Walmart Proves that the Trump Tax Cuts are Bogus

What Reagan did was close US military bases and kept overseas ones open when the citizens of the US needed those jobs.

So is Trump going to reopen them...Hell no..

The military bases are ghost towns now.

Trump lied about making companies relocate he also lied about his company's overseas production...They all lie to get into office and to stay there...
Put the blame where it belongs.
Online shopping.

Then why did they come out with the Bogus lies about the $1000.00 bonuses ? They made it sound like it was for every employee .

Also we have to look at the fact that these tax cuts will go to building Robots that will take over every minimum wage job
in the country within 10 years ..


Sounds like someone needs to learn how to fix robots.


Well, I agree with this comment..

Surgeries are going to be performed by robots .. a robot has been transferring medications at Stanford hospital for over 20 years. So it is already happening.

College students are stressed for their future.. Our generation had an affordable education, and thousands of careers to pick from.


There are still thousands of careers to chose form, as the obsolete ones die off, new ones will emerge. College is not a requirement for the majority of careers, many that pay better than some that require college.

All I can tell you is that we will clear and extra $100 per pay period.

Which will expire in 2025..

And what are you leaving for your children, grandchildren, and future generations? A huge mess to dig themselves out of..

No, having taught my progeny to be self sufficient and work hard I'm not really worried about it. Now, had I ,like you taught them to live off the state and bitch about what other people have that they don't it would be a different story.

You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
All I can tell you is that we will clear and extra $100 per pay period.

Which will expire in 2025..

And what are you leaving for your children, grandchildren, and future generations? A huge mess to dig themselves out of..

No, having taught my progeny to be self sufficient and work hard I'm not really worried about it. Now, had I ,like you taught them to live off the state and bitch about what other people have that they don't it would be a different story.

You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
and Trump..
It didn't take long to see in color how Lying Trump's tax cuts are for the Top 1% ~ The GOP's Bogus night time Fairytale for the Trump-Pets

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart to offer one-time bonus of up to $1,000 – only for 20-year management veterans

( And to add, they plan on replacing the veterans with new managers with less pay )

Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. But only 2% of American adults say they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
COST, -1.28% Wal-Mart’s head-to-head with Amazon has extended into online grocery, voice commerce, speedy online order delivery and other areas.

BTW: Middle class tax cuts will expire while the top 1% keeps theirs permanently
House tax plan: All in middle class eventually get tax hike?


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This proves they are bogus? So the extra money in paychecks are not real? The doubled child tax credit is fake? The simplified filling is imaginary?

Sounds like "fake news" aka bogus bullshit, to me.

Come on Gramps, this middle class tax cut is going to expire in 2025 , while the 1% keeps their cut..

Your grandchildren are going to be the ones dealing with the mess our generation did ..


The 1 percent doesn't keep their cut. Business owners keep their cut.

Most business owners aren't in the 1 percent, and most of the 1 percent isn't business owners.

Glad I could clear that up for ya.
Put the blame where it belongs.
Online shopping.

Then why did they come out with the Bogus lies about the $1000.00 bonuses ? They made it sound like it was for every employee .

Also we have to look at the fact that these tax cuts will go to building Robots that will take over every minimum wage job
in the country within 10 years ..


Sounds like someone needs to learn how to fix robots.


Well, I agree with this comment..

Surgeries are going to be performed by robots .. a robot has been transferring medications at Stanford hospital for over 20 years. So it is already happening.

College students are stressed for their future.. Our generation had an affordable education, and thousands of careers to pick from.


Robots performing surgeries will drastically reduce medical costs over time as well as drastically increasing surgical accuracy and operating table success rate. Advances that reduce the labor required to perform tasks necessary to human maintenance are why human beings in industrialized nations can produce enough resources to feed and shelter their families in only 8 hours a day rather than the entire family spending almost every waking hour tending their farm.

The thing is, once we've hit the point wherein the machines we create outperform us at every meaningful task, the resulting lack of purpose will likely pose the sort of existential crisis for our species that'll make us wonder how we ever considered employment shortages to be such a problem.

Take a look at the general correlations between economic prosperity and birth rates in different geographical areas, have a glance at the mouse utopia study, and you might find yourself toying with the idea that the premise in Children of Men might not be too far off the mark. Once the machines are so superior that they've usurped any meaningful purpose from human existence, turning on us and exterminating our species might actually be an act of mercy.

Very accurate comment..... and well said

But seriously do you think that the savings will go to the people...No , I can almost guarantee you that the Big Pharma and Medical people will pocket the millions as they do now.

The rich ( rockefellers ) invested into medical advances and have corrupted ever since.

Most students are not going for a PHD, or MD license anymore..too expensive. They are MD assistants who can write prescriptions now..

You can't compare a corporation that relies on non skilled labor and one that relies on skilled labor.

I have worked at Walmart twice and both times you either had idiots (including the GM) and people looking for another job.

So Walmart can replace everyone who works for them without a problem. Why treat them well.

Corporations worth billions and trillions yet the majority of their workers need welfare to help support themselves....sad...

Why pay no skilled workers a living wage when you can off load the cost to tax payers?

This is why the lie of giving $1000.00 dollar bonuses to its employees , in small print it means to the 20+ year veterans which only a few people fit the category.

I worked at a chain while going to college as well..mainly for tips

Fast Food workers will be replaced , basically any minimum wage job workers are not going to have jobs.


The reason for this is "the battle for 15". Those fighting are fighting for 15 dollars for jobs meant for children.

If you look at the history of the big fast food restaurants you will see that they made the job so easy anyone can do it. One of the reasons is so they can hire no skilled workers and not pay them a lot.
Children would have to work during school days to have the job derp...

You can include in "children" highschool and college kids. People in there 30s and 40s are supposed to be flipping burgers.
All I can tell you is that we will clear and extra $100 per pay period.

Which will expire in 2025..

And what are you leaving for your children, grandchildren, and future generations? A huge mess to dig themselves out of..

No, having taught my progeny to be self sufficient and work hard I'm not really worried about it. Now, had I ,like you taught them to live off the state and bitch about what other people have that they don't it would be a different story.

You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
and Trump..

The Gov period. We are all prepared no matter what happens. We are also prepared to defend what we have.
You can't compare a corporation that relies on non skilled labor and one that relies on skilled labor.

I have worked at Walmart twice and both times you either had idiots (including the GM) and people looking for another job.

So Walmart can replace everyone who works for them without a problem. Why treat them well.

Corporations worth billions and trillions yet the majority of their workers need welfare to help support themselves....sad...

Why pay no skilled workers a living wage when you can off load the cost to tax payers?

This is why the lie of giving $1000.00 dollar bonuses to its employees , in small print it means to the 20+ year veterans which only a few people fit the category.

I worked at a chain while going to college as well..mainly for tips

Fast Food workers will be replaced , basically any minimum wage job workers are not going to have jobs.


The reason for this is "the battle for 15". Those fighting are fighting for 15 dollars for jobs meant for children.

If you look at the history of the big fast food restaurants you will see that they made the job so easy anyone can do it. One of the reasons is so they can hire no skilled workers and not pay them a lot.
Children would have to work during school days to have the job derp...

You can include in "children" highschool and college kids. People in there 30s and 40s are supposed to be flipping burgers.
Walmart doesn't flip burgers..
Which will expire in 2025..

And what are you leaving for your children, grandchildren, and future generations? A huge mess to dig themselves out of..

No, having taught my progeny to be self sufficient and work hard I'm not really worried about it. Now, had I ,like you taught them to live off the state and bitch about what other people have that they don't it would be a different story.

You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
and Trump..

The Gov period. We are all prepared no matter what happens. We are also prepared to defend what we have.
Good for you...
What Reagan did was close US military bases and kept overseas ones open when the citizens of the US needed those jobs.

So is Trump going to reopen them...Hell no..

The military bases are ghost towns now.

Trump lied about making companies relocate he also lied about his company's overseas production...They all lie to get into office and to stay there...

Pocket liners , everyone of them... while crying about feeding a poor family..

The GOP uses this bullshit every election..

Which will expire in 2025..

And what are you leaving for your children, grandchildren, and future generations? A huge mess to dig themselves out of..

No, having taught my progeny to be self sufficient and work hard I'm not really worried about it. Now, had I ,like you taught them to live off the state and bitch about what other people have that they don't it would be a different story.

You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
and Trump..

The Gov period. We are all prepared no matter what happens. We are also prepared to defend what we have.

Like I said, this is going to affect your grandchildren in 2025 when the tax cuts for the middle class expire.. Obama is not going to come and get your guns..

Put the blame where it belongs.
Online shopping.

Then why did they come out with the Bogus lies about the $1000.00 bonuses ? They made it sound like it was for every employee .

Also we have to look at the fact that these tax cuts will go to building Robots that will take over every minimum wage job
in the country within 10 years ..


Sounds like someone needs to learn how to fix robots.


Well, I agree with this comment..

Surgeries are going to be performed by robots .. a robot has been transferring medications at Stanford hospital for over 20 years. So it is already happening.

College students are stressed for their future.. Our generation had an affordable education, and thousands of careers to pick from.


Robots performing surgeries will drastically reduce medical costs over time as well as drastically increasing surgical accuracy and operating table success rate. Advances that reduce the labor required to perform tasks necessary to human maintenance are why human beings in industrialized nations can produce enough resources to feed and shelter their families in only 8 hours a day rather than the entire family spending almost every waking hour tending their farm.

The thing is, once we've hit the point wherein the machines we create outperform us at every meaningful task, the resulting lack of purpose will likely pose the sort of existential crisis for our species that'll make us wonder how we ever considered employment shortages to be such a problem.

Take a look at the general correlations between economic prosperity and birth rates in different geographical areas, have a glance at the mouse utopia study, and you might find yourself toying with the idea that the premise in Children of Men might not be too far off the mark. Once the machines are so superior that they've usurped any meaningful purpose from human existence, turning on us and exterminating our species might actually be an act of mercy.

Very accurate comment..... and well said

But seriously do you think that the savings will go to the people...No , I can almost guarantee you that the Big Pharma and Medical people will pocket the millions as they do now.

The rich ( rockefellers ) invested into medical advances and have corrupted ever since.

Most students are not going for a PHD, or MD license anymore..too expensive. They are MD assistants who can write prescriptions now..


The pharma industry and medication costs aren't as fucked as they are simply because "the rich invested into medical advances".

Risk of litigation, FDA compliance, cost sharing. . . there's a lot of obvious factors for which you make zero attempt to account. Again, economics is as complex of a field of study as you could hope to find, so this habit of trying to reduce these discussions down to single sentence conclusions and single variant solutions is maddeningly inadequate.
No, having taught my progeny to be self sufficient and work hard I'm not really worried about it. Now, had I ,like you taught them to live off the state and bitch about what other people have that they don't it would be a different story.

You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
and Trump..

The Gov period. We are all prepared no matter what happens. We are also prepared to defend what we have.

Like I said, this is going to affect your grandchildren in 2025 when the tax cuts for the middle class expire.. Obama is not going to come and get your guns..


Not going to happen son, like I said, we're all prepared.
Aldis in Rogers Ark(5 miles from Bentonville home office of Walmart) starts it's cashiers at fifteen bucks and hour, Walmart at nine...
Then why did they come out with the Bogus lies about the $1000.00 bonuses ? They made it sound like it was for every employee .

Also we have to look at the fact that these tax cuts will go to building Robots that will take over every minimum wage job
in the country within 10 years ..


Sounds like someone needs to learn how to fix robots.


Well, I agree with this comment..

Surgeries are going to be performed by robots .. a robot has been transferring medications at Stanford hospital for over 20 years. So it is already happening.

College students are stressed for their future.. Our generation had an affordable education, and thousands of careers to pick from.


Robots performing surgeries will drastically reduce medical costs over time as well as drastically increasing surgical accuracy and operating table success rate. Advances that reduce the labor required to perform tasks necessary to human maintenance are why human beings in industrialized nations can produce enough resources to feed and shelter their families in only 8 hours a day rather than the entire family spending almost every waking hour tending their farm.

The thing is, once we've hit the point wherein the machines we create outperform us at every meaningful task, the resulting lack of purpose will likely pose the sort of existential crisis for our species that'll make us wonder how we ever considered employment shortages to be such a problem.

Take a look at the general correlations between economic prosperity and birth rates in different geographical areas, have a glance at the mouse utopia study, and you might find yourself toying with the idea that the premise in Children of Men might not be too far off the mark. Once the machines are so superior that they've usurped any meaningful purpose from human existence, turning on us and exterminating our species might actually be an act of mercy.

Very accurate comment..... and well said

But seriously do you think that the savings will go to the people...No , I can almost guarantee you that the Big Pharma and Medical people will pocket the millions as they do now.

The rich ( rockefellers ) invested into medical advances and have corrupted ever since.

Most students are not going for a PHD, or MD license anymore..too expensive. They are MD assistants who can write prescriptions now..


The pharma industry and medication costs aren't as fucked as they are simply because "the rich invested into medical advances".

Risk of litigation, FDA compliance, cost sharing. . . there's a lot of obvious factors for which you make zero attempt to account. Again, economics is as complex of a field of study as you could hope to find, so this habit of trying to reduce these discussions down to single sentence conclusions and single variant solutions is maddeningly inadequate.

Well , yes people are sue happy. I was given a drug which people are suing ( I am not ) because they lied to people , so the case will go through I am sure..

But I saw what happens first hand with cancer x2... there are true heros who work in this field but there are also vulchers who take advantage of people in shock, and suck the money right out of you..Unnecessary surgeries and drugs.

Chemo rooms are jammed pack, and you really don't get it until it happens to you.

Drs are bound by law to only prescribe drugs by the FDA who are in bed with the FDA, who are in bed with congress and is corrupt as hell.

Now the government is making laws to make it harder for alternate affordable medications. I can personally tell you that many work with less side effects..


Some know who will benefit, Koch bro give Ryan 500.000 dollars, 2 weeks after tax bill passes. that cut will save them a BILLION dollars a year, then Ryan sends out a tweet bragging about some woman that's going to get 1.50 a week added to her pay check.
You don't even know me, both of my parents died before I was 19.. I worked my ass off and put myself through college.

I am doing well too, but where is your concern for your children/ grandchildren?


I already told you, they've been taught to rely on themselves not people like Pelosi and Schumer.
and Trump..

The Gov period. We are all prepared no matter what happens. We are also prepared to defend what we have.

Like I said, this is going to affect your grandchildren in 2025 when the tax cuts for the middle class expire.. Obama is not going to come and get your guns..


Not going to happen son, like I said, we're all prepared.

Prepared for what ?


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