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Wag the dog

Trumpā€™s cowardly murder of the General must be seen for what it is. Accept it.

Donnie just made Sniffy Joe look like a foreign policy expert. Major fuck by Donnie.

Jesus fuck: TWO threads with the exact same topic right down to the exact same words and complaint verbatim. Can't you even be original? You must be related to the general. Too bad we couldn't have recovered the body, stuffed his head and put it on Trump's desk as a cup and pencil holder.
It is not guaranteed that Trump will lose in November and right not after the killing of the leader of a terrorist branch of Iran the question still remains what will Iran do?

One thing is for sure Iran will not deploy soldiers on the battlefield but they could disrupt oil flow and use their terrorist groups from Lebanon to the U.S. to carry out a war which we have never fought before.

Also look to cyber terrorism and Russia and China joining in.

As for Donald Trump being a one term candidate the left still has to pick their candidate and if they pick Warren enjoy four more years of Trump.

No way Purple and Red America take her or Yang or even Sanders...

Had Joe Manchin jumped in then yeah I would feel confident that Trump loses but with the field the left is offering and their only true hope is Biden then I doubt Trump loses even with all this mess!

Who did you vote for in 2016?
You misjudged Trump?
I have misjudged many politicians in my life. Have you?

Yes. But this is about you and Trump.

You misjudged Trump when it comes to his claims to want an end to wars and conflict. Iā€™m one of the people here who told you that his anti-war posturing was bullshit and that he has never cared about anything but himself and his ā€œratingsā€. You responded with derision and arrogance.

Are you going to be less abrasive in our future discussions? Maybe a little contrite?
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

You almost got there.

Do you see any difference in the approach that Obama took regarding conflict and the one that Trump has taken? Or...do you think they are equally hawkish? Of the two, which would you choose to make critical FP decisions if your aim is to have less conflict?

There is a correct answer to that question.
Oh, so now you are going to try to make Ears look good. Please heā€™s a fucking lying warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist. All Very bad traits.

However, he was smart enough to know murdering this General is a very dumb idea. The neocons came to O when he was potus, demanding he approve the assassination of the general. Unlike dumb Donnie, he told them no.

Well. I wasnā€™t trying to make anyone look good. I was responding to you grouping him in with Trump as though they are somehow similar in their approach to FP and conflict. I think thatā€™s ridiculous on its face.
Surely you jest?? Cold blooded killing??

What a load of horse shit. Iran funds every terrorist outfit out there and the death of that asshole General was well deserved.

Who knows how many people those terrorist outfits have killed??

I think the American people will applaud the killing of that asshole.

I know I sure do. Oh and Trump will win in 2020.

Carry on you dumbass.
Oh God, why are some Americans so fucking dumb?


The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser
The US Government Lies Constantly, And The Burden Of Proof Is On The Accuser

In reality thereā€™s no evidence for any of the reasons weā€™ve been offered for why Iran needed to be provoked into an almost inevitable retaliation that Trump is currently tweeting will result in all-out war:

  • The claim that Soleimani posed an ā€œimminent threatā€ is completely without evidence, rumored to be ā€œrazor thinā€œ, and entirely debunked in this excellent essay by Craig Murray.
  • Mike Penceā€™s claim that Soleimani assisted 9/11 terrorists is so ridiculous that even the war-loving Washington Post dismissed it.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani directed the strike that allegedly killed a US contractor, or that that contractor even existed.
  • Thereā€™s no proof that Soleimani was involved in any ā€œattackā€ on any US embassy, leaving aside the obvious fact that a little graffiti on the walls wouldnā€™t justify his assassination if he did.
  • The ā€œhundreds of American deathsā€ line you hear regurgitated by everyone from Trump to Elizabeth Warren actually refers to Iraqis defending themselves from an illegal US invasion with some training from Iran. The claim that Iran was behind Iraqi bombs is withoutevidence and wouldnā€™t matter if it were true; claiming the inhabitants of an invaded nation donā€™t have the right to defend themselves is absurd, regardless of where they got their weaponry.
  • The claim that Soleimani was ā€œa terroristā€ is only made because the branch of the Iranian military he commanded was arbitrarily designated a terrorist organization by the US government last year, a designation that any foreign government could just as easily make for any branch of the US military. He was actually a fearsome enemy of ISIS and al-Qaeda and played a massive role in halting the spread of ISIS.

How many times are you going to keep posting the same crap from the same crackpot website? What are you up to, 4-5X already?
It is not guaranteed that Trump will lose in November and right not after the killing of the leader of a terrorist branch of Iran the question still remains what will Iran do?

One thing is for sure Iran will not deploy soldiers on the battlefield but they could disrupt oil flow and use their terrorist groups from Lebanon to the U.S. to carry out a war which we have never fought before.

Also look to cyber terrorism and Russia and China joining in.

As for Donald Trump being a one term candidate the left still has to pick their candidate and if they pick Warren enjoy four more years of Trump.

No way Purple and Red America take her or Yang or even Sanders...

Had Joe Manchin jumped in then yeah I would feel confident that Trump loses but with the field the left is offering and their only true hope is Biden then I doubt Trump loses even with all this mess!

Who did you vote for in 2016?

Gary Johnson...

Texas was already going for Trump, so no point wasting my vote on Clinton seeing she was going to lose the State.

I will never vote for Trump.

Also if you doubt my hate for Trump go back to 2016 and look up my rants against him...

I am just realistic about the stupidity of the American voter!
Trumpā€™s cowardly murder of the General must be seen for what it is. Accept it.

Donnie just made Sniffy Joe look like a foreign policy expert. Major fuck by Donnie.
Anything that Trump does would be "wag the dog". If this had happened during the Mueller years or whenever.

Just tired and hackneyed.
Before too much longer Trump will actually offer to back off Iran if Democrats back off Impeachment.
The dumb Democrats now actually have a good reason to impeach and remove Donnie. His cold blooded cowardly killing of the General, should get him removed. I doubt it will. Hopefully the American people remove him in November.

You misjudged Trump?
I have misjudged many politicians in my life. Have you?

Yes. But this is about you and Trump.

You misjudged Trump when it comes to his claims to want an end to wars and conflict. Iā€™m one of the people here who told you that his anti-war posturing was bullshit and that he has never cared about anything but himself and his ā€œratingsā€. You responded with derision and arrogance.

Are you going to be less abrasive in our future discussions? Maybe a little contrite?
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

what "non-intervention statements"?
Trumpā€™s cowardly murder of the General must be seen for what it is. Accept it.

Donnie just made Sniffy Joe look like a foreign policy expert. Major fuck by Donnie.
Anything that Trump does would be "wag the dog". If this had happened during the Mueller years or whenever.

Just tired and hackneyed.

Ok, then Trump pulled a Clinton.

On the eve of Bill Clinton Impeachment Vote he attacked Iraq, so there you have Trump being like his buddy Bill but instead of Saddam to play with we now have to worry about Iran entire terrorist network around the world and the mere fact China and Russia back Iran...
The dumb Democrats now actually have a good reason to impeach and remove Donnie. His cold blooded cowardly killing of the General, should get him removed. I doubt it will. Hopefully the American people remove him in November.

You misjudged Trump?
I have misjudged many politicians in my life. Have you?

Yes. But this is about you and Trump.

You misjudged Trump when it comes to his claims to want an end to wars and conflict. Iā€™m one of the people here who told you that his anti-war posturing was bullshit and that he has never cared about anything but himself and his ā€œratingsā€. You responded with derision and arrogance.

Are you going to be less abrasive in our future discussions? Maybe a little contrite?
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

You almost got there.

Do you see any difference in the approach that Obama took regarding conflict and the one that Trump has taken? Or...do you think they are equally hawkish? Of the two, which would you choose to make critical FP decisions if your aim is to have less conflict?

There is a correct answer to that question.
You two need a room.

1) Trump ordered the killing of a well known international terrorist leader who was operating against US interests in a foreign country and planning to kill more US and allies troops and civilians.

2) Doing nothing doesnā€™t always lead to good results. Clinton could have killed Bin Laddin but chose the path of non aggression. How did that go?

Lone Leftist is an idiot and Gipper followed right along. You two are such pussies.
Last edited:
Trumpā€™s cowardly murder of the General must be seen for what it is. Accept it.

Donnie just made Sniffy Joe look like a foreign policy expert. Major fuck by Donnie.
Anything that Trump does would be "wag the dog". If this had happened during the Mueller years or whenever.

Just tired and hackneyed.

Ok, then Trump pulled a Clinton.

On the eve of Bill Clinton Impeachment Vote he attacked Iraq, so there you have Trump being like his buddy Bill but instead of Saddam to play with we now have to worry about Iran entire terrorist network around the world and the mere fact China and Russia back Iran...
Sure. I remember when we were going to have millions of Jihadi Iraqis 15 years ago.

Dog whistle shit.
I have misjudged many politicians in my life. Have you?

Yes. But this is about you and Trump.

You misjudged Trump when it comes to his claims to want an end to wars and conflict. Iā€™m one of the people here who told you that his anti-war posturing was bullshit and that he has never cared about anything but himself and his ā€œratingsā€. You responded with derision and arrogance.

Are you going to be less abrasive in our future discussions? Maybe a little contrite?
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

You almost got there.

Do you see any difference in the approach that Obama took regarding conflict and the one that Trump has taken? Or...do you think they are equally hawkish? Of the two, which would you choose to make critical FP decisions if your aim is to have less conflict?

There is a correct answer to that question.
Oh, so now you are going to try to make Ears look good. Please heā€™s a fucking lying warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist. All Very bad traits.

However, he was smart enough to know murdering this General is a very dumb idea. The neocons came to O when he was potus, demanding he approve the assassination of the general. Unlike dumb Donnie, he told them no.

Well. I wasnā€™t trying to make anyone look good. I was responding to you grouping him in with Trump as though they are somehow similar in their approach to FP and conflict. I think thatā€™s ridiculous on its face.
Jesus really? O armed ISIS. He turned the ME into a slaughter house, causing millions to flee to Europe. He turned Libya into a failed state. He droned Americans and lots of others. He dropped more bombs than W.

This is why I canā€™t take you seriously. You are a partisan dupe not unlike the Trumpettes.
Surely you jest?? Cold blooded killing??

What a load of horse shit. Iran funds every terrorist outfit out there and the death of that asshole General was well deserved.

Who knows how many people those terrorist outfits have killed??

I think the American people will applaud the killing of that asshole.

I know I sure do. Oh and Trump will win in 2020.

Carry on you dumbass.

You know he was also fighting ISIS in Iraq and has a lot of local support.

I would love to see the intel on the original attack which they said a miltia attacked US/Iraq base...

Are we sure that Kata'ib Hezbollah actually did it?
Have we proof that the General ordered it?

What doesn't make sense after US killed 25 people from Kata'ib Hezbollah. They responded with a non lethal protest (man on a loudspeaker urged the mob not to enter the compound, saying: "The message was delivered.")... This is a response to killing 25 and wounding 55... This looks very measured and US responded with another lethal attack...

This all looks like the Trump Administration is escalating and escalating.. We need to see the evidence of who was involved ion the original attack...
It could have been bunch rogue guys from any org or even ISIS sleeper cell (who have been operating in the area)...

Are we going to war over this? But lets be very clear Trump has over reacted, Iran's protest at the embassy was not lethal and Trump overreacted and looks like he is more volatile than Iran.
Surely you jest?? Cold blooded killing??

What a load of horse shit. Iran funds every terrorist outfit out there and the death of that asshole General was well deserved.

Who knows how many people those terrorist outfits have killed??

I think the American people will applaud the killing of that asshole.

I know I sure do. Oh and Trump will win in 2020.

Carry on you dumbass.

You know he was also fighting ISIS in Iraq and has a lot of local support.

I would love to see the intel on the original attack which they said a miltia attacked US/Iraq base...

Are we sure that Kata'ib Hezbollah actually did it?
Have we proof that the General ordered it?

What doesn't make sense after US killed 25 people from Kata'ib Hezbollah. They responded with a non lethal protest (man on a loudspeaker urged the mob not to enter the compound, saying: "The message was delivered.")... This is a response to killing 25 and wounding 55... This looks very measured and US responded with another lethal attack...

This all looks like the Trump Administration is escalating and escalating.. We need to see the evidence of who was involved ion the original attack...
It could have been bunch rogue guys from any org or even ISIS sleeper cell (who have been operating in the area)...

Are we going to war over this? But lets be very clear Trump has over reacted, Iran's protest at the embassy was not lethal and Trump overreacted and looks like he is more volatile than Iran.
Agreed. However we will never see any evidence from this government. Probably because there isnā€™t any evidence.

Trump fucked up big time, now Americans will die. We can only hope he backs down, rather than further escalating.
Nah. No war with Iran. Iran knows if they go to war with us it will be one short war.

Iran doesn't want war with us because they would lose and they know it. They would also lose the people they subjugate right now. I'd bet the Iranian people would love to get rid of the Ayatollahs.
You misjudged Trump?
I have misjudged many politicians in my life. Have you?

Yes. But this is about you and Trump.

You misjudged Trump when it comes to his claims to want an end to wars and conflict. Iā€™m one of the people here who told you that his anti-war posturing was bullshit and that he has never cared about anything but himself and his ā€œratingsā€. You responded with derision and arrogance.

Are you going to be less abrasive in our future discussions? Maybe a little contrite?
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

You almost got there.

Do you see any difference in the approach that Obama took regarding conflict and the one that Trump has taken? Or...do you think they are equally hawkish? Of the two, which would you choose to make critical FP decisions if your aim is to have less conflict?

There is a correct answer to that question.
Oh, so now you are going to try to make Ears look good. Please heā€™s a fucking lying warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist. All Very bad traits.

However, he was smart enough to know murdering this General is a very dumb idea. The neocons came to O when he was potus, demanding he approve the assassination of the general. Unlike dumb Donnie, he told them no.
So let's say you are right. Let's say the general was innocent. What if Trump was given intelligence that said otherwise. If so, the problem is not with Trump, it is with the intelligence community that will continue to advise future presidents.
Yes. But this is about you and Trump.

You misjudged Trump when it comes to his claims to want an end to wars and conflict. Iā€™m one of the people here who told you that his anti-war posturing was bullshit and that he has never cared about anything but himself and his ā€œratingsā€. You responded with derision and arrogance.

Are you going to be less abrasive in our future discussions? Maybe a little contrite?
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

You almost got there.

Do you see any difference in the approach that Obama took regarding conflict and the one that Trump has taken? Or...do you think they are equally hawkish? Of the two, which would you choose to make critical FP decisions if your aim is to have less conflict?

There is a correct answer to that question.
Oh, so now you are going to try to make Ears look good. Please heā€™s a fucking lying warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist. All Very bad traits.

However, he was smart enough to know murdering this General is a very dumb idea. The neocons came to O when he was potus, demanding he approve the assassination of the general. Unlike dumb Donnie, he told them no.

Well. I wasnā€™t trying to make anyone look good. I was responding to you grouping him in with Trump as though they are somehow similar in their approach to FP and conflict. I think thatā€™s ridiculous on its face.
Jesus really? O armed ISIS. He turned the ME into a slaughter house, causing millions to flee to Europe. He turned Libya into a failed state. He droned Americans and lots of others. He dropped more bombs than W.

This is why I canā€™t take you seriously. You are a partisan dupe not unlike the Trumpettes.

Obama didn't arm ISIS... Actually Bush Admin had a chance to take them out early but didn't take it as it went against Iraq War.

Libya is not Obama fault, actually EU did most of the bombing, US just took out the anti aircraft... It turns out Libya is a pretty lawless place and Gaddafi was keeping a lid on it (with a Iron Rod & no human rights). The place was a powder keg and was already in a blood bath before hand.

Obama droned a lot but was far more careful than Bush or Trump...



Now between Bush and Obama, Obama had better technology and more drones to work with... Drone Strikes are safer for US personal, they are far more controlled than a scared kid on top Humvee waiting for a IED.


That is why they are supported... There are bad guys and they need to be dealt with but the is a responsible way to do it... Trump has greatly increased the civilian deaths, that is very damaging for the US. It also shows us why he didn't mind going for Iranian Cultural sites, Trump doesn't understand that hitting Civilians just hardens the people against you and further increases there resolve.
Trumpā€™s cowardly murder of the General must be seen for what it is. Accept it.

Donnie just made Sniffy Joe look like a foreign policy expert. Major fuck by Donnie.
Anything that Trump does would be "wag the dog". If this had happened during the Mueller years or whenever.

Just tired and hackneyed.

Well the Trump Presidency is going exactly as I said he would 3 years ago...

I said he would heavily increase borrowing and use every device no matter how short term to pump the US economy.

When he started to get found out , he will go to war...
I will be. I had hoped he wasnā€™t just another lying warmonger like W an O, but I was wrong.

I hope those like me who voted for him based on his nonintervention statements (lies), will dump his fat ass big time in November.

You almost got there.

Do you see any difference in the approach that Obama took regarding conflict and the one that Trump has taken? Or...do you think they are equally hawkish? Of the two, which would you choose to make critical FP decisions if your aim is to have less conflict?

There is a correct answer to that question.
Oh, so now you are going to try to make Ears look good. Please heā€™s a fucking lying warmonger, elitist, and a corporatist. All Very bad traits.

However, he was smart enough to know murdering this General is a very dumb idea. The neocons came to O when he was potus, demanding he approve the assassination of the general. Unlike dumb Donnie, he told them no.

Well. I wasnā€™t trying to make anyone look good. I was responding to you grouping him in with Trump as though they are somehow similar in their approach to FP and conflict. I think thatā€™s ridiculous on its face.
Jesus really? O armed ISIS. He turned the ME into a slaughter house, causing millions to flee to Europe. He turned Libya into a failed state. He droned Americans and lots of others. He dropped more bombs than W.

This is why I canā€™t take you seriously. You are a partisan dupe not unlike the Trumpettes.

Obama didn't arm ISIS... Actually Bush Admin had a chance to take them out early but didn't take it as it went against Iraq War.

Libya is not Obama fault, actually EU did most of the bombing, US just took out the anti aircraft... It turns out Libya is a pretty lawless place and Gaddafi was keeping a lid on it (with a Iron Rod & no human rights). The place was a powder keg and was already in a blood bath before hand.

Obama droned a lot but was far more careful than Bush or Trump...



Now between Bush and Obama, Obama had better technology and more drones to work with... Drone Strikes are safer for US personal, they are far more controlled than a scared kid on top Humvee waiting for a IED.


That is why they are supported... There are bad guys and they need to be dealt with but the is a responsible way to do it... Trump has greatly increased the civilian deaths, that is very damaging for the US. It also shows us why he didn't mind going for Iranian Cultural sites, Trump doesn't understand that hitting Civilians just hardens the people against you and further increases there resolve.
Love to see The ISIS Death Toll Rise under President Trump

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