Wag the Dog?

Draft rules are different than current rules. In a draft no one should get non-medical deferments. If you are 1A you go.

Works for me. But there were a whole lot of non-medical deferments used by the likes of Cheney, Gingrich, Mitt Romney and other republican heroes who can't wait to send poor kids off to war today.

GWB actually did fly a fighter, which is also risky, and the Letter you are referring to has been proven to be a fraud.

I didn't refer to any "letter". It is an established fact that George W. Bush did not report for drills for the period of 1972 to 1973. Probably a lot of other guys didn't, either, because once the draft and Vietnam were winding down, those guys just found better things to do.

Or we stay with the current system, voluntary servitude, and you stop whining like a little bitch.

But that system doesn't work. Not when you have National Guard units being deployed three or four times, or having to keep lowering the enlistment standards to accept HS Dropouts, criminals, and people with mental issues like Bergdahl and Manning. Not when you have to impose "Stop-Loss" to keep guys in years after their initial enlistments ended or worse, pulling them back in four years after their enlistment ended.

Wow, hypocrisy by the elites, shocking. Kind of like Obama being against vouchers and sending his kids to Private schools.

Again, you may have had a point barely at the beginning of the "War on Terror", but 16 years later you have none. Volunteer is Volunteer, and again people know what they are getting into.

Even back then people knew what they were getting into, they just didn't think it would happen. They were wrong.
Huge difference. Nixon, Bush, Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton got us into wars with no goal of winning. Trump has a plan to win in Afghanistan. Unlike Viet Nam, Kosovo, and Iraq under his "go to war but don't hurt anyone" predecessors. Let the military do its jobs and wars end quickly, tie their hands and they go on forever (or we declare defeat as we did in Viet Nam).

Dude, we aren't going to win Afghanistan by sending in 3900 more troops. Just saying Trump has a plan to win doesn't mean he actually has a plan.
Wow, hypocrisy by the elites, shocking. Kind of like Obama being against vouchers and sending his kids to Private schools.

He had the money to send his kids to private schools, didn't he? No hypocrisy there.

Again, you may have had a point barely at the beginning of the "War on Terror", but 16 years later you have none. Volunteer is Volunteer, and again people know what they are getting into.

No, I don't think they do. Obviously, you've never met military recruiters and how they are TRAINED TO LIE TO THESE KIDS! It's why most of us had nothing but contempt for recruiters.

But I noticed you didn't answer the point, that the system IS failing and has been for some time. The reason why Trump is only sending 3900 guys to afghanistan is we don't really have any more than that to send at this point.
Wow, hypocrisy by the elites, shocking. Kind of like Obama being against vouchers and sending his kids to Private schools.

He had the money to send his kids to private schools, didn't he? No hypocrisy there.

Again, you may have had a point barely at the beginning of the "War on Terror", but 16 years later you have none. Volunteer is Volunteer, and again people know what they are getting into.

No, I don't think they do. Obviously, you've never met military recruiters and how they are TRAINED TO LIE TO THESE KIDS! It's why most of us had nothing but contempt for recruiters.

But I noticed you didn't answer the point, that the system IS failing and has been for some time. The reason why Trump is only sending 3900 guys to afghanistan is we don't really have any more than that to send at this point.

Ah, so it's ok to be a rich asshole as long he's YOUR type of rich asshole. What an ass you are.

Don't care.

And you can blame Obama fucking with the Military for 8 years for that. Maybe if those Navy Captains had more watch training and less transgender acceptance training we wouldn't have two destroyers in long term drydock.
And you can blame Obama fucking with the Military for 8 years for that. Maybe if those Navy Captains had more watch training and less transgender acceptance training we wouldn't have two destroyers in long term drydock.

yeah, somehow I don't think that those captains were so confused by a dude in a dress that they crashed their ships.

More likely- once again- people aren't picking careers in the military because they kind of suck.

I really enjoyed my time in, but if someone asked me today if I thought their kid would enlist, I'd probably advise against it given the way those people are being misused.
And you can blame Obama fucking with the Military for 8 years for that. Maybe if those Navy Captains had more watch training and less transgender acceptance training we wouldn't have two destroyers in long term drydock.

yeah, somehow I don't think that those captains were so confused by a dude in a dress that they crashed their ships.

More likely- once again- people aren't picking careers in the military because they kind of suck.

I really enjoyed my time in, but if someone asked me today if I thought their kid would enlist, I'd probably advise against it given the way those people are being misused.

It's more a general idea of training for bullshit social crap than training for actual combat/deployment.

Then it's up to the government to make them more attractive, via more pay.
It's more a general idea of training for bullshit social crap than training for actual combat/deployment.

Okay. So how many hours do you think are actually spent on that?

Because even when I was in back in the 1980's we had that kind of training. Which you kind of have to have do when you have a bunch of young people of various backgrounds all living and working in close proximity.
It's more a general idea of training for bullshit social crap than training for actual combat/deployment.

Okay. So how many hours do you think are actually spent on that?

Because even when I was in back in the 1980's we had that kind of training. Which you kind of have to have do when you have a bunch of young people of various backgrounds all living and working in close proximity.

More than there should be.
More than there should be.

Not really. again, I'm guessing you never served in the military.. Probably because you would just hate the idea of following rules, being a malignant narcissist that you are.

But people have to get along to have unit cohesion. That means you got to teach people to be able to work with other races and cultures and yes, even other sexual orientations.
More than there should be.

Not really. again, I'm guessing you never served in the military.. Probably because you would just hate the idea of following rules, being a malignant narcissist that you are.

But people have to get along to have unit cohesion. That means you got to teach people to be able to work with other races and cultures and yes, even other sexual orientations.

LOL. You are far more full of yourself than i will ever be. You are the one who wants to force people to do things OR ELSE.

I am forcing no one. You don't have to sign the contract in this case.

Yes, I was never in the Military. But my father and grandfather were both in, as well as several uncles, and their politics align with mine to a good degree.
LOL. You are far more full of yourself than i will ever be. You are the one who wants to force people to do things OR ELSE.

I am forcing no one. You don't have to sign the contract in this case.

Yes, I was never in the Military. But my father and grandfather were both in, as well as several uncles, and their politics align with mine to a good degree.

Hey, no one is forcing the wifebeater to bake cakes. He can always get out of the cake business.

Just like you should be able to walk away from the military if you want to.
LOL. You are far more full of yourself than i will ever be. You are the one who wants to force people to do things OR ELSE.

I am forcing no one. You don't have to sign the contract in this case.

Yes, I was never in the Military. But my father and grandfather were both in, as well as several uncles, and their politics align with mine to a good degree.

Hey, no one is forcing the wifebeater to bake cakes. He can always get out of the cake business.

Just like you should be able to walk away from the military if you want to.

Again with the lie.

and no, if you commit to something, you commit to it.
Again with the lie.

and no, if you commit to something, you commit to it

Okay, so when the beaten wife invited this couple to get a cake, and the husband put a sign outside and it said, "We bake wedding cakes", they committed to something. Glad you admit that was the case. I'm glad you are seeing the light.

Nice attempted gotcha, but there is a difference between a contracted commitment and a "We sell cakes" commitment.
Last night President Trump flipped one more time. Anyone who listened last night heard once again the same rhetoric we heard from Nixon and G. W. Bush before they sent our troops into harms way, and too many died or were seriously injured in a war of attrition.

HIS strategy is his alone, he tired to have the Generals take responsibility and they in mass made it his decision. Thus he is now responsible for the 16 year war in Afghanistan. Trump will have no one to blame now, but himself (something he will never do)!
Being a liberal is like riding the teacup rides at Disney. I just can't figure out how they can spin so much without throwing up.

Donald Trump's decision regarding Afghanistan is no different than Barack Obama's. Hearing the Liberals speak, you would not know that Barack Obama sent more troops to Afghanistan and broke his promise about bringing them home.

Obama Says He Will Keep More Troops in Afghanistan Than Planned

Using the military, economic pressure, and pressure on Afghanistan's surrounding Neighbors is not a Trump-exclusive strategy, as liberals would have you believe.

Should President Trump send any more troops to Iraq, it should come as no surprise that liberals will try to claim Barack Obama did not send more troops to Iraq in 2016.

U.S. Will Deploy 560 More Troops to Iraq to Help Retake Mosul From ISIS

... and the teacups spin around and around and around...
Being a liberal is like writing the teacup rides at Disney. I just can't tell how they can spin so much without throwing up.

Donald Trump's decision regarding Afghanistan is no different than Barack Obama's. Hearing the Liberals speak, you would not know that Barack Obama sent more troops to Afghanistan and broke his word about bringing them home.

But, but, but.... OBAMA!!!!!

Okay, guy, this isn't a discussion about what Obama should or shouldn't have done when the generals gave him advice.

This is about why does it still make sense to be going into our SEVENTEENTH YEAR of war in Afghanistan, when we are no closer to winning now than we were in 2002.
Being a liberal is like writing the teacup rides at Disney. I just can't tell how they can spin so much without throwing up.

Donald Trump's decision regarding Afghanistan is no different than Barack Obama's. Hearing the Liberals speak, you would not know that Barack Obama sent more troops to Afghanistan and broke his word about bringing them home.

But, but, but.... OBAMA!!!!!

Okay, guy, this isn't a discussion about what Obama should or shouldn't have done when the generals gave him advice.

This is about why does it still make sense to be going into our SEVENTEENTH YEAR of war in Afghanistan, when we are no closer to winning now than we were in 2002.

Nice attempt to distract...actually it WASN'T. Actually your comment was immature and stupid as hell. When the strategy of two people are the same it is reasonable and appropriate to mention both people.

Snowflakes want to complain about Trump's Afghan strategy but don't want anyone to bring up the fact that Trumps strategy IS in essence Barack Obama's Afghan strategy.

So when you ignorant snowflakes are bashing Donald Trump's Afghan strategy you are bashing Barack Obama's Afghan.
Nice attempted gotcha, but there is a difference between a contracted commitment and a "We sell cakes" commitment.

Not really... They promised to do something and tried to back out of it.

Unlike Bowe Bergdahl, who was probably mentally ill and never should have been in that situation to start with.

Prove it. He actually should have been shot.
Being a liberal is like writing the teacup rides at Disney. I just can't tell how they can spin so much without throwing up.

Donald Trump's decision regarding Afghanistan is no different than Barack Obama's. Hearing the Liberals speak, you would not know that Barack Obama sent more troops to Afghanistan and broke his word about bringing them home.

But, but, but.... OBAMA!!!!!

Okay, guy, this isn't a discussion about what Obama should or shouldn't have done when the generals gave him advice.

This is about why does it still make sense to be going into our SEVENTEENTH YEAR of war in Afghanistan, when we are no closer to winning now than we were in 2002.

You actually think that there is a between Billy, Georgie, and Obambi? How stupid can you be ? Rhetorical.

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