Voting Republican this term may end up changing the US Constitution to help the Far Right ideas

[ More and more incitement to violence from the Republican side, from it leader ]

Former President Donald Trump suggested that the best way to get reporters to spill the beans about their confidential sources is to lock them up in prison where they can be raped by other inmates.
Trump, who has a long history of leaking to the press himself and was a huge fan of WikiLeaks, griped about the leak earlier this year of the Supreme Court draft opinion overturning Roe v. Wade.

“You have to find the leaker!” he told a crowd in Texas on Saturday night, then suggested a way to do that.

“You take the writer and/or the publisher of the paper ― a certain paper that you know,” Trump said. “And you say ‘Who is the leaker? National security.’ And they say ‘We’re not going to tell you.’ That’s OK, you’re going to jail. And when this person realizes that he is going to be the bride of another prisoner very shortly... ”

The Trump audience laughed and cheered at the thinly veiled code for sexual assault in prison.

“But they don’t wanna do that,” Trump lamented:

Trump’s comment came a day after The Washington Post noted that 11 Trump allies and advisers had been convicted of crimes or had pleaded guilty to crimes. Together, they’ve been sentenced to a combined total of nearly 30 years in prison.

1) 3 Supreme Court Judges lied, LIED, about not going to do anything to overturn Roe vs Wade.
Apparently Catholics can bear false witness if they are getting on the Supreme Court in order to allow state lawmakers at their voters request to impose the Catholic Doctrine of Humanae Vitae on a destructuve modern world that must be re-conquered for the King of Kings. Deus lo vult! BECAUSE GOD WANTS IT and voters like Papageorgio frankly just don’t give a damn about anything but fiscal responsibility in government / meaning if a state is properly fiscally responsible they can taken away human rights if the God the majority believes in wants it. Freedom of conscience is no longer an American’s Constitutionally protected right.
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tribe is a radical conspiracy theory nut, who also worked with other dems to replace electors in the 2016 election. and replace then with people that would vote for loser clinton

Oh that can't be there would have been a huge investigation.
Wow. A MILLION dollars? Reported like it's a big and scary number. LOL!!!

What a load of shit.

Hey, remember when the narrative was that it was wrong to push FEAR, as a political....strategy?

Once again, we see that libs just talk shit.

Their policies are awful
What else can they do?
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Functions very well.

My brain sees an endless number of Republicans who love to take people's rights aways from them, and give nothing back.

Republicans suppress votes for all they do not want to vote, especially if they vote for Democrats.

Women's rights? What rights should women have?

Children's rights? What rights should children have?

Right to be able to afford the medicine you need to save your life? Not with Republicans.

So on and so forth.

Rights Republicans like to see:

The Rights of companies to pollute the planet while they make any and all the money they can.

The right to make lots of money out of people's need for healthcare.

The right to not care that Hurricanes, droughts, Fires, etc are getting worse. Which are caused by so many Republicans not caring that they are helping in the cause of them getting worse.

So much more that they do not care about. Just give the politicians all the money they want and watch them not care that the net generations are going to be paying the price for it.

Many now are already paying for it. Just look at what happened in Florida with the last Hurricane. It could have been less destructive. Not thanks to Republicans who do not want to put money where it needs to save lives, or keep people from seeing their livelihood and homes destroyed. Be it in the US, or the rest of the world. The world is changing for the worse because some people do not want to change.


More of the above can be achieved until there is almost nothing left.


I will, Thanks, never have done anything else.
Most everyone will vote Republican, at least this time.
Please, post some more.

ALL women who can vote should read how some Republicans think about their bodies.

Mainly, women have no rights to their bodies and Republicans can invent anything, as you just did, as to what 9 or 10 year old children dream about or want out of life.

Women, this is what you are dealing with.

But then, Republican women by the Thousands have already switched Parties to protect their bodies and their rights.

We shall see what happens on November 8th.

In your bubble they switched.
In real life women care much more about feeding, clothing, housing, and protecting them than killing them.
Democrat policies make those things much harder.
You should get out of your bubble once in a while.
Pick the party that represents your best interests.

If you agree with Voter Suppression, vote Republican.

If you agree that SS, Medicare and Medicaid need to be privatized or undone, vote Republican.

If you believe that in some counties Blacks should be deprived of their voices about their rights or needs, by gerrymandering, vote Republican.

Just a few of the reasons to vote Republican.

except none of that is true of course.
You are a Republican for this year’s mid-term election from what you told me about your voting strategy. You want Republicans to win the House to burn down BIden’s second half. And you don’t agree that MAGA Crazies in power either exist or that it matters.

There are very few Maga "crazies"
Most MAGA people simply want to make America Great and are aware of the best way to do it.
We are mainstream, conservatively natured people.
No election has ever been fraudulent or proven to be fraudulent in a court of law. So why does Trump as the leader of the Republican party get a pass on the 2020 election that he says was fraudulent?

Because everyone knows that it was fraudulent.
Some states changed the way that they handled mail-in ballots without legally changing the way that mail in ballots were handled.
So - illegality happened, right out in the open, no one tried to hide it.
Some tried to stop it - but were unsuccessful.

It would be like given a pass to someone who said that the sky is blue.

That fact is not in dispute.

Some don't care.
Some don't understand it.

Which are you?
There are very few Maga "crazies"
Most MAGA people simply want to make America Great and are aware of the best way to do it.
We are mainstream, conservatively natured people
NFBW: If you consider yourself MAGA aligned, and have not passionately renounced and denounced Trump for his big Election Fraud lie, and not condemn him for his intentional incitement of the Jan6 assault on our Capitol to stop the peaceful transfer of power and want absolutely nothing to do with the MAGA authoritarianism that that monster promotes then you are crazy and likely crazy beyond repair.

1) 3 Supreme Court Judges lied, LIED, about not going to do anything to overturn Roe vs Wade.

What conservative justices said about Roe at their ... › politics › 2022/06/24

Jun 24, 2022 — Most justices who voted to overturn Roe v. Wade on Friday told the Senate at their confirmation hearings that the decision was settled precedent ...

2) You assume that Democrats will do nothing about the abortion ban. Time will tell.

3) Lawful or unlawful, women will want to have an abortion for all kinds of different reasons, which is nobody's business but theirs. Always has been.

4). Republican Religious Extremists have decided that they are hearing god's voice telling them to stop abortion.

In other words, it is not between a woman and their god, whichever religion, but between women and religious extremists.
You lie. plain and simple.

They said Roe v. Wade was settled law. or precedent. That does not mean it could not be overturned.
what rights do republicans says women and children shouldn’t have? example/?

yes republicans want people voting republican

yes republicans want businesses to make money, including healthcare providers. Why don’t you want people to make money?
Democrats want to take my right to own firearms from me.

They also love to riot and burn cities down. Plus they now seem to hate prosecuting violent criminals in many blue cities. They often let the bad guys go without even posting bail. To top that off they want to defund the police.

Cops are leaving the police force in mass. Finding new recruits to replace them is getting harder and harder. No one wants to be a cop and I don’t blame them.

When the shit hits the fan and I dial 911, I will likely have to wait for the cops to show up. That means during that waiting period I am responsible for protecting my family. The bad guns likely have guns. I also need guns too.

It also seems they want to convince my grandchildren to change sex without notifying their parents.

The Democratic Party has gone batshit crazy and we need to vote as many democrats out of office in the upcoming Midterms to save our nation.

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