Walmart subsidizes the U.S. government's welfare program to a tune of. $15,080 per employee a year

If walmart is your dream have at it. No way do i work for that wage. Its called getting a college degree and using your qualifications against competing empoyers. Make them aware you are always ready to leave for better. Always.
Once again you fall back on your Communist principles. That is not how we do things in this country. Why don't you seek out a country where they do these sort of things? I here Venezuela is nice this time of year if you don't mind starving to death.

It is very much how things are done in the US. Have you never heard of Anti-Trust Laws? Reagan gutted anti-trust legislation and merger mania began. And while merger mania has been very good for those at the top, the rest of the economy has suffered. Wages have stagnated. New companies can't compete.

Back at the turn of the last century, when the monopolies were broken up, MORE jobs were created. Better paying jobs.

This is a very American thing to do. Read your own history.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?
Once again you fall back on your Communist principles. That is not how we do things in this country. Why don't you seek out a country where they do these sort of things? I here Venezuela is nice this time of year if you don't mind starving to death.

It is very much how things are done in the US. Have you never heard of Anti-Trust Laws? Reagan gutted anti-trust legislation and merger mania began. And while merger mania has been very good for those at the top, the rest of the economy has suffered. Wages have stagnated. New companies can't compete.

Back at the turn of the last century, when the monopolies were broken up, MORE jobs were created. Better paying jobs.

This is a very American thing to do. Read your own history.

Walmart has tons of competition, so your example falls flat on its face. It is not a monopoly. Within a half mile of each other, my town has a Kmart, Target, and Walmart. You need to educate yourself in reality and get your head out of the Communist Manifesto.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

Walmart has tons of competition, so your example falls flat on its face. It is not a monopoly. Within a half mile of each other, my town has a Kmart, Target, and Walmart. You need to educate yourself in reality and get your head out of the Communist Manifesto.

Walmart does have competition, but because they are so much larger than everybody else, other companies have adopted their practices in order to remain competitive. Target has much better products than Walmart. Their clothing is much higher quality, and more expensive. The fabrics are of higher quality, as is the workmanship. Quite frankly, Walmart's clothing is junk, designed to last one season and be thrown out.

You need to learn about communism because you know nothing about it. There is nothing communistic about anything I've posted. My posts are based on the actions and policies of the United States of America and how Walmart has abused those policies to its own benefit.

This practice of labelling everything you disagree with as "communist" indicates a both a lack of knowledge on your part, and intellectual laziness. You can't be bothered to learn enough to put together a fact-based reasonable response.

Ignorant and lazy just doesn't cut it.

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.
Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga
Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?
No aga
No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?

Are we talking one person or one company paying more? Then the answer would be yes the would get off welfare.


Are we talking raising the national minimum wage? The answer would be no, the welfare eligibility would have to be raised..because they are still making mw and still would be poor

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga

According to MSNBC the US government then kicks in another $5,800

So if walmart didn't exists the us welfare system would be paying 20 grand per person instead of 6 grand per person.

Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

If what your claiming is true, so does every other single employer that pays minimum wage!

Big government would be forcing Walmart to pay more. That is a fact. If you don't know what a fact is, look it up!

You should sue your school district for failing to educate you above a third grade cognitive ability.

Walmart has tons of competition, so your example falls flat on its face. It is not a monopoly. Within a half mile of each other, my town has a Kmart, Target, and Walmart. You need to educate yourself in reality and get your head out of the Communist Manifesto.

Walmart does have competition, but because they are so much larger than everybody else, other companies have adopted their practices in order to remain competitive. Target has much better products than Walmart. Their clothing is much higher quality, and more expensive. The fabrics are of higher quality, as is the workmanship. Quite frankly, Walmart's clothing is junk, designed to last one season and be thrown out.

You need to learn about communism because you know nothing about it. There is nothing communistic about anything I've posted. My posts are based on the actions and policies of the United States of America and how Walmart has abused those policies to its own benefit.

This practice of labelling everything you disagree with as "communist" indicates a both a lack of knowledge on your part, and intellectual laziness. You can't be bothered to learn enough to put together a fact-based reasonable response.

Ignorant and lazy just doesn't cut it.

So, you admit all of the bullshit you posted about Walmart being a monopoly was total bullshit! Thank you! Now, start correcting your other mistakes.

If ignorant and lazy doesn't cut, why are you still ignorant?
Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?

Are we talking one person or one company paying more? Then the answer would be yes the would get off welfare.


Are we talking raising the national minimum wage? The answer would be no, the welfare eligibility would have to be raised..because they are still making mw and still would be poor

I'm saying the rich paying so little while making billions increases government dependence. If you are for smaller government we need the rich to pay a living wage. How to make that happen can be debated, but there is no debate the Walton's paying so little increases government dependence. How "conservatives" can applaud them for increasing the size of government I have no clue. If we had lots of good paying jobs with good benefits people could be more independent and government would shrink. We'd have no obamacare if companies were giving good benefits.
Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No aga
Your thread title is ass backwards. Taxpayers subsidize Walmart because they're too cheap to pay a living wage.

No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

If what your claiming is true, so does every other single employer that pays minimum wage!

Big government would be forcing Walmart to pay more. That is a fact. If you don't know what a fact is, look it up!

You should sue your school district for failing to educate you above a third grade cognitive ability.

I can't pretend you come close to an intelligent thought.

Are you a trump supporter?
You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?

Are we talking one person or one company paying more? Then the answer would be yes the would get off welfare.


Are we talking raising the national minimum wage? The answer would be no, the welfare eligibility would have to be raised..because they are still making mw and still would be poor

I'm saying the rich paying so little while making billions increases government dependence. If you are for smaller government we need the rich to pay a living wage. How to make that happen can be debated, but there is no debate the Walton's paying so little increases government dependence. How "conservatives" can applaud them for increasing the size of government I have no clue. If we had lots of good paying jobs with good benefits people could be more independent and government would shrink. We'd have no obamacare if companies were giving good benefits.

How are conservatives promoting the increasing size of government? You are not using any logic! If Walmart closed their doors at this moment, would that grow government? Of course, because now all of those former employees would be out of work and eligible for more benefits.
No aga
No you are not listening it is walmart who subsidize the US government welfare program.with out them us tax payers would have to shell out another 15 grand per employee

Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

If what your claiming is true, so does every other single employer that pays minimum wage!

Big government would be forcing Walmart to pay more. That is a fact. If you don't know what a fact is, look it up!

You should sue your school district for failing to educate you above a third grade cognitive ability.

I can't pretend you come close to an intelligent thought.

Are you a trump supporter?

You cannot answer my post. You are just a typical leftist imbecile.
You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?

Are we talking one person or one company paying more? Then the answer would be yes the would get off welfare.


Are we talking raising the national minimum wage? The answer would be no, the welfare eligibility would have to be raised..because they are still making mw and still would be poor

I'm saying the rich paying so little while making billions increases government dependence. If you are for smaller government we need the rich to pay a living wage. How to make that happen can be debated, but there is no debate the Walton's paying so little increases government dependence. How "conservatives" can applaud them for increasing the size of government I have no clue. If we had lots of good paying jobs with good benefits people could be more independent and government would shrink. We'd have no obamacare if companies were giving good benefits.

Wal Mart is around $10-11 an hour to start right now, that is PLENTY as a beginning wage. Figure that out. $10 an hour times 2080 hours a year is obviously $20,080. That is low enough that there will be no income tax withholding and if you have kids and such, that's your fault, don't have kids you can't afford.

In real dollars the minimum wage has always been historically around $10 an hour. Need more money? Get a better job.
You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

They will always be on welfare no matter what the National minimum wage is.

If they were making more they could not collect welfare. Why do you want the wealthy creating more government dependence?

Are we talking one person or one company paying more? Then the answer would be yes the would get off welfare.


Are we talking raising the national minimum wage? The answer would be no, the welfare eligibility would have to be raised..because they are still making mw and still would be poor

I'm saying the rich paying so little while making billions increases government dependence. If you are for smaller government we need the rich to pay a living wage. How to make that happen can be debated, but there is no debate the Walton's paying so little increases government dependence. How "conservatives" can applaud them for increasing the size of government I have no clue. If we had lots of good paying jobs with good benefits people could be more independent and government would shrink. We'd have no obamacare if companies were giving good benefits.

How are conservatives promoting the increasing size of government? You are not using any logic! If Walmart closed their doors at this moment, would that grow government? Of course, because now all of those former employees would be out of work and eligible for more benefits.

Can the Walton's afford to pay a living wage? Of course they can, they are making billions not working. Yet conservatives think it is good to have tax payers pay for their workers. The government grows.
Or the Walton's who are making billions off the labor could pay a living wage. When did conservatives become so big government?

You are the one promoting big government! Are you too stupid to realize the lies you are telling?

You seem to be the stupid one. While making billions of dollars the Walton's are paying so little that employees are on welfare. Welfare increases government dependence. As long as the rich continue to pay so little the government grows. To make it worse all this inequality slows the economy.

If what your claiming is true, so does every other single employer that pays minimum wage!

Big government would be forcing Walmart to pay more. That is a fact. If you don't know what a fact is, look it up!

You should sue your school district for failing to educate you above a third grade cognitive ability.

I can't pretend you come close to an intelligent thought.

Are you a trump supporter?

You cannot answer my post. You are just a typical leftist imbecile.

It was gibberish what was there to answer?

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