
We ALL need to VOTE

Full stop.

No. We don’t
I agree. There are people who simply aren't prepared and/or informed that have no business in the ballot box.

Children do not need to vote.
The dead do not need to vote.
Non citizens, legal and illegal don’t need to vote
People who don’t educate themselves to make rational intelligent decisions do not need to vote.
People who want to destroy our republic do not need to vote
Yea...there's a reason to give up your healthcare huh?

Why on earth do you think my healthcare is a gift from Democrats?
A gift from Democrats?

That's an odd way to look at it.

But Republicans WILL take it away from tens of millions. Just pray you ain't one of those if you get your way

The government is not to have anything to do with my healthcare. It’s my body. I chose my healthcare if any
We ALL need to VOTE

Full stop.

No. We don’t
I agree. There are people who simply aren't prepared and/or informed that have no business in the ballot box.

Children do not need to vote.
The dead do not need to vote.
Non citizens, legal and illegal don’t need to vote
People who don’t educate themselves to make rational intelligent decisions do not need to vote.
People who want to destroy our republic do not need to vote





We ALL need to VOTE

Full stop.

No. We don’t
I agree. There are people who simply aren't prepared and/or informed that have no business in the ballot box.

Children do not need to vote.
The dead do not need to vote.
Non citizens, legal and illegal don’t need to vote
People who don’t educate themselves to make rational intelligent decisions do not need to vote.
People who want to destroy our republic do not need to vote






We aren’t in a democracy
MATTERS people.

EVERY vote counts.

Trump won in 2016 because of a mere 80,000 votes spread across three states...out of 160 MILLION.

If you need further illustration about how important every vote is, consider this.

The Virginia legislature was until this year Republican and they were blocking Medicaid expansion to tens of thousands of Virginians.

In 2017 the legislature flipped from Republican to Dem by one seat. And that seat was won by ONE vote.

Because of that ONE vote...tens of thousands of people got healthcare

Every vote matters
Nah, the Blue Wave is going to crush all. Most Dems dont even need to bother voting. Relax man, youve got this thing won.
We ALL need to VOTE

Full stop.

No. We don’t
I agree. There are people who simply aren't prepared and/or informed that have no business in the ballot box.

Children do not need to vote.
The dead do not need to vote.
Non citizens, legal and illegal don’t need to vote
People who don’t educate themselves to make rational intelligent decisions do not need to vote.
People who want to destroy our republic do not need to vote
The last two would cover all repubs and conservatives.
We ALL need to VOTE

Full stop.

No. We don’t
I agree. There are people who simply aren't prepared and/or informed that have no business in the ballot box.

Children do not need to vote.
The dead do not need to vote.
Non citizens, legal and illegal don’t need to vote
People who don’t educate themselves to make rational intelligent decisions do not need to vote.
People who want to destroy our republic do not need to vote
The last two would cover all repubs and conservatives.

If you say so
The majority does not rule, the law does.

The law is the law. That's separate from this discussion.

As far as the majority?

The majority chooses our Representatives. It is a bit more convoluted for the Executive...but the majority certainly influences least state by state..
The majority does not rule, the law does.

The law is the law. That's separate from this discussion.

As far as the majority?

The majority chooses our Representatives. It is a bit more convoluted for the Executive...but the majority certainly influences least state by state..
The law blocks ridiculous ideas from a potential majority, and the same goes for the electoral college blocking ridiculous candidates who can’t appeal to all or most of the states.

If New York and California decided every presidential election we would literally have serial rapists and/or murderers running the country, because Hollywood and the New York media would approve of them and the states where these institutions are located would vote in lock step.
Oh yes, we live in a Constitutional Republic not a "democracy".

Explain the distinction...or what you see as one

You don’t even know the difference between a democracy and a republic?

A democracy is where the people vote on everything. Every policy, every law, every bureaucracy.

Essentially it turns into a mob.

A Republic is where representatives make decisions. Ours for example is one where the House of Representatives represents the people and the Senate represents state governments. Or at least that’s how our republic was designed.

Not all republics involved people voting. They do, however, tend to have checks and balances to protect minorities.

Republics tend to be stable governments. Democracies aren’t stable.

There is more but I suspect you won’t care anyway

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