Wait. So the cocaine was OUTSIDE the White House?

Outside the White House? I haven't heard that. What are they going to say next? It was found across the street?
Yes, how did you know?
The cocaine was actually found outside across the street at the Trump hotel.

Trump is currently being impeached for this as we speak, and he is not even President again!!
The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”
and you believe them?.....
What are you talking about?... the cocaine was found in a cabinet across from the situation room...
The Situation Room is not on the first floor with the administration's and oval office, it is on the ground floor near the entrance and exit to the west wing.... Look at a whitehouse map, which is what I did!
The Situation Room is not on the first floor with the administration's and oval office, it is on the ground floor near the entrance and exit to the west wing.... Look at a whitehouse map, which is what I did!
I know its not on the first floor... but that's where they found it... your media is blatantly lying to you and so is the White House....
It was in the Whitehouse, on the ground floor near a west wing entrance and exit, NOT on the First floor of the whitehouse, not where the oval office and his administration works....

And I don't believe it was ever reported that this room was near the oval office on the first floor, it was always reported that this was a ground floor room of the Whitehouse...

Imo, it makes no sense for a guest or staff to bring it there or leave it there and makes no sense that Hunter would either...Biden Family enters the Whitehouse RESIDENCE through the EAST Wing from my research on it.

Something's fishy.... :dunno:
It never entered my mind, that hunter or some other family member had anything to do with it. Just not logical, but the evolving nature of reports in pretty awkward.
I know its not on the first floor... but that's where they found it... your media is blatantly lying to you and so is the White House....
Got a link of the news reporting that the coke was found on the first floor and not the ground floor, if that is what you are saying my media is lying to me about??????
The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”
You couldn’t be more gullible if your brain was outside your skull.
The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”
Old story, this was their first lie that failed
Did the Secret Service say that the cocaine was found inside?
The S.S. spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi said the initial dispatch to D.C. fire and EMS that the substance was found in the library was 'incorrect.' The problem here is that the whole DOJ has been found to lie and obfuscate in the past. No one trusts them anymore. Except lemmings like you.
Got a link of the news reporting that the coke was found on the first floor and not the ground floor, if that is what you are saying my media is lying to me about??????
The first report said it was found across from the situation room in a cabinet... This was reported first then the white house tried to change the story... but Trump's secret service also told him it was found across from the situation room and that area is recorded at all times.... so the white house is forcing this investigation to close down... we know it was Hunter Biden...
The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”
"I wanted to sock it to the liberals" but I decided to go with Media Matters account instead. You aren't from around here are you "Georgia conservative"? Maybe it's the Soviet state of Georgia.
The cocaine found near the White house found outside of the White House, where guests put their belongings before entering.

Initially I was very excited about this news because I wanted to sock it to the liberals, but now my erection is gone because there wasn't even cocaine inside the White House.

“The substance was found near where guests are asked to leave their cell phones before proceeding into the West Wing. Those tours typically only occur on weekends.”

Stop quoting CNN, Crap News Network, Communist from Georgia!

That's fake news, or didn't you know that?
It really doesn't matter if they found cocaine in a DC bus station or up Biden's nose...

... nothing will come from it. It's all theater and distraction.
The first report said it was found across from the situation room in a cabinet... This was reported first then the white house tried to change the story... but Trump's secret service also told him it was found across from the situation room and that area is recorded at all times.... so the white house is forcing this investigation to close down... we know it was Hunter Biden...
You know nothing, and you know you know nothing on hunter. :)

The report said cubicle, not cabinet.

Why would hunter leave cocaine or do cocaine in the public room on the ground floor for staff and invited guests near the situation room? Huh? With all those people going in and out? Instead of a bathroom in his dad's residence?
You know nothing, and you know you know nothing on hunter. :)

The report said cubicle, not cabinet.

Why would hunter leave cocaine or do cocaine in the public room on the ground floor for staff and invited guests near the situation room? Huh? With all those people going in and out? Instead of a bathroom in his dad's residence?
You didn't know it was found in a cabinet across the hall from the situation room and you tell me I know nothing... I've told you before you are being lied to by the US media... now wake up before we have any more troops on the ground in Ukraine.... and the economy totally collapses....
The actual drug itself is quite puzzling. Apparently it was not just some "street drug" that is always "stepped on" or "cut". It was more inline with cocaine used in the medical industry. Perhaps this could have been investigated. Someone bought some pharmaceutical cocaine, and someone got it into the Whitehouse. To think that it was just some tourist is laughable.

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