same for voters.
Not sure how this at all follows. Please explain yourself further.
I'd be very interested to see how/why you can trivialize illegal voting in such a way.

Because illegals vote for the party who wants to give them citizenship, bypassing the law -- Democrats.

That is ridiculous. Name the politicians who have run on such a platform or have introduced legislation to give anyone citizenship.
New Haven Asks State to Allow Non-Citizens to Vote | NBC Connecticut

In fact, please argue that Democrats have been more generous toward illegal immigrants than Republicans have. Thanks.
[ame=]Texas Democrat Wants To Extend ObamaCare To Illegal Immigrants - YouTube[/ame]

Democrats to protest immigration crackdowns

Democrats join DOJ suit against Alabama immigration law

Weasel Zippers » Blog Archive » Harry Reid Proposes Bill That Could Stop States From Enforcing Immigration Laws…

Obama Won’t Enforce Existing Immigration Laws - HUMAN EVENTS

Democrats Visit Alabama To Push For End Of Immigration Law

Sanctuary Cities and States Protecting Illegal Aliens in the United States - Undocumented Workers

Hillary Clinton Puts American Families in Danger: 'I will not enforce laws against... -- re> WASHINGTON, May 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ --

Washington, DC: Sanctuary City

Any more stupid requests?
I am not vehemently opposed to these voter ID long as they aren't too restrictive and they should have a "grandfather" clause. If you've been voting for years and years, you shouldn't have to suddenly show a state issued ID in order to vote.

For me there is no acceptable ratio for disenfranchisement.

93-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Who Cleaned State Capitol For 30 Years Denied Voter ID

96-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Denied Voter ID Because She Didn’t Have Her Marriage License

91-Year-Old Tennessee Woman Can't Vote Because She Can't Stand In Line For Hours

Tennessee Agency Charges 86-Year Old Veteran An Unconstitutional Poll Tax To Obtain Voter ID

So, what is the acceptable ratio of disenfranchised voters to the non-existent instances of fraud that would have been prevented with an ID? Can anyone provide a single incident to counter these instances of voters being disenfranchised by the more restrictive states?

States like Texas that will allow a concealed carry permit as a form of ID, but not a student ID. Interesting that...

Holy shit! a bunch of links from "Thinkprogress'com".
I followed one or two and decided to look around to see what BS they are spouting today.
I found an article about Rick Santorum, basically calling him a racist for saying: "That’s what the bottom line is. I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money."
Hey if that's what he said, then I guess it would be a fair assessment.
What ThinkProgress left out was the rest of the sentence:
I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money.”
What he said was:

"That’s what the bottom line is. I don’t want to make black people’s lives better by giving them somebody else’s money; I want to give them the opportunity to go out and earn the money."

ThinkProgress is about the most dishonest political site I've ever seen and is actually still going down hill rapidly.

In the links you provided, what TP fails to mention is that assuming these old folk are registered to vote, they can request an absentee ballot and will have no need to provide a photo ID.
On case cited is a poor old woman who can not stand in line to acquire her ID. Well, if she can't stand to get her ID, who the hell does she expect to stand in line to vote?
Old people have had decades to get their ID and be responsible. Young people don't vote anyway and those who want to need to pull their heads out of their asses.

Nope. No bigotry here. Move along...
Bigotry? I'm sorry, I fail to see how smart young people who can renew their drivers licenses, get college loans and car loans and deal with college applications can't figure out how to vote. Same goes for the elderly that have had 50 plus years to get their shit in order, have an ID and present it when requested when they go to vote. Shit, they have to do more than that to get their Medicare, Medicaid, SSI and other government aid garbage as well as pick up their 24 prescriptions from Walgreens.

Spare me the bigotry of demanding they show their ID to vote. If they can't comprehend this basic requirement, they probably are no longer competent or too ill informed to vote.

Of course, requiring ignorant and potentially senile voters seems to be the only way liberals get elected these days as they fear monger their way into office.
The right to vote should be impeded as little as possible. Any impediment to voting requires unimpeachable evidence that such an impediment is necessary.
A basic, essential, necessary concept attached to the right to vote that you, the potential voter, are who you say you are - the right to vote has no meaning unless this is assured.

Which is why we have a voter registration process.

That has been proven. Not all registered voters have a DMV-issued ID in SC and TX.

The U.S. Department of Justice will block the voter ID provisions of an election law passed in South Carolina earlier this year because the state’s own statistics demonstrated that the photo identification requirement would have a much greater impact on non-white residents, DOJ said in a letter to the state on Friday.

“Put differently, although non-white voters comprised 30.4% of the state’s registered voters, they constituted 34.2% of registered voters who did not have the requisite DMV-issued identification to vote,” Assistant Attorney General Thomas E. Perez, who heads the Civil Rights Division, wrote in the letter to South Carolina. “Non-white voters were therefore disproportionally represented, to a significant degree, in the group of registered voters who, under the proposed law, would be rendered ineligible to go to the polls and participate in the election.”

Understand? A person is able to register to vote but cannot vote.

That is disenfranchisement. Established.

Now prove that it is necessary to disenfranchise registered voters who have proven their residency and citizenship.

Are you honestly trying to suggest that Eric Holder knows more about the issue of voter ID and voter suppression, than a U.S. Supreme Court Justice? In case you missed it, let's recap:

In a 6-to-3 ruling in one of the most eagerly awaited election-law cases in years, the court rejected arguments that Indiana's law, probably the strictest in the country, imposes unjustified burdens on people who are old, poor or members of minority groups and less likely to have driver's licenses or other acceptable forms of identification.

Justice John Paul Stevens, who announced the judgment of the court and wrote an opinion in which Chief John Roberts Jr. and Anthony Kennedy joined, alluded to — and brushed aside — complaints that the law benefits Republicans and works against. Democrats, whose ranks are more likely to include poor people or those in minority groups.

The justifications for the law "should not be disregarded simply because partisan interests may have provided one motivation for the votes of individual legislators," Stevens wrote.

Stevens and the two court members who joined him found that the Democrats and civil rights groups who attacked the law, seeking a declaration that it was unconstitutional on its face, had failed to meet the heavy burden required for such a "facial challenge" to prevail. Perhaps, they suggested, the outcome could be different in another voter-rights case, one in which a plaintiff could show that his or her rights had been violated.

Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito Jr. concurred in the judgment of the court, but went further in rejecting the plaintiffs' challenge. In an opinion by Scalia, the three justices said, "The law should be upheld because its overall burden is minimal and justified."

Voter IDs as a requirement in order to vote are NOT unconstitutional. Eric Holder's opinion is not relivent to the decision. Complain as he might over a box of tissues, the US Justice Department can not overrule a previously made U.S. Supreme Court Decision.
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You will not find anyone, outside of a few bigots, terrified of people voting.

You will find, however, people who hold the democratic process sacred, and who are opposed to any effort to subvert it for political gain.

Bullshit... you care nothing for the Democratic Process. In fact, the mere word Democracy has you running scared and screaming Commies. What your party WANTS is to have poor people who cannot get to a DMV office easily to give up and not vote.... that's the bottom line.
Go be stupid somewhere else. If you truly supported democracy, you'd believe in "one person, one vote".

I do... why don't you?

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