WA Gun Owner Stage the LARGEST Federal Civil Disobedience Rally in America’s History

WOW! I'm just blown away. THIS is how Americans take back their country. Well done!

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.


Mod Note -- No matter how orgasmic the news is -- don't use all caps in the title.

My heart goes out to their families…. WAIT! They weren't all shot?


That's strange.

So many "open carry" tools posting their stupid little videos on you tube… and cops don't just open fire on them….

Could it be their skin color?
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.

Ohh No right to Privacy ehh? Explain again the BASIS for the made up right to abortion, it rests ENTIRELY on the supposed right to privacy you claim doesn't exist.

I wrote, "There is no right to privacy written in COTUS". Post the Art. section and clause, or the Amendment which gives the right to privacy to an individual. If you can't ... well that is obvious.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.
So just as I thought. You can't back up your claim that I-594 is unconstitutional in any wise! Why am I not surprised.

And you're so bereft of any sense of decency and honesty, you have to use verbatim propaganda C&P'ed from the VOTE NO I-594 campaign funded by the NRA you ignorant fuck!

Those interested in seeing where this paid shill got "his" material for his post to which I'm responding, go to the link below and check the passages in the header and his sponsor's copyright at the lower left of the page. That would be the NRA holding the rights to the ad!
Vote NO I-594
What I copied and pasted was nothing but a few statements of fact. I could have used my own words, but they would have been almost exactly the same. So I copied it, to save some time. Sue me.
What you C&P'ed was pure propaganda from the NRA, your minders, you useful idiot! I can understand why you couldn't stay on point and back up your false claim that I-594 was unconstitutional because that was pure horseshit and deflecting is part of your game as a paid message board political shill during the election cycle.

But copying pieces of copyrighted material without fair use attribution is not only counter to the Terms of Service Agreement you agreed to follow, but also a dodge to cover your deficiencies along with being a violation of law. You're a lying piece of shit to claim you copied that to save time, a NRA piece of shit propagandist and a lowlife, lying paid shill.
Notice, all these people are overjoyed to intimidate unarmed women and children in an American city but they won't sign up to go fight Isis.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.
So just as I thought. You can't back up your claim that I-594 is unconstitutional in any wise! Why am I not surprised.

And you're so bereft of any sense of decency and honesty, you have to use verbatim propaganda C&P'ed from the VOTE NO I-594 campaign funded by the NRA you ignorant fuck!

Those interested in seeing where this paid shill got "his" material for his post to which I'm responding, go to the link below and check the passages in the header and his sponsor's copyright at the lower left of the page. That would be the NRA holding the rights to the ad!
Vote NO I-594
What I copied and pasted was nothing but a few statements of fact. I could have used my own words, but they would have been almost exactly the same. So I copied it, to save some time. Sue me.
What you C&P'ed was pure propaganda from the NRA, your minders, you useful idiot! I can understand why you couldn't stay on point and back up your false claim that I-594 was unconstitutional because that was pure horseshit and deflecting is part of your game as a paid message board political shill during the election cycle.

But copying pieces of copyrighted material without fair use attribution is not only counter to the Terms of Service Agreement you agreed to follow, but also a dodge to cover your deficiencies along with being a violation of law. You're a lying piece of shit to claim you copied that to save time, a NRA piece of shit propagandist and a lowlife, lying paid shill.
What part of the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed didn't you understand? Requiring people to register their firearms is an infringement. You may not think so, but it is. It's also the first step to confiscation, as history shows us. There also the simple fact that criminals do not obey the law. Can you point to one gun control law that prevented someone from obtaining a gun? Neither can I.
WOW! I'm just blown away. THIS is how Americans take back their country. Well done!

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.

Damn, I missed it. But you do realize this is an open carry state, right?

Then you won't cry about armed black guys at the GOP convention, will you?
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.
So just as I thought. You can't back up your claim that I-594 is unconstitutional in any wise! Why am I not surprised.

And you're so bereft of any sense of decency and honesty, you have to use verbatim propaganda C&P'ed from the VOTE NO I-594 campaign funded by the NRA you ignorant fuck!

Those interested in seeing where this paid shill got "his" material for his post to which I'm responding, go to the link below and check the passages in the header and his sponsor's copyright at the lower left of the page. That would be the NRA holding the rights to the ad!
Vote NO I-594
What I copied and pasted was nothing but a few statements of fact. I could have used my own words, but they would have been almost exactly the same. So I copied it, to save some time. Sue me.
What you C&P'ed was pure propaganda from the NRA, your minders, you useful idiot! I can understand why you couldn't stay on point and back up your false claim that I-594 was unconstitutional because that was pure horseshit and deflecting is part of your game as a paid message board political shill during the election cycle.

But copying pieces of copyrighted material without fair use attribution is not only counter to the Terms of Service Agreement you agreed to follow, but also a dodge to cover your deficiencies along with being a violation of law. You're a lying piece of shit to claim you copied that to save time, a NRA piece of shit propagandist and a lowlife, lying paid shill.
What part of the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed didn't you understand? Requiring people to register their firearms is an infringement. You may not think so, but it is. It's also the first step to confiscation, as history shows us. There also the simple fact that criminals do not obey the law. Can you point to one gun control law that prevented someone from obtaining a gun? Neither can I.

The right to assembly is in the 1st amendment. Why are peaceful BLM protesters being arrested?
Also notice, 'well regulated' is always left out when someone who hugs guns speaks about them.
Also notice, 'well regulated' is always left out when someone who hugs guns speaks about them.
You are obviously clueless about what the word militia meant when that was written. Do some research. You might learn something.
Also notice, 'well regulated' is always left out when someone who hugs guns speaks about them.
You are obviously clueless about what the word militia meant when that was written. Do some research. You might learn something.

Either the 2nd amendment was about militias, or it was about individuals. You don't get to mish-mash the words to fit your bizarro agenda. So you either have to belong to a militia to own guns, or all guns can be well regulated.

See how easy and how your batshit narrative doesn't fit anything in the Constitution.
WOW! I'm just blown away. THIS is how Americans take back their country. Well done!

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.


Mod Note -- No matter how orgasmic the news is -- don't use all caps in the title.

According to RW'ers, this should have been the police response:

Also notice, 'well regulated' is always left out when someone who hugs guns speaks about them.
You are obviously clueless about what the word militia meant when that was written. Do some research. You might learn something.

Either the 2nd amendment was about militias, or it was about individuals. You don't get to mish-mash the words to fit your bizarro agenda. So you either have to belong to a militia to own guns, or all guns can be well regulated.

See how easy and how your batshit narrative doesn't fit anything in the Constitution.
Every able bodied citizen was part of the militia. Like I said. Do some research. You might learn something...Oh wait. I forget who I'm talking to.
What part of the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed didn't you understand?
What part of the Constitutional Checks and Balances written into the Constitution, INCLUDING JUDICIAL REVIEW AND THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE, don't you understand, shit for brains. Read D.C. v. Heller fool and learn this;
Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose. ~~https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/07-290~~
And this;
Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. ~~Ibid~~
And this;
We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time.” 307 U. S., at 179. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.” ~~Ibid~~

That decision was written by Justice Anton Scalia probably the most conservative originalist on the court during his tenure. He understood the limitations of Amendment II, you fucking know nothing, and understood what you NRA shills wish to spread propaganda to the contrary. Why are you sitting as the ninth justice right now if you know so fucking much, you shit for brains shill?
Last edited:
What part of the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed didn't you understand?
What part of the Constitutional Checks and Balances written into the Constitution, INCLUDING JUDICIAL REVIEW AND THE SUPREMACY CLAUSE, don't you understand, shit for brains. Read D.C. v. Heller fool and learn this;
Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts routinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose. ~~https://www.law.cornell.edu/supremecourt/text/07-290~~
And this;
Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. ~~Ibid~~
And this;
We also recognize another important limitation on the right to keep and carry arms. Miller said, as we have explained, that the sorts of weapons protected were those “in common use at the time.” 307 U. S., at 179. We think that limitation is fairly supported by the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of “dangerous and unusual weapons.” ~~Ibid~~

That decision was written by Justice Anton Scalia probably the most conservative originalist on the court during his tenure. He understood the limitations of Amendment !!, you fucking know nothing, and understood what you NRA shills wish to spread propaganda to the contrary. Why are you sitting as the ninth justice right now if you know so fucking much, you shit for brains shill?
The Supreme Court doesn't always get it right. I agree that we should not be allowed to have automatic weapons, or rocket launchers, but every person has the right to defend themselves, from criminals, as well as the government; which was the intention of the second amendment. When the government puts conditions on that right, with the exception of background checks, they are infringing our Constitutional rights.
Also notice, 'well regulated' is always left out when someone who hugs guns speaks about them.
You are obviously clueless about what the word militia meant when that was written. Do some research. You might learn something.

Either the 2nd amendment was about militias, or it was about individuals. You don't get to mish-mash the words to fit your bizarro agenda. So you either have to belong to a militia to own guns, or all guns can be well regulated.

See how easy and how your batshit narrative doesn't fit anything in the Constitution.
Every able bodied citizen was part of the militia. Like I said. Do some research. You might learn something...Oh wait. I forget who I'm talking to.

You are as ignorant as they come. Your entire world view is based on what you'd like to believe rather than what is. Knock yourself out.
WOW! I'm just blown away. THIS is how Americans take back their country. Well done!

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.

Damn, I missed it. But you do realize this is an open carry state, right?

Then you won't cry about armed black guys at the GOP convention, will you?
Why would I? I don't care about race like you do.
Also notice, 'well regulated' is always left out when someone who hugs guns speaks about them.
You are obviously clueless about what the word militia meant when that was written. Do some research. You might learn something.

Either the 2nd amendment was about militias, or it was about individuals. You don't get to mish-mash the words to fit your bizarro agenda. So you either have to belong to a militia to own guns, or all guns can be well regulated.

See how easy and how your batshit narrative doesn't fit anything in the Constitution.
240 years of US history says you're full of shit.

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