Walmart Doing Away With Cashiers

I may be in the minority but I like checking myself out. No long lines to stand in and it’s more convenient. No issues here.
I gave it a fair shot. The second time that I did it, the machine said I did not check something out so I was detained by a checker only to find out that the machine fucked up--also, we use checks and they have to take you to a central register to take payment anyway--for us it is asinine.
That's fine but don't stop me on my way out the door or complain when we have to raise taxes to pay for those out of jobs.
Minimum wage once again is the bottom no matter if it's $8 bucks an hour or $100 bucks an hour
I may be in the minority but I like checking myself out. No long lines to stand in and it’s more convenient. No issues here.
I doubt you are in the minority.

I prefer it to as long as I do not have to much crap - there are advantages to a checker if you have an entire cart.

Though, I honestly prefer just to have it delivered. Cheaper, faster and overall FAR superior than wasting my time in the store. I do not want to walk by all your advertisements and cleverly placed sugary crap you make me wade through to find the 5 items I want. Ill just check the shit off my list and have it show up at my door.
I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

So walking out the door with free stuff just got easier?
overall FAR superior than wasting my time in the store.
Sorry, I want to pick out my own meat and produce. My daughter does that pick up stuff and is pleased with it, however, sometimes she gets substitute products that she does not like. On a positive note, she got a notification that a product was not available and it would be shipped directly to her. It was on her porch before she picked up her order.
I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

Yeah, they can save a shit ton of money making the customers do the work they used to pay their employees to do...

Just wait, they'll be asking us to stock the shelves before you know it.
Just now in your area??
This happened here in all major retailers a couple years ago.
It is a result of high wages for low wage jobs. Especially true now.
You're Next, Empty Suitcoats!

All these smug college graduates with narrow-minded robotic skills can easily be replaced by thorough and user-friendly websites.
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I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

It has nothing to do with $15/hour. It has to do with WalMart wanting customers to do their own work....for free.
Sorry, I want to pick out my own meat and produce. My daughter does that pick up stuff and is pleased with it, however, sometimes she gets substitute products that she does not like. On a positive note, she got a notification that a product was not available and it would be shipped directly to her. It was on her porch before she picked up her order.
Yes, I get that some people want to pick out their produce. I have never received bad produce though and you actually can tell them to not substitute items in your order. I actually prefer to keep that on because substitutions are always charged at the lower of the two prices, product weight weight is compensated for and it allows me to try new brands out that I would never have picked up. To be fair, most of the time I do not like the new product and go back to the previous one but there has been several occasions when I get something I really like and have switched.

Works for me.

But then again, I DISPISE going to the store lol.
Fact is that if they are going to eliminate jobs and make the customer now ring up and bag their own groceries for free--- an action they used to PAY people to do, shouldn't people see that reflected in lower prices? Or-- here's a crazy idea --give people the CHOICE if they want to ring/bag themselves or not?
You are seeing it reflected - prices would be increasing more if they did not implement measures to keep them as low as they can. You just tend not to notice that type of adjustment because it is hidden.
They work those jobs because the jobs they could get in the past are now in Asian countries.
Treason Is Not a Corporate Privilege

Those millions of jobs and the immigration criminals' jobs prove that automation hasn't killed any jobs at all. Wherever it seems to, it just frees workers to do the new jobs that automation creates.
Will it be cheaper when I only scan the inexpensive items in my cart and conveniently forget to scan the big ticket items?

Not really. The cameras will catch you, and then you get to go to prison. Sad for us, because then we have to pay for your stupid ass.
I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

They have the express register only opened and the rest are self checkout registers with one to two people at each end working.

It is the trend of the future and next step is Q-Scanning and paying via phone.

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