Walker caught in another lie

Got it - so we should just take your word and that of the DNC owned and operated "Daily Beast.."


You Nazis are such clowns.
Politico reports that well before the Daily Beast story broke, “top Republicans in the state—including those advising [Walker’s] team—warned him that the story could torpedo his campaign.” According to reporters Meridith McGraw, Natalie Allison, and Sam Stein, the issue was “brought to the attention of those working on Walker’s behalf,” in part to dissuade him from running. And while the matter was brushed off, according to Politico, it was not because people didn’t believe it, just that they didn’t think it would come out. “It was, ‘Eh, it’s not going to come out, you’re being hyperbolic,’” a top GOP operative in the state told Politico. “The reaction was not, ‘They’re not going to say that because it never happened.’ It was like everything else, ‘Eh, people aren’t going to find out.’”

The woman, who told The Daily Beast she wished to remain anonymous to preserve her privacy and that of her child with Mr. Walker, provided the outlet with a copy of the receipt from the abortion clinic, a $700 check and a “get well soon” card signed by Mr. Walker. The article includes a photo of the card with what it said was Mr. Walker’s signature.

Why doesn't it include a photo of the check?
I'd be embarrassed if I were him

After a woman revealed that Republican senatorial candidate Herschel Walker had urged her to have an abortion, Walker adamantly denied the story and claimed he had no idea who this woman could be.

But there’s a good reason the woman finds that defense highly doubtful: She’s the mother of one of his children.
This sounds more like a something from the democrat play book.
Nobody knows her name and probably never will. Just say it even if
it's not true. Not like the dems haven't played that one before.
The race is too close, so smear the opponent with lies then let the media run with it.
I'd be embarrassed if I were him

After a woman revealed that Republican senatorial candidate Herschel Walker had urged her to have an abortion, Walker adamantly denied the story and claimed he had no idea who this woman could be.

But there’s a good reason the woman finds that defense highly doubtful: She’s the mother of one of his children.

They'll keep on trying to take him down until the election. Ignore the bullshit, and vote to get the leftist scourge out...
Why doesn't it include a photo of the check?

Because no such check exists, that's why.

The time to produce the check; the most damning of evidence, was when she produced the get well card. At this point, if the woman could produce it, any check would be suspect...
This sounds more like a something from the democrat play book.
Nobody knows her name and probably never will. Just say it even if
it's not true. Not like the dems haven't played that one before.
The race is too close, so smear the opponent with lies then let the media run with it.
1 lie ok
2 lies casts doubt
3 lies and you're just a fucking liar.
guess where walker stands?
That's absolute bullshit and you know it.

The haste with which you've decided to damn Walker is proof of that...
walker is a lying scumbag. and yes I've already looked at the candidates for my state and decided based on voting records and personal needs exactly who I'll vote for.
I take the time to look at a candidate before I cast a vote. I don't just do it because they have a D or R by their name.
This is the time to change that rather good approach to voting. Because it is no longer D or R, it is G vs A. Globalist vs Americans. A democrat with vote for the UN over our country every time you give them the chance....

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