WA School Mistaken: Satan Group Is A Hate Group & Can't Use Campus Therefore

Just as stupid as a christian club.....
No, Christian clubs don't teach hate of individuals. They teach hatred of sin (an action/verb) but not the sinners (people/noun).
Bullshit X 1000.
Except that it's true x 1000. Christians teach love and extending a hand to the troubled. To hate the sin but not the sinner. It's established fact for thousands of years.

Great comeback by the way. Did you win a lot in your debate club? :lmao:
I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.
They pushed you away or you pushed them away? I find "atheists" to be belligerent in ridiculing Christians and faith in general and maybe they just didn't want to put up with your crap. Christians aren't doormats that bear with inexhaustible patience, the hostility of non believers.
Quit assuming shit, I have never been evangelistic in my beliefs and have no problem with what anyone chooses to believe as long as it does not make them do bad things. I chose to present a little piece of my personal story to illustrate why I feel the way I do, not to impugn the entire Christian religion. I have met a lot of Christians that are wonderful people but I came from a cultish little corner of Appalachia where Christianity is primitive and God is vengeful and merciless to the heretic. I have seen a lot of that shit worm it's way into the mainstream of the Christian right in recent years and I have very good reasons to find it troublesome.
Your story doesn't pass the smell test. I really did grow up in the Evangelical Christian culture and I know it intimately. Christians don't cut off relations with family just because they don't believe. You hear that happening with Jehovah Witnesses but they aren't Christian. If most (3/4ths!) of your family has chosen not to talk to you, it's got nothing to do with religion, and as long as you blame their faith it takes you off the hook so you don't have to face the real reasons you've made yourself uncomfortable to be around.
No, Christian clubs don't teach hate of individuals. They teach hatred of sin (an action/verb) but not the sinners (people/noun).
Bullshit X 1000.
Except that it's true x 1000. Christians teach love and extending a hand to the troubled. To hate the sin but not the sinner. It's established fact for thousands of years.

Great comeback by the way. Did you win a lot in your debate club? :lmao:
I grew up in a hardcore Christian home and community. I can tell you from long sad experience that most Christians do not make the distinction between sin and sinner. All I am is an atheist and 3/4 of my family has not spoken to me for over 20 years. The rest are hateful as hell all because I decided I no longer wanted to attend church three time s a week. Don't try to tell how Christians are, I know how they are when they drop all pretense of public piety.
They pushed you away or you pushed them away? I find "atheists" to be belligerent in ridiculing Christians and faith in general and maybe they just didn't want to put up with your crap. Christians aren't doormats that bear with inexhaustible patience, the hostility of non believers.
Quit assuming shit, I have never been evangelistic in my beliefs and have no problem with what anyone chooses to believe as long as it does not make them do bad things. I chose to present a little piece of my personal story to illustrate why I feel the way I do, not to impugn the entire Christian religion. I have met a lot of Christians that are wonderful people but I came from a cultish little corner of Appalachia where Christianity is primitive and God is vengeful and merciless to the heretic. I have seen a lot of that shit worm it's way into the mainstream of the Christian right in recent years and I have very good reasons to find it troublesome.
Your story doesn't pass the smell test. I really did grow up in the Evangelical Christian culture and I know it intimately. Christians don't cut off relations with family just because they don't believe. You hear that happening with Jehovah Witnesses but they aren't Christian. If most (3/4ths!) of your family has chosen not to talk to you, it's got nothing to do with religion, and as long as you blame their faith it takes you off the hook so you don't have to face the real reasons you've made yourself uncomfortable to be around.
I don't care if you believe it or not. If you want to play the role of "Defender of the faith" more power to you. It's not unexpected that you would blame it all on the heretic rather than the cult.
Your story doesn't pass the smell test. I really did grow up in the Evangelical Christian culture and I know it intimately. Christians don't cut off relations with family just because they don't believe. You hear that happening with Jehovah Witnesses but they aren't Christian. If most (3/4ths!) of your family has chosen not to talk to you, it's got nothing to do with religion, and as long as you blame their faith it takes you off the hook so you don't have to face the real reasons you've made yourself uncomfortable to be around.

As I said before, it's more common to understand that a family would cut off any member who was so self-destructive as to lead to their untimely death. By their mid 30s, 30% of gay men have had over 1,000 compulsive sexual partners, at least half of which they didn't even know. It's like having a heroin addict in the family...the day in, day out "waiting for the news" is just too hard on everyone. The news that Jr. will soon die of his self-destructive behavior from our worst epidemic since TB or polio, is just too much to take on a daily basis...the waiting...the hoping against hopes.

I have a cousin doing this. And the wear and tear is obvious on her face. She loves the hell out of her gay son; but everyone knows where he is headed and so people turn away from the inevitable pain..

I'd say the principles of Al Anon and just plain preservation of one's own mental health has more to do with why families cut off gay members than Christianity does. At least Christianity teaches them to still keep sending him loving vibes and prayers.
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But back to the topic...Satanism is the religion opposed to religions. How's that for irony? So their very existence is "hate group". Plus, this group announced that that is what they are. So their embodiment is "intolerance". Which is not allowed on school campuses by Law.
Your story doesn't pass the smell test. I really did grow up in the Evangelical Christian culture and I know it intimately. Christians don't cut off relations with family just because they don't believe. You hear that happening with Jehovah Witnesses but they aren't Christian. If most (3/4ths!) of your family has chosen not to talk to you, it's got nothing to do with religion, and as long as you blame their faith it takes you off the hook so you don't have to face the real reasons you've made yourself uncomfortable to be around.

As I said before, it's more common to understand that a family would cut off any member who was so self-destructive as to lead to their untimely death. By their mid 30s, 30% of gay men have had over 1,000 compulsive sexual partners, at least half of which they didn't even know. It's like having a heroin addict in the family...the day in, day out "waiting for the news" is just too hard on everyone. The news that Jr. will soon die of his self-destructive behavior from our worst epidemic since TB or polio, is just too much to take on a daily basis...the waiting...the hoping against hopes.

I have a cousin doing this. And the wear and tear is obvious on her face. She loves the hell out of her gay son; but everyone knows where he is headed and so people turn away from the inevitable pain..

I'd say the principles of Al Anon and just plain preservation of one's own mental health has more to do with why families cut off gay members than Christianity does. At least Christianity teaches them to still keep sending him loving vibes and prayers.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.
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Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.

They didn't actually do that, of course.
They didn't actually do that, of course.
Not only did they do that, they ARE that. They ARE a religion whose sole precept is to demonize (hate) other religions that teach blind faith and morality. They are THE HATE RELIGION. Just like the nazis taught in their daily example about Judaism.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.
If you think Christianity cannot be structured as a hate group you are a fool. Look at you calling me a liar and dismissing my story because it just does not fit your narrative. It seems you are another one who thinks true faith must be blind and anything that professes itself to be Christian must be good. .
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.

They didn't actually do that, of course.
Since they don't actually have a legitimate purpose, people feel invited to fill in the blanks. They certainly seem to be there as an anti, not a pro.
If you think Christianity cannot be structured as a hate group you are a fool. Look at you calling me a liar and dismissing my story because it just does not fit your narrative. It seems you are another one who thinks true faith must be blind and anything that professes itself to be Christian must be good. .

You can TRY to "structure it" (lie about it) all you want. But everyone knows Jesus' teachings in a nutshell were "Love the sinner (noun) and hate the sin (verb)". Satanist group says "demonize/hate the others that aren't like us, using logic and worship of Satan instead of blind faith in God to resolve life's problems" One is legal on campus. The other isn't.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.
If you think Christianity cannot be structured as a hate group you are a fool. Look at you calling me a liar and dismissing my story because it just does not fit your narrative. It seems you are another one who thinks true faith must be blind and anything that professes itself to be Christian must be good. .
Christianity is not intrinsically not hateful (1John 4:8). It has at its center the Creator and Sustainer of all love. So no, Christianity cannot possibly be a hate group.
They didn't actually do that, of course.
Not only did they do that, they ARE that. They ARE a religion whose sole precept is to demonize (hate) other religions that teach blind faith and morality. They are THE HATE RELIGION. Just like the nazis taught in their daily example about Judaism.

You obviously have not actually paid attention to what the Satanic Temple of Seattle says about itself. Considering the fact you've actually quoted them, that's just silly. I've provided a link to their website, which contains information about the beliefs they hold. They are not like the Nazis. They do not promote hate, at least not in their public statements.

They have not said they want to demonize Christianity. That is your lie.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.

They didn't actually do that, of course.
Since they don't actually have a legitimate purpose, people feel invited to fill in the blanks. They certainly seem to be there as an anti, not a pro.

Legitimate purpose? Who decides what purpose is legitimate, you?

Fill in the blanks? Well, sure, if you want to just fill in your own ideas about what the group is about, then you can say they are about anything.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.

They didn't actually do that, of course.
Since they don't actually have a legitimate purpose, people feel invited to fill in the blanks. They certainly seem to be there as an anti, not a pro.

Legitimate purpose? Who decides what purpose is legitimate, you?

Fill in the blanks? Well, sure, if you want to just fill in your own ideas about what the group is about, then you can say they are about anything.
They're agenda is to stop Christian groups. And from doing what? Holding Bible studies? Praying around the flag pole? They are shit disturbers with a sinister agenda.
Yeah there's more to that story. 3/4ths of his family not talking to him for 20 years? It isn't because they're Christian and he's not.

Right, so Christians can't be demonized here; like the Satan group professes to want to do, on school grounds no less. But intolerant hate groups can't do that on public property; especially schools. So the school district has a legal defense to keep them off the property while still allowing groups teaching people not to hate-broadly (bigotry) to be there. Christianity teaches to love all sinners, but to hate sins (behavior/verb). If you could embody in one sentence, all of Jesus' teachings in the New Testament, that would be the one. Plus, the Satan group has identified a broad class of people (noun) "the religious" to belittle and defame (to hate). Again, not allowed on school grounds.
If you think Christianity cannot be structured as a hate group you are a fool. Look at you calling me a liar and dismissing my story because it just does not fit your narrative. It seems you are another one who thinks true faith must be blind and anything that professes itself to be Christian must be good. .
Christianity is not intrinsically not hateful (1John 4:8). It has at its center the Creator and Sustainer of all love. So no, Christianity cannot possibly be a hate group.
LOL, you stand in the present day with a history full of holy wars, witch hunts, inquisitions, bloody schisms, state run churches and brutal missions to save the savages and say some bullshit like that? That same self-righteousness that makes you so smug in the perfection of your faith is the same thing that has set armies marching for 2000 years. Christianity is bathed in the blood of the heretic, drop the self-righteousness and realize that Christianity is no better than any other means of secular control that men have invented. It is no sin to admit that men have constantly twisted the love of Jesus into something ugly and brutal.
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

As long as the school treats all 'religious groups' equally i don't know what the issue is.

If the school allows a Christian or Jewish after school club- why would they object to a Satanist after school club?
Dontcha just love the newly indoctrinated generation of Millennials? Great work Church of Satan. Wonder what influenced these kids now grown as they were growing up? Twenty guesses and the first 19 don't count.


(numbers mine)
Satanic Temple seeks after-school Satan club in Mount Vernon

The Satanic Temple of Seattle would like to have the program running this school year but needs approval from the school district....A 1991 Supreme Court ruling, Good News Club vs. Milford Central School District, 1. stated that if schools allow any organization to use school property, they must allow all organizations — religious and secular — access, Bruner said....
Claypool said a Centennial parent recently brought the Good News Bible Club’s use of school property to the attention of the Satanic Temple, which has operating in Seattle for about a year and a half, Claypool said.

The parent was concerned about publicly funded spaces being used by the Good News Bible Club, he said.

2. “These children (in the Good News Bible Club), they’re also taught to evangelize to other children,” Claypool said. “(The parent) thought this indoctrination on school grounds was inappropriate.”...
The temple has aspirations to open an After School Satan Club at every school that has a Good News Bible Club, Claypool said.

3. He said the goal aligns with a movement on behalf of Satanic Temples nationwide.

“We’re leveraging equal access,” he said....“We don’t worship a deity,” he said. “We only see Satan as a metaphor for fighting religious tyranny and oppression.”...
“It’s kind of an all-or-nothing deal,” Bruner said. “Do we want to exclude everyone from use of our public facilities just because of this group that’s trying to make a point?”

4. The district will work with its attorney and its School Board to explore how to respond to the application.


1. This is the premise upon which they launch to gain access to children's minds. (evangelize)

2. Their object is to teach the ways and benefits of the Satanist Church, which is evangelizing. While at the same time they state that evangelizing on school grounds they do not support. Therefore their reason for wanting access to the school is either A. Duplicitous or B. For another reason... (grounds not to allow them there).

3. So they are phony, not representing what they say they are. They even admit that the word "Satan" is an attention-getter; you know, to susceptible and curious children they're trying to rope in (see "evangelize"). The group is a hate group because their stated intent and the intent of the same nationwide where this is going on is to be "fighting religious tyranny and oppression". Straight out of the chute they're declaring they're a group whose sole goal is to impart to children to hate or hold potent disdain in a generalized way for other organized religions. They are a hate group because hating other groups in a generalized way is what KKK does. It's what any bigot does without examining the merits of individuals within that group. And hate groups are not allowed to use schools or other public facilities.

4. Dear district: See #3. There's only one way this group can gain legal access to school campuses, and that is if nazis can hold clubs on school grounds while stating the purpose of those meetings is to teach or otherwise impart disdain or hatred for Judaism.

You're welcome.

As long as the school treats all 'religious groups' equally i don't know what the issue is.

If the school allows a Christian or Jewish after school club- why would they object to a Satanist after school club?
I think if I were in high school I would demand the cafeteria only serve spaghetti as I would profess worship of The Spaghetti Monster and he would approve of 'eating of his body' for spiritual nourishment.
That's what tupperware is for. Bring your own spaghetti, you spaghetti worshipping nutjob.

None of what you said is coherent. Try again without the arm flailing.
Aren't true 'Satanist' or Satan Worship an actual religion and/or the religious worship of a deity? THAT would fall under the right of access for religious purposes....but this group isn't that by their own admission and so they shouldn't be allowed on campus period. They aren't apart of a religious sect so they can't demand access under religious grounds or freedoms.

Well that's awesome, try calling some of your fellow Christians out for hypocrisy and see how fast they turn on you. My case is far from unique, the gay people I have met that can never go home again is far too common. What kind of indoctrination could make anyone turn their backs on their own child?

and what does that have to do with anything???
As was pointed out, access is required for any group regardless of religion. Weather or not they are religious is rather irrelevant - they have the same right of access as the chess club.

true enough, but isn't their demand of access religious based?

Either/or it's still a hate group
No, the demand of access is based on the law that grants equal access to all groups.

And, no, they are not a hate group.

This may be splitting hairs......but if they insist or demand access wherever Christian groups are, then that is religious based. Also, if their teaching is 'against' anything, they are teaching hate....maybe not directly, but to impressionable kids in elementary schools....that is the end result.
Splitting hairs or not, you are incorrect. The law specifically allows all groups access or no groups access.

And no, teaching against something is not hate. Christians teach against sin. Political action groups advocate against a particular candidate. I may teach my children that they should not act like the local skater group down the street. None of those actions are an example of hate.

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