Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

just for you fucking stupid liarberals.., do you know where this come from and who wrote it ???????

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
soooo, we the people are the ultimate judge of where our Gvmt. wants to take us. right now YOUR Gvmt. wants to destroy what took us patriots over 230 years to build what this current regime wants to destroy.

AND !! if anyone thinks the Military will back an illegal presidunce.., you are very, very wrong, our Military is as fed up with this fucking regime as us patriots..., personally i believe the Military would revolt against this regime IF they had the proper leadership !! BUT !! when we have generals and admirals sucking up there is no chance of a revolt.

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

right now there is not one person of influence who could measure up to these afore mentioned heros.

anyone care to nominate one ??
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds?

answer: Almost as many as the economy under the Federal Reserve has put on the dole.

Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.
Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it?

They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a DHS guard shall be stationed in every house?

Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance by lying supinely on our backs and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot?

Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!
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just for you fucking stupid liarberals.., do you know where this come from and who wrote it ???????

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
soooo, we the people are the ultimate judge of where our Gvmt. wants to take us. right now YOUR Gvmt. wants to destroy what took us patriots over 230 years to build what this current regime wants to destroy.

AND !! if anyone thinks the Military will back an illegal presidunce.., you are very, very wrong, our Military is as fed up with this fucking regime as us patriots..., personally i believe the Military would revolt against this regime IF they had the proper leadership !! BUT !! when we have generals and admirals sucking up there is no chance of a revolt.

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

right now there is not one person of influence who could measure up to these afore mentioned heros.

anyone care to nominate one ??

So, all you guys are waiting for is a leader and it's go time?
President Obama has taken the same oath and is a big a patriot as you are
When is he planning on living up to it? Next term?

Obama is far more patriotic than the chairborne warriors.

just for you fucking stupid liarberals.., do you know where this come from and who wrote it ???????

That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government,
soooo, we the people are the ultimate judge of where our Gvmt. wants to take us. right now YOUR Gvmt. wants to destroy what took us patriots over 230 years to build what this current regime wants to destroy.

AND !! if anyone thinks the Military will back an illegal presidunce.., you are very, very wrong, our Military is as fed up with this fucking regime as us patriots..., personally i believe the Military would revolt against this regime IF they had the proper leadership !! BUT !! when we have generals and admirals sucking up there is no chance of a revolt.

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

right now there is not one person of influence who could measure up to these afore mentioned heros.

anyone care to nominate one ??

So, all you guys are waiting for is a leader and it's go time?

a peaceful transition from marxism back to the constitution via the ballot box. That's the desired method, but it requires a fair and accurate counting of the votes, and requires that only legal voters cast votes and that each voter casts only one vote.

our election process has become corrupt, we are beginning to look like Iran or Venezuela when we go to the polls.

We are at a turning point in this great country. Make no mistake about that.
just for you fucking stupid liarberals.., do you know where this come from and who wrote it ???????

soooo, we the people are the ultimate judge of where our Gvmt. wants to take us. right now YOUR Gvmt. wants to destroy what took us patriots over 230 years to build what this current regime wants to destroy.

AND !! if anyone thinks the Military will back an illegal presidunce.., you are very, very wrong, our Military is as fed up with this fucking regime as us patriots..., personally i believe the Military would revolt against this regime IF they had the proper leadership !! BUT !! when we have generals and admirals sucking up there is no chance of a revolt.

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

right now there is not one person of influence who could measure up to these afore mentioned heros.

anyone care to nominate one ??

So, all you guys are waiting for is a leader and it's go time?

a peaceful transition from marxism back to the constitution via the ballot box. That's the desired method, but it requires a fair and accurate counting of the votes, and requires that only legal voters cast votes and that each voter casts only one vote.

our election process has become corrupt, we are beginning to look like Iran or Venezuela when we go to the polls.

We are at a turning point in this great country. Make no mistake about that.

And when Americans start to pay for Obamacare, especially the young who helped put Obama in office, coupled with the NSA looking for keywords in the Words With Friends games they play...

Pop the cork

Dems are done... And the pubs too

President Obama has taken the same oath and is a big a patriot as you are
When is he planning on living up to it? Next term?

Obama is far more patriotic than the chairborne warriors.


that motherfucker is not even a legal citizen let alone any sort of patriot, he is this nations biggest liar, traitor (a traitor to both his races !! :up:) and a muslime sympathizer, on top of all that he is an America hater.., i could go on for a few pages describing what a pile of shit he is but what good would it do ?you fucking liarberals will defend any thing he says or does !!

fuck you very much :up:
Obama is far more patriotic than the chairborne warriors.

:lmao: Obama isn't even as Patriotic as a cockroach. He's on record stating how much he loathes this nation. Hell, even his daddy is on record stating the hate they have for this nation.

The love and devotion you have for Obama is equal parts frightening and hilarious. You really are like those Adolf Hitler devotees during the Nazi regime.

The man is caught up in over a dozen very serious scandals and I have yet to hear you critisize him even once. Instead, all we hear from you is how much Obama "loves" this country event though he has shown nothing but disgust and contempt for it. :cuckoo:
Obama is far more patriotic than the chairborne warriors.

:lmao: Obama isn't even as Patriotic as a cockroach. He's on record stating how much he loathes this nation. Hell, even his daddy is on record stating the hate they have for this nation.

The love and devotion you have for Obama is equal parts frightening and hilarious. You really are like those Adolf Hitler devotees during the Nazi regime.

The man is caught up in over a dozen very serious scandals and I have yet to hear you critisize him even once. Instead, all we hear from you is how much Obama "loves" this country event though he has shown nothing but disgust and contempt for it. :cuckoo:

You're the one sponsoring the country breaking up and concluding that a civil war is the only remedy.



Therfore sponsoring the same thing you accuse Obama of doing (you do so without credible sources of course). The difference is, of course, your anti-American brand of "patriotism" is defeatists, shameful, and based on trying to get everyone else to be just like you; a scared little boy. You can't see beyond your narrow self interests.

As for the "scandals", the only real scandal is an IRS scandal of which Obama's involvement is, so far, non existent. Again, you can provide no credible sources to the contrary.

And of course, the personal attack on me and my supposed lack of criticism of this Administration....total BS as with most of your "insights".

Threads I started...


You should try being smarter.
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Wildman gave a list of great leaders:

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

I agree. They would not put up with the far lefties or the crazy reactionaries or libertarians when they get nonsensical. Flatly would not.
that motherfucker is not even a legal citizen let alone any sort of patriot, he is this nations biggest liar, traitor (a traitor to both his races !! :up:) and a muslime sympathizer, on top of all that he is an America hater.., i could go on for a few pages describing what a pile of shit he is but what good would it do ?you fucking liarberals will defend any thing he says or does !!

fuck you very much :up:


Me thinks thou hast a problem recognizing sarcasm.
Wildman gave a list of great leaders:

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

I agree. They would not put up with the far lefties or the crazy reactionaries or libertarians when they get nonsensical. Flatly would not.
Most of the founding fathers WERE libertarians, you stupid shit. Go read up on them, idiot.
How many sane, able bodied adult Americans refuse to work an available job in favor of living off of federal or state funds?

answer: Almost as many as the economy under the Federal Reserve has put on the dole.

Patrick Henry: Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death

For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery; and in proportion to the magnitude of the subject ought to be the freedom of the debate. It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offense, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the Majesty of Heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings.
Is it that insidious smile with which our petition has been lately received? Trust it not, sir; it will prove a snare to your feet. Suffer not yourselves to be betrayed with a kiss. Ask yourselves how this gracious reception of our petition comports with those warlike preparations which cover our waters and darken our land. Are fleets and armies necessary to a work of love and reconciliation? Have we shown ourselves so unwilling to be reconciled that force must be called in to win back our love? Let us not deceive ourselves, sir. These are the implements of war and subjugation; the last arguments to which kings resort. I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, if its purpose be not to force us to submission? Can gentlemen assign any other possible motive for it?

Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. The millions of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations, and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. Besides, sir, we have no election.

It is in vain, sir, to extenuate the matter. Gentlemen may cry, Peace, Peace-- but there is no peace. The war is actually begun! The next gale that sweeps from the north will bring to our ears the clash of resounding arms! Our brethren are already in the field! Why stand we here idle? What is it that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!

Wildman gave a list of great leaders:

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

I agree. They would not put up with the far lefties or the crazy reactionaries or libertarians when they get nonsensical. Flatly would not.

I think you two are using a poor yardstick. If most of those above had to ply their trade in this day and age, you'd have two types of people on that list;

Those that would not go anywhere near public service
Those that would more closely resemble John McCain and Barack Obama than than your ideal of them.

We used to have similar goals with differing methodologies on how to attain them. Now the question are the goals themselves. When you cannot get the government to agree on the goals for the nation; nothing else matters.
S. J. cannot or will not defend his attack on mainstream America as rabble rousers.

In fact, once again, the rabble rousers are the reactionary right, whom the American military and mainstream will oppose if the far right rises up.

We the People will not tolerate the craziness if a few thousand idiots rise up against their betters.

No one else.

I am an American. I don't HAVE "betters".
You presume much if you consider yourself part of "We the people" or "mainstream America". We the people will not tolerate tyranny it's just that simple.
You are a reactionary crazy far, far beyond the responsible right, so yes 97 of every 100 Americans are your betters.

We the People will not tolerate any relentless stupidity from your ilk if it comes to violence.
Wildman gave a list of great leaders:

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

I agree. They would not put up with the far lefties or the crazy reactionaries or libertarians when they get nonsensical. Flatly would not.
Most of the founding fathers WERE libertarians, you stupid shit. Go read up on them, idiot.

The Founders were far better people than to associate with what you call yourselves to be, so-called "libertarians."

They would have nothing to do with you, S.J., and your stupid fellows
Wildman gave a list of great leaders:

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

I agree. They would not put up with the far lefties or the crazy reactionaries or libertarians when they get nonsensical. Flatly would not.
Most of the founding fathers WERE libertarians, you stupid shit. Go read up on them, idiot.

The Founders were far better people than to associate with what you call yourselves to be, so-called "libertarians."

They would have nothing to do with you, S.J., and your stupid fellows
I really doubt the FF would be pleased with any of the parties we have today. :eusa_whistle:
Wildman gave a list of great leaders:

what we need is some patriotic leaders like these:
John Adams -
Samuel Adams -
Aaron Burr -
George Rogers Clark -
John Dickinson -
Benjamin Franklin -
Nathanael Greene -
Alexander Hamilton -
John Hancock -
Patrick Henry -
Thomas Jefferson -
John Paul Jones -
James Madison -
Francis Marion -
Thomas Paine -
Baron von Stueben - (German)
George Washington -

I agree. They would not put up with the far lefties or the crazy reactionaries or libertarians when they get nonsensical. Flatly would not.
Most of the founding fathers WERE libertarians, you stupid shit. Go read up on them, idiot.

If this was the case then the federalists would not have won out and our government would be completely different right now. Instead jefferson lost and we have a more central government.

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