Voter registration

Voting age needs to be raised to 25, and require three civics tests, one each for local, state, and Federal level offices. It's the left that has proclaimed '25 is the new 18', so lets go with that.

So we can require three tests before owning a gun also? (No one proclaimed 25 is the new 18.)
Voting age needs to be raised to 25, and require three civics tests, one each for local, state, and Federal level offices. It's the left that has proclaimed '25 is the new 18', so lets go with that.

So we can require three tests before owning a gun also? (No one proclaimed 25 is the new 18.)

I have zero problems with requiring gun safety education or proof of taking such training for purchasing firearms of any kind. I have no problem with barring felons and crazies from purchasing them, such laws are needed for establishing liability claims and the like for one. As for the tests, if you pass one and fail the other two, you still get to vote in the ones you passed, so it's not all or nothing. If you can't be bothered to know what the hell the offices you're voting on actually do, you have no business voting, since you obviously don't care enough about your responsibilities as a citizen to bother with knowing what you're doing.
Voting age needs to be raised to 25, and require three civics tests, one each for local, state, and Federal level offices. It's the left that has proclaimed '25 is the new 18', so lets go with that.

So we can require three tests before owning a gun also? (No one proclaimed 25 is the new 18.)

I have zero problems with requiring gun safety education or proof of taking such training for purchasing firearms of any kind. I have no problem with barring felons and crazies from purchasing them, such laws are needed for establishing liability claims and the like for one. As for the tests, if you pass one and fail the other two, you still get to vote in the ones you passed, so it's not all or nothing. If you can't be bothered to know what the hell the offices you're voting on actually do, you have no business voting, since you obviously don't care enough about your responsibilities as a citizen to bother with knowing what you're doing.

Appreciate your consistency here but you do not need to take a test to exercise Constitutionally acknowledged rights.
Voting age needs to be raised to 25, and require three civics tests, one each for local, state, and Federal level offices. It's the left that has proclaimed '25 is the new 18', so lets go with that.

So we can require three tests before owning a gun also? (No one proclaimed 25 is the new 18.)

I have zero problems with requiring gun safety education or proof of taking such training for purchasing firearms of any kind. I have no problem with barring felons and crazies from purchasing them, such laws are needed for establishing liability claims and the like for one. As for the tests, if you pass one and fail the other two, you still get to vote in the ones you passed, so it's not all or nothing. If you can't be bothered to know what the hell the offices you're voting on actually do, you have no business voting, since you obviously don't care enough about your responsibilities as a citizen to bother with knowing what you're doing.

Appreciate your consistency here but you do not need to take a test to exercise Constitutionally acknowledged rights.

Well, it has nothing to do with consistency, just common sense, and ti was up to the states originally to set voter qualifications, and Johnson's Voting Rights Acts were only applied fully to a few southern states; many states, like California and New York, and some 18 others, still got to keep their literacy tests and the like, black voter turnout in Harlem for instance was about the same percentages as Mississippi's; it was Richard Nixon who pushed for national application when those Acts came up for sunset reviews during his Presidency.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.

You voted for Trump. You are not qualified to talk about reality.

No different than voting for Hillary. You nuts put out two terrible candidates and then you double down in the general election and we get a bad President. Then you idiots wonder why.

A bad president who the right supports no matter how bizarrely he behaves.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.

You voted for Trump. You are not qualified to talk about reality.

No different than voting for Hillary. You nuts put out two terrible candidates and then you double down in the general election and we get a bad President. Then you idiots wonder why.

A bad president who the right supports no matter how bizarrely he behaves.

Like I said, you put forth Hillary and Trump and wonder why? LOL! Maybe one day you will learn, however I won't hold my breath.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

The Military today are all volunteers, they joined on their own, there is no draft in operation. That eliminates your first complaint.

Very few men at 18 are married these days, and certainly have not yet fathered their first child. They just finished High School. That eliminates your second complaint.

America used to have minimum age 21 line for Voting, the nation rolled on just fine. They were never denied a vote either. That eliminates your third complaint.

It seems you have little debate points to offer here.
You havent negated any of my points. You have a simplistic view of the world.
only in a demoRat mind. holy fk.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.

You voted for Trump. You are not qualified to talk about reality.

No different than voting for Hillary. You nuts put out two terrible candidates and then you double down in the general election and we get a bad President. Then you idiots wonder why.

A bad president who the right supports no matter how bizarrely he behaves.
dude, that is such a generalization, there is no opportunity to debate you, you have a closed mind. must suck to be so stuck in your chains.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..
"If you're not a liberal at age twenty you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at age 40 you have no brain." Supposedly attributed to Winston Churchill though there is no known documentation that he ever said it however the saying in many different forms goes back to at least the 1875 attributed to Anselme Polycarpe Batbie. To a certain degree it's quite true given that youth is more often than not driven by passion and unreasoned ideology, as we age reason (is supposed) to take the place of passion and unreasoned ideology. Basically as time progresses and we get older the brain is supposed to win out over the heart, unfortunately this natural progression has been usurped in the entire political world, on all sides by simple passion and unreasoned ideology converting reasonable men and women into rabid ideologues. Kinda like yourself.......
Churchill was a twat.
not sure what that has to do with anything other than you showing us your TDS. Or WCS. hahahahahahahaaha

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

Wants the youngest and dumbest to vote because they'll vote dem due to lack of knowledge and life experience.
This has been proven with the lefts attempt to lower the voting age to 16.
You people are a joke!!

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

Wants the youngest and dumbest to vote because they'll vote dem due to lack of knowledge and life experience.
This has been proven with the lefts attempt to lower the voting age to 16.
You people are a joke!!

The 26th Amendment passed in 1971. Since then the (R)'s have won 7 times and the (D)'s 5 times. The House and Senate has constantly flipped back and forth.

Your boogeymen have no teeth.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

Wants the youngest and dumbest to vote because they'll vote dem due to lack of knowledge and life experience.
This has been proven with the lefts attempt to lower the voting age to 16.
You people are a joke!!

The 26th Amendment passed in 1971. Since then the (R)'s have won 7 times and the (D)'s 5 times. The House and Senate has constantly flipped back and forth.

Your boogeymen have no teeth.
well when 16 year olds are allowed to serve in the military, then a new amendment can be made. It was why that one was enacted.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

Wants the youngest and dumbest to vote because they'll vote dem due to lack of knowledge and life experience.
This has been proven with the lefts attempt to lower the voting age to 16.
You people are a joke!!

The 26th Amendment passed in 1971. Since then the (R)'s have won 7 times and the (D)'s 5 times. The House and Senate has constantly flipped back and forth.

Your boogeymen have no teeth.
well when 16 year olds are allowed to serve in the military, then a new amendment can be made. It was why that one was enacted.

Fine with me.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

Wants the youngest and dumbest to vote because they'll vote dem due to lack of knowledge and life experience.
This has been proven with the lefts attempt to lower the voting age to 16.
You people are a joke!!

The 26th Amendment passed in 1971. Since then the (R)'s have won 7 times and the (D)'s 5 times. The House and Senate has constantly flipped back and forth.

Your boogeymen have no teeth.
well when 16 year olds are allowed to serve in the military, then a new amendment can be made. It was why that one was enacted.

Dont see that happening unless we're losing and scraping the bottom of the barrel.
Most haven't developed enough physically to take on the rigors of combat.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

The Military today are all volunteers, they joined on their own, there is no draft in operation. That eliminates your first complaint.

Very few men at 18 are married these days, and certainly have not yet fathered their first child. They just finished High School. That eliminates your second complaint.

America used to have minimum age 21 line for Voting, the nation rolled on just fine. They were never denied a vote either. That eliminates your third complaint.

It seems you have little debate points to offer here.
You havent negated any of my points. You have a simplistic view of the world.

I made a reasonable statement, you come back with ZERO counterpoints.

You made a simplistic reply, devoid of any cogent arguments whatsoever.

You offered NOTHING in return......

Now I will give you this for you to chew on:

1) From RAND

The Evolution of the All-Volunteer Force


The AVF Has Changed the Military for the Better

Since the establishment of the AVF, the quality of the force, measured by scores on standardized IQ tests, has improved. The percentage of new recruits with high school diplomas has increased. The AVF has dramatically increased the number of career personnel and increased the proficiency and professionalism of the force.

The AVF is also broadly representative of the American people. For the past 26 years, the Department of Defense has annually reported on social representation in the U.S. military. The 2004 report noted the following:

    • Age. The active-duty population is younger than the overall civilian sector. Forty-nine percent of the active-duty force is between the ages of 17 and 24, whereas about 15 percent of the civilian workforce falls between those ages. Similarly, officers are younger than their civilian counterparts.
    • Gender. Today, 15 percent of the active-duty enlisted force is female, compared with less than 2 percent when the draft ended. Sixteen percent of the officer corps is female. Despite these improvements, women are still underrepresented in the military.
    • Marital status. The larger career force means that the number of service members who are married has increased. Today, 49 percent of enlisted personnel are married, compared with 40 percent at the start of the AVF. Sixty-eight percent of all active-duty officers are married.
    • Educational level. The most recent statistics show that 92 percent of the new accessions to the active-duty force are high school graduates. The figure for the reserve components is 87 percent. This is a dramatic increase from the 1973 goal of 45 percent and today’s goal of 79 percent. In addition, 95 percent of active-duty officers have baccalaureate degrees, and 38 percent have advanced degrees.
    • Socioeconomic status. Recruits come primarily from families in the middle or lower middle classes. The high end of the distribution is not well represented.
    • Race and ethnicity. In fiscal year 2002, African-Americans were slightly overrepresented among new enlisted accessions relative to the civilian population: 16 percent compared with 14 percent. However, this is considerably below the 1973 level of 28 percent. Hispanics are underrepresented, making up 16 percent of all civilians but only 11 percent of new accessions.

2) From the Daily Dot

When do people in your state get married?


A 2013 study found that the average age of marriage for women was 27 and 29 for men. But in individual states, the data varies considerably. For example, Utah has both the lowest average marriage age for women and men at 23.8 and 25.9, respectively. The District of Columbia wins for the oldest women at 30.2, but New York has the oldest men at 30.6.


3) From Business Insider

The evolution of American voting rights in 242 years shows how far we've come — and how far we still have to go


Congress voted to lower the federal age from 21 to 18 in 1971 by overwhelmingly passing the 26th Amendment to the Constitution.

The change came about largely at the hands of young men drafted to fight in the Vietnam War, who argued that if they were old enough to go to war for their country, they were old enough to have a say in their government.


I have backed up everything I stated yesterday, what do you have to counter it with?

Last edited:

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..
"If you're not a liberal at age twenty you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at age 40 you have no brain." Supposedly attributed to Winston Churchill though there is no known documentation that he ever said it however the saying in many different forms goes back to at least the 1875 attributed to Anselme Polycarpe Batbie. To a certain degree it's quite true given that youth is more often than not driven by passion and unreasoned ideology, as we age reason (is supposed) to take the place of passion and unreasoned ideology. Basically as time progresses and we get older the brain is supposed to win out over the heart, unfortunately this natural progression has been usurped in the entire political world, on all sides by simple passion and unreasoned ideology converting reasonable men and women into rabid ideologues. Kinda like yourself.......
Churchill was a twat.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..
"If you're not a liberal at age twenty you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at age 40 you have no brain." Supposedly attributed to Winston Churchill though there is no known documentation that he ever said it however the saying in many different forms goes back to at least the 1875 attributed to Anselme Polycarpe Batbie. To a certain degree it's quite true given that youth is more often than not driven by passion and unreasoned ideology, as we age reason (is supposed) to take the place of passion and unreasoned ideology. Basically as time progresses and we get older the brain is supposed to win out over the heart, unfortunately this natural progression has been usurped in the entire political world, on all sides by simple passion and unreasoned ideology converting reasonable men and women into rabid ideologues. Kinda like yourself.......
Churchill was a twat.

A brief look at his life works and decisions make YOU look like a twat to him.


"...his early fascination with militarism saw him join the Royal Cavalry in 1895. As a soldier and part-time journalist, Churchill travelled widely, including trips to Cuba, Afghanistan, Egypt and South Africa."

"Churchill was elected as Conservative MP for Oldham in 1900,.."

"He was First Lord of the Admiralty (the civil/political head of the Royal Navy)..."

"He served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 1924, when he controversially opted for Britain to re-join the Gold Standard...."

"...Churchill lost his seat and spent much of the next 11 years out of office, mainly writing and making speeches. Although he was alone in his firm opposition to Indian Independence, his warnings against the Appeasement of Nazi Germany were proven correct when the Second World War broke out in 1939."

"Following Neville Chamberlain’s resignation in 1940, Churchill was chosen to succeed him as Prime Minister of an all-party coalition government."

"In his 1946 speech in the USA, the instinctive pro-American famously declared that “an iron curtain has descended across the Continent”, and warned of the continued danger from a powerful Soviet Russia."

and more......

He is a Nobel Prize Winner for Literature in 1953


He was a great man who made mistakes, rises above them and served his country with distinction.

You are nothing compared to him, NOTHING!!!
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I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.
That is the biggest load of shit I have ever read. These 18 year olds die in your wars,pay taxes and raise families. Yet you would deny them a vote.

The Military today are all volunteers, they joined on their own, there is no draft in operation. That eliminates your first complaint.

Very few men at 18 are married these days, and certainly have not yet fathered their first child. They just finished High School. That eliminates your second complaint.

America used to have minimum age 21 line for Voting, the nation rolled on just fine. They were never denied a vote either. That eliminates your third complaint.

It seems you have little debate points to offer here.
You havent negated any of my points. You have a simplistic view of the world.
You pointless, pinhead.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..
"If you're not a liberal at age twenty you have no heart, if you're still a liberal at age 40 you have no brain." Supposedly attributed to Winston Churchill though there is no known documentation that he ever said it however the saying in many different forms goes back to at least the 1875 attributed to Anselme Polycarpe Batbie. To a certain degree it's quite true given that youth is more often than not driven by passion and unreasoned ideology, as we age reason (is supposed) to take the place of passion and unreasoned ideology. Basically as time progresses and we get older the brain is supposed to win out over the heart, unfortunately this natural progression has been usurped in the entire political world, on all sides by simple passion and unreasoned ideology converting reasonable men and women into rabid ideologues. Kinda like yourself.......
Churchill was a twat.
Better than you. Pissant.

I saw this earlier on. it relates to the UK. Do you make much effort in the US to register young voters ? Young people are generally more willing to vote without negative right wing baggage..


Those 18 year olds never owned a house, attended college or trade school. never manage their own personal accounts, handle and submit their tax forms.

It is reason why moving the voter age to 18 from 21 was a colossal mistake, these voters have so little experience in economic and legal matters, they are not going to make an INFORMED decision, since they don't have sufficient life experience as adults to bank it on.

Your partisanship is a turn off Tommy, since your hostility doesn't help promote rational debates, these young people needs mature people who are willing to speak from experience and from reality, knowing that politics are littered with broken promises and lies. They need to understand that this country is a REPUBLIC, it was designed that way for a specific purpose, to limit government power by having it delegated across three branches, which would make difficult to consolidate power that would otherwise would have gone beyond the confines of the Constitution, and delegate some of the power to the states INDEPENDENT of the Federal Government control and to the people.

Please stop the partisan attacks, it is immature and stupid.

You voted for Trump. You are not qualified to talk about reality.

No different than voting for Hillary. You nuts put out two terrible candidates and then you double down in the general election and we get a bad President. Then you idiots wonder why.

A bad president who the right supports no matter how bizarrely he behaves.

It's not about how somebody behaves that we're concerned about. We are more focused on results which we are plenty satisfied with. Democrats on the other hand vote for somebody based on how they look, how they dress, how they speak.

We on the right expect results, that's why we vote. You on the left vote similarly to how you vote on your favorite American Idol contestant. That's how we got stuck with DumBama for eight years.

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