Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

This asinine "1.5 billion rounds of ammo" bullshit was started because of ignorance how IDIQ contracts work.

Here is one such contract which is one of the sources of the rumors:
ATK (NYSE: ATK) announced that it is being awarded an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement from the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS, ICE) for .40 caliber ammunition. This contract features a base of 12 months, includes four option years, and will have a maximum volume of 450 million rounds.

ATK Secures .40 Caliber Ammunition Contract with Department of Homeland Security

Four option years. These have not actually been purchased. Therefore, NOT the cause of the ammo shortage.

"Maximum volume of 450 rounds."

Key word: Maximum.

That does not mean 450 million rounds will actually be purchased.

Especially when you read the small print:

Forward-looking information is subject to certain risks, trends, and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Among those factors are: changes in governmental spending, budgetary policies and product sourcing strategies; the company's competitive environment; the terms and timing of awards and contracts; economic conditions; the supply, availability and costs of raw materials and components; or reliance on a key supplier. ATK undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

DHS has not significantly changed the actual amount of ammo it has been buying every year since Bush invented the DHS. Therefore, NOT the cause of the shortage.

The ammo shortage is being caused by idiot hoarders who listen to too much Alex Jones.

Thank you'

That should put an end to Conservatives claims that DHS is buying 1.5 billion rounds

<like I actually believe it>
So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?
Legitimate gun owners are peaceful people and want to avoid violence. You are trying to incite it.

"They'll find out" sounds like you are trying to incite violence.
Not at all. I'm saying that if those of you on the left, who are anxious for a war to break out, and think rednecks are the only ones who would be defending themselves, you are mistaken.
But thank you for posting candyass' post that clearly shows his attempt to prod someone into starting some shit.
No one on the left wants a civil war other than the NBPP.

Now if you cracker reactionaries and libertarians want to imitate the NBPP, go for it.

Make sure you have your burial insurance paid up.
No one on the left wants a civil war other than the NBPP.

Now if you cracker reactionaries and libertarians want to imitate the NBPP, go for it.

Make sure you have your burial insurance paid up.
Now you sound like candyass.
Rabble rousers like candyass and jake would love to prod American citizens into starting a war with the government. They envision a bunch of rednecks firing on a military installation or something, and they could watch the rednecks being slaughtered on tv while they eat popcorn, but that would not be the case. It would most likely be a "Tiananmen Square" type situation where our government instructs troops to fire on citizens. I wonder whose side they would fight on if they were forced to choose. Anyone care to guess?
No, not most, just some.
Again, I'll repeat myself.....my son has been in the Army since 2003, he's now in Psy Ops, heading for Afghanistan this fall....been to Iraq 3 times. We got into this conversation a few months ago. He said he knows that the majority of the military will fight WITH the US citizens. You'll get some that won't and will do whatever their told. But it's not going to match the many that will protect us. Just because this has never happened before, doesn't mean it isn't going to this time.

Nobody cares about your son. Don't bring him into this forum.

Also... "protect us". Fucking lol. You guys are talking about instigating a civil war, not having one instigated upon you. Because the latter? That will not happen.

First of all ass....I can bring my son into any conversation I want. And WHO is talking about instigating a civil war? Nothing will happen if the government doesn't decide to do something stupid and start it....

No, you really can't, unless you want me and others to direct comments about your son that we would give to people like you here. You're propping them up to be ridiculed and shot down for the idiotic things they say and do.

And that of course, is not allowed on these forums.
This asinine "1.5 billion rounds of ammo" bullshit was started because of ignorance how IDIQ contracts work.

Here is one such contract which is one of the sources of the rumors:
ATK (NYSE: ATK) announced that it is being awarded an Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) agreement from the Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (DHS, ICE) for .40 caliber ammunition. This contract features a base of 12 months, includes four option years, and will have a maximum volume of 450 million rounds.

ATK Secures .40 Caliber Ammunition Contract with Department of Homeland Security

Four option years. These have not actually been purchased. Therefore, NOT the cause of the ammo shortage.

"Maximum volume of 450 rounds."

Key word: Maximum.

That does not mean 450 million rounds will actually be purchased.

Especially when you read the small print:

Forward-looking information is subject to certain risks, trends, and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected. Among those factors are: changes in governmental spending, budgetary policies and product sourcing strategies; the company's competitive environment; the terms and timing of awards and contracts; economic conditions; the supply, availability and costs of raw materials and components; or reliance on a key supplier. ATK undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

DHS has not significantly changed the actual amount of ammo it has been buying every year since Bush invented the DHS. Therefore, NOT the cause of the shortage.

The ammo shortage is being caused by idiot hoarders who listen to too much Alex Jones.

I am quite familiar with IDIQ contracts having held several of them from the US government over the last 40+ years. The government COULD buy that many rounds if it chose to exercise the total indefinite delivery indefinite quantity specified in the contract.

They are only obligated to buy the specified minimum amount, and I have no idea what that is, do you?
Funny how many of these asshats come in here and try to cover for an oppressive government. If that's what you want, go for it. There are countless countries already in the sewer so why not join them?

Meanwhile, the real Americans here at home will hold down the Constitutional Fort.

Funny how many of these asshats come in here and try to cover for an oppressive government. If that's what you want, go for it. There are countless countries already in the sewer so why not join them?

Meanwhile, the real Americans here at home will hold down the Constitutional Fort.


Please name the governments in the world that are less oppressive than ours.
Legitimate gun owners are peaceful people and want to avoid violence. You are trying to incite it.

"They'll find out" sounds like you are trying to incite violence.
Not at all. I'm saying that if those of you on the left, who are anxious for a war to break out, and think rednecks are the only ones who would be defending themselves, you are mistaken.
But thank you for posting candyass' post that clearly shows his attempt to prod someone into starting some shit.

It's the nutters on the right who keep mentioning war, not on the left.
Funny how many of these asshats come in here and try to cover for an oppressive government. If that's what you want, go for it. There are countless countries already in the sewer so why not join them?

Meanwhile, the real Americans here at home will hold down the Constitutional Fort.


Please name the governments in the world that are less oppressive than ours.

Funny how many of these asshats come in here and try to cover for an oppressive government. If that's what you want, go for it. There are countless countries already in the sewer so why not join them?

Meanwhile, the real Americans here at home will hold down the Constitutional Fort.


An Oppressive government would read this post, find you and beat the shit out of you.
Your still here....you are a retard.
Funny how many of these asshats come in here and try to cover for an oppressive government. If that's what you want, go for it. There are countless countries already in the sewer so why not join them?

Meanwhile, the real Americans here at home will hold down the Constitutional Fort.


An Oppressive government would read this post, find you and beat the shit out of you.
Your still here....you are a retard.

Or drone stupid ass. This retard, like many others who spout this blather would shit them selves and grovel at the feet of the govt forces three seconds after facing a dedicated well trained force be it police or military.
9-11 Research: The Military Commissions Act
The fundamental Constitutional protections offered to all "persons" is now denied to an important class of captured persons subjected to grave mistreatment from which they have no recourse because the Attorney General Gonzales opines that it is not "torture."

The table of contents of the 38-page House version of the Act suggests that the authors did not even attempt to hide an agenda to abrogate human rights protections enshrined in international treaties.

Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents.
Sec. 2. Construction of Presidential authority to establish military
Sec. 3. Military commissions.
Sec. 4. Amendments to Uniform Code of Military Justice.
Sec. 5. Treaty obligations not establishing grounds for certain claims.
Sec. 6. Implementation of treaty obligations.
Sec. 7. Habeas corpus matters.
Sec. 8. Revisions to Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 relating to
protection of certain United States Government personnel.
Sec. 9. Review of judgments of military commissions.
Sec. 10. Detention covered by review of decisions of Combatant Status
Review Tribunals of propriety of detention.


The Act explicitly and by deliberate deception appears to grant rights even while taking them away. For example, the accused need only be informed of charges against him when it is "practicable" (for the purposes of his captors). Instead of an absolute right to present evidence, examine and respond to evidence against him, and cross-examine witnesses -- which it is declared he has the right to do -- there is the qualifier "as provided by this chapter." The chapter provides that no such rights exist when national security is compromised, as determined by the prosecutor and the judge. It declares that statements obtained by torture are prohibited -- but makes "torture" an exquisite term of art. It declares that "No person shall be required to testify against himself" then quietly elsewhere says that evidence obtained by coercion or compulsory self-incrimination is allowed if the judge believes it has "probative value" that "serve the interests of justice," and of course are fit retroactively to expunge former crimes. If Guantanamo was illegal before, it no longer was illegal before; the legal past can be altered.
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9-11 Research: The USA PATRIOT Act
Freedom of Association: Government may monitor religious and political institutions without suspecting criminal activity to assist terror investigations.
Freedom of Information: Government has closed once-public immigration hearings, has secretly detained hundreds of people without charges, and has encouraged bureaucrats to resist public records requests.
Freedom of Speech: Government may prosecute librarians or keepers of any other records if they tell anyone that the government subpoenaed information related to terror investigations.
Right to Legal Representation: Government may monitor federal prison jailhouse conversations between attorneys and clients, and deny lawyers to US citizens accused of crimes.
Freedom from Unreasonable Searches: Government may search and seize papers and effects owned by citizens without probable cause to assist terror investigations.
Right to a Speedy and Public Trial: Government may jail anyone indefinitely without a trial, including US citizens.
Right to Liberty: Anyone may be jailed without being charged or being able to confront witnesses against them.

CIA Asset Susan Lindauer Can Now Speak 10 years after 9-11.
Funny how many of these asshats come in here and try to cover for an oppressive government. If that's what you want, go for it. There are countless countries already in the sewer so why not join them?

Meanwhile, the real Americans here at home will hold down the Constitutional Fort.


Please name the governments in the world that are less oppressive than ours.


Wait all you want-

So, you admit there is a level of oppressive government (lets solve for x) currently experienced by Americans. Whatever the ratio, when compared to other governments, is determined to be is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Kind of like only having stage II cancer..

Hows that?

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