WA Gun Owner Stage the LARGEST Federal Civil Disobedience Rally in America’s History

WOW! I'm just blown away. THIS is how Americans take back their country. Well done!

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.


Mod Note -- No matter how orgasmic the news is -- don't use all caps in the title.

A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader might do) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Are there enough single issue & biddable voters to actually vote a for charlatan who tells them what they want to hear? The single reason gun control bills are passing into law, is because the NRA and its membership and fellow travelers won't come to the table and discuss the means to bring gun violence under control.

Their idea is to bring more water to drowning nation.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.View attachment 81386

Commie crap? LOL, that's the best you have to offer.

First of all you're not a scholar and likely have no inkling as to what is written in COTUS beyond the Second Amendment, and that to brandish firearms simply because they can does not put the public at ease, given recent history.

BTW, a reference to a sexual act is perfectly reasonable, admit that you get sexually aroused by holding and shooting a gun. Admit you clean and buff your gun by candlelight with soft music coming through the ear buds, and that anyone who interrupts this tryst is lucky not to be shot.
A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Obama has run the most criminally Constitution and Rule of law non-complain administration in this nation's history - for example, illegally violating the FOIA by refusing to comply with 70% of ALL Requests for Information. He has violated Constitution and Law, has refused to obey court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court several times, has openly refused to enforce existing US law because HE personally disagrees with those Laws, has protected criminals / human traffickers, has even engaged in Human trafficking, has engaged in Human Trafficking, has protected administrative staff from prosecution who have openly broken the law (Eric Holder - Perjury)...

He has supported, funded, armed, trained, protected, and/or taken the country to war on his own without authorization to aid Mexican Drug Cartels, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and the 'JV Team' terrorists ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds to include US citizens.

He has weakened and divided this nation to the brink of civil war...

He has spied on, targeted, and deprived citizens of rights and opportunities based on his considering them 'enemies' and a threat to his own re-election. He openly has considered judicially punishing those who disagree with his agendas / beliefs (Global Warming), has STOLEN MILLIONS from tax payers and given it to the UN to fund their Global Warming initiative. He and Hillary make no effort to hide the fact that they want to disarm Americans while militarizing government agencies that were never intended to be militarized yet has been militarized (IRS, EPA, Bureau of land management - millions of tax dollars to buy military-grade armored vehicles, body armor, weapons, and ammo).

He has ushered in illegals, terrorists, and 'refugees' and made them a bigger priority than Americans / Vets. He has mocked the concern of citizens over our national security and their safety only to give a visa to a terrorist and welcome them into the US only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack...and then send out his DOJ to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercise their right of free speech by talking negatively about Radical Islamic Extremists / ^Terrorists, words that he can't / won't even say.

Just exactly how much more damage to this country than Obama and Hillary have already done do you think Trump will do?
He's afraid that Trump won't let him upgrade his Obama phone for free. Perfectly understandable.
A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Obama has run the most criminally Constitution and Rule of law non-complain administration in this nation's history - for example, illegally violating the FOIA by refusing to comply with 70% of ALL Requests for Information. He has violated Constitution and Law, has refused to obey court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court several times, has openly refused to enforce existing US law because HE personally disagrees with those Laws, has protected criminals / human traffickers, has even engaged in Human trafficking, has engaged in Human Trafficking, has protected administrative staff from prosecution who have openly broken the law (Eric Holder - Perjury)...

He has supported, funded, armed, trained, protected, and/or taken the country to war on his own without authorization to aid Mexican Drug Cartels, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and the 'JV Team' terrorists ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds to include US citizens.

He has weakened and divided this nation to the brink of civil war...

He has spied on, targeted, and deprived citizens of rights and opportunities based on his considering them 'enemies' and a threat to his own re-election. He openly has considered judicially punishing those who disagree with his agendas / beliefs (Global Warming), has STOLEN MILLIONS from tax payers and given it to the UN to fund their Global Warming initiative. He and Hillary make no effort to hide the fact that they want to disarm Americans while militarizing government agencies that were never intended to be militarized yet has been militarized (IRS, EPA, Bureau of land management - millions of tax dollars to buy military-grade armored vehicles, body armor, weapons, and ammo).

He has ushered in illegals, terrorists, and 'refugees' and made them a bigger priority than Americans / Vets. He has mocked the concern of citizens over our national security and their safety only to give a visa to a terrorist and welcome them into the US only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack...and then send out his DOJ to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercise their right of free speech by talking negatively about Radical Islamic Extremists / ^Terrorists, words that he can't / won't even say.

Just exactly how much more damage to this country than Obama and Hillary have already done do you think Trump will do?

Trump is a bully, has not a single diplomatic bone in his body and reacts emotionally. That's not good, it's easy to compare his rhetoric to the leader of N. Korea.
WOW! I'm just blown away. THIS is how Americans take back their country. Well done!

Around 1,000 gun owners rallied at the state capitol in Olympia, WA, openly armed, this past Saturday in defiance of the newly passed gun control law, I-594.


Mod Note -- No matter how orgasmic the news is -- don't use all caps in the title.

A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader might do) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Are there enough single issue & biddable voters to actually vote a for charlatan who tells them what they want to hear? The single reason gun control bills are passing into law, is because the NRA and its membership and fellow travelers won't come to the table and discuss the means to bring gun violence under control.

Their idea is to bring more water to drowning nation.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.View attachment 81386

Commie crap? LOL, that's the best you have to offer.

First of all you're not a scholar and likely have no inkling as to what is written in COTUS beyond the Second Amendment, and that to brandish firearms simply because they can does not put the public at ease, given recent history.

BTW, a reference to a sexual act is perfectly reasonable, admit that you get sexually aroused by holding and shooting a gun. Admit you clean and buff your gun by candlelight with soft music coming through the ear buds, and that anyone who interrupts this tryst is lucky not to be shot.
You're a fool. I'd put you on my ignore list, but your clueless rants are just too funny. Keep it up. You'll never convince anyone you are right, but at least your good for a laugh. Stupid is funny, and you do stupid so well.
A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Obama has run the most criminally Constitution and Rule of law non-complain administration in this nation's history - for example, illegally violating the FOIA by refusing to comply with 70% of ALL Requests for Information. He has violated Constitution and Law, has refused to obey court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court several times, has openly refused to enforce existing US law because HE personally disagrees with those Laws, has protected criminals / human traffickers, has even engaged in Human trafficking, has engaged in Human Trafficking, has protected administrative staff from prosecution who have openly broken the law (Eric Holder - Perjury)...

He has supported, funded, armed, trained, protected, and/or taken the country to war on his own without authorization to aid Mexican Drug Cartels, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and the 'JV Team' terrorists ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds to include US citizens.

He has weakened and divided this nation to the brink of civil war...

He has spied on, targeted, and deprived citizens of rights and opportunities based on his considering them 'enemies' and a threat to his own re-election. He openly has considered judicially punishing those who disagree with his agendas / beliefs (Global Warming), has STOLEN MILLIONS from tax payers and given it to the UN to fund their Global Warming initiative. He and Hillary make no effort to hide the fact that they want to disarm Americans while militarizing government agencies that were never intended to be militarized yet has been militarized (IRS, EPA, Bureau of land management - millions of tax dollars to buy military-grade armored vehicles, body armor, weapons, and ammo).

He has ushered in illegals, terrorists, and 'refugees' and made them a bigger priority than Americans / Vets. He has mocked the concern of citizens over our national security and their safety only to give a visa to a terrorist and welcome them into the US only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack...and then send out his DOJ to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercise their right of free speech by talking negatively about Radical Islamic Extremists / ^Terrorists, words that he can't / won't even say.

Just exactly how much more damage to this country than Obama and Hillary have already done do you think Trump will do?

Trump is a bully, has not a single diplomatic bone in his body and reacts emotionally. That's not good, it's easy to compare his rhetoric to the leader of N. Korea.
And Shillery is bought and paid for by hostile foreign governments. And you're voting voting for her. LOL!
A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Obama has run the most criminally Constitution and Rule of law non-complain administration in this nation's history - for example, illegally violating the FOIA by refusing to comply with 70% of ALL Requests for Information. He has violated Constitution and Law, has refused to obey court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court several times, has openly refused to enforce existing US law because HE personally disagrees with those Laws, has protected criminals / human traffickers, has even engaged in Human trafficking, has engaged in Human Trafficking, has protected administrative staff from prosecution who have openly broken the law (Eric Holder - Perjury)...

He has supported, funded, armed, trained, protected, and/or taken the country to war on his own without authorization to aid Mexican Drug Cartels, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and the 'JV Team' terrorists ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds to include US citizens.

He has weakened and divided this nation to the brink of civil war...

He has spied on, targeted, and deprived citizens of rights and opportunities based on his considering them 'enemies' and a threat to his own re-election. He openly has considered judicially punishing those who disagree with his agendas / beliefs (Global Warming), has STOLEN MILLIONS from tax payers and given it to the UN to fund their Global Warming initiative. He and Hillary make no effort to hide the fact that they want to disarm Americans while militarizing government agencies that were never intended to be militarized yet has been militarized (IRS, EPA, Bureau of land management - millions of tax dollars to buy military-grade armored vehicles, body armor, weapons, and ammo).

He has ushered in illegals, terrorists, and 'refugees' and made them a bigger priority than Americans / Vets. He has mocked the concern of citizens over our national security and their safety only to give a visa to a terrorist and welcome them into the US only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack...and then send out his DOJ to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercise their right of free speech by talking negatively about Radical Islamic Extremists / ^Terrorists, words that he can't / won't even say.

Just exactly how much more damage to this country than Obama and Hillary have already done do you think Trump will do?
He's afraid that Trump won't let him upgrade his Obama phone for free. Perfectly understandable.

Written by ^^^ a stupid asshole who echoes the meme he or she has been told is true. I don't need government aid and I suspect I paid more in Federal Income Tax than a rube such as you - not necessarily you, but that wouldn't surprise me - earns in a year. Now we are planing to move and pay for a seven figure home in the Bay Area since the home my wife and I live in is no longer mortgaged. Look and see the cost of homes in the Bay Area.

Why? Because I don't like what The Congress has (not) done and decided I'd prefer my tax dollars be used locally and not wasted on a do nothing congress. I'll still pay more than someone like you to the IRS, but maybe the D's will win both chambers and HRC the White House and restore sanity to governance.
A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Obama has run the most criminally Constitution and Rule of law non-complain administration in this nation's history - for example, illegally violating the FOIA by refusing to comply with 70% of ALL Requests for Information. He has violated Constitution and Law, has refused to obey court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court several times, has openly refused to enforce existing US law because HE personally disagrees with those Laws, has protected criminals / human traffickers, has even engaged in Human trafficking, has engaged in Human Trafficking, has protected administrative staff from prosecution who have openly broken the law (Eric Holder - Perjury)...

He has supported, funded, armed, trained, protected, and/or taken the country to war on his own without authorization to aid Mexican Drug Cartels, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and the 'JV Team' terrorists ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds to include US citizens.

He has weakened and divided this nation to the brink of civil war...

He has spied on, targeted, and deprived citizens of rights and opportunities based on his considering them 'enemies' and a threat to his own re-election. He openly has considered judicially punishing those who disagree with his agendas / beliefs (Global Warming), has STOLEN MILLIONS from tax payers and given it to the UN to fund their Global Warming initiative. He and Hillary make no effort to hide the fact that they want to disarm Americans while militarizing government agencies that were never intended to be militarized yet has been militarized (IRS, EPA, Bureau of land management - millions of tax dollars to buy military-grade armored vehicles, body armor, weapons, and ammo).

He has ushered in illegals, terrorists, and 'refugees' and made them a bigger priority than Americans / Vets. He has mocked the concern of citizens over our national security and their safety only to give a visa to a terrorist and welcome them into the US only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack...and then send out his DOJ to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercise their right of free speech by talking negatively about Radical Islamic Extremists / ^Terrorists, words that he can't / won't even say.

Just exactly how much more damage to this country than Obama and Hillary have already done do you think Trump will do?
He's afraid that Trump won't let him upgrade his Obama phone for free. Perfectly understandable.

Written by ^^^ a stupid asshole who echoes the meme he or she has been told is true. I don't need government aid and I suspect I paid more in Federal Income Tax than a rube such as you - not necessarily you, but that wouldn't surprise me - earns in a year. Now we are planing to move and pay for a seven figure home in the Bay Area since the home my wife and I live in is no longer mortgaged. Look and see the cost of homes in the Bay Area.

Why? Because I don't like what The Congress has (not) done and decided I'd prefer my tax dollars be used locally and not wasted on a do nothing congress. I'll still pay more than someone like you to the IRS, but maybe the D's will win both chambers and HRC the White House and restore sanity to governance.
The ignorance is strong in this one. Obami-Wan has taught you well...SUCKER! Keep drinking that Kool-Aid. I can't say that you are the most clueless lib on here, since the competition is so fierce. But you are definitely in the top ten.
A thousand person circle jerk is what first occurred to me, an echo chamber orgy of single issue voters who can bring down our country voting for Donald Trump, who promises to bring America back to greatness by calling anyone who disagrees with him names (like a dim second grader) and tell rabid gun owners what they want to hear.

Obama has run the most criminally Constitution and Rule of law non-complain administration in this nation's history - for example, illegally violating the FOIA by refusing to comply with 70% of ALL Requests for Information. He has violated Constitution and Law, has refused to obey court orders, has been found in Contempt of Court several times, has openly refused to enforce existing US law because HE personally disagrees with those Laws, has protected criminals / human traffickers, has even engaged in Human trafficking, has engaged in Human Trafficking, has protected administrative staff from prosecution who have openly broken the law (Eric Holder - Perjury)...

He has supported, funded, armed, trained, protected, and/or taken the country to war on his own without authorization to aid Mexican Drug Cartels, the terrorist Muslim Brotherhood, Al '9/11/01' Qaeida, and the 'JV Team' terrorists ISIS, resulting in the deaths of hundreds to include US citizens.

He has weakened and divided this nation to the brink of civil war...

He has spied on, targeted, and deprived citizens of rights and opportunities based on his considering them 'enemies' and a threat to his own re-election. He openly has considered judicially punishing those who disagree with his agendas / beliefs (Global Warming), has STOLEN MILLIONS from tax payers and given it to the UN to fund their Global Warming initiative. He and Hillary make no effort to hide the fact that they want to disarm Americans while militarizing government agencies that were never intended to be militarized yet has been militarized (IRS, EPA, Bureau of land management - millions of tax dollars to buy military-grade armored vehicles, body armor, weapons, and ammo).

He has ushered in illegals, terrorists, and 'refugees' and made them a bigger priority than Americans / Vets. He has mocked the concern of citizens over our national security and their safety only to give a visa to a terrorist and welcome them into the US only to have them murder 12 Americans in a terrorist attack...and then send out his DOJ to threaten Americans with punishment if they exercise their right of free speech by talking negatively about Radical Islamic Extremists / ^Terrorists, words that he can't / won't even say.

Just exactly how much more damage to this country than Obama and Hillary have already done do you think Trump will do?
He's afraid that Trump won't let him upgrade his Obama phone for free. Perfectly understandable.

Written by ^^^ a stupid asshole who echoes the meme he or she has been told is true. I don't need government aid and I suspect I paid more in Federal Income Tax than a rube such as you - not necessarily you, but that wouldn't surprise me - earns in a year. Now we are planing to move and pay for a seven figure home in the Bay Area since the home my wife and I live in is no longer mortgaged. Look and see the cost of homes in the Bay Area.

Why? Because I don't like what The Congress has (not) done and decided I'd prefer my tax dollars be used locally and not wasted on a do nothing congress. I'll still pay more than someone like you to the IRS, but maybe the D's will win both chambers and HRC the White House and restore sanity to governance.
The ignorance is strong in this one. Obami-Wan has taught you well...SUCKER! Keep drinking that Kool-Aid. I can't say that you are the most clueless lib on here, since the competition is so fierce. But you are definitely in the top ten.
So, why have you not fixed your screwed up title?
Ah, gun owners standing up to gun control traitors. That asshole Bloomberg ran millions of dollars of ads full of lies to get this passed in WA state, a state 3,000 miles away from his own.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.
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These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.
You are so full of it. I'm sure there were people in Germany who thought as you do. Look what happened. Guns were confiscated and a mass slaughter followed. If you think it can't happen here, then you truly are an idiot.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.
You calling people idiots is precious. History does tell us what happens, it's happened all over the globe. The government has no business knowing what firearms I own. It's a right that we are free to exercise, with or without your permission or the government's.

Driving is a privilege by the state. Whether they keep a data base or not is up to them.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.
You are so full of it. I'm sure there were people in Germany who thought as you do. Look what happened. Guns were confiscated and a mass slaughter followed. If you think it can't happen here, then you truly are an idiot.
He truly is.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.
So just as I thought. You can't back up your claim that I-594 is unconstitutional in any wise! Why am I not surprised.

And you're so bereft of any sense of decency and honesty, you have to use verbatim propaganda C&P'ed from the VOTE NO I-594 campaign funded by the NRA you ignorant fuck!

Those interested in seeing where this paid shill got "his" material for his post to which I'm responding, go to the link below and check the passages in the header and his sponsor's copyright at the lower left of the page. That would be the NRA holding the rights to the ad!
Vote NO I-594
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.
You are so full of it. I'm sure there were people in Germany who thought as you do. Look what happened. Guns were confiscated and a mass slaughter followed. If you think it can't happen here, then you truly are an idiot.

If you believe the Nazi Party under hitler confiscated guns under the law of 1938 you're as dumb and biddable as I thought.

The Hitler gun control lie


GunCite: The Myth of Nazi Gun Control

The Myth Of Hitler’s Gun Ban

So, once again the revision of history is used by a dupe and/or a liar in an attempt to mislead the public.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.

Don't ever call anyone an idiot, your posts are nothing more than emotional rants, sans substance.

History my ass, your so called claim is known far and wide by those who completed high school as a slippery slope logical fallacy.

The DMV in every state has a data base of all citizens licensed to drive a car. Never have we seen the government confiscation of cars, and guess what, the private sector knows more about you than your SO if you have one.

There is no right to privacy written in COTUS, and thus a database of gun owners and the guns they own ought to be registered. Only paranoids believe local, state or federal agencies have the manpower and funding to confiscate 300,000,000 + guns from the civilian population.

Gun controls = people controls, not prohibition. Prohibition does not work, the leaders in our country know that to be a fact, as do those who actually passed a course in US History.

Read Heller, or better yet have someone tie you down and read it to year. About the only way a willfully ignoranct person can be exposed to cognitive dissonance, and maybe begin to question the dogma they've been fed by the gun industry and the terrorist organization known as the NRA.
Ohh No right to Privacy ehh? Explain again the BASIS for the made up right to abortion, it rests ENTIRELY on the supposed right to privacy you claim doesn't exist.
These people exercised their Constitutional rights to assemble, to protest an unconstitutional law, and you call it a circle jerk? Are you for real. Take your commie crap somewhere else.
And other folks passed that Initiative in Nov 2013 in Washington State numbering a Hell of a lot more than that 1000 of single issue pud pounders!

So where is the law violative of the Washington State Constitution or the US Constitution? And don't bother with the ignorance of that tired, worn out and contrived A2 "infringed" argument which was soundly put to rest by Justice Scalia in DC v. Heller, shill boy!

You claimed the law is unconstitutional, so display the LEGAL BASIS of that claim or crawl back in your minder's hole, you fucking propagandist!
Initiative 594 creates a huge, unenforceable regulatory scheme which disproportionately burdens law-abiding firearm sellers and purchasers. It would not prevent criminals from obtaining firearms, and would divert scarce law enforcement resources.

Perhaps even more alarmingly, I-594 creates a massive government database of law-abiding handgun owners. In the end, I-594 is nothing more than a foot-in-the-door to universal firearm registration.

And History tells us where that will lead. Confiscation, followed by tyranny. But I guess you're OK with that. Personal firearms are the ONLY reason we do not already have a dictator running this country.
So just as I thought. You can't back up your claim that I-594 is unconstitutional in any wise! Why am I not surprised.

And you're so bereft of any sense of decency and honesty, you have to use verbatim propaganda C&P'ed from the VOTE NO I-594 campaign funded by the NRA you ignorant fuck!

Those interested in seeing where this paid shill got "his" material for his post to which I'm responding, go to the link below and check the passages in the header and his sponsor's copyright at the lower left of the page. That would be the NRA holding the rights to the ad!
Vote NO I-594
What I copied and pasted was nothing but a few statements of fact. I could have used my own words, but they would have been almost exactly the same. So I copied it, to save some time. Sue me.

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