Wake Up Call 2013- Obama's DHS Prepares For Civil War

Yea, and so did she.....


I have kept myself and my family safe for 30 years with only a big stick with a nail in it. The bad guys know better than to fuck with me

Glocks are for pussies

when the bad guys have Glocks and you have your stick--------you will be one dead pussy.

That's strange.....nobody has dared to fuck with me yet

Must be that they recognize that those who have to arm themselves to the teeth are pussies at heart.
1.) Obama and the Dumbocrats are radical hard core marxists/socialists/communists

2.) They are unwilling to compromise on their radical communist dreams

So that in turn leaves two choices genius:

1.) Peacefully divide the country

2.) Forcefully divide the country

95% of the country simply rejects Simplistic nonsense of the first above, and will destroy any who raises violence against the nation.

The reactionary far right is Simplistic, and they will be a swift and terrible price for stupidity.
1.) Obama and the Dumbocrats are radical hard core marxists/socialists/communists

2.) They are unwilling to compromise on their radical communist dreams

So that in turn leaves two choices genius:

1.) Peacefully divide the country

2.) Forcefully divide the country

95% of the country simply rejects Simplistic nonsense of the first above, and will destroy any who raises violence against the nation.

The reactionary far right is Simplistic, and they will be a swift and terrible price for stupidity.

Standing by for the facts that back your assertions?

Let me know...

You have no facts, Geaux, that America as a whole or any significant portion to believe We the People give a shit about your wet dreams of revolution.
:lmao: Obama isn't even as Patriotic as a cockroach. He's on record stating how much he loathes this nation. Hell, even his daddy is on record stating the hate they have for this nation.

The love and devotion you have for Obama is equal parts frightening and hilarious. You really are like those Adolf Hitler devotees during the Nazi regime.

The man is caught up in over a dozen very serious scandals and I have yet to hear you critisize him even once. Instead, all we hear from you is how much Obama "loves" this country event though he has shown nothing but disgust and contempt for it. :cuckoo:

You're the one sponsoring the country breaking up and concluding that a civil war is the only remedy.



Therfore sponsoring the same thing you accuse Obama of doing (you do so without credible sources of course). The difference is, of course, your anti-American brand of "patriotism" is defeatists, shameful, and based on trying to get everyone else to be just like you; a scared little boy. You can't see beyond your narrow self interests.

As for the "scandals", the only real scandal is an IRS scandal of which Obama's involvement is, so far, non existent. Again, you can provide no credible sources to the contrary.

And of course, the personal attack on me and my supposed lack of criticism of this Administration....total BS as with most of your "insights".

Threads I started...


You should try being smarter.

So let me get this straight - you point to your criticism of GWB's TARP bailout as "proof" of how you criticize the Obama Administration?!? :lmao:

No. You didn't read the thread at all.

The only thing funnier than that is the fact that you preface it with "Obama has not been involved in any scandals other than the IRS, which he was not even involved in"... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

So even when you attempt to act like you recognize what a dirt-bag Obama is, you bail him out in the same sentence!

Here, allow me to clue you in a bit...

  • Fast & Furious
You'll have to tell us about this one. Nobody cares otherwise.

Now, either Obama was aware of these activities and signed off on them or he wasn't aware of them. If he signed off on them, he's the most corrupt president in U.S. history. If he didn't know about them, he's the most incompetent president in U.S. history (not only for not knowing about it, but for assembling such a despicable and corrupt bunch). So which is is candyass? Come on buddy, rev up that spin machine and start fellating your favorite marxist. I can only imagine the fantasies you have about him and you together.

Most of what you mentioned are either incedibly minor both in scope and interest; most of the rest are tragedies but hardly scandals. Having to reach down that far to try to find something that is so small that is is barely there must remind you of your sex life.
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:lmao: Obama isn't even as Patriotic as a cockroach. He's on record stating how much he loathes this nation. Hell, even his daddy is on record stating the hate they have for this nation.

The love and devotion you have for Obama is equal parts frightening and hilarious. You really are like those Adolf Hitler devotees during the Nazi regime.

The man is caught up in over a dozen very serious scandals and I have yet to hear you critisize him even once. Instead, all we hear from you is how much Obama "loves" this country event though he has shown nothing but disgust and contempt for it. :cuckoo:

You're the one sponsoring the country breaking up and concluding that a civil war is the only remedy.



Therfore sponsoring the same thing you accuse Obama of doing (you do so without credible sources of course). The difference is, of course, your anti-American brand of "patriotism" is defeatists, shameful, and based on trying to get everyone else to be just like you; a scared little boy. You can't see beyond your narrow self interests.

As for the "scandals", the only real scandal is an IRS scandal of which Obama's involvement is, so far, non existent. Again, you can provide no credible sources to the contrary.

And of course, the personal attack on me and my supposed lack of criticism of this Administration....total BS as with most of your "insights".

Threads I started...


You should try being smarter.

Well duh! We've proven two unequivocal facts:

1.) Obama and the Dumbocrats are radical hard core marxists/socialists/communists

2.) They are unwilling to compromise on their radical communist dreams

So that in turn leaves two choices genius:

1.) Peacefully divide the country

2.) Forcefully divide the country

Since the Dumbocrats are desperate to keep the country together because they know the entire thing collapses without working conservatives to tax and mooch off of, #2 is pretty much the only option.

Yeah, the guys who want the country to stay together in your mind are the Anti Americans. You too are a professional dumbass.
I really doubt the FF would be pleased with any of the parties we have today. :eusa_whistle:

They'd be horrified...especially over the unaccountable bureucracy that subverts the authority of Congress. Of course, Congress enable this monstrosity by delegating the details of laws to the bureaucracy.
The founders did it as well.

You're a loon. The executive branch was miniscule in relation to the population during the Founders' era compared to the behemoth in place today.
Give you a nasty infection

Yea, and so did she.....


I have kept myself and my family safe for 30 years with only a big stick with a nail in it. The bad guys know better than to fuck with me

Glocks are for pussies

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

A "stick with a nail in it". Yeah, RW the big "bad ass".

RW - the only reason your family is safe is blind luck. The next time you have a serious incident (ie home invasion, armed robbery, etc.) will be your FIRST and also your LAST.

Even a child knows a "stick with a nail in it" is a Hollywood fantasy defense strategy. You're ignorance and immaturity (I'm guessing your about 19 now, no?) is showing more and more with each of your posts.
They'd be horrified...especially over the unaccountable bureucracy that subverts the authority of Congress. Of course, Congress enable this monstrosity by delegating the details of laws to the bureaucracy.
The founders did it as well.

You're a loon. The executive branch was miniscule in relation to the population during the Founders' era compared to the behemoth in place today.

The point is that executive orders began with Washington. Study the administrative portions of the building of D.C. to see how they grew in step to step.

I agree that too much of our executive is stop at several steps removed from legislative oversight.

Part of that is due to the nature of technology but a great portion of it is that humans naturally practice unrighteous dominion over other humans if give the opportunity.
So let me get this straight - you point to your criticism of GWB's TARP bailout as "proof" of how you criticize the Obama Administration?!? :lmao:

No. You didn't read the thread at all.

Then how did I know that it was about TARP, stupid? You're really humiliating yourself (well, more than usual) by trying to prove you have ever criticized Oabama for anything... :lol:

Not a scandal at all. Even the GOP in the House has moved on.

It would appear 300 million of your fellow Americans would vehemently disagree with you (how can you not love the fact that candy-ass thinks he gets to declare for America what is and what is not a scandal? :lmao:).

Candy-ass's "Jedi mind trick": These are not the scandals you are looking for. Move along..... :lmao:

The Benghazi Scandal Grows | The Weekly Standard

Hillary's approval ratings plummet, Benghazi scandal blamed | WashingtonExaminer.com

Benghazi: The anatomy of a scandal; how the story of a U.S. tragedy unfolded ? and then fell apart - Washington Times

The IRS Scandal Is Bad ? The Benghazi Scandal Is Worse. Much Worse. - The Ulsterman Report

Benghazi Scandal Takes Another Turn Against Obama and Clinton

Benghazi Scandal: How the Obama Administration is Completely Ignoring Globalization

Benghazi Scandal Investigation Widening

CNN poll: 59% approve of GOP handling of Benghazi scandal « Hot Air

Liberal media spin Benghazi scandal to protect Team Obama | Fox News


Benghazi Scandal Will Be Obama's Watergate, Huckabee Believes

Too Little, Too Late: Press Plays Catchup on Benghazi Scandal

Aide in Benghazi scandal promoted by Obama

[ame=http://www.amazon.com/Obamas-Benghazi-Scandal-Administration-ebook/dp/B009SNF0IM]Amazon.com: Obama's Benghazi Scandal: How the Obama Administration Changed Its Story about the Terrorist Attack in Libya [Article] eBook: Gregory Flynn: Kindle Store[/ame]

The Benghazi Scandal | NOBAMA.com The Fight to Take Back America

The Benghazi Scandal Grows « Commentary Magazine
Spying on Fox News reporter and his PARENTS

Summoning of phone records (see NSA) in a criminal investigation...happens quite often.

What "crime" did the Fox News reporter and his parents commit - telling the TRUTH? :lmao:

While Obama, you, and other propaganda-loving libtards certainly consider the truth to be a crime, the reality is, it is in fact not.
They'd be horrified...especially over the unaccountable bureucracy that subverts the authority of Congress. Of course, Congress enable this monstrosity by delegating the details of laws to the bureaucracy.
The founders did it as well.

You're a loon. The executive branch was miniscule in relation to the population during the Founders' era compared to the behemoth in place today.

The founders did not have the capability to maintain a strong federal government. The colonies were dispersed, communications took weeks, travel between states was difficult plus the new country had no money and no credit

Times have changed and so has our government

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