Wacky Ann Coulter, not just Stephen Miller, is helping to write President Trump's immigration laws

Cancel the "lottery", break all "Chain".
Build the Wall, enforce the Law.

Enough games. We can't take their 50 year old Aunts and Uncles raiding SSDI with a bad back in a few years chained up to an immigration attorney.

They come from Corrupt hell-holes, that's how they vote. I dont have a keyboard or I would explode. If they were Finnish Math majors Dems would be shutting down the GOVT demanding deportation. But 50% Mexican HS dropouts is fine? And all their older brothers and sisters......they claim as relatives? USA is over-loaded. Clean up the rules.....enforce the laws.

dump the anchor overboard also......over the border.

Then maybe take a look at 1.8mil DACA crop? Keep the good, maybe.
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