Voters Aren’t Disenfranchised, They’re Just Lazy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
I don't care where this comes from – it's an eerily on target declaration! How many “eligible” voters do we have? And, how many of those register to vote? And finally, how many legally registered voters actually go to the polls?

If you haven’t noticed, an election is coming up. We’re 16+ months away, and the push is on (again) to tackle the perceived reality that is known as voter discrimination. The Left seems to believe low voter participation must mean the existence of rampant voter discrimination. But you can’t force people to vote, or even care about any of the issues facing our country. With a past that included denying women and minorities the right to vote, you’d think that a present devoid of such systemic discrimination would encourage all of us to exercise our right. You’d think that, but you’d be wrong.

Read the full story @ Voters Aren t Disenfranchised They re Just Lazy RedState
Evidently the illegals have a better voting record..According to right wingers......
Thing is, with our last two general elections, we had a candidate who energized the electorate to come out and vote for him.
The DNC doesn't have a candidate that can energize the same people to get off of the toilet, much less their couch, to get out and vote.
The GOP has all of the energy this time around
Uncle Joe will announce he's running and Billary
'll go into the tank. Dimbocrats will come out for him.
While I don't disagree about voters being lazy, I wouldn't downplay the feeling of being disenfranchised. The two political parties have granted themselves monopoly status. The presidential election debates should be open to all candidates that are on enough state ballots to gather the necessary electoral votes to win.

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