Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Rabble rousers like candyass and jake would love to prod American citizens into starting a war with the government. They envision a bunch of rednecks firing on a military installation or something, and they could watch the rednecks being slaughtered on tv while they eat popcorn, but that would not be the case. It would most likely be a "Tiananmen Square" type situation where our government instructs troops to fire on citizens. I wonder whose side they would fight on if they were forced to choose. Anyone care to guess?

S.J., the rabble rousers are you and your ilk.

The military will support the government, the upholder of the law of We the People.

And your neighbors will take you into custody if you rise up. And if you resist their lawful citizens' arrest, you will pay the price.

The craziness is solely in the heads of a few thousands of reactionary crazies.

No one else.
Please name the governments in the world that are less oppressive than ours.


Wait all you want-

So, you admit there is a level of oppressive government (lets solve for x) currently experienced by Americans. Whatever the ratio, when compared to other governments, is determined to be is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Kind of like only having stage II cancer..

Hows that?


Fancy fail. I submit that we remain free of oppression from our government.

You kind of suck at this.
I submit we continue to remain free of the oppression of the reactionaries on the far right.

Wait all you want-

So, you admit there is a level of oppressive government (lets solve for x) currently experienced by Americans. Whatever the ratio, when compared to other governments, is determined to be is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned.

Kind of like only having stage II cancer..

Hows that?


Fancy fail. I submit that we remain free of oppression from our government.

You kind of suck at this.

» Multiple New Polls Show Americans Reject Wholesale NSA Domestic Spying Eyes Open Report

Really, multiple polls disagree.

You may have been in the slight majority of malcontents and miscreants that put a loser in the White House, but here, you are in the boot licking minority

Don't give up

Rabble rousers like candyass and jake would love to prod American citizens into starting a war with the government. They envision a bunch of rednecks firing on a military installation or something, and they could watch the rednecks being slaughtered on tv while they eat popcorn, but that would not be the case. It would most likely be a "Tiananmen Square" type situation where our government instructs troops to fire on citizens. I wonder whose side they would fight on if they were forced to choose. Anyone care to guess?

S.J., the rabble rousers are you and your ilk.

The military will support the government, the upholder of the law of We the People.

And your neighbors will take you into custody if you rise up. And if you resist their lawful citizens' arrest, you will pay the price.

The craziness is solely in the heads of a few thousands of reactionary crazies.

No one else.
Really??? Then explain this post.

Our military personnel were not born and raised on military bases. They came from the same places all of us came from, and it's not likely they are going to be ok with slaughtering fellow Americans because their cic tells them to. I'm sure a lot of the more rabid black ones with an axe to grind against Whitey probably would, but most would side with the citizens.
Does anyone think our military is going to wage war against their neighbors, people who share their moral beliefs, people they grew up with? If Obama wants to slaughter Americans, he's gonna have to get a foreign power to do it for him.

Gun nuts overestimate how much their country loves them

The first time some redneck gun nut kills one of their buddies they will have no problem slaughtering the whole bunch of ya.


Can't wait till they try out their theory.

And this one.

Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?

Sure looks like somebody is trying to incite violence, and it's not coming from the right.
Rabble rousers like candyass and jake would love to prod American citizens into starting a war with the government. They envision a bunch of rednecks firing on a military installation or something, and they could watch the rednecks being slaughtered on tv while they eat popcorn, but that would not be the case. It would most likely be a "Tiananmen Square" type situation where our government instructs troops to fire on citizens. I wonder whose side they would fight on if they were forced to choose. Anyone care to guess?

S.J., the rabble rousers are you and your ilk.

The military will support the government, the upholder of the law of We the People.

And your neighbors will take you into custody if you rise up. And if you resist their lawful citizens' arrest, you will pay the price.

The craziness is solely in the heads of a few thousands of reactionary crazies.

No one else.
Really??? Then explain this post.

And this one.

Liberals think all gun owners are toothless rednecks. They'll find out that's not the case.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?

Sure looks like somebody is trying to incite violence, and it's not coming from the right.

Incite violence? Hardly.

If you think liberty is under attack and that Obama is going to "slaughter Americans" as you indicated, I'm simply asking...what are you waiting for?

I would be thrilled if, just once, you guys would put your money where your mouth is and saddle up. It's been 5 years of promising this garbage....man up.
S.J., the rabble rousers are you and your ilk.

The military will support the government, the upholder of the law of We the People.

And your neighbors will take you into custody if you rise up. And if you resist their lawful citizens' arrest, you will pay the price.

The craziness is solely in the heads of a few thousands of reactionary crazies.

No one else.
Really??? Then explain this post.

And this one.

So...what are you guys waiting for? Why not try to take over an air force base or marine encampment....Fort Riley or what have you? You're not going to let someone shoot at you first right?

Are you a coward?

Sure looks like somebody is trying to incite violence, and it's not coming from the right.

Incite violence? Hardly.

If you think liberty is under attack and that Obama is going to "slaughter Americans" as you indicated, I'm simply asking...what are you waiting for?

I would be thrilled if, just once, you guys would put your money where your mouth is and saddle up. It's been 5 years of promising this garbage....man up.
Thank you, candyass, for illustrating my point.
Really??? Then explain this post.

And this one.

Sure looks like somebody is trying to incite violence, and it's not coming from the right.

Incite violence? Hardly.

If you think liberty is under attack and that Obama is going to "slaughter Americans" as you indicated, I'm simply asking...what are you waiting for?

I would be thrilled if, just once, you guys would put your money where your mouth is and saddle up. It's been 5 years of promising this garbage....man up.
Thank you, candyass, for illustrating my point.

That you guys are all talk...no problem.
Incite violence? Hardly.

If you think liberty is under attack and that Obama is going to "slaughter Americans" as you indicated, I'm simply asking...what are you waiting for?

I would be thrilled if, just once, you guys would put your money where your mouth is and saddle up. It's been 5 years of promising this garbage....man up.
Thank you, candyass, for illustrating my point.

That you guys are all talk...no problem.
That you are trying to incite violence.
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The rest of us are very pleased to know that you freaks are spending your time pecking away at your keyboards. Less time for you to plan things like school shootings and assassination attempts. You miserable crybabies with guns.
The rest of us are very pleased to know that you freaks are spending your time pecking away at your keyboards. Less time for you to plan things like school shootings and assassination attempts. You miserable crybabies with guns.

"the rest of us"? Define us..

Or are you 'them'?

Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Who is this warning meant to wake up?

Those planning a revolt against our Constitutional government?

So if we are not in on the plan to revolt against this government, why should we citizens care if the government is prepared to put down that revolt?

In fact, oughtn't we citizens be pleased to know that the government (our elected government, I note) will not stand by while some citizens attempt to overthrow our government?
Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Who is this warning meant to wake up?

Those planning a revolt against our Constitutional government?

So if we are not in on the plan to revolt against this government, why should we citizens care if the government is prepared to put down that revolt?

In fact, oughtn't we citizens be pleased to know that the government (our elected government, I note) will not stand by while some citizens attempt to overthrow our government?

Good point actually. Regardless of the motives, the government will not stand by while a 'Syria' type rebellion erupts or one like the American Revolution. It is expected, as thy expect it will come. That is why the Government has been preparing. They know the sleeping Tiger has a chance of awakening due to the poking in the eye and endless overreach.

I pray for the younger generation who can not see beyond the text pad.

I guess we'll see


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