Walmart Doing Away With Cashiers

You are seeing it reflected - prices would be increasing more if they did not implement measures to keep them as low as they can. You just tend not to notice that type of adjustment because it is hidden.
I don't find this to be true with Walmart. We have an AG type store in our area and while Walmart beats their produce prices, processed food prices are within a couple pennies and sometimes the AG store is even less. Walmart fucks their customers just like any other retailer.
Fact is that if they are going to eliminate jobs and make the customer now ring up and bag their own groceries for free--- an action they used to PAY people to do, shouldn't people see that reflected in lower prices? Or-- here's a crazy idea --give people the CHOICE if they want to ring/bag themselves or not?
That isn't the way economies of scale work. Pressure is put upon corporate boards to increase profits. If they can externalize costs onto consumers, and get the consumers to bear those costs with out revolting, so that share holders can make more profit? They will do so. This is the result of finacializing everything on the planet.

I always use stores with real cashiers when possible, and always make trips with large amounts of purchases that will demand store labor if I can. I also, when ever I need customer service, will purposely go through a phone tree of automated computers till I get a real person if I can, or even better yet, if there is an office in town, do business in person. The more ways, we as consumers, can support companies requiring the need of using real life people, and be willing to pay a few extra dollars in our purchasing. . . it will cost them, as well, but society will be better off.

Some things are more important for a healthy society, than the cheapest prices for us, and high stock prices and profits for corporations. Like jobs, healthy communities, and a healthy integrated economy.

I used to never even use Walmart. Now I will use them before I would ever think to order anything on-line. Amazon will be the death of us all.

B2C cost externalization​

". . . Another option is for a company to transfer some of its costs to its customers. For example, reducing staff in a customer service department that handles incoming phone calls will usually increase hold times for customers seeking support. The company reduces its costs by reducing staff, while the customer bears the increased cost of waiting on hold. Thus an expense has been transferred from the company to the customer. This can reduce customer satisfaction, to the point that some customers will be motivated to switch to another company. However, if the company can gain a legal monopoly (through, for example, intellectual property laws) the customer has no choice of a competitor available.

Customers can also absorb some of a company's costs by performing tasks that the company formerly provided. An early example of this was the self-service gas station, followed more recently by self checkout kiosks in grocery stores. This can have less of a negative customer satisfaction impact because some customers actually prefer to help themselves. As in any business operation, costs externalization has its pros and cons. It is up to the business managers to make the decisions and take advantage of cost externalization."

They have the express register only opened and the rest are self checkout registers with one to two people at each end working.

It is the trend of the future and next step is Q-Scanning and paying via phone.
Safeway has been leading the way with the phone BS and there are many of us--who don't use cell phones, who just refuse to be discriminated against and shop elsewhere.
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So Concerned American , why do you have a problem with Capitalism?
I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

They got rid of the mom and pop stores all over the country, when your hero ronny ray-gun pushed those union killing regulatory policies which led to our entire manufacturing infrastructure to leave the country, for low wage labor. Complete with tax breaks for doing it. While conservative America cheered him on.

How do you think the rust belt, where your friend in Ohio lives, became the rust belt Einstein?

And now you're shocked that Walmart is also getting rid of it's worforce to further maximize profits?

No end to the hatred of the American worker with you fuckwits is it?

This is what conservative economics looks like. You voted for it. Learn how to live in it.
I rarely ever set foot in a Walmart, but I went into one the other day because of convenience. They no longer have any cashiers left. The entire check out line has been converted to self check out. Apparently, this is being done all over the country because a friend of mine in Ohio just posted about it on social media.

Here is the result of your $15 an hour for unskilled labor. Enjoy.

Theyve been moving to that long before now, and the Federal minimum wage is still set at $7.25 an hour. Texas has no state minimum wage and they've been automating here for the over a decade. They were even trying to force everybody into using plastic as well, banning cash at their scanners, but at the local store I loudly reminded them one morning it was highly illegal not to accept legal tender as payment for goods, so the next day they suddenly found a lot of cash to stock their scanners with. They then tried the scam of only having one machine out of 40 or so taking cash; I then made them check me out at the register the flunkies have for some reason but don't use for checkouts. In any case, most people are too stupid to resist being fucked over and nick;e and dimed to death with 'transaction fees' for using plastic, same as they're accepting everything else these business scammers pull.

But I don't understand it; haven't the right wingers been very adamant about telling all these uppity proles how worthless they are and how they should all work for free n stuff and also work a lot more hours? What is wrong with that? Don't they know how important it is for Wall Street gamblers to not have to pay taxes on their gambling winnings or anything else, so they need all the free labor they can get to keep the economy afloat for the leech ... oops I mean 'investors'?

But keep snivleing about the $3 trillion in fake 'infrastructure' while ignoring the $9 to $12 trillion that has already gone into keeping
Wall Street and the multi-nationals rolling in dough. But keep whining and pretending its 'minimum wage' causing inflation n stuff; it's how the Democrats got to be in power, dumbass rightwing economic lies.
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You're Next, Empty Suitcoats!

All these smug college graduates with narrow-minded robotic skills can easily be replaced by thorough and user-friendly websites.
WHat are you talking about?
Why would I be next? My job cannot be done by a machine. Literally impossible until they develop fully humanoid A.I. with arms/legs/ etc.
College graduate with narrow minded robotic skills? What does that even mean?
I didn't say I had a problem with capitalism, moron. I disagreed with your assertion that it was capitalism. Two entirely different things for anyone with a lick of sense.
So please explain.

Why does Walmart decide to replace CASHIERS with Self-CheckOut?
A: Bigger Profit. Duh.

If you answer anything but.........Because we can make more money......Then you don't support Capitalism.
Capitalism WAS a (R) stronghold.......Before trump.

Since trump, it is Lying, Cheating, Blaming other for what we do.
You RWI's are truly idiots.
How do you continue to support this Con Man?
So please explain.

Why does Walmart decide to replace CASHIERS with Self-CheckOut?
A: Bigger Profit. Duh.

If you answer anything but.........Because we can make more money......Then you don't support Capitalism.
Capitalism WAS a (R) stronghold.......Before trump.

Since trump, it is Lying, Cheating, Blaming other for what we do.
You RWI's are truly idiots.
How do you continue to support this Con Man?
Cool...........I don't give a fuck.....No one has ever done it..............but if they grab me and call me a thief and try to rough house me I'M GOING TO KNOCK THEM THE FUCK OUT.

I don't give a shit about your PYSCHO BS from what I just said.

I'll give them a good reason to send me to jail............Now Fuck off
Look out, internet tough guy!

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