Walmart Proves that the Trump Tax Cuts are Bogus

Some know who will benefit, Koch bro give Ryan 500.000 dollars, 2 weeks after tax bill passes. that cut will save them a BILLION dollars a year, then Ryan sends out a tweet bragging about some woman that's going to get 1.50 a week added to her pay check.

Very true..horrible

McConnell, Orin Hatch and the rest of those corrupt congress are not working for the people.. They were all paid off.

It didn't take long to see in color how Lying Trump's tax cuts are for the Top 1% ~ The GOP's Bogus night time Fairytale for the Trump-Pets

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart to offer one-time bonus of up to $1,000 – only for 20-year management veterans

( And to add, they plan on replacing the veterans with new managers with less pay )

Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. But only 2% of American adults say they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
COST, -1.28% Wal-Mart’s head-to-head with Amazon has extended into online grocery, voice commerce, speedy online order delivery and other areas.

BTW: Middle class tax cuts will expire while the top 1% keeps theirs permanently
House tax plan: All in middle class eventually get tax hike?


View attachment 174847
Walmart jobs are just service jobs/beginner jobs… It makes no difference they aren’t even worth seven dollars an hour. We need more mining, drilling, forestry jobs and the Jobs that come with them... engineering, welding, architecture, mechanics, construction, etc... In the dozens more That follow those jobs.
It didn't take long to see in color how Lying Trump's tax cuts are for the Top 1% ~ The GOP's Bogus night time Fairytale for the Trump-Pets

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart to offer one-time bonus of up to $1,000 – only for 20-year management veterans

( And to add, they plan on replacing the veterans with new managers with less pay )

Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. But only 2% of American adults say they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
COST, -1.28% Wal-Mart’s head-to-head with Amazon has extended into online grocery, voice commerce, speedy online order delivery and other areas.

BTW: Middle class tax cuts will expire while the top 1% keeps theirs permanently
House tax plan: All in middle class eventually get tax hike?


View attachment 174847
There is nothing bogus about the tax cuts, they are 100% authentic.

Why do you propagate the jackass Democrat party of slavery lies?
Put the blame where it belongs.
Online shopping.
Walmart has a history of screwing employees at the start of each new year... got a link?
Yeah it's called personal history....Former employee that couldn't live on the time cuts by 50% and that was in 1986. They do it every year...

Walmart's Worker Hours Cut Shows It Is Caught In A Classic Retailer Trap

Walmart Is Eliminating Overnight Stocker Jobs At Hundreds Of Stores
Hillary Clinton certainly didn't have any problem working for Walmart when she was on the board of directors of the largest corporation based in Arkansas, a position she couldn't have possibly obtained because her Hubba Bubba was the Governor. The Clinton's certainly didn't get rich off of Slick Willy's $35,000 salary as Governor of Arkansas.

Walmart got a US taxpayer funded duty free sweatshop in Haiti. And anyone who thinks that Alice Walton paid Hillary Clinton $353,400 in 2016 for nothing is an idiot.
Put the blame where it belongs.
Online shopping.
Walmart has a history of screwing employees at the start of each new year... got a link?
Yeah it's called personal history....Former employee that couldn't live on the time cuts by 50% and that was in 1986. They do it every year...

Walmart's Worker Hours Cut Shows It Is Caught In A Classic Retailer Trap

Walmart Is Eliminating Overnight Stocker Jobs At Hundreds Of Stores
Hillary Clinton certainly didn't have any problem working for Walmart when she was on the board of directors of the largest corporation based in Arkansas, a position she couldn't have possibly obtained because her Hubba Bubba was the Governor. The Clinton's certainly didn't get rich off of Slick Willy's $35,000 salary as Governor of Arkansas.

Walmart got a US taxpayer funded duty free sweatshop in Haiti. And anyone who thinks that Alice Walton paid Hillary Clinton $353,400 in 2016 for nothing is an idiot.
Yet she wasn't raising a kid and didn't need the hours..
Stocking shelves at Walmart isn't a lucrative career because approximately EVERYBODY is capable of doing that job.
That represents a downward pressure on the wage. However, the fact remains that a human being is required to do it. And a person who works should be able to enjoy a basic standard of living and participate in our economy. Instead, we subsidize Walmart's corporate profits by subsidizing their wages up to a bare aubsistence level. Exactly who is benefiting? The laborer has zero economic security, and it adds to our deficits. We have to legislate an upward pressure on that laborer's wage, especially considering we already shoulder the economic costs of his low wage.
Put the blame where it belongs.
Online shopping.

Then why did they come out with the Bogus lies about the $1000.00 bonuses ? They made it sound like it was for every employee .

Also we have to look at the fact that these tax cuts will go to building Robots that will take over every minimum wage job
in the country within 10 years ..

Walmart lies constantly..

Walmart employees have to be on food stamps and government housing ...

That's just supply and demand. Stocking shelves at Walmart isn't a lucrative career because approximately EVERYBODY is capable of doing that job. If the ability to stock shelves isn't commanding a living wage, get a better skillset.

While the GOP raises taxes for the college students, making it harder to get a college degree... There are millions stocking shelves now, living paycheck to paycheck..


What in the world you talking about?

And where is the link in the OP?
While the GOP raises taxes for the college students, making it harder to get a college degree... There are millions stocking shelves now, living paycheck to paycheck..


You know college was a lot cheaper before the gov got into the college loan business.

California was one of the highest ranked in education until Reagan got his hands into it while he was Governor.

Republicans have ruined our education as much as or even more so than democrats..

Look at the GOP now .

I certainly didn't like what he did to the student loan program increase interest 800%..

Reagan closed all of the mental health hospitals too , so you see them living homeless talking to themselves..

You have to be suicidal to even be seen by a doctor in the emergency rooms now..


What really happened......
Reagan Didn't Close Down Mental Hospitals - The Gormogons


It was Democrat JFK

1." On Feb. 5, 1963, ... President John F. Kennedy addressed Congress on "Mental Illness and Mental Retardation." He proposed a new program under which the federal government would fund community mental-health centers, or CMHCs, to take the place of state mental hospitals. As Kennedy envisioned it, "reliance on the cold mercy of custodial isolations will be supplanted by the open warmth of community concern and capability."

2. Kennedy's proposal was historic because the public care of mentally ill individuals had been exclusively a state responsibility for more than a century. The federal initiative encouraged the closing of state hospitals and aborted the development of state-funded outpatient clinics in process at that time.

3. .... the feds funded 789 CMHCs with a total of $2.7 billion ($20.3 billion in today's dollars). During those same years, the number of patients in state mental hospitals fell by three quarters—to 132,164 from 504,604—and those beds were closed down.

a. .... CMHCs were not interested in taking care of the patients being discharged from the state hospitals. Instead, they focused on individuals with less severe problems sometimes called "the worried well."
It didn't take long to see in color how Lying Trump's tax cuts are for the Top 1% ~ The GOP's Bogus night time Fairytale for the Trump-Pets

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart to offer one-time bonus of up to $1,000 – only for 20-year management veterans

( And to add, they plan on replacing the veterans with new managers with less pay )

Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. But only 2% of American adults say they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
COST, -1.28% Wal-Mart’s head-to-head with Amazon has extended into online grocery, voice commerce, speedy online order delivery and other areas.

BTW: Middle class tax cuts will expire while the top 1% keeps theirs permanently
House tax plan: All in middle class eventually get tax hike?


View attachment 174847

One corporation's failure isn't any better proof of the effects of the tax cuts than several corporations' high-profile increases in employee compensation.

If you honestly believe that the fate of a worldwide corporate entity straddling industries as universal and competitive as department and grocery stores can, in and of itself, provide you with adequate information to assess the effect of US corporate tax rates, when you aren't taking any other factors or any other businesses into account, then I can tell you with 100 percent confidence that economics is not the conversation for you.

Wasn't it Trump that took credit for these corporate industries giving bogus raises and bonuses ?

The GOP is again screwing over the Millennials , the middle class tax cuts will expire in 2025.


Did 80% of bush jr tax cuts expire?
It didn't take long to see in color how Lying Trump's tax cuts are for the Top 1% ~ The GOP's Bogus night time Fairytale for the Trump-Pets

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart to offer one-time bonus of up to $1,000 – only for 20-year management veterans

( And to add, they plan on replacing the veterans with new managers with less pay )

Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. But only 2% of American adults say they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
COST, -1.28% Wal-Mart’s head-to-head with Amazon has extended into online grocery, voice commerce, speedy online order delivery and other areas.

BTW: Middle class tax cuts will expire while the top 1% keeps theirs permanently
House tax plan: All in middle class eventually get tax hike?


View attachment 174847
So Trump lowers your taxes for 8 years but the dems not lowering it at all was good.

First you only get crumbs, more than dems gave, then they'll get taken away in 8 years. But if crumbs who would care?

Anything to bash and you are happy.
but the dems not lowering it at all was good.
In what universe does this make any sense? The GOP has been obstructing tax relief for the middle class and lower earners for years. They wouldnt even look at it, without tax cuts for the wealthy and for corporations included. Either you agree with this in an ethical and/or policy sense, or you don't, but at least speak honestly.
It didn't take long to see in color how Lying Trump's tax cuts are for the Top 1% ~ The GOP's Bogus night time Fairytale for the Trump-Pets

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart has announced thousands of layoffs since publicizing bonuses and benefits expansion

Wal-Mart to offer one-time bonus of up to $1,000 – only for 20-year management veterans

( And to add, they plan on replacing the veterans with new managers with less pay )

Many companies have announced new bonuses or accelerated schedules on pre-announced perks since tax reforms passed. But only 2% of American adults say they’ve gotten a raise, bonus or other benefits because of the new tax law, according to a recent study.
COST, -1.28% Wal-Mart’s head-to-head with Amazon has extended into online grocery, voice commerce, speedy online order delivery and other areas.

BTW: Middle class tax cuts will expire while the top 1% keeps theirs permanently
House tax plan: All in middle class eventually get tax hike?


View attachment 174847
needed 60 votes to make permanent. ZERO democrats voted for it. Go ahead run on raising the taxes back up,i'm sure ALL those workers will rush to the polls to vote for that!
The idiot mentality of liberals. Lean and Mean is how a company should be run. Running a company with workers you DON'T need wastes money and resources therefore you shift people around and if you are losing money as Sams club was you close them! Amazon is taking a lot of big box stores down. Get used to it.
Stocking shelves at Walmart isn't a lucrative career because approximately EVERYBODY is capable of doing that job.
That represents a downward pressure on the wage. However, the fact remains that a human being is required to do it. And a person who works should be able to enjoy a basic standard of living and participate in our economy. Instead, we subsidize Walmart's corporate profits by subsidizing their wages up to a bare aubsistence level. Exactly who is benefiting? The laborer has zero economic security, and it adds to our deficits. We have to legislate an upward pressure on that laborer's wage, especially considering we already shoulder the economic costs of his low wage.
Who's benefiting? Obviously the crooked Clintons are benefiting.
Stocking shelves at Walmart isn't a lucrative career because approximately EVERYBODY is capable of doing that job.
That represents a downward pressure on the wage. However, the fact remains that a human being is required to do it. And a person who works should be able to enjoy a basic standard of living and participate in our economy. Instead, we subsidize Walmart's corporate profits by subsidizing their wages up to a bare aubsistence level. Exactly who is benefiting? The laborer has zero economic security, and it adds to our deficits. We have to legislate an upward pressure on that laborer's wage, especially considering we already shoulder the economic costs of his low wage.
Who's benefiting? Obviously the crooked Clintons are benefiting.
That's a ridiculois response. I dont think they sell pills for "Clinton tourrettes syndrome" at Wal-Mart, but you could check....

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