Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?


Trump doesn't want to put tariffs on products from China, he wants to threaten China with tariffs if they agree to more favorable trade deals.

Not sure why ANYONE would oppose the US fighting to get deals that actually benefit Americans.

What is better than us getting lots of items really cheap? You are against a free market?
What I am saying is MW started at 25 cents an hour, today's $7.25 is the new 25 cents an hour and the stigma that goes with it.

You raise it to $25 bucks an hour it will just be a New number for 7.25 an hour.

Do you think it is better for people to get paid a higher wage direct from employer, or receive low wage from employer and collect welfare? Which do you think promotes less government dependence?

What do you think?

As it has been already said walmarts profit margins are thin,. Ya can only pay 2 million people or whatever the number is so much.

The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?


Trump doesn't want to put tariffs on products from China, he wants to threaten China with tariffs if they agree to more favorable trade deals.

Not sure why ANYONE would oppose the US fighting to get deals that actually benefit Americans.

What is better than us getting lots of items really cheap? You are against a free market?
No, I'm FOR a free market, the trade agreement we have with China currently is anything but......
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?

Trump is blowing smoke....

It is his big plan to make America great again. Tax us more.
Full time walmart workers should receive govt assistance. I have zero problem with that. Cant live on 10 dollars per hour. If one does it is not really living. But some anti life folk will disagree.

Is it Walmart's, etc. fault that someone only has the skills to make $10/hour? No. It's also not Walmart's, etc. place to pay that person more than that person produces in revenue. Also, it's not the taxpayer's responsibility to offset someone's low skills that are being paid at an equivalent level by the employer. In the end, if all you can offer isn't getting the job done, it's not anyone's fault but your own.
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?


Trump doesn't want to put tariffs on products from China, he wants to threaten China with tariffs if they agree to more favorable trade deals.

Not sure why ANYONE would oppose the US fighting to get deals that actually benefit Americans.

What is better than us getting lots of items really cheap? You are against a free market?
No, I'm FOR a free market, the trade agreement we have with China currently is anything but......

I'm not sure you really are. Explain what is wrong with our China trading. We sure get a lot of cheap stuff.
Do you think it is better for people to get paid a higher wage direct from employer, or receive low wage from employer and collect welfare? Which do you think promotes less government dependence?

What do you think?

As it has been already said walmarts profit margins are thin,. Ya can only pay 2 million people or whatever the number is so much.

The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?

I think how to fix the issue should be debated. It is probably better than doing nothing, but not really my favorite option. The right prefers to ignore it is a problem or even applaud it like the OP. Meanwhile our economy slows.
Do you think it is better for people to get paid a higher wage direct from employer, or receive low wage from employer and collect welfare? Which do you think promotes less government dependence?

What do you think?

As it has been already said walmarts profit margins are thin,. Ya can only pay 2 million people or whatever the number is so much.

The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?
What do you think?

As it has been already said walmarts profit margins are thin,. Ya can only pay 2 million people or whatever the number is so much.

The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Think about this for a moment. Let's suppose a company's products are subject to a tarrif , and let's assume they decide that it's just cheaper on produce their products IN this country, creating JOBS here, or at least giving companies that are already here incentive to stay.
What do you think?

As it has been already said walmarts profit margins are thin,. Ya can only pay 2 million people or whatever the number is so much.

The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Because an increase in minimum wage don't do anything to solve the problem it never has.
The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Think about this for a moment. Let's suppose a company's products are subject to a tarrif , and let's assume they decide that it's just cheaper on produce their products IN this country, creating JOBS here, or at least giving companies that are already here incentive to stay.

When has tariffs ever worked? Again it guarantees increased pricing and hopes for jobs and increased wages. Why not just guarantee increased wages?
The Walton's make billions not working. Execs are making millions. There is plenty of money.

Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Because an increase in minimum wage don't do anything to solve the problem it never has.

Tariffs make things worse.
Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

Good God man, you can only force wages up so high when there is little demand for labor. Why don't you understand that??
So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Think about this for a moment. Let's suppose a company's products are subject to a tarrif , and let's assume they decide that it's just cheaper on produce their products IN this country, creating JOBS here, or at least giving companies that are already here incentive to stay.

When has tariffs ever worked? Again it guarantees increased pricing and hopes for jobs and increased wages. Why not just guarantee increased wages?
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?

Trump is blowing smoke....

It is his big plan to make America great again. Tax us more.

You have no clue is to what a tariff is! Why don't you stop posting on an adult forum and learn how things work when you get to high school. They can do great things with the mentally challenged these days.
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?

Trump is blowing smoke....

It is his big plan to make America great again. Tax us more.

You have no clue is to what a tariff is! Why don't you stop posting on an adult forum and learn how things work when you get to high school. They can do great things with the mentally challenged these days.

Clearly you do not. Here is Dr Paul again since you are very slow:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.
Of course there is plenty of money, that isn't the point. The point is you must have both a minimum wage AND allow the marketplace to work in order to have a healthy economy. Is $7.25 an your a ridiculous minimum wage? Yes it is, it should be around $10-11 an hour, which guess what, that's right around what WM pays.

Let's look at it from the other perspective. Let's assume that there was a high demand for labor , driving wages up, Would you say "woah woah woah I know the market says WM should be paying $25 an hour for help, but that is crazy, let's force employees to work for $15 an hour" or would you support the free market deciding what those employees should make?

We, of course, know the answer to that.

What you propose is nothing more than government mandated stealing.

What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Think about this for a moment. Let's suppose a company's products are subject to a tarrif , and let's assume they decide that it's just cheaper on produce their products IN this country, creating JOBS here, or at least giving companies that are already here incentive to stay.

When has tariffs ever worked? Again it guarantees increased pricing and hopes for jobs and increased wages. Why not just guarantee increased wages?

guarantee increased wages? You mean pay someone more than their skills are worth because they breath?
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?

Trump is blowing smoke....

It is his big plan to make America great again. Tax us more.

You have no clue is to what a tariff is! Why don't you stop posting on an adult forum and learn how things work when you get to high school. They can do great things with the mentally challenged these days.

Clearly you do not. Here is Dr Paul again since you are very slow:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

My God you are one stupid child.
What have I proposed?

I've stated why billionaires paying very little is bad. It is promoting government dependence and slowing our economy.

So you dont favor raising the min wage?
It is a much better idea than trumps tariffs. Trump guarantees increased prices and hopes it somehow leads to increased wages. Why not just increase min wage?

Think about this for a moment. Let's suppose a company's products are subject to a tarrif , and let's assume they decide that it's just cheaper on produce their products IN this country, creating JOBS here, or at least giving companies that are already here incentive to stay.

When has tariffs ever worked? Again it guarantees increased pricing and hopes for jobs and increased wages. Why not just guarantee increased wages?

guarantee increased wages? You mean pay someone more than their skills are worth because they breath?

Tariffs guarantee we will all pay more for goods. The hope is that this will create jobs and increase wages. That never happens so why not just increase min wage?
Those who think we should not raise min wage because it may increase prices better think about trumps tariff plans:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

Trump's ideas must be thoroughly rejected.

Trump Wants To "Beat China" By Taxing Americans?

Trump is blowing smoke....

It is his big plan to make America great again. Tax us more.

You have no clue is to what a tariff is! Why don't you stop posting on an adult forum and learn how things work when you get to high school. They can do great things with the mentally challenged these days.

Clearly you do not. Here is Dr Paul again since you are very slow:
Trump, as president, would have no power to tax the Chinese. But he can tax Americans, and that's what a tariff is. American consumers would be forced to pay higher prices for Chinese goods. The tariff would also raise revenues for the U.S. government. In other words, money out of your pocket and into the largest government pockets on earth. Trump, instead of shrinking the gargantuan U.S. government would, with tariffs, bloat it further.

In keeping with government tradition, Trump is essentially promising us "Always Higher Prices". Perhaps he can trademark that along with "Make America Great Again".

Protectionism is very dangerous. When governments get started in trade wars, they all too often lead to actual hot wars.

My God you are one stupid child.

I'm quoting Ron Paul. You think he doesn't understand tariffs? Wow you are stupid. Please explain tariffs.

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