Voters disapprove 66 - 31% of the president using emergency powers to fund border wall


Dec 27, 2018
If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail
With the government stacked with traitors of the people it's the only option.
If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail

Thanks for posting this...but it would be nice if you could have included roughly where in that mess of polls, the one in particular you meant was.

BTW - it's about 15 or so paragraphs down the page.
Trump would more than likely just use defense money to build the wall he wants built. So there may not be a budget fight or shutdown anyway.
That poll picked Hillary in a landslide. Very credible! Maybe they will pick Elizabeth Warren to be "Chief" of the Fukawi Tribe.
The Dems in joint committe w/Reps ,along w/security advisors, have forwarded the 'smart wall'

Which seems to be more secuirty for our tax $$$'s

Trump is opposing it>

Donald J. Trump‏Verified account @realDonaldTrump
If the committee of Republicans and Democrats now meeting on Border Security is not discussing or contemplating a Wall or Physical Barrier, they are Wasting their time!

3:49 AM - 30 Jan 2019

So , any executive order for national emergency would simply be refusal to negotiate w/reality

Further, our grandkids will still be paying for this ,long after Trump is history

If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail
Responses are reported for 1,004 self-identified registered voters with a margin of sampling error of +/- 3.7 percentage points, including the design effect. Margins of sampling error for subgroups are available upon request. Surveys are conducted in English or Spanish dependent on respond

2017 US population at 2017:325.7 million
He will be challenged and the Courts, including the USSC, will slap him down....THERE IS NO EMERGENCY ON THE SOUTHERN BORDER!

SHUT IT DOWN AGAIN trump. You kiss ass staff is telling you that the last shut down worked so well for you.
He will be challenged and the Courts, including the USSC, will slap him down....THERE IS NO EMERGENCY ON THE SOUTHERN BORDER!

SHUT IT DOWN AGAIN trump. You kiss ass staff is telling you that the last shut down worked so well for you.
Courts don't read polls. Only idiots pay them any heed since Crooked Hillary lost.
As was testified by counsel just yesterday Trump doesn't need to declare a national emergency to have the army corp of engineers build a protective barrier along the border....he can just order them to do it....they said they would except that order as lawful....its going to get built one way or the other folks....but in the meantime he is exposing the lefts radicalness...and probably having fun doing it.....
With the government stacked with traitors of the people it's the only option.
Trump has nothing to lose. Also make sure Ginsberg is not comatose.
maybe trump doesn't, but we all do.

the issue with abusing power is that the abuse becomes standard. obama did things with EO's that shouldn't have been done to bypass a congress that refuses to do their job. it was applauded as an IN YOUR FACE by the left.

now that the right is wanting to abuse some power, suddenly it's a bad idea.

ALL GOD DAMN SIDES need to realize when they do this, it merely opens the door for the other side to do it too.
If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail

When it came to the unpopular Obamacare, it was disapproved by most Americans and the Democrats told us it was for the best. Not sure we should be listening to polls.
If you thought that the shutdown hurt Republicans politically, wait until Trump declares a phony national emergency to build his wall:
Voters disapprove 66 - 31 percent of the president using emergency powers to fund a wall along the border.
QU Poll Release Detail

Like the way you spin it by altering ONE word, lol.

People surveyed does NOT mean all voters, or even people who voted, it means people who were surveyed.

Remember, if 5000 people are surveyed, and 4999 of them think one way but don’t vote, it means zilch, nada, forget about it. That is how Trump got elected, and why all your polls mean squat. We are going to get the barrier one way or the other, and the only chance your side has is if it has no affect. If it DOES have a positive affect, you might as well concede 2020-)

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You really need to get a dose pf reality. 2016 was a anomaly for 1 reason. Both candidates were hated by voters. They thought that Trump and Clinton were dishonest and untrustworthy. 25% or so of voters were voting against the other candidate. This is what Trump won. It is very unlikely that the Democrat candidate will be as hated in 2020. However Trump will be as hated.

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