WA School Mistaken: Satan Group Is A Hate Group & Can't Use Campus Therefore

It's great that this group is showing the christian exclusivity behind our so-called religious freedom in America. Everywhere they go they show that Christians only treasure their own religious freedom.

Right, except they guy admitted they are NOT a religion. They just want to give religious people shit.
Religion is not the litmus test though. They have the same right to a group as any other and that includes the christian group and the chess club.

The real test is how successful they are at bringing anyone in their group. It is not a measure of the schools or the laws that this group even exists - it is the measure of how some parents have failed in general. Let them come to my neighborhood and school - my children need someone to show them what idiots look like...

Again, the Temple teaches logic, self-empowerment, and reasoning, and opposes religious tyranny and oppression, none of which is ‘idiotic,’ values every child should be exposed to, including children in your school.

Define religious tyranny and give examples of it in the US.
I've no doubt that there are members of the Satanic Temple who hate and disdain Christians or the religious in general. However, it's not a part of their publicly stated teachings or mission statement. Their first fundamental tenet is 1. One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason. Not exactly a seething manifesto of hatred.

Yes, in one breath they called themselves "the Satanists". In the next they declare they don't actually have anything to do with Satan. In another breath they declare "one should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all" And the next the declare and label that all religions in general are "oppressive and tyrannical".

Under a braggart-ruse, they are teaching intolerance and hate; which is unacceptable on school grounds; and legally disallowed.
The satanists have cleverly oriented themselves so that you cannot direct any criticism at them that is not also true of any other religion. You are being a flaming hypocrite and you do not even care. If Christianity is so awesome then you have nothing to worry about and this Satan club will be lightly attended. It could never lead your faithful kids from good homes astray, Jesus being so awesome and all.
The satanists have cleverly oriented themselves so that you cannot direct any criticism at them that is not also true of any other religion. You are being a flaming hypocrite and you do not even care. If Christianity is so awesome then you have nothing to worry about and this Satan club will be lightly attended. It could never lead your faithful kids from good homes astray, Jesus being so awesome and all.

Actually they're kinda dumb. Stating something as they did, knowing a court challenge was on the way was just plain stupid. They said "we're a false group" #1 (which is grounds for not allowing them on campus) and #2. Our real goal is to impart intolerance and hatred for religious people.

Judges hate hubris and hypocrisy. So what they did was anything but clever. I'd say the cult of LGBT and it's satanist counterpart (root) has gotten so comfortable bullying others and blackmailing their way through the court system that they've adopted the foolhardiness of an aging tyrant. We saw where this went in Revolutionary France. When the hubris level rises over the top of the barometer and breaks out through the seams, that's when heads start to roll...

Don't forget that after months of lamenting that Obergefell was one of the most damaging Ruling's he'd ever seen in his entire career on the bench, Justice Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head. Don't think this fact has escaped his colleagues..Your days of your cults' blind success with our Justice System may be evaporating...
The satanists have cleverly oriented themselves so that you cannot direct any criticism at them that is not also true of any other religion. You are being a flaming hypocrite and you do not even care. If Christianity is so awesome then you have nothing to worry about and this Satan club will be lightly attended. It could never lead your faithful kids from good homes astray, Jesus being so awesome and all.

Actually they're kinda dumb. Stating something as they did, knowing a court challenge was on the way was just plain stupid. They said "we're a false group" #1 (which is grounds for not allowing them on campus) and #2. Our real goal is to impart intolerance and hatred for religious people.

Judges hate hubris and hypocrisy. So what they did was anything but clever. I'd say the cult of LGBT and it's satanist counterpart (root) has gotten so comfortable bullying others and blackmailing their way through the court system that they've adopted the foolhardiness of an aging tyrant.
They welcome and even encourage court challenges as they nearly always win and counter sue for legal costs.
Once humans get to decide what is or isn't a religion, then religious freedom is gone.

IOW, there is no such thing as religious freedom now.
Which is why the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment prohibits theists from codifying what they perceive to be – or not to be – religion into secular law.

Religious liberty is also the right to be free from religion, to practice no faith at all, adhering to no religious belief system.

And no, being free from faith and independent of a religious belief system is not itself ‘religion’ or a ‘belief system,’ the notion is a ridiculous lie.
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

So much for religious freedom and our constitution.

You are the people who want religion in schools. Conservatives are the ones who went to court to be able to have religious clubs and prayers said on school grounds and at school functions. Well our constitution says that what one group can do, all groups can do. You brought this on yourselves by your constant forcing your religion on our nation.

You seem to believe everyone is free to follow the religion you agree with and no other.

I'm not a satan worshiper but I'm not christian and don't believe in the idea of a god or a satan.

Just because I don't believe it doesn't mean no one else can either.

That's called FREEDOM.

Conservatives can’t have it both ways.

If Christians are allowed access to school property for such events, so too are other religions, regardless whether conservatives recognize those religions as indeed religions, or disapprove of those religions.
So much for religious freedom and our constitution.

You are the people who want religion in schools. Conservatives are the ones who went to court to be able to have religious clubs and prayers said on school grounds and at school functions. Well our constitution says that what one group can do, all groups can do. You brought this on yourselves by your constant forcing your religion on our nation.

Yep. Except teaching kids to hate other religions is disallowed on public property. That technicality screwed you and you were the ones pushing for those anti-hate laws. Time to see the chickens coming home to roost...speaking of that... :lmao:

Your idea of hate isn't the real and legal meaning of the word.

You don't have the capacity or authority to make that judgement.

Only a court of law can do that.

Pointing out hypocrisy and lies isn't hate. It's being honest.

If you don't like what our constitution says then you're perfectly free to leave.

Meanwhile, us adults have more important things to attend to.

Have fun in your useless hate.
Aren't true 'Satanist' or Satan Worship an actual religion and/or the religious worship of a deity? THAT would fall under the right of access for religious purposes....but this group isn't that by their own admission and so they shouldn't be allowed on campus period. They aren't apart of a religious sect so they can't demand access under religious grounds or freedoms.

I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.

Your unfortunate and wayward example does not a religion make. I feel sorry for you. I grew up similarly but learned not to hate an entire group just because of the sins of two or three of them against me personally.
Well that's awesome, try calling some of your fellow Christians out for hypocrisy and see how fast they turn on you. My case is far from unique, the gay people I have met that can never go home again is far too common. What kind of indoctrination could make anyone turn their backs on their own child?

and what does that have to do with anything???
As was pointed out, access is required for any group regardless of religion. Weather or not they are religious is rather irrelevant - they have the same right of access as the chess club.

true enough, but isn't their demand of access religious based?

Either/or it's still a hate group
No. it’s free speech based.

And you’re wrong about the Temple, it is not a ‘hate group.’
The satanists have cleverly oriented themselves so that you cannot direct any criticism at them that is not also true of any other religion. You are being a flaming hypocrite and you do not even care. If Christianity is so awesome then you have nothing to worry about and this Satan club will be lightly attended. It could never lead your faithful kids from good homes astray, Jesus being so awesome and all.

Actually they're kinda dumb. Stating something as they did, knowing a court challenge was on the way was just plain stupid. They said "we're a false group" #1 (which is grounds for not allowing them on campus) and #2. Our real goal is to impart intolerance and hatred for religious people.

Judges hate hubris and hypocrisy. So what they did was anything but clever. I'd say the cult of LGBT and it's satanist counterpart (root) has gotten so comfortable bullying others and blackmailing their way through the court system that they've adopted the foolhardiness of an aging tyrant. We saw where this went in Revolutionary France. When the hubris level rises over the top of the barometer and breaks out through the seams, that's when heads start to roll...

Don't forget that after months of lamenting that Obergefell was one of the most damaging Ruling's he'd ever seen in his entire career on the bench, Justice Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head. Don't think this fact has escaped his colleagues..Your days of your cults' blind success with our Justice System may be evaporating...

They said they are a false group? So they aren't actually a group? :lol:

Good job connecting the Satanic Temple and LGBT. We knew you'd do it. :p
If open for those teaching of Christ it must be open for those teaching against him. What is fair play such a difficult concept for you people to understand? You don't just get to have it your way.
The satanists have cleverly oriented themselves so that you cannot direct any criticism at them that is not also true of any other religion. You are being a flaming hypocrite and you do not even care. If Christianity is so awesome then you have nothing to worry about and this Satan club will be lightly attended. It could never lead your faithful kids from good homes astray, Jesus being so awesome and all.

Actually they're kinda dumb. Stating something as they did, knowing a court challenge was on the way was just plain stupid. They said "we're a false group" #1 (which is grounds for not allowing them on campus) and #2. Our real goal is to impart intolerance and hatred for religious people.

Judges hate hubris and hypocrisy. So what they did was anything but clever. I'd say the cult of LGBT and it's satanist counterpart (root) has gotten so comfortable bullying others and blackmailing their way through the court system that they've adopted the foolhardiness of an aging tyrant. We saw where this went in Revolutionary France. When the hubris level rises over the top of the barometer and breaks out through the seams, that's when heads start to roll...

Don't forget that after months of lamenting that Obergefell was one of the most damaging Ruling's he'd ever seen in his entire career on the bench, Justice Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head. Don't think this fact has escaped his colleagues..Your days of your cults' blind success with our Justice System may be evaporating...

They said they are a false group? So they aren't actually a group? :lol:

Good job connecting the Satanic Temple and LGBT. We knew you'd do it. :p

As sure as the rising sun. lol
The current reversal of American tradition and respect for religion is enough to make your head spin. A kid can get expelled for carrying a Bible or wearing a Crucifix in public school but satanic garb is debated and considered.
This is a lie – it’s as ignorant as it is wrong.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence applies solely to government, not private persons – in this case schools as government entities subject to the First Amendment.

As private persons students are at liberty to practice their faith in school, including religious symbols and texts consistent with that jurisprudence.

What makes one’s head spin is the ignorance and stupidity common to far too many on the right.

There is no ‘reversal’ of American tradition and respect for religion; indeed, current Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause case law is the epitome of respect for religion and the American tradition that government neither compel religious observance nor engage in unwarranted restriction of religious liberty.
The satanists have cleverly oriented themselves so that you cannot direct any criticism at them that is not also true of any other religion. You are being a flaming hypocrite and you do not even care. If Christianity is so awesome then you have nothing to worry about and this Satan club will be lightly attended. It could never lead your faithful kids from good homes astray, Jesus being so awesome and all.

Actually they're kinda dumb. Stating something as they did, knowing a court challenge was on the way was just plain stupid. They said "we're a false group" #1 (which is grounds for not allowing them on campus) and #2. Our real goal is to impart intolerance and hatred for religious people.

Judges hate hubris and hypocrisy. So what they did was anything but clever. I'd say the cult of LGBT and it's satanist counterpart (root) has gotten so comfortable bullying others and blackmailing their way through the court system that they've adopted the foolhardiness of an aging tyrant. We saw where this went in Revolutionary France. When the hubris level rises over the top of the barometer and breaks out through the seams, that's when heads start to roll...

Don't forget that after months of lamenting that Obergefell was one of the most damaging Ruling's he'd ever seen in his entire career on the bench, Justice Scalia was found dead with a pillow over his head. Don't think this fact has escaped his colleagues..Your days of your cults' blind success with our Justice System may be evaporating...
Your Honor, Group A teaches X so we allow them use our schools but Group B teaches Y so we deny them access, we don't like what they are teaching. Good luck in the courts with that one.
The current reversal of American tradition and respect for religion is enough to make your head spin. A kid can get expelled for carrying a Bible or wearing a Crucifix in public school but satanic garb is debated and considered.
This is a lie – it’s as ignorant as it is wrong.

Establishment Clause jurisprudence applies solely to government, not private persons – in this case schools as government entities subject to the First Amendment.

As private persons students are at liberty to practice their faith in school, including religious symbols and texts consistent with that jurisprudence.

What makes one’s head spin is the ignorance and stupidity common to far too many on the right.

There is no ‘reversal’ of American tradition and respect for religion; indeed, current Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause case law is the epitome of respect for religion and the American tradition that government neither compel religious observance nor engage in unwarranted restriction of religious liberty.
The problem is, the "Christians" cheated the rules, were allowed to cheat, for so long that now they think they are being discriminated against. What's actually happening is they are finally being put in their proper place and they hate it.

When their faith is equal to all others they have no unfair advantage. To them that's unfair as they want to Lord it over the rest of us and used to get away with it.
^^ If you read close enough Monty, you'd know that it doesn't matter whether they're religious or secular...either is allowed on school: unless they teach hate. Then they're not.

To be clear, are you saying that "fighting religious tyranny and oppression" is teaching hatred?

Yes, because it is the labelling of "all religions" as "tyrannical and oppressive". Remember Hilter went around teaching "good white Germans" that Jews were "tyrannical and oppressive". From there hatred was implied.

All religions are not tyrannical and oppressive. So it is bigotry. It is teaching bigotry to children: to hate other groups by label "religious". And that isn't allowed on public grounds; including school campuses.

It’s acknowledging the fact that there are some theists who indeed engage in religious tyranny and intolerance – not that all theists are intolerant, or that their religions sanction intolerance.

And to denounce and oppose religious tyranny and intolerance is not to ‘hate’ religion, but to engage in appropriate and warranted opposition to the hate and bigotry practiced by many theists, separate and apart from their religion.
The current reversal of American tradition and respect for religion is enough to make your head spin. A kid can get expelled for carrying a Bible or wearing a Crucifix in public school but satanic garb is debated and considered.
A kid might be suspended for repeated religious activity on school grounds but expulsion for having a crucifix or bible? Are you for real?
Students are subject to punitive measures not because of religious practices, but because they’ve violated school rules having nothing to do with religious practice.
I'm sure the courts are hanging on your every word. :lmao:
I'm not going to be the lawyer for the school arguing that teaching children to hate or disdain "the religious" is not allowed on school grounds.

Where did the Satanic Temple say anything about teaching children to hate or disdain the religious?
Some theists might incorrectly infer that teaching children logic, reason, and self-empowerment is to ‘disdain’ religion, although in fact that’s not the case.
Some theists might incorrectly infer that teaching children logic, reason, and self-empowerment is to ‘disdain’ religion, although in fact that’s not the case.

Except that the group publicly stated their intent was to reflect on the religious as "tyrannical & oppressive". That's instilling/teaching hate.
Some theists might incorrectly infer that teaching children logic, reason, and self-empowerment is to ‘disdain’ religion, although in fact that’s not the case.

Except that the group publicly stated their intent was to reflect on the religious as "tyrannical & oppressive". That's instilling/teaching hate.

No, they did not state that. You are lying. Again.

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