Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

Because everyone knows that it was fraudulent.
NFBW: I must inform you Billiejeens that you are MAGA Crazy. No one knows in the way we do things in America that Trump won the 2020 election as he claims except it was stolen from him due to widespread fraud.

The way we do things in America wouid be to take a claim of widespread election fraud that allegedly changed the outcome of an election is to take said evidence to a court of law and let the Justice System settle it based on evidence. And truly patriotic and sane Americans accept all court decisions as final. That has not happened for two years since 2020 Biden victory.

What’s you say above Billiejeens is unAmerican, lacking in respect for the rule of law and is fundamentally crazy. You’ve are a MAGA crazy person by your own word.

END 22241336
NFBW: If you consider yourself MAGA aligned, and have not passionately renounced and denounced Trump for his big Election Fraud lie, and not condemn him for his intentional incitement of the Jan6 assault on our Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power and want absolutely nothing to do with the MAGA authoritarianism that that monster promotes then you are crazy and likely crazy beyond repair.


I'm Ultramega -

President Trump is he future of our country.
There was a coup - not in doubt.
His endorsements are golden.

You all way out of step ignoramus.
Maybe that red wave in two weeks will drown your ass.
No they don’t. you are Crazy. There us another examples of MAGA crazy Billiejeens
Read, watch and learn. Democrats want to impose Marxist socialism on our nation and an important step to doing so is the disarm the people.

Most Democrats in Congress do not care about institutions or the “commonsense” gun control proposals they profess to support. They want full-scale gun confiscation, and they don’t care how many norms and institutions they need to destroy to accomplish it.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) laid out where the Democratic Party stands and why Republicans should not humor any Democratic “deal” on gun control. “If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it,” Jones said. “If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it, and we will not rest until we’ve taken weapons of war out of circulation in our communities.”


The same is true for President Joe Biden, who wants to ban 9 mm guns because “a 9 mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,” and “there is no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection.” Biden wants you to think that the most popular handgun caliber in the country is like a sci-fi weapon. The White House then walked backthe idea that Biden supported a handgun ban. Either the White House is lying now, or Biden, who has been advocating gun control for years, still has not learned a single fact about what guns are or how they work.

Democrats constantly trip over themselves on gun control, repeating blatant falsehoods and calling for gun control policies that contradict their rhetoric. While they claim their policies are commonsense and moderate, their rhetoric indicates that the only way they can get what they want is through gun confiscation, whether they are openly pursuing it or not. As Cicilline and Jones helpfully illustrated, they will destroy the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution to do so.

Read, watch and learn. Democrats want to impose Marxist socialism on our nation and an important step to doing so is the disarm the people.

Most Democrats in Congress do not care about institutions or the “commonsense” gun control proposals they profess to support. They want full-scale gun confiscation, and they don’t care how many norms and institutions they need to destroy to accomplish it.

Rep. Mondaire Jones (D-NY) laid out where the Democratic Party stands and why Republicans should not humor any Democratic “deal” on gun control. “If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it,” Jones said. “If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it, and we will not rest until we’ve taken weapons of war out of circulation in our communities.”


The same is true for President Joe Biden, who wants to ban 9 mm guns because “a 9 mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,” and “there is no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection.” Biden wants you to think that the most popular handgun caliber in the country is like a sci-fi weapon. The White House then walked backthe idea that Biden supported a handgun ban. Either the White House is lying now, or Biden, who has been advocating gun control for years, still has not learned a single fact about what guns are or how they work.

Democrats constantly trip over themselves on gun control, repeating blatant falsehoods and calling for gun control policies that contradict their rhetoric. While they claim their policies are commonsense and moderate, their rhetoric indicates that the only way they can get what they want is through gun confiscation, whether they are openly pursuing it or not. As Cicilline and Jones helpfully illustrated, they will destroy the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the Constitution to do so.

The US is not only about the 2nd Amendment, which is not in peril of being taken out, as so many Republicans falsely allege.

All you posted is allegations from Republicans. False allegations.

Now, go find the truth.
The US is not only about the 2nd Amendment, which is not in peril of being taken out, as so many Republicans falsely allege.

All you posted is allegations from Republicans. False allegations.

Now, go find the truth.
You posted false statements about the goals of the democrats.

One common characteristic of democrats I have noticed in the last few decades is they constantly lie. Another is their love of projection.

Where did you go to law school?
The ability to recognize Trump’s Catholic SCOTUS picks were lying when they said during the nomination process that Roe was settled law and should not be overturned does not take a law degree - basically about a graso of 6th Grade English comprehension.
You posted false statements about the goals of the democrats.

One common characteristic of democrats I have noticed in the last few decades is they constantly lie. Another is their love of projection.

So, a Conservative newspaper prints that the Democrats are lying, projecting......if Conservatives say so, it must be true, right?

The Washington Times - Wikipedia › wiki › The_Washington_Times

The Washington Times is an American conservative daily newspaper published in Washington, D.C., that covers general interest topics with a particular ...

You are projecting that the Democrats are projecting, which is what the Republicans have been doing for the past 20 years.

But nice try. :)
1) 3 Supreme Court Judges lied, LIED, about not going to do anything to overturn Roe vs Wade.

What conservative justices said about Roe at their ... › politics › 2022/06/24

Jun 24, 2022 — Most justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday told the Senate at their confirmation hearings that the decision was settled precedent ...

2) You assume that Democrats will do nothing about the abortion ban. Time will tell.

3) Lawful or unlawful, will will want to have an abortion for all kinds of different reasons, which is nobody's business but theirs. Always has been.

4). Republican Religious Extremists have decided that they are hearing god's voice telling them to stop abortion.

In other words, it is not between a woman and their god, whichever religion, but between women and religious extremists.
50 plus years and what have Democrats done about finalizing abortion law? A god can be anyone or thing, sorry you co
But as of right now this election cycle, the natural god given right for an impregnated woman to make her own decisions can be taken from her if a state produces a majority of white authoritarian meddling Christian voters who rabidly demand their state government criminalize her decision if it does not confirm to the Christian way.

You say you believe in a Woman’s right to make her own reproductive health and financial decisions because it is between her and her god, but you will not mark a ballot ti have her back on that right by stopping the religion driven political party that has been on a crusade to deprive women of that right for the sake of a supernatural Jesus Christ instead of the super natural law document we are supposed to go by, - or believed Constitution .

Why don’t you have an impregnated working woman’s back if her decision is between her and her god? Do you only defend against government intrusion and coercion when it directly molests you and something you care about?

If I thought Congress would tackle the problem, you may have a point, however they have done nothing for 50 years and with Democrats holding the majorities in the House, Senate and and Presidency for the entire summer and going into fall, they haven't done anything with this issue they claim is of great importance. It is used as I say as a wedge issue that they have no interest in solving.
The ability to recognize Trump’s Catholic SCOTUS picks were lying when they said during the nomination process that Roe was settled law and should not be overturned does not take a law degree - basically about a graso of 6th Grade English comprehension.

50 plus years and what have Democrats done about finalizing abortion law? A god can be anyone or thing, sorry you co

If I thought Congress would tackle the problem, you may have a point, however they have done nothing for 50 years and with Democrats holding the majorities in the House, Senate and and Presidency for the entire summer and going into fall, they haven't done anything with this issue they claim is of great importance. It is used as I say as a wedge issue that they have no interest in solving.
What were the Democrats supposed to have done, when Roe vs Wade was set as the Law of the Land, as a Constitutional Right?

Codify? I do not remember Republicans ever saying that they were going to stop the Democrats from codifying Roe, it never became an issue.

Roe only became a problem when the Supreme Court got six Judges appointed, one of them nor fairly as Garland or another Democrat appointed should have been allowed to go through the Senate hearings and was not allowed.

So, the Republican have got their way for now. The future is ahead.

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