WA School Mistaken: Satan Group Is A Hate Group & Can't Use Campus Therefore

People can read it in the OP. You're aware of that, right?

Yes. Are you? It's strange that you would post a link and a quote and yet lie about it over and over again.

Here, let me post the quote again, which you actually have in your OP, "“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”". That does not say that all religion or religious people are tyrannical and oppressive.

You are lying.
It's great that this group is showing the christian exclusivity behind our so-called religious freedom in America. Everywhere they go they show that Christians only treasure their own religious freedom.

Right, except they guy admitted they are NOT a religion. They just want to give religious people shit.
Religion is not the litmus test though. They have the same right to a group as any other and that includes the christian group and the chess club.

The real test is how successful they are at bringing anyone in their group. It is not a measure of the schools or the laws that this group even exists - it is the measure of how some parents have failed in general. Let them come to my neighborhood and school - my children need someone to show them what idiots look like...

Again, the Temple teaches logic, self-empowerment, and reasoning, and opposes religious tyranny and oppression, none of which is ‘idiotic,’ values every child should be exposed to, including children in your school.
Sorry that you are so dense that you cannot see the obvious idiocy in the group that is calling themselves satanists and is against religion in general - something that 80 percent of the people of this nation are a part of.
Aren't true 'Satanist' or Satan Worship an actual religion and/or the religious worship of a deity? THAT would fall under the right of access for religious purposes....but this group isn't that by their own admission and so they shouldn't be allowed on campus period. They aren't apart of a religious sect so they can't demand access under religious grounds or freedoms.

I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.

Your unfortunate and wayward example does not a religion make. I feel sorry for you. I grew up similarly but learned not to hate an entire group just because of the sins of two or three of them against me personally.
Well that's awesome, try calling some of your fellow Christians out for hypocrisy and see how fast they turn on you. My case is far from unique, the gay people I have met that can never go home again is far too common. What kind of indoctrination could make anyone turn their backs on their own child?

and what does that have to do with anything???
As was pointed out, access is required for any group regardless of religion. Weather or not they are religious is rather irrelevant - they have the same right of access as the chess club.

true enough, but isn't their demand of access religious based?

Either/or it's still a hate group
No, the demand of access is based on the law that grants equal access to all groups.

And, no, they are not a hate group.
It's great that this group is showing the christian exclusivity behind our so-called religious freedom in America. Everywhere they go they show that Christians only treasure their own religious freedom.

Right, except they guy admitted they are NOT a religion. They just want to give religious people shit.
Religion is not the litmus test though. They have the same right to a group as any other and that includes the christian group and the chess club.

The real test is how successful they are at bringing anyone in their group. It is not a measure of the schools or the laws that this group even exists - it is the measure of how some parents have failed in general. Let them come to my neighborhood and school - my children need someone to show them what idiots look like...

Again, the Temple teaches logic, self-empowerment, and reasoning, and opposes religious tyranny and oppression, none of which is ‘idiotic,’ values every child should be exposed to, including children in your school.
Sorry that you are so dense that you cannot see the obvious idiocy in the group that is calling themselves satanists and is against religion in general - something that 80 percent of the people of this nation are a part of.


So, they're idiots because they have unpopular opinions?

Is that how you measure "idiocy"?
It's great that this group is showing the christian exclusivity behind our so-called religious freedom in America. Everywhere they go they show that Christians only treasure their own religious freedom.

Right, except they guy admitted they are NOT a religion. They just want to give religious people shit.
Religion is not the litmus test though. They have the same right to a group as any other and that includes the christian group and the chess club.

The real test is how successful they are at bringing anyone in their group. It is not a measure of the schools or the laws that this group even exists - it is the measure of how some parents have failed in general. Let them come to my neighborhood and school - my children need someone to show them what idiots look like...

Again, the Temple teaches logic, self-empowerment, and reasoning, and opposes religious tyranny and oppression, none of which is ‘idiotic,’ values every child should be exposed to, including children in your school.
Sorry that you are so dense that you cannot see the obvious idiocy in the group that is calling themselves satanists and is against religion in general - something that 80 percent of the people of this nation are a part of.


So, they're idiots because they have unpopular opinions?

Is that how you measure "idiocy"?
Nope. I measure idiocy by doing things that are idiotic. Are you really trying to state that calling yourselves satanists - the incarnation of evil in christian lore - is not idiotic? Perhaps the large horns that one of them was sporting seems perfectly normal and logical to you? Or maybe using a broad stroke to call religious groups - the VAST MAJORITY of people in this nation - oppressive and tyrannical?

You do understand that the supposed 'goals' within this group can be taught without wrapping it around such an asinine framework. I call idiocy when I see it and have no reason to accept such because it is an 'unpopular opinion.' They are clearly being idiotic here. Are you really going to defend such a silly display? They have the right to form their group and gather to talk about all that 'oppression' and I am free to point out how asinine they are.
So, they're idiots because they have unpopular opinions?

Is that how you measure "idiocy"?
They are a hate group who's publicly announced intent is to depict religious people (generally, all of them = bigotry) as oppressive & tyrannical. That's what's stupid. They announced they were a hate group and then wanted rights to a public school campus.

That and they announced that they aren't really what they say they are "Satanists". They have nothing to do with Satan apparently; though the picture in the OP would say differently. So they're announcing duplicity, subterfuge and an intent to teach hate. None of those qualify in groups allowed on school campuses.

They have to be on the up and up, honest and not represent hate towards other groups. That's the legal aspect of it. And yes, they're also stupid.
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Here, let me post the quote again, which you actually have in your OP, "“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”". That does not say that all religion or religious people are tyrannical and oppressive.
Yes, and the nazis didn't worship a diety either (besides Hitler). They saw naziism as a metaphor for fighting Jewish "tyranny and oppression" of the German people. Even if it says one religion, like Christianity, is tyrannical and oppressive, it's enough for them to qualify as representing disdain and intolerance towards a group in general. They announced their embodiment is an effort to cast disdain upon other groups in general. And that's hate.

Plus, they lie about who they are and what they're up to. Of course Satanists hail Satan as their leader. Hence the name.

Two strikes against using the school campus: 1 Deceit and 2. Hate.
Here, let me post the quote again, which you actually have in your OP, "“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”". That does not say that all religion or religious people are tyrannical and oppressive.
Yes, and the nazis didn't worship a diety either (besides Hitler). They saw naziism as a metaphor for fighting Jewish "tyranny and oppression" of the German people. Even if it says one religion, like Christianity, is tyrannical and oppressive, it's enough for them to qualify as representing disdain and intolerance towards a group in general. They announced their embodiment is an effort to cast disdain upon other groups in general. And that's hate.

Plus, they lie about who they are and what they're up to. Of course Satanists hail Satan as their leader. Hence the name.

Two strikes against using the school campus: 1 Deceit and 2. Hate.

Yes, let's compare them to the Nazis. :lol:

Who saw Naziism as a metaphor?

So if Christians say all other people are going to an eternity of torment because they don't believe in the Christian religion, does that make them a hate group as well?

The Satanic Temple did not state that all other religions are oppressive and tyrannical. They did not announce "their embodiment is an effort to cast disdain upon other groups in general".

How is it they lie about who they are at the same time they explain who they are? :rofl: They are so deceitful by publicly sharing their beliefs!
So, they're idiots because they have unpopular opinions?

Is that how you measure "idiocy"?
They are a hate group who's publicly announced intent is to depict religious people (generally, all of them = bigotry) as oppressive & tyrannical. That's what's stupid. They announced they were a hate group and then wanted rights to a public school campus.

That and they announced that they aren't really what they say they are "Satanists". They have nothing to do with Satan apparently; though the picture in the OP would say differently. So they're announcing duplicity, subterfuge and an intent to teach hate. None of those qualify in groups allowed on school campuses.

They have to be on the up and up, honest and not represent hate towards other groups. That's the legal aspect of it. And yes, they're also stupid.

I don't think you understand what the words duplicity and hate mean. :lol:
Here, let me post the quote again, which you actually have in your OP, "“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”". That does not say that all religion or religious people are tyrannical and oppressive.
Yes, and the nazis didn't worship a diety either (besides Hitler). They saw naziism as a metaphor for fighting Jewish "tyranny and oppression" of the German people. Even if it says one religion, like Christianity, is tyrannical and oppressive, it's enough for them to qualify as representing disdain and intolerance towards a group in general. They announced their embodiment is an effort to cast disdain upon other groups in general. And that's hate.

Plus, they lie about who they are and what they're up to. Of course Satanists hail Satan as their leader. Hence the name.

Two strikes against using the school campus: 1 Deceit and 2. Hate.
I think you would be absolutely astounded by just how much Hitler talked about Jesus as the self-styled guardian of German Christianity. Whether he actually believed is debatable but he certainly knew how to use faith as a political weapon and he did it a lot.
Aren't true 'Satanist' or Satan Worship an actual religion and/or the religious worship of a deity? THAT would fall under the right of access for religious purposes....but this group isn't that by their own admission and so they shouldn't be allowed on campus period. They aren't apart of a religious sect so they can't demand access under religious grounds or freedoms.

Your unfortunate and wayward example does not a religion make. I feel sorry for you. I grew up similarly but learned not to hate an entire group just because of the sins of two or three of them against me personally.
Well that's awesome, try calling some of your fellow Christians out for hypocrisy and see how fast they turn on you. My case is far from unique, the gay people I have met that can never go home again is far too common. What kind of indoctrination could make anyone turn their backs on their own child?

and what does that have to do with anything???
As was pointed out, access is required for any group regardless of religion. Weather or not they are religious is rather irrelevant - they have the same right of access as the chess club.

true enough, but isn't their demand of access religious based?

Either/or it's still a hate group
No, the demand of access is based on the law that grants equal access to all groups.

And, no, they are not a hate group.

This may be splitting hairs......but if they insist or demand access wherever Christian groups are, then that is religious based. Also, if their teaching is 'against' anything, they are teaching hate....maybe not directly, but to impressionable kids in elementary schools....that is the end result.
This may be splitting hairs......but if they insist or demand access wherever Christian groups are, then that is religious based. Also, if their teaching is 'against' anything, they are teaching hate....maybe not directly, but to impressionable kids in elementary schools....that is the end result.

Yep, and any group professing to exist for the purpose of generally singling out other groups intolerantly is a hate group. Which isn't allowed on any public grounds or campuses. They professed openly and publicly that they exist to defame "the religious" as "tyrannical oppressors"...
This may be splitting hairs......but if they insist or demand access wherever Christian groups are, then that is religious based. Also, if their teaching is 'against' anything, they are teaching hate....maybe not directly, but to impressionable kids in elementary schools....that is the end result.

Yep, and any group professing to exist for the purpose of generally singling out other groups intolerantly is a hate group. Which isn't allowed on any public grounds or campuses. They professed openly and publicly that they exist to defame "the religious" as "tyrannical oppressors"...

It's funny when you use quotes but aren't actually quoting. :lmao:
Aren't true 'Satanist' or Satan Worship an actual religion and/or the religious worship of a deity? THAT would fall under the right of access for religious purposes....but this group isn't that by their own admission and so they shouldn't be allowed on campus period. They aren't apart of a religious sect so they can't demand access under religious grounds or freedoms.

Well that's awesome, try calling some of your fellow Christians out for hypocrisy and see how fast they turn on you. My case is far from unique, the gay people I have met that can never go home again is far too common. What kind of indoctrination could make anyone turn their backs on their own child?

and what does that have to do with anything???
As was pointed out, access is required for any group regardless of religion. Weather or not they are religious is rather irrelevant - they have the same right of access as the chess club.

true enough, but isn't their demand of access religious based?

Either/or it's still a hate group
No, the demand of access is based on the law that grants equal access to all groups.

And, no, they are not a hate group.

This may be splitting hairs......but if they insist or demand access wherever Christian groups are, then that is religious based. Also, if their teaching is 'against' anything, they are teaching hate....maybe not directly, but to impressionable kids in elementary schools....that is the end result.

Just about every religion's teaching can be construed as against other religions. It's not as though most religions teach that other religions could be right, too, so believe what you want to. :p
Just as stupid as a christian club.....
No, Christian clubs don't teach hate of individuals. They teach hatred of sin (an action/verb) but not the sinners (people/noun).
Bullshit X 1000.
Except that it's true x 1000. Christians teach love and extending a hand to the troubled. To hate the sin but not the sinner. It's established fact for thousands of years.

Great comeback by the way. Did you win a lot in your debate club? :lmao:
I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.
They pushed you away or you pushed them away? I find "atheists" to be belligerent in ridiculing Christians and faith in general and maybe they just didn't want to put up with your crap. Christians aren't doormats that bear with inexhaustible patience, the hostility of non believers.
I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.

Your unfortunate and wayward example does not a religion make. I feel sorry for you. I grew up similarly but learned not to hate an entire group just because of the sins of two or three of them against me personally.

What a laughable load of self-righteous bullshit. You literally invent stories out of thin air just so you can smear gay people. Wild stories. Please don't pretend your obsession is not based off hate b/c you are only fooling yourself.
It's hard for me to take the OP seriously too as a Roman Catholic. It could as easily be a Catholic group meeting after school and she would still call it the church of Satan. The loon!
I think if I were in high school I would demand the cafeteria only serve spaghetti as I would profess worship of The Spaghetti Monster and he would approve of 'eating of his body' for spiritual nourishment.
That's what tupperware is for. Bring your own spaghetti, you spaghetti worshipping nutjob.
It's great that this group is showing the christian exclusivity behind our so-called religious freedom in America. Everywhere they go they show that Christians only treasure their own religious freedom.

Right, except they guy admitted they are NOT a religion. They just want to give religious people shit.
Religion is not the litmus test though. They have the same right to a group as any other and that includes the christian group and the chess club.

The real test is how successful they are at bringing anyone in their group. It is not a measure of the schools or the laws that this group even exists - it is the measure of how some parents have failed in general. Let them come to my neighborhood and school - my children need someone to show them what idiots look like...

Again, the Temple teaches logic, self-empowerment, and reasoning, and opposes religious tyranny and oppression, none of which is ‘idiotic,’ values every child should be exposed to, including children in your school.

Define religious tyranny and give examples of it in the US.
Just noticing out loud that nobody took up this challenge.
It's great that this group is showing the christian exclusivity behind our so-called religious freedom in America. Everywhere they go they show that Christians only treasure their own religious freedom.

Right, except they guy admitted they are NOT a religion. They just want to give religious people shit.
Religion is not the litmus test though. They have the same right to a group as any other and that includes the christian group and the chess club.

The real test is how successful they are at bringing anyone in their group. It is not a measure of the schools or the laws that this group even exists - it is the measure of how some parents have failed in general. Let them come to my neighborhood and school - my children need someone to show them what idiots look like...

Again, the Temple teaches logic, self-empowerment, and reasoning, and opposes religious tyranny and oppression, none of which is ‘idiotic,’ values every child should be exposed to, including children in your school.

Define religious tyranny and give examples of it in the US.
Just noticing out loud that nobody took up this challenge.

Just as stupid as a christian club.....
No, Christian clubs don't teach hate of individuals. They teach hatred of sin (an action/verb) but not the sinners (people/noun).
Bullshit X 1000.
Except that it's true x 1000. Christians teach love and extending a hand to the troubled. To hate the sin but not the sinner. It's established fact for thousands of years.

Great comeback by the way. Did you win a lot in your debate club? :lmao:
I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.
They pushed you away or you pushed them away? I find "atheists" to be belligerent in ridiculing Christians and faith in general and maybe they just didn't want to put up with your crap. Christians aren't doormats that bear with inexhaustible patience, the hostility of non believers.
Quit assuming shit, I have never been evangelistic in my beliefs and have no problem with what anyone chooses to believe as long as it does not make them do bad things. I chose to present a little piece of my personal story to illustrate why I feel the way I do, not to impugn the entire Christian religion. I have met a lot of Christians that are wonderful people but I came from a cultish little corner of Appalachia where Christianity is primitive and God is vengeful and merciless to the heretic. I have seen a lot of that shit worm it's way into the mainstream of the Christian right in recent years and I have very good reasons to find it troublesome.

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