VP debate thread.

Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
I disagree

Pence should have attacked biden forcefully instead of trying to be polite and statesmanlike

That is not his style. That is Trump's style. Trump has two more debates to make Biden look like the moron we all know he is.

Remember, it wasn't until the last debate that Trump really kicked Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Pence was soft and took too long to make his point - in my opinion.
I think he did a pretty good job staying level, but I do agree that he needed to use his limited time with speedier responses.

I love that Harris couldn't help herself but show how nasty and snotty she really is. This is a significant part that so many were turned off over.

It was also easy to see how she dodged some direct and repeated questions.
the moderator wasn't going to allow him to talk. that was obvious. I turned it off. she didn't allow his time. We were monitoring it on our phones. another staged debate cheating for the demofks. go fking figure.
The part on the trade war on China was astonishing clear on how foul this was.. and I say that stating with full belief that Pence kicked Harris' arse.
1.32 minutes into this:

Pence makes speeches, speeches prepared well before the debate. Thus he rarely touched the question asked instead he went on and on with an off topic response and violation of the rules. Of course both Pence and Harris prepared bullet points, and used them instead of responding to the question, clearly a method used by most Pols. The difference between the two last night was the Senator had facts, and the VP had opinions.

Note: Biden saved the auto industry; Pence voted against saving the auto industry. The impact of lost jobs if Pence had gotten his way, would have been enormous.

You are confused Moon Bat

Biden didn't save jackshit. He used taxpayers funds to bail out the fitlhy ass greedy unproductive UAW that gave almost a billion dollars to the goddamn Obama campaign.

Good investment. Give the Democrat filth a billion doillars and they give you $50 billion of other people's money. Pay back $15 and pocket the rest. Great Democrat corruption and we taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Better to be a Moon Bat (whatever that is) then to be a pervert like you, Flasher.

Only confused morally bankrupted Moon Bats like you think that Making America Great Again is a bad thing. Shame on you!

What you gonna do when that Biden asshole gets schlonged by Trump in November? Gonna cry your Liberal tears, put on your pink pussy hat and march in the streets and then go howl at the sky? That is what you stupid Moon Bats did when Crooked Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Trump.

The US not turnng into a socialist shithole is going to make your little greedy pathetic life miserable, isn't it?

Morally bankrupt is the guy cheating on his 3rd wife with a porn star.

Says a Moon Bat that thought the scumbag Clintons were the Cat's Meow and who doesn't give a shit about the massive Biden family corruption or his whore VP candidate.

Clinton was great compared to rump. Balanced budget, welfare reform, crime decreased, great economy....

And among other things, but "it was the economy stupid". Funny how the hypocrisy is off the chain in concerns of fairness to Trump. How come the demon-cratzi's want to focus on everything else, except for what Trump has done for the country ??? Because they have to keep virtue signalling to their radical base in concerns of their agenda, who could give a crap less about the nation's economy.
You're a damn liar, that was proved many posts before this ^^^ post. Damn Liars are the only thing Trump has, it is the sole bullet point on the GOP platform. Read any post by Trump Supporters, they include BIG LIES which are damn lies, half-truths, rumors, innuendos, racist, misogynist and hateful comments.
dude, my challenge is still active. name a lie!!! why can't you big mouth?

Post 707 above: " Your boy Biden was the only one contacted. He shit his pants at the thought of another debate where he couldn't control the questions. I look forward to yalls next conspiracy theories in 2021."

A lie posted by Cirxus

Rebutted here: Campaigns spar over future debates after Trump refuses to participate in virtual forum - The Boston Globe

Now answer my question:

Define what made America Great?
American's of every ethnicity and of every background made America great, and a person's color had nothing to do with it.

What's your angle here ?

You trying to race bait maybe ??

These asshole Moon Bats cry racism every time you challenge them on anything. I just usually ignore that hate and ignorance.
Define what made America Great?
the constitution.
our fore fathers insight.
the American dream available to all
money you made was yours.

know answer, Why don't you want America to be great?

Fk dude, I want Venezuela to be great, I want cuba to be great.

I want fellow humans out from under dictatorist communists. The left have fked our planet, for thousands of years.
Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
I disagree

Pence should have attacked biden forcefully instead of trying to be polite and statesmanlike

That is not his style. That is Trump's style. Trump has two more debates to make Biden look like the moron we all know he is.

Remember, it wasn't until the last debate that Trump really kicked Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Pence was soft and took too long to make his point - in my opinion.
I think he did a pretty good job staying level, but I do agree that he needed to use his limited time with speedier responses.

I love that Harris couldn't help herself but show how nasty and snotty she really is. This is a significant part that so many were turned off over.

It was also easy to see how she dodged some direct and repeated questions.
the moderator wasn't going to allow him to talk. that was obvious. I turned it off. she didn't allow his time. We were monitoring it on our phones. another staged debate cheating for the demofks. go fking figure.
He had no point to offer. He's the leader on the covit team and he and trump are culpable for the second and now a third wave of infections and deaths in our country.
Thats nonsense

The WuFlu is a state and local problem that feds can merely offer assistance for

which trump has done

the states were unprepared and in new york actually accelerated deaths in nursing homes

If this is you argument, you have failed to make a point. The Covid-19 may have originated in China, but its spread has spread from unmasked mouths to every State under the watchful eye of the Epidemiologists, Doctors and Scientists who Trump and Pence mocked in words and deeds.

No amount of spin can or will ever forgive Trump and Pence for their politicizing the invasion of this virus. Naming it the China Flu or WuFlu does not protect Trump and Pence from the impact of Covid. No one else can be blamed for their lies, incompetence, and efforts to blame and everyone else with their intentional misleading of our citizens - they will never take responsibility for the damage they have done.
Harris gave another great example of "politicizing the virus" last night when she spoke about the C-19 vaccine.
"If Donald Trump tells us to take it, I’m not taking it." President Trump doesn't approve the vaccine, the FDA does and "science" are the ones developing and testing the vaccine.

Hey, if she wants to use her health decisions to make a silly, useless political statement (or throw a silly, useless political tantrum), more power to her. I have zero sympathy if she then gets sick and wants to whine about it and blame someone else, though.
Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
I disagree

Pence should have attacked biden forcefully instead of trying to be polite and statesmanlike

That is not his style. That is Trump's style. Trump has two more debates to make Biden look like the moron we all know he is.

Remember, it wasn't until the last debate that Trump really kicked Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Pence was soft and took too long to make his point - in my opinion.
I think he did a pretty good job staying level, but I do agree that he needed to use his limited time with speedier responses.

I love that Harris couldn't help herself but show how nasty and snotty she really is. This is a significant part that so many were turned off over.

It was also easy to see how she dodged some direct and repeated questions.
the moderator wasn't going to allow him to talk. that was obvious. I turned it off. she didn't allow his time. We were monitoring it on our phones. another staged debate cheating for the demofks. go fking figure.
The part on the trade war on China was astonishing clear on how foul this was.. and I say that stating with full belief that Pence kicked Harris' arse.
1.32 minutes into this:

Pence makes speeches, speeches prepared well before the debate. Thus he rarely touched the question asked instead he went on and on with an off topic response and violation of the rules. Of course both Pence and Harris prepared bullet points, and used them instead of responding to the question, clearly a method used by most Pols. The difference between the two last night was the Senator had facts, and the VP had opinions.

Note: Biden saved the auto industry; Pence voted against saving the auto industry. The impact of lost jobs if Pence had gotten his way, would have been enormous.

You are confused Moon Bat

Biden didn't save jackshit. He used taxpayers funds to bail out the fitlhy ass greedy unproductive UAW that gave almost a billion dollars to the goddamn Obama campaign.

Good investment. Give the Democrat filth a billion doillars and they give you $50 billion of other people's money. Pay back $15 and pocket the rest. Great Democrat corruption and we taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Better to be a Moon Bat (whatever that is) then to be a pervert like you, Flasher.

Only confused morally bankrupted Moon Bats like you think that Making America Great Again is a bad thing. Shame on you!

What you gonna do when that Biden asshole gets schlonged by Trump in November? Gonna cry your Liberal tears, put on your pink pussy hat and march in the streets and then go howl at the sky? That is what you stupid Moon Bats did when Crooked Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Trump.

The US not turnng into a socialist shithole is going to make your little greedy pathetic life miserable, isn't it?

A vote to restore integrity and competence to our government would be the first step to restore our nation's place on the world stage, and for the White House to respect and seek to restore the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The second greatest thing to fear is Plutocracy. The greatest danger to American is Donald Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell. These two men are working to destroy democracy in America, and they are doing so with your help. BTW, have you painted "I don't care, do you" on the back of your trench coat; what say you Flasher?

Just a tip: Integrity and competence are not defined as "People I like who give me government goodies".
Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
I disagree

Pence should have attacked biden forcefully instead of trying to be polite and statesmanlike

That is not his style. That is Trump's style. Trump has two more debates to make Biden look like the moron we all know he is.

Remember, it wasn't until the last debate that Trump really kicked Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Pence was soft and took too long to make his point - in my opinion.
I think he did a pretty good job staying level, but I do agree that he needed to use his limited time with speedier responses.

I love that Harris couldn't help herself but show how nasty and snotty she really is. This is a significant part that so many were turned off over.

It was also easy to see how she dodged some direct and repeated questions.
the moderator wasn't going to allow him to talk. that was obvious. I turned it off. she didn't allow his time. We were monitoring it on our phones. another staged debate cheating for the demofks. go fking figure.
The part on the trade war on China was astonishing clear on how foul this was.. and I say that stating with full belief that Pence kicked Harris' arse.
1.32 minutes into this:

Pence makes speeches, speeches prepared well before the debate. Thus he rarely touched the question asked instead he went on and on with an off topic response and violation of the rules. Of course both Pence and Harris prepared bullet points, and used them instead of responding to the question, clearly a method used by most Pols. The difference between the two last night was the Senator had facts, and the VP had opinions.

Note: Biden saved the auto industry; Pence voted against saving the auto industry. The impact of lost jobs if Pence had gotten his way, would have been enormous.

You are confused Moon Bat

Biden didn't save jackshit. He used taxpayers funds to bail out the fitlhy ass greedy unproductive UAW that gave almost a billion dollars to the goddamn Obama campaign.

Good investment. Give the Democrat filth a billion doillars and they give you $50 billion of other people's money. Pay back $15 and pocket the rest. Great Democrat corruption and we taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Better to be a Moon Bat (whatever that is) then to be a pervert like you, Flasher.

Only confused morally bankrupted Moon Bats like you think that Making America Great Again is a bad thing. Shame on you!

What you gonna do when that Biden asshole gets schlonged by Trump in November? Gonna cry your Liberal tears, put on your pink pussy hat and march in the streets and then go howl at the sky? That is what you stupid Moon Bats did when Crooked Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Trump.

The US not turnng into a socialist shithole is going to make your little greedy pathetic life miserable, isn't it?

A vote to restore integrity and competence to our government would be the first step to restore our nation's place on the world stage, and for the White House to respect and seek to restore the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The second greatest thing to fear is Plutocracy. The greatest danger to American is Donald Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell. These two men are working to destroy democracy in America, and they are doing so with your help. BTW, have you painted "I don't care, do you" on the back of your trench coat; what say you Flasher?

^^^^^ Idiot Gram

Kamala's lie last night.....

In 1864 — one of the, I think political heroes certainly of the President, I assume of you also, Mr. Vice President, is Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was up for re-election, and it was 27 days before the election. And a seat became open on the United States Supreme Court. Abraham Lincoln’s party was in charge, not only of the White House, but the Senate. But Honest Abe said, “It’s not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States. And then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land.” And so Joe and I are very clear: the American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime.

First of all Sen . Harris did not lie, the facts she stated were true, but the motivation of Lincoln was in dispute by some historians:

BTW, my post on Plutocracy was an opinion based on facts. The tax fraud written by a lame duck H. of Representatives and signed by Trump is one example of the trickle down voodoo economics which commenced during Reagan's first term in the office of president. Under trump trickle down has become a draught.

We are a consumer based economy, Wall Street is not the engine which circulates currency on Main Street.
She was destroyed on Fracking

Pence violated at least one of the Ten Commandments:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

The Eighth Commandment condemns lying. Because God is regarded as the author of all truth, the Church believes that humans are obligated to honor the truth. The most obvious way to fulfill this commandment is not to lie.

Pence claimed to be a Christian First, seems he needs to go to confession.
Great job VP Pence last night. Completely outclassed and out-debated Wille Brown's little whore.
I disagree

Pence should have attacked biden forcefully instead of trying to be polite and statesmanlike

That is not his style. That is Trump's style. Trump has two more debates to make Biden look like the moron we all know he is.

Remember, it wasn't until the last debate that Trump really kicked Crooked Hillary's fat ass.
Pence was soft and took too long to make his point - in my opinion.
I think he did a pretty good job staying level, but I do agree that he needed to use his limited time with speedier responses.

I love that Harris couldn't help herself but show how nasty and snotty she really is. This is a significant part that so many were turned off over.

It was also easy to see how she dodged some direct and repeated questions.
the moderator wasn't going to allow him to talk. that was obvious. I turned it off. she didn't allow his time. We were monitoring it on our phones. another staged debate cheating for the demofks. go fking figure.
The part on the trade war on China was astonishing clear on how foul this was.. and I say that stating with full belief that Pence kicked Harris' arse.
1.32 minutes into this:

Pence makes speeches, speeches prepared well before the debate. Thus he rarely touched the question asked instead he went on and on with an off topic response and violation of the rules. Of course both Pence and Harris prepared bullet points, and used them instead of responding to the question, clearly a method used by most Pols. The difference between the two last night was the Senator had facts, and the VP had opinions.

Note: Biden saved the auto industry; Pence voted against saving the auto industry. The impact of lost jobs if Pence had gotten his way, would have been enormous.

You are confused Moon Bat

Biden didn't save jackshit. He used taxpayers funds to bail out the fitlhy ass greedy unproductive UAW that gave almost a billion dollars to the goddamn Obama campaign.

Good investment. Give the Democrat filth a billion doillars and they give you $50 billion of other people's money. Pay back $15 and pocket the rest. Great Democrat corruption and we taxpayers have to foot the bill.

Better to be a Moon Bat (whatever that is) then to be a pervert like you, Flasher.

Only confused morally bankrupted Moon Bats like you think that Making America Great Again is a bad thing. Shame on you!

What you gonna do when that Biden asshole gets schlonged by Trump in November? Gonna cry your Liberal tears, put on your pink pussy hat and march in the streets and then go howl at the sky? That is what you stupid Moon Bats did when Crooked Hillary got her fat ass kicked by Trump.

The US not turnng into a socialist shithole is going to make your little greedy pathetic life miserable, isn't it?

A vote to restore integrity and competence to our government would be the first step to restore our nation's place on the world stage, and for the White House to respect and seek to restore the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.

The second greatest thing to fear is Plutocracy. The greatest danger to American is Donald Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell. These two men are working to destroy democracy in America, and they are doing so with your help. BTW, have you painted "I don't care, do you" on the back of your trench coat; what say you Flasher?

^^^^^ Idiot Gram

Kamala's lie last night.....

In 1864 — one of the, I think political heroes certainly of the President, I assume of you also, Mr. Vice President, is Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was up for re-election, and it was 27 days before the election. And a seat became open on the United States Supreme Court. Abraham Lincoln’s party was in charge, not only of the White House, but the Senate. But Honest Abe said, “It’s not the right thing to do. The American people deserve to make the decision about who will be the next president of the United States. And then that person can select who will serve for a lifetime on the highest court of our land.” And so Joe and I are very clear: the American people are voting right now, and it should be their decision about who will serve on this most important body for a lifetime.

First of all Sen . Harris did not lie, the facts she stated were true, but the motivation of Lincoln was in dispute by some historians:

BTW, my post on Plutocracy was an opinion based on facts. The tax fraud written by a lame duck H. of Representatives and signed by Trump is one example of the trickle down voodoo economics which commenced during Reagan's first term in the office of president. Under trump trickle down has become a draught.

We are a consumer based economy, Wall Street is not the engine which circulates currency on Main Street.

Nope, she lied. He never said it. Spin baby spin.
She was destroyed on Fracking

Pence violated at least one of the Ten Commandments:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

The Eighth Commandment condemns lying. Because God is regarded as the author of all truth, the Church believes that humans are obligated to honor the truth. The most obvious way to fulfill this commandment is not to lie.

Pence claimed to be a Christian First, seems he needs to go to confession.

Nope, Kamala campiagned on banning fracking, did you want to se her say it? Have you been so bitter and filled with hate? Her inexperience and political immturity wee a thing to behold, unlike Rump and Biden though it was watchable.
She was destroyed on Fracking

Pence violated at least one of the Ten Commandments:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

The Eighth Commandment condemns lying. Because God is regarded as the author of all truth, the Church believes that humans are obligated to honor the truth. The most obvious way to fulfill this commandment is not to lie.

Pence claimed to be a Christian First, seems he needs to go to confession.

Poor uncle Joe

A vote to restore integrity and competence to our government would be the first step to restore our nation's place on the world stage, and for the White House to respect and seek to restore the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence and the Preamble to the Constitution.
Thats bombastic nonsense

Diplomatically trump can be rough as a cob, but at least he’s looking out for America.

which both our friends and enemies respect
Nope, Kamala campiagned on banning fracking, did you want to se her say it? Have you been so bitter and filled with hate? Her inexperience and political immturity wee a thing to behold, unlike Rump and Biden though it was watchable.
Camel Hair is the emptiest suit in the democrat closet
She was destroyed on Fracking

Pence violated at least one of the Ten Commandments:

“Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.”

The Eighth Commandment condemns lying. Because God is regarded as the author of all truth, the Church believes that humans are obligated to honor the truth. The most obvious way to fulfill this commandment is not to lie.

Pence claimed to be a Christian First, seems he needs to go to confession.
They all lie, but Pence interrupted Harris first, and continuing to interrupt her twice as often as she did him, and he even interrupted Page. Arguably that violated the second most important commandment o loving your neighbor as yourself. As an Xian Pence believes a man is more powerful than a woman. But Trump's hemmoraging the white women who elected him. I'd think his preparation would have better prepared him for facing an aggressive woman without the condescending male asshole penchant he exudes normally

He wasn't crazy, so that was a step up from Trump, but his job was to stem the loss of the swing voters. And in TV debates its the performance, not really the words.
Question for you Moon Bats.

That asshole Biden said he would not raise taxes on anybody making less than $400K a year.

That asshole Biden also said he would repeal the Trump tax cuts.

Which lie was he telling? Because you can't do both.

Is this the typical Democrat lie like Obama saying he wasn't going to raise taxes on anybody making less than $250K a year or is it like his lie about Obamacare saving every American $2500/yr in health care cost?

Democrats lie out their ass every time they open their mouths, don't they?

How many lies did Blowjob Kamala tell last night?

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